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Spectroheliograms and disk-integrated flux monitoring in the strong resonance line of Ca ii (K line) provide the longest record of chromospheric magnetic plages. We compare recent reductions of the Ca ii K spectroheliograms obtained since 1907 at the Kodaikanal, Mt. Wilson, and US National Solar Observatories. Certain differences between the individual plage indices appear to be caused mainly by differences in the spectral passbands used. Our main finding is that the indices show remarkably consistent behavior on the multidecadal time scales of greatest interest to global warming studies. The reconstruction of solar ultraviolet flux variation from these indices differs significantly from the 20th-century global temperature record. This difference is consistent with other findings that, although solar UV irradiance variation may affect climate through influence on precipitation and storm tracks, its significance in global temperature remains elusive.  相似文献   
Abstract– We report Mg‐Al and Ca‐Ti isotopic data for meteoritic nanodiamonds separated from the Allende CV3 and Murchison CM2 meteorites. The goal of this study was to search for excesses in 26Mg and 44Ca, which can be attributed to the in situ decay of radioactive and now extinct 26Al and 44Ti, respectively. Previous work on presolar SiC and graphite had shown that 26Al/27Al and 44Ti/48Ti ratios in presolar grains can be used to discriminate between different types of stellar sources. Aluminum and Ti concentrations are low in the meteoritic nanodiamonds of this study. Murchison nanodiamonds have higher Al and Ti concentrations than the Allende nanodiamonds. This can be attributed to contamination and the presence of presolar SiC in the Murchison nanodiamond samples. 26Mg/24Mg and 44Ca/40Ca ratios are close to normal in Allende nanodiamonds with upper limits on the initial 26Al/27Al and 44Ti/48Ti ratios of approximately 1 × 10?3. These ratios are factors of 10–1000 and, respectively, 1–1000 lower than those of presolar SiC and graphite grains from supernovae. The 26Al/27Al and 44Ti/48Ti data for nanodiamonds are compatible with an asymptotic giant branch star or solar system origin, but not with a supernova origin of a major fraction of meteoritic nanodiamonds. The latter possibility cannot be excluded, though, as the diamond separates may contain significant amounts of contaminating Al and Ti, which would lower the inferred 26Al/27Al and 44Ti/48Ti ratios considerably.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Nach einer Erläuterung des Begriffes Stockwerktektonik wird über derartige Untersuchungen im südlichen Ruhrkarbon berichtet. Hier lassen sich drei durch fließende Übergänge verbundene tektonische Stockwerke unterscheiden: Das Flözleere ist durch das Vorherrschen tektonischer Formen niederer Größenordnung gekennzeichnet, die sich an bestimmten Stellen summieren. Das nächst höhere Stockwerk zeichnet sich durch eine sanfte Faltung und einige typische Faltenformen aus. Ein weiteres Stockwerk ist in seinem Formenschatz stärker differenziert. Über höhere Stockwerke liegen Untersuchungen vonKukuk, Kienow undSeidel vor. - Der vorliegende Bericht bringt nur Ergebnisse aus dem südlichen Revier; eine Gesamtdarstellung kann damit noch nicht gegeben werden.  相似文献   
A global atmosphere–ocean model has been forced with topographic and orbital scenarios in order to evaluate the relative role of both factors for the past climate of East Africa. Forcing the model with a significantly reduced topography in Eastern and Southern Africa leads to a distinct increase in moisture transport from the Indian Ocean into the eastern part of the continent and increased precipitation in Eastern Africa. Simulations with step-wise reduced height show that this climate change occurs continuously with the change in topography, i.e., an abrupt change of local climatic features with a critical height is not found. Simulations of the last interglacial (at 125,000 years before present, i.e., the Eemian interglacial) and the last glacial inception (at 115,000 years before present) are used as examples for the role of orbital-induced changes in insolation. Here, changes in meridional temperature gradients lead to modifications in moisture transport of similar order of magnitude, but with different spatial and seasonal structure. For the Eemian interglacial, a distinct increase in summer moisture transport from the Atlantic deep into the continent at around 20°N is simulated.  相似文献   
