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The impact of dietary and water exposure on the accumulation and distribution of cadmium (Cd) in subcellular components of the polychaete Capitella sp. I was investigated. Worms were exposed to either dissolved Cd alone ('Water-Only' treatments; WO) or diet-bound Cd alone ('Algae-bound Only' treatments; AO). Thus, WO worms were starved and AO worms were fed. Differential centrifugation was used to fractionate worm homogenates into debris- (DE), mitochondrial- (MI), microsomal- (MC) and cytosolic- (CY) fractions, and the concentration of Cd in these fractions was quantified by radiometric analysis using the specific activity of the (109)Cd radioisotope. Neither exposure route nor Cd exposure affected the total protein content in the worms. However, fed, but not starved worms relocated proteins from the mitochondria to the cytosol in response to Cd exposure. In systems without Cd addition, starvation likewise influenced the distribution of protein between mitochondria and cytosol. Cutaneous uptake and accumulation of Cd from the water was related to surface area while dietary uptake was influenced by the amount of sediment passing through the gut. Irrespective of exposure route, Cd was accumulated primarily in the debris fraction although comparisons between the treatments indicated that relatively less Cd was located in DE and more in MI, MC and CY fractions in worms in AO compared to worms in WO. Cd per unit protein in DE and MI fractions was twice as high as in MC and CY fractions in WO, whereas MC contained the highest Cd content followed by MI, DE and CY fractions in AO worms. Our results stress the importance of exposure route for the internal distribution and toxicity of Cd to deposit feeders such as Capitella sp. I.  相似文献   
The results of numerical simulations of the Eltanin impact are combined with the available geological data in order to reconstruct the impact dynamics and to get some constraints on the impact parameters. Numerical simulations show that the Eltanin projectile size should be less than 2 km for a 45° oblique impact and less than 1.5 km for a vertical impact. On the other hand, we demonstrate that the projectile diameter cannot be considerably smaller than 1 km; otherwise, the impact‐induced water flow cannot transport eroded sediments across large distances. The maximum displacement approximately equals the water crater radius and rapidly decreases with increasing distances. Numerical simulations also show that ejecta deposits strongly depend on impact angle and projectile size and, therefore, cannot be used for reliable estimates of the initial projectile mass. The initial amplitudes of tsunami‐like waves are estimated. The presence of clay‐rich sediments, typical for the abyssal basins in cores PS2709 and PS2708 on the Freeden Seamounts (Bellingshausen Sea, Southern Ocean) combined with numerical data allow us to suggest a probable point of impact to the east of the seamounts. The results do not exclude the possibility that a crater in the ocean bottom may exist, but such a structure has not been found yet.  相似文献   
Abstract— Crater‐ejecta correlation is an important element in the analysis of crater formation and its influence on the geological evolution. In this study, both the ejecta distribution and the internal crater development of the Jurassic/Cretaceous Mjølnir crater (40 km in diameter; located in the Barents Sea) are investigated through numerical simulations. The simulations show a highly asymmetrical ejecta distribution, and underscore the importance of a layer of surface water in ejecta distribution. As expected, the ejecta asymmetry increases as the angle of impact decreases. The simulation also displays an uneven aerial distribution of ejecta. The generation of the central high is a crucial part of crater formation. In this study, peak generation is shown to have a skewed development, from approximately 50–90 sec after impact, when the peak reaches its maximum height of 1‐1.5 km. During this stage, the peak crest is moved about 5 km from an uprange to a downrange position, ending with a final central position which has a symmetrical appearance that contrasts with its asymmetrical development.  相似文献   
