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A geochronology study using U-Pb isotope dilution TIMS analyses of zircon has been conducted to determine the ages of volcanic-associated massive sulfide (VMS) deposits in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB), the world's most prolific VMS province. Ages have been determined for host rocks to four VMS systems that span the IPB: the giant Rio Tinto and Aljustrel districts in the central region, Lagoa Salgada to the west, and Las Cruces to the east. A sample of chloritized quartz porphyritic dacite/rhyolite in the footwall of the San Dionisio massive sulfide deposit of the Rio Tinto district is 349.76ǂ.90 Ma. This is taken as the best age estimate of the mineralization in the Rio Tinto district, probably the world's largest volcanogenic massive sulfide system. Two xenocrystic zircons from the same sample yielded 207Pb/206Pb ages of 414 and 416 Ma, which provide a minimum estimate for the age of the inherited component. A biotite tonalite from the Campofrio area, 3.5 km north of the center of the Rio Tinto district, is chemically similar to the felsic host rock protolith at Rio Tinto. The Campofrio sample has an age of 346.26ǂ.81 Ma, slightly younger and outside of the 2C error for the Rio Tinto age; therefore, this phase of this intrusion was not a heat source for the hydrothermal system that formed the deposits of the Rio Tinto district. The Campofrio sample also has three zircon analyses with 207Pb/206Pb minimum ages of 534, 536, and 985 Ma, indicating inheritance from Ordovician and Neoproterozoic sources. In the Aljustrel VMS district, a U-Pb zircon age of 352.9ǃ.9 Ma characterizes the altered Green Tuff host rock of the Algares deposit, which is slightly older than the Rio Tinto age. Two zircons with 207Pb/206Pb ages of 531 and 571 Ma from this sample indicate inheritance from a Cambrian or older source. The age of mineralization at Lagoa Salgada is given by essentially identical ages of 356.21ǂ.73 and 356.4ǂ.8 Ma, for footwall and hanging wall samples, respectively. The hanging wall sample has two zircon analyses with 207Pb/206Pb ages of 464 and 466 Ma, indicating inheritance from an Ordovician or older source. The age for an altered dacite tuff sample from the hanging wall of the Las Cruces deposit is 353.97ǂ.69 Ma. One zircon analysis from the Las Cruces sample has a 207Pb/206Pb age of 1048 Ma, indicating inheritance from a Neoproterozoic source. These U-Pb ages refine the IPB geochronology provided by previous studies, and they suggest that either volcanism progressed toward the center of the IPB, or that volcanism was broadly static and the strata were progressively rifted to the margins during transtensional basin formation. The zircon inheritance provides direct evidence for Proterozoic to Ordovician sources, reflecting either basement rocks beneath the Phyllite-Quartzite Group during VMS formation in late Tournaisian times, or a Proterozoic to Ordovician detrital component in Phyllite-Quartzite Group source rocks. The presence of an older crustal component is consistent with VMS formation during rift development at a continental margin.  相似文献   
The karstic Lake Montcortès sedimentary sequence spanning the last 1548 yr constitutes the first continuous, high-resolution, multi-proxy varved record in northern Spain. Sediments consist of biogenic varves composed of calcite, organic matter and detrital laminae and turbidite layers. Calcite layer thickness and internal sub-layering indicate changes in water temperature and seasonality whereas the frequency of detrital layers reflects rainfall variability. Higher temperatures occurred in Lake Montcortès in AD 555–738, 825–875, 1010–1322 and 1874–present. Lower temperatures and prolonged winter conditions were recorded in AD 1446–1598, 1663–1711 and 1759–1819. Extreme and multiple precipitation events dominated in AD 571–593, 848–922, 987–1086, 1168–1196, 1217–1249, 1444–1457, 1728–1741 and 1840–1875, indicating complex hydrological variability in NE Spain since AD 463. The sedimentary record of Lake Montcortès reveals a short-term relation between rainfall variability and the detrital influx, pronounced during extended periods of reduced anthropogenic influences. In pre-industrial times, during warm climate episodes, population and land use increased in the area. After the onset of the industrialization, the relationship between climate and human activities decoupled and population dynamics and landscape modifications were therefore mostly determined by socio‐economic factors.  相似文献   