It has generally been assumed that the bioreduction of hexavalent uranium in groundwater systems will result in the precipitation of immobile uraninite (UO2). In order to explore the form and stability of uranium immobilized under these conditions, we introduced lactate (15 mM for 3 months) into flow-through columns containing sediments derived from a former uranium-processing site at Old Rifle, CO. This resulted in metal-reducing conditions as evidenced by concurrent uranium uptake and iron release. Despite initial augmentation with Shewanella oneidensis, bacteria belonging to the phylum Firmicutes dominated the biostimulated columns. The immobilization of uranium (∼1 mmol U per kg sediment) enabled analysis by X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). Tetravalent uranium associated with these sediments did not have spectroscopic signatures representative of U-U shells or crystalline UO2. Analysis by microfocused XAS revealed concentrated micrometer regions of solid U(IV) that had spectroscopic signatures consistent with bulk analyses and a poor proximal correlation (μm scale resolution) between U and Fe. A plausible explanation, supported by biogeochemical conditions and spectral interpretations, is uranium association with phosphoryl moieties found in biomass; hence implicating direct enzymatic uranium reduction. After the immobilization phase, two months of in situ exposure to oxic influent did not result in substantial uranium remobilization. Ex situ flow-through experiments demonstrated more rapid uranium mobilization than observed in column oxidation studies and indicated that sediment-associated U(IV) is more mobile than biogenic UO2. This work suggests that in situ uranium bioimmobilization studies and subsurface modeling parameters should be expanded to account for non-uraninite U(IV) species associated with biomass.  相似文献   
Forest conditions in Europe have been monitored over 20 years jointly by the International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests (ICP Forests) and the European Union (EU). Maps for mean bulk SO4, NO3 and NH4 deposition at around 400 intensive monitoring plots in the years 1999–2001, as well as time trends for the period 1996–2001, are presented. Mean bulk SO4 deposition at 169 plots mostly located in central Europe decreased from 7.4 to 5.8 kgS ha−1 a−1. Mean NH4 bulk deposition decreased from 6.2 to 5.3 kgN ha−1 a−1. Nitrate bulk deposition fluctuated around 5 kgN ha−1 a−1. On average, throughfall deposition was considerably higher than bulk deposition. Time trends for mean tree crown defoliation as an overall indicator for forest condition show a peak in the mid 1990s for most of the monitored main tree species and a recent increase for the years 2003 and 2004. Multivariate linear regression analyses show some significant relations between deposition and defoliation. These relations depend on the tree species and site characteristics. Effects of deposition are moderated by the influence of biotic stress factors such as insects and fungi and by abiotic stress factors, such as weather.  相似文献   
International Journal of Earth Sciences - Stratigraphically well-defined volcanic rocks in Palaeozoic volcano-sedimentary units of the Frankenwald area (Saxothuringian Zone, Variscan Orogen) were...  相似文献   
In this paper a general concept for revealing hydrocarbon migration pathways in rock sequences is introduced. The concept uses a multidisciplinary approach based on a geochemical and a petrophysical (or mineralogical) index. These two indices provide together the migration plot which shows the direction of hydrocarbon movement.With the help of this technique, serrerai hydrocarbon migration effects were established for a sequence of continous cores from the Upper Carboniferous. The results were verified by comparing gradients of hydrocarbon concentrations relative to pore volume. In this way the relative importance of individual migration pathways were recognized, as well as presently or formerly active migration pathways.The strong influence of permeability changes on hydrocarbon movement in source beds requires the use of the »atypical pore network« model to supplement the kerogen network model. Both models help in understanding the mechanisms of primary migration, but in certain stiuations, one might be more effective than the other.