Plumes produced by the impacts of asteroids and comets consist of rock vapor and heated air. They emit visible light, ultraviolet, and infrared radiation, which can greatly affect the environment. We have carried out numerical simulations of the impacts of stony and cometary bodies with a diameter of 0.3, 1, and 3 km, which enter the atmosphere at various angles, using a hydrodynamic model supplemented by radiation transfer. We assumed that the cosmic object has no strength, and deforms, fragments, and vaporizes in the atmosphere. After the impact on the ground, the formation of craters and plumes was simulated, taking the internal friction of destroyed rocks and the trail formed in the atmosphere into account. The equation of radiative transfer, added to the equations of gas dynamics, was used in the approximation of radiative heat conduction or, if the Rosseland optical depth of a radiating volume of gas and vapor was less than unity, in the volume‐emission approximation. We used temperature and density distributions obtained in these simulations to calculate radiation fluxes on the Earth's surface by integrating the equation of radiative transfer along rays passing through a luminous region. We used tables of the equation of state of dunite and quartz (for stony impactors and a target) and air, as well as tables of absorption coefficients of air, vapor of ordinary chondrite, and vapor of cometary material. We have calculated the radiation impulse on the ground and the impact radiation efficiency (a ratio of thermal radiation energy incident on the ground to the kinetic energy of a body), which ranges from ~0.5% to ~9%, depending on the impactor size and the angle of entry into the atmosphere. Direct thermal radiation from fireballs and impact plumes, poses a great danger to people, animals, plants, and economic objects. After the impacts of asteroids at a speed of 20 km s?1 at an angle of 45°, a fire can occur at a distance of 250 km if the asteroid has a diameter of 0.3 km, and at a distance of 2000 km if the diameter is 3 km.  相似文献   
The scientific rationale of the ROY multi-satellite mission addresses multiscale investigations of plasma processes in the key magnetospheric regions with strong plasma gradients, turbulence and magnetic field annihilation in the range from electron inertial length to MHD scales.The main scientific aims of ROY mission include explorations of:
turbulence on a non-uniform background as a keystone for transport processes;
structures and jets in plasma flows associated with anomalously large concentration of kinetic energy; their impact on the energy balance and boundary formation;
transport barriers: plasma separation and mixing, Alfvenic collapse of magnetic field lines and turbulent dissipation of kinetic energy;
self-organized versus forced reconnection of magnetic field lines;
collisionless shocks, plasma discontinuities and associated particle acceleration processes.
In the case of autonomous operation, 4 mobile spacecrafts of about 200 kg mass with 60 kg payload equipped with electro-reactive plasma engines will provide 3D measurements at the scales of 100-10000 km and simultaneous 1D measurements at the scales 10-1000 km. The latter smaller scales will be scanned with the use of radio-tomography (phase-shift density measurements within the cone composed of 1 emitting and 3 receiving spacecrafts).We also discuss different opportunities for extra measurement points inside the ROY mission for simultaneous measurements at up to 3 scales for the common international fleet.Combined influence of intermittent turbulence and reconnection on the geomagnetic tail and on the nonlinear dynamics of boundary layers will be explored in situ with fast techniques including particle devices under development, providing plasma moments down to 30 ms resolution.We propose different options for joint measurements in conjunction with the SCOPE and other missions:
simultaneous sampling of low- and high-latitudes magnetopause, bow shock and geomagnetic tail at the same local time;
tracing of magnetosheath streamlines from the bow shock to near-Earth geomagnetic tail;
passing “through” the SCOPE on the inbound orbit leg;
common measurements (with SCOPE and other equatorial spacecraft) at distances of ∼ few thousand km for durations of ∼several hours per orbit.
The orbit options and scientific payload of possible common interest are discussed in this work, including FREGAT cargo opportunities for extra payload launching and the “Swarm” campaigns with ejection of nano- and pico-satellites.  相似文献   
In the austral summer seasons 2001/02 and 2002/03, Global Positioning System (GPS) data were collected in the vicinity of Vostok Station to determine ice flow velocities over Lake Vostok. Ten GPS sites are located within a radius of 30 km around Vostok Station on floating ice as well as on grounded ice to the east and to the west of the lake. Additionally, a local deformation network around the ice core drilling site 5G-1 was installed.