Analysis of the microfaunas (foraminifera, ostracods) and the stable isotope values (δ13C, δ18O) of the Leioa section, as representative of the deep Basque Basin, has allowed us to propose a detailed palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of this region during the Cenomanian, as well as to register global chronostratigraphic reference levels to facilitate interregional correlations. During the Cenomanian, part of the basin, the Plentzia Trough, was occupied by intermediate water masses, as deduced by the relative percentages of planktonic (Rotalipora) and benthonic foraminifera. A noticeable change is observed at the middle-late Cenomanian transition: the replacement of the dominance of keeled (rota-liporids) by incipiently-keeled (dicarinellids, praeglobotruncanids) planktonic foraminifera, indicative of the new influence of the upper intermediate waters. The temporary effect of shallow waters is deduced in one interval of the latest early Cenomanian and two more of the middle Cenomanian, as indicated by the dominance of globular planktonic foraminifera (hedbergellids). These water masses were moderately to strongly hypoxic (<4 to <2 ml/l of disolved oxygen) after the ostracod platycopid signal and benthonic foraminiferal hypoxic indicators. The dysaerobia may have been particulary strong (almost anoxia?) during part of the middle Cenomanian. Micronutrient availability was also restricted during several intervals of the middle Cenomanian, as indicated by the sudden decrease in the species diversity of the calcitic benthonics during the period when increased trends of the δ13C isotopic signals are observed. The combination of both hypoxia and nutrient depletion produced drastic changes in the microfaunal assemblages, with emigrations and local extinctions, showing benthonic perturbations from the time indicated by the base of theRotalipora reicheliZone onwards. From the beginning until the end of the middle Cenomanian, eleven of these perturbations are recorded as regional bioevents, using as bioevent-markers, intervals where microfauna was absent (including benthic-free intervals, B-FI; benthonic calcitic-free intervals, BC-FI; and ostracod-free intervals, O-FI). These changes led to the renewal of the microfaunas; benthonic foraminifera renewed their specific stocks during the early to early middle Cenomanian, with planktonic foraminifera and ostracods undergoing renewal at the end of the middle Cenomanian. Isotope values of δ18O and δ13C are consistent with the palaeoenvironmental changes detected by the microfaunas; their maximum and minimum shifts coincide with the bioevents. The double-peaked positive shift of δ13C for the mid-Cenomanian of northwest Europe (Jenkynset al., 1994; Paulet al., 1994a) has been recognized in this series of the Basque Basin. The palaeoenvironmental perturbations deduced in the Cenomanian of the Leioa section are attributed essentially to palaeoceanographic changes, where intermediate water masses profoundly influenced the planktonic and benthonic ecosystems. The influence of other local causes, such as volcanic activity at that time, or tectonics between the Iberian and European plates, are more difficult to prove. Several of the bioevents defined in the middle Cenomanian of this basin could probably be global in nature, and thus may be useful for establishing interregional correlations.  相似文献   
In this paper, we present an integrated study of the macrofauna (Cephalopoda), microfauna (Ostracoda and Foraminifera), microflora (Pithonella, Dinoflagellata, Acritarcha and Prasinophyta) and geochemical signals (carbon δ13C and oxygen δ18O stable isotopes) of the upper Cenomanian and lower Turonian succession in Puentedey, Iberian Trough, Spain. This palaeontological and geochemical study has enabled us to identify numerous species of cephalopods (29), ostracods (19), benthic foraminifers (31), planktonic foraminifers (15), dinoflagellates (63), and acritarchs and prasinophytes (11), and to recognise two positive excursions of the δ13C signal related to the OAE2 (in the Metoicoceras geslinianum and the Spathites (Jeanrogericeras) subconciliatus zones, respectively). Variations of these macrofaunal, microfaunal, microfloral and geochemical signals have been interpreted to identify important events of the palaeoenvironmental evolution of the inner platform of the Iberian Trough during the studied interval of the Late Cretaceous. Benthic ecosystems were severely affected by the establishment of the Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE2) at the end of the late Cenomanian. This event is evidenced by the depletion of calcareous microfauna (benthic calcareous free intervals, BCFI) and the survival of opportunistic microfauna (platycopic ostracods and textulariid foraminifers). The response was different for microflora (dinoflagellates and acritarchs), which were less affected by the anoxic event.  相似文献   
