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We report in situ Sr isotope data for plagioclase of the Bushveld Complex. We found disequilibrium Sr isotopic compositions on several scales, (1) between cores and rims of plagioclase grains in the Merensky pyroxenite, the Bastard anorthosite, and the UG1 unit and its noritic footwall, (2) between cores of different plagioclase grains within thin sections of anorthosite and pyroxenite of the Merensky unit, the footwall anorthosite of the Merensky reef and the footwall norite of the UG1 chromitite. The data are consistent with a model of co-accumulation of cumulus plagioclase grains that had crystallized from different magmas, followed by late-stage overgrowth of the cumulus grains in a residual liquid derived from a different level of the compacting cumulate pile. We propose that the rocks formed through slumping of semi-consolidated crystal slurries at the top of the Critical Zone during subsidence of the center of the intrusion. Slumping led to sorting of crystals based on density differences, resulting in a layered interval of pyroxenites, norites and anorthosites.  相似文献   
Ground-based arrays of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes have emerged as the most sensitive γ-ray detectors in the energy range of about 100 GeV and above. The strengths of these arrays are a very large effective collection area on the order of 105 m2, combined with excellent single photon angular and energy resolutions. The sensitivity of such detectors is limited by statistical fluctuations in the number of Cosmic-ray initiated air showers that resemble γ-ray air showers in many ways. In this paper, we study the performance of simple event reconstruction methods when applied to simulated data of the Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System (VERITAS) experiment. We review methods for reconstructing the arrival direction and the energy of the primary photons, and examine means to improve on their performance. For a software threshold energy of 300 GeV (100 GeV), the methods achieve point source angular and energy resolutions of σ63% = 0.1° (0.2°) and σ68% = 15% (22%), respectively. The main emphasis of the paper is the discussion of γ–hadron separation methods for the VERITAS experiment. We find that the information from several methods can be combined based on a likelihood ratio approach and the resulting algorithm achieves a γ–hadron suppression with a quality factor that is substantially higher than that achieved with the standard methods used so far.  相似文献   
We report and describe an L6 ordinary chondrite fall that occurred in Ardón, León province, Spain (longitude 5.5605°W, latitude 42.4364°N) on July 9th, 1931. The 5.5 g single stone was kept hidden for 83 yr by Rosa González Pérez, at the time an 11 yr old who had observed the fall and had recovered the meteorite. According to various newspaper reports, the event was widely observed in Northern Spain. Ardón is a very well‐preserved, fresh, strongly metamorphosed (petrologic type 6), and weakly shocked (S3) ordinary chondrite with well‐equilibrated and recrystallized minerals. The mineral compositions (olivine Fa23.7±0.3, low‐Ca pyroxene Fs20.4±0.2Wo1.5±0.2, plagioclase An10.3±0.5Ab84.3±1.2), magnetic susceptibility (log χ = 4.95 ± 0.05 × 10?9 mkg?1), bulk density (3.49 ± 0.05 g   cm?3), grain density (3.58 ± 0.05 g   cm?3), and porosity (2.5 vol%) are typical for L6 chondrites. Short‐lived radionuclides confirm that the meteorite constitutes a recent fall. The 21Ne and 38Ar cosmic ray exposure ages are both about 20–30 Ma, similar to values for many other L chondrites. The cosmogenic 22Ne/21Ne ratio indicates that preatmospheric Ardón was a relatively large body. The fact that the meteorite was hidden in private hands for 83 yr makes one wonder if other meteorite falls may have experienced the same fate, thus possibly explaining the anomalously low number of falls reported in continental Spain in the 20th century.  相似文献   
In presence of disinfectants, PAH are remobilized from the coal tar lining of water distribution mains. Reactions of the PAH with chlorine and chlorine dioxide can lead to chlorinated PAH that might show higher mutagenic effects than the parent PAH. The application of the solid-phase microextraction as a sampling preparation method in combination with a gas chromatographic mass spectrometric device is a reliable and useful method to achieve detection limits in the lower nanogramme-per-liter level for PAH and chlorinated PAH. Thus, the reactions of four PAH (anthracene, fluoranthene, fluorene, and phenanthrene) with chlorine and chlorine dioxide under conditions prevalent in drinking water distribution systems could be investigated. In batch experiments with demineralized and drinking water at pH 7, the concentrations of fluoranthene, fluorene, and phenanthrene remained constant, whereas anthracene reacted quantitatively with both disinfectants. In these reactions, no chlorinated products could be detected, only mono-hydroxyanthracene and anthraquinone were formed. A reaction mechanism for both reaction products is proposed. The results suggest that oxidation is the major pathway of the reaction of PAH with disinfectants in the systems under investigation.  相似文献   