The derived ice flow velocity for Vostok Station is  2.00 m a−1± 0.01 m a−1  . Along the flowline of Vostok Station an extension rate of about 10−5 a−1 (equivalent to 1 cm km−1 a−1) was determined. This significant velocity gradient results in a new estimate of 28 700 years for the transit time of an ice particle along the Vostok flowline from the bedrock ridge in the southwest of the lake to the eastern shoreline. With these lower velocities compared to earlier studies and, hence, larger transit times the basal accretion rate is estimated to be 4 mm a−1 along a portion of the Vostok flowline. An assessment of the local accretion rate at Vostok Station using the observed geodetic quantities yields an accretion rate in the same order of magnitude. Furthermore, the comparison of our geodetic observations with results inferred from ice-penetrating radar data indicates that the ice flow may not have changed significantly for several thousand years.  相似文献   
A light propagation in a universe which is homogeneous only in average systematically differs from a light propagation in a strictly homogeneous Universe. We demonstrate a link between this effect and the general theory of transport phenomenon in random media. The effective spatial curvature of a universe which is homogeneous only in average is introduced. This curvature is governing a light propagation in such universe. We show that the effective spatial curvature is lower than the average curvature. It implies that a universe with critical mean density looks like a space with negative curvature.  相似文献   
A new meteorite find, named Khatyrka, was recovered from eastern Siberia as a result of a search for naturally occurring quasicrystals. The meteorite occurs as clastic grains within postglacial clay‐rich layers along the banks of a small stream in the Koryak Mountains, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug of far eastern Russia. Some of the grains are clearly chondritic and contain Type IA porphyritic olivine chondrules enclosed in matrices that have the characteristic platy olivine texture, matrix olivine composition, and mineralogy (olivine, pentlandite, nickel‐rich iron‐nickel metal, nepheline, and calcic pyroxene [diopside‐hedenbergite solid solution]) of oxidized‐subgroup CV3 chondrites. A few grains are fine‐grained spinel‐rich calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions with mineral oxygen isotopic compositions again typical of such objects in CV3 chondrites. The chondritic and CAI grains contain small fragments of metallic copper‐aluminum‐iron alloys that include the quasicrystalline phase icosahedrite. One grain is an achondritic intergrowth of Cu‐Al metal alloys and forsteritic olivine ± diopsidic pyroxene, both of which have meteoritic (CV3‐like) oxygen isotopic compositions. Finally, some grains consist almost entirely of metallic alloys of aluminum + copper ± iron. The Cu‐Al‐Fe metal alloys and the alloy‐bearing achondrite clast are interpreted to be an accretionary component of what otherwise is a fairly normal CV3 (oxidized) chondrite. This association of CV3 chondritic grains with metallic copper‐aluminum alloys makes Khatyrka a unique meteorite, perhaps best described as a complex CV3 (ox) breccia.  相似文献   
The elemental abundances, temperatures, gravities and microturbulence velocities were derived for 14 non-variable supergiants from the Cepheids' instability strip and two hotter supergiants. For 8 stars the abundances were determined for the first time. The comparable analysis of the program stars' chemical composition and that of the small-amplitude Cepheids has shown that there is no essential differences in the elemental abundances for two stellar groups. Some discussion of the phenomenon of non-variable supergiants in the instability strip is given.  相似文献   
Chemical analysis of 60 samples from the Jusa and Barsuchi Log volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits by inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry shows that, on average, the Jusa deposit is more enriched in the chalcophilic elements than the Barsuchi Log deposit, whereas the Barsuchi Log deposit is more enriched in the lithogenous elements and Te. In addition, the yellow ores in these deposits are more enriched on average in Cu, As and Mo and the black ores more enriched in Zn, Ga, Cd, Sb, Ba , Hg and Pb relative to each other. Both these deposits are similar in composition to the Kuroko deposits of NE Honshu and may be considered to be analogs of these deposits. The Kuroko deposits, however, contain much higher concentrations of As, Ag, Sb, Ba, Hg and lower contents of Te on average than the Jusa and Barsuchi Log deposits. Based on the higher contents of Te in the Barsuchi Log deposit compared to the Jusa deposit, as well as on textural considerations, it is concluded that the Barsuchi Log deposit is intermediate between the Urals- and Kuroko-type deposits, whereas the Jusa deposit is more analogous to the Kuroko-type deposits. Based on the compositional data presented here, the Jusa and Barsuchi Log deposits may be described as Zn-Pb-Cu-Ba deposits rather than as Zn-Cu-Ba deposits, as the Baimak-type deposits of the west Magnitogrosk zone have previously been described.  相似文献   
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