Zusammenfassung In diesem Aufsatz wird ein Konzept vorgestellt zur Erkennung von Erdölmigrationsbahnen in Gesteinsabfolgen. Das Konzept ist multidisziplinär ausgerichtet und beruht auf der Anwendung eines geochemischen und eines petrophysikalischen (oder mineralogischen) Parameters. Beide zusammen genommen erlauben die Erstellung eines Migrationsdiagramms, das angibt in welche Richtung sich die Kohlenwasserstoffe bewegen.Mittels dieser Methode wurden in einer fortlaufenden Abfolge von Bohrkernen aus dem Oberkarbon mehrere Trends für die Migrationsrichtung von Erdöl erkannt. Diese Trends wurden durch Vergleich mit Kohlenwasserstoffkonzentrationsgradienten, bezogen auf das Porenvolumen des Gesteins, verifiziert. Auf diese Art und Weise ließ sich sowohl die Bedeutung der einzelnen Migrationsbahnen relativieren als auch zwischen jetzigen und früheren Migrationswegen unterscheiden.Der starke Einfluß von Permeabilitätsänderungen auf die Bewegung von Kohlenwasserstoffen auch in Erdölmuttergesteinen fordert die Anwendung des »Atypischen Porennetzwerk-Modells« als Ergänzung zum Kerogennetzwerk-Modell. Beide Modelle tragen wesentlich zum Verständnis der Mechanismen der primären Migration von Erdöl bei, jedoch kann im Einzelfall die Verwendung des einen Modells effektiver sein als die des anderen.

Résumé L'auteur présente une méthode générale permettant de déterminer le chemin suivi par les hydrocarbures lors de leur migration à travers les roches. Cette méthode utilise une approche multidisciplinaire basée sur un indice géochimique et un indice pétrophysique (ou minéralogique). Ces deux indices combinés fournissent l'indice de migration, qui indique la direction du déplacement des hydrocarbures.Cette méthode a permis d'établir les effets de plusieurs migrations d'hydrocarbure dans une série continue de carottes du Carbonifère supérieur. Les résultats obtenus ont été vérifiés en comparant les gradients du rapport concentration d'hydrocarbure/volume des pores. On peut reconnaître, de cette manière, l'importance relative des voies individuelles de migration, ainsi que celle des voies de migration actives aujourd'hui ou dans le passé.Etant donné le rôle important joué par les différences de perméabilité dans le déplacement des hydrocarbures au sein des roches, on se réfère au modèle Atypical Pore Network, qui complète le modèle Kerogene Network. Les deux modèles sont utilisés de manière complémentaire pour comprendre les mécanismes de la migration primaire; dans des cas extrêmes, l'un d'eux peut être plus effectif que l'autre.Cette approche constitue un nouveau pas vers une meilleure identification et une meilleure quantification des effets de la migration; elle offre des avantages considérables en raison de la diversité des paramètres qui peuvent être utilisés. Comme n'importe quel autre outil d'exploration, elle ne peut être utilisée seule dans les travaux d'évaluation et d'interprétation. Pour porter tous ses fruits, elle doit être intégrée aux données géologiques, géophysiques et surtout hydrodynamiques.

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Amphibolite-facies orthogneisses of the Orlica-vnie™nik dome in the West Sudetes (Poland) show a local continuous transition from weakly deformed augen gneisses to finely laminated mylonites. Field evidence indicates that ductile shearing developed pre- or syntectonically to a migmatization event. Bulk-rock compositions of variably deformed samples yield no indications for deformation- and/or fluid-enhanced element mobility and redistribution. 87Rb-86Sr geochronology (biotite, phengite, whole rock) places time constraints on the deformation process and the post-orogenic cooling history. Phengite- and biotite-whole-rock pairs yield Rb-Sr ages of 340 to 334 Ma and 335 to 294 Ma, respectively, independent of the degree of deformation. The weighted mean of phengite-whole-rock pairs indicates an age of 337.4DŽ.3 Ma. Combining most of the biotite-whole-rock data yields a weighted mean age of 328.6dž.4 Ma. Because of their different closure temperatures for the Rb-Sr system, these differences are interpreted to date cooling after a thermal event. Direct dating of the deformation is not possible, but the cooling history record defines a minimum age for the development of ductile shearing and the last migmatization event. These time constraints provide evidence for the initiation of crustal collapse during or immediately following peak metamorphic conditions. The results of this study further document the importance of Variscan metamorphism in the Orlica-vnie™nik dome.  相似文献   
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