European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) is a dominant zooplanktivorous fish in many praealpine lakes and of great commercial interest. Estimation of prey consumed by European whitefish is essential for the prediction of top down effects in the pelagic zone. Whitefish is known to feed selectively on cladocerans. Quantitative estimates of prey consumed by whitefish are often not easy to get because stomachs frequently contain only degraded fragments of already digested prey. In this study stomach contents of European whitefish which were composed of digested, degraded prey were analyzed. Daphnid prey could be quantified by the number of mandibles divided by two, the number of head capsules and abdomina present. Predatory cladocerans could be quantified by the number of mandibles divided by two and the number of tail appendages present. For stomachs which contained heavily digested fragments counting the mandibles proved to be a useful and sometimes the only applicable means to quantify prey items. Other body parts, like structured legs which were broken into many pieces, were unsuited to quantify prey items.  相似文献   
This paper presents a picture of the north polar F layer and topside ionosphere obtained primarily from three satellites (Alouette 2, ISIS 1, ISIS 2), that passed over the region within a time interval of ca. 50 min on 25 April 1971, a magnetically quiet day. The horizontal distribution of electron densities at the peak of the F layer is found to be similar to synoptic results from the IGY. Energetic particle and ionospheric plasma data are also presented, and the F layer data are discussed in terms of these measurements, and also in terms of electric field and neutral N2 density measurements made by other satellites on other occasions. The major features observed are as follows: A tongue of F region ionization extends from the dayside across the polar cap, which is accounted for by antisunward drift due to magnetospheric convection. In the F layer and topside ionosphere, the main effect of auroral precipitation appears to be heating and expansion of the topside. A region of low F layer density appears on the morning side of the polar cap, which may be due to convection and possibly also to enhanced N2 densities.  相似文献   
Ar‐Ar isochron ages of EL chondrites suggest closure of the K‐Ar system at 4.49 ± 0.01 Ga for EL5 and 6 chondrites, and 4.45 ± 0.01 Ga for EL3 MAC 88136. The high‐temperature release regimes contain a mixture of radiogenic 40Ar* and trapped primordial argon (solar or Q‐type) with 40Ar/36ArTR ~ 0 , which does not affect the 40Ar budget. The low‐temperature extractions show evidence of an excess 40Ar component. The 40Ar/36Ar is 180–270; it is defined by intercept values of isochron regression. Excess 40Ar is only detectable in petrologic types >4/5. These lost most of their primordial 36Ar from low‐temperature phases during metamorphism and retrapped excess 40Ar. The origin of this excess 40Ar component is probably related to metamorphic Ar mobilization, homogenization of primordial and in situ radiogenic Ar, and trapping of Ar by distinct low‐temperature phases. Ar‐Ar ages of EH chondrites are more variable and show clear evidence of a major impact‐induced partial resetting at about 2.2 Ga ago or alternatively, prolonged metamorphic decomposition of major K carrier phases. EH impact melt LAP 02225 displayed the highest Ar‐Ar isochron age of 4.53 ± 0.01 Ga. This age sets a limit of about 25–45 Ma for the age bias between the K‐Ar and U‐Pb decay systems.  相似文献   
The concentrations of platinum-group elements (PGE), Co, Re,Au and Ag have been determined in the base-metal sulphide (BMS)of a section of the Merensky Reef. In addition we performeddetailed image analysis of the platinum-group minerals (PGM).The aims of the study were to establish: (1) whether the BMSare the principal host of these elements; (2) whether individualelements preferentially partition into a specific BMS; (3) whetherthe concentration of the elements varies with stratigraphy orlithology; (4) what is the proportion of PGE hosted by PGM;(5) whether the PGM and the PGE found in BMS could account forthe complete PGE budget of the whole-rocks. In all lithologies,most of the PGE (65 up to 85%) are hosted by PGM (essentiallyPt–Fe alloy, Pt–Pd sulphide, Pt–Pd bismuthotelluride).Lesser amounts of PGE occur in solid solution within the BMS.In most cases, the PGM occur at the contact between the BMSand silicates or oxides, or are included within the BMS. Pentlanditeis the principal BMS host of all of the PGE, except Pt, andcontains up to 600 ppm combined PGE. It is preferentially enrichedin Pd, Rh and Co. Pyrrhotite contains, Rh, Os, Ir and Ru, butexcludes both Pt and Pd. Chalcopyrite contains very little ofthe PGE, but does concentrate Ag and Cd. Platinum and Au donot partition into any of the BMS. Instead, they occur in theform of PGM and electrum. In the chromitite layers the whole-rockconcentrations of all the PGE except Pd are enriched by a factorof five relative to S, Ni, Cu and Au. This enrichment couldbe attributed to BMS in these layers being richer in PGE thanthe BMS in the silicate layers. However, the PGE content inthe BMS varies only slightly as a function of the stratigraphy.The BMS in the chromitites contain twice as much PGE as theBMS in the silicate rocks, but this is not sufficient to explainthe strong enrichment of PGE in the chromitites. In the lightof our results, we propose that the collection of the PGE occurredin two steps in the chromitites: some PGM formed before sulphidesaturation during chromitite layer formation. The remainingPGE were collected by an immiscible sulphide liquid that percolateddownward until it encountered the chromitite layers. In thesilicate rocks, PGE were collected by only the sulphide liquid. KEY WORDS: Merensky Reef; Rustenburg Platinum Mine; sulphide; platinum-group elements; image analysis; laser ablation ICP-MS  相似文献   
We studied a number of magmatic Ni–Cu–(PGE) sulfide deposits in two distinct belts in eastern Botswana. The Tati belt contains several relatively small deposits (up to 4.5 Mt of ore at 2.05% Ni and 0.85% Cu) at Phoenix, Selkirk and Tekwane. The deposits are hosted by ca 2.7 Ga, low- to medium-grade metamorphosed gabbroic–troctolitic intrusions situated within or at the periphery of a greenstone belt. The deposits of the Selebi-Phikwe belt are larger in size (up to 31 Mt of ore grade). They are hosted by high-grade metamorphosed gabbronorites, pyroxenites and peridotites believed to be older than ca 2.0 Ga that intruded gneisses of the Central Zone of the Limpopo metamorphic belt. The composition of the sulfide mineralisation in the two belts shows systematic variation. Most of the mineralisation in the Tati belt contains 2–9% Ni and 0.05–4% Cu (Cu/Cu + Ni = 0.4–0.7), whereas most of the mineralisation in the Selebi-Phikwe belt contains 1–3% Ni and 0.1–4% Cu (Cu/Cu + Ni = 0.4–0.9). The Cu–Ni tenors of the ores in both belts are consistent with crystallization from a basaltic magma. The Tati ores contain mostly >3 ppm Pt + Pd (Pt/Pd 0.1–1), with Pd/Ir = 100–1,000, indicative of a differentiated basaltic magma that remained S-undersaturated before emplacement. Most of the Selebi-Phikwe ores have <0.5 ppm Pt + Pd (Pt/Pd < 0.1–1), with Pd/Ir = 10–500. This suggests a relatively less differentiated magma that reached S saturation before emplacement. The Tati rocks show flat mantle-normalised incompatible trace element patterns (average Th/YbN = 1.57), except for strong enrichments in large ion lithophile elements (Cs, Rb, Ba, U, K). Such patterns are characteristic of relatively uncontaminated oceanic arc magmas and suggest that the Tati intrusions were emplaced in a destructive plate margin setting. Most of the Selebi-Phikwe rocks (notably Dikoloti) have more fractionated trace element signatures (average Th/YbN = 4.22), possibly indicating digestion of upper crustal material during magma emplacement. However, as there are also samples that have oceanic arc-like signatures, an alternative possibility is that the composition of most Selebi-Phikwe rocks reflects tectonic mingling of the intrusive rocks with the country rocks. The implication is that orogenic belts may have a higher prospectivity for magmatic Ni–Cu ores than presently recognised. The trigger mechanism for sulfide saturation and segregation in all intrusions remains unclear. Whereas the host rocks to the intrusions appear to be relatively sulfur poor, addition of crustal S to the magmas is suggested by low Se/S ratios in some of the ores (notably at Selebi-Phikwe). External S sources may thus remain unidentified due to poor exposure and/or S mobility in response to metamorphism.  相似文献   
Concentrations of platinum-group elements in samples from the Boulder Bed at five localities in the