Currents, particle fluxes and ecology were studied in the Palamós submarine canyon (also known as the Fonera canyon), located in the northwestern Mediterranean. Seven mooring arrays equipped with current meters and sediment traps were deployed along the main canyon axis, on the canyon walls and on the adjacent slope. Additionally, local and regional hydrographic cruises were carried out. Current data showed that mean near surface and mid-depth currents were oriented along the mean flow direction (NE–SW), although at 400 and 1200 m depth within the canyon current reversals were significant, indicating a more closed circulation inside the canyon. Mean near-bottom currents were constrained by the local bathymetry, especially at the canyon head. The most significant frequency at all levels was the inertial frequency. A second frequency of about three days, attributed to a topographic wave, was observed at all depths, suggesting that this wave was probably not trapped near the bottom. The current field observed during the most complete survey revealed a meandering pattern with cyclonic vorticity just upstream from and within the canyon. The associated vertical velocity ranged between 10 and 20 m/day and was constrained to the upper 300 m. This latter feature, together with other computations, suggests that during this survey the meander was not induced by the canyon but by some kind of instability of the mean flow.In the canyon, suspended sediment concentration, downward particle fluxes, chlorophyll and particulate C and N were significantly higher up-canyon from about 1200 m depth than offshore, defining, along with the different hydrodynamics, two canyon domains: one from the canyon head to about 1200 m depth more affected by the canyon confinement and the other deeper than 1200 m depth more controlled by the mean flow and the shelf-slope front. The higher near-bottom downward total mass fluxes were recorded in the canyon axis at 1200 m depth along with sharp turbidity increases and are related to sediment gravity flows. During the deployment period, the increase in downward particle fluxes occurred by mid-November, when a severe storm took place. On the canyon walls at 1200 m depth, suspended sediment concentrations, downward particle fluxes, chlorophyll and particulate C and N were higher on the southern wall than on the northern wall inversely to the current’s energy. This could be caused by an upward water supply on the southern canyon wall and/or the mean flow interacting with the canyon bathymetry. In the swimmers collected by the sediment traps, the dominant species was an elasipod holothurian, which has not been recorded in other canyons or elsewhere in the Mediterranean, indicating particular speciation.  相似文献   
Ohne Zusammenfassung En hommage pour le 70 anniversaire du Professeur Dr.C. W. Correns, les auteurs dedient ce travail, en remerciant l’enseignement qu’ils ont re?u pendant leur séjour au Sedimentpetrographisches Institut de G?ttingen (1952 et 1955).  相似文献   
In this study, the excess water generated during a 10-year period (1998–2008) in the upper and middle Yanuncay River basins is estimated. The distributed water balance method, which analyses the interaction between all the different parameters that form part of the water cycle in nature, was developed. To create the model, basic parameters such as rainfall, temperature, soil type and surface cover are required. Moreover, by using computer software such as Microsoft Office Excel and geographic information systems, it is possible to obtain monthly data showing the water excess and generate thematic maps which allow for an effective monitoring of the behaviour of the middle and upper Yanuncay River basins. This study takes the spatial variability of the various factors that influence the behaviour of a basin into account. This allows determining zones with greater water excess, which are areas that would need to be protected. The model can easily incorporate new data such as land use and surface cover (based on time frames) which would facilitate the comparison of different scenarios.  相似文献   
Salat  Jordi  Pascual  Josep  Flexas  Mar  Chin  Toshio Michael  Vazquez-Cuervo  Jorge 《Ocean Dynamics》2019,69(9):1067-1084
Ocean Dynamics - Marine and atmospheric parameters, including temperature observations from surface to 80&nbsp;m (at 6 depths) are measured since September 1973 on a higher-than-weekly...  相似文献   
Simulation models have been widely adopted in fisheries for management strategy evaluation (MSE). However, in catchment management of water quality, MSE is hampered by the complexity of both decision space and the hydrological process models. Empirical models based on monitoring data provide a feasible alternative to process models; they run much faster and, by conditioning on data, they can simulate realistic responses to management actions. Using 10 years of water quality indicators from Queensland, Australia, we built an empirical model suitable for rapid MSE that reproduces the water quality variables' mean and covariance structure, adjusts the expected indicators through local management effects, and propagates effects downstream by capturing inter-site regression relationships. Empirical models enable managers to search the space of possible strategies using rapid assessment. They provide not only realistic responses in water quality indicators but also variability in those indicators, allowing managers to assess strategies in an uncertain world.  相似文献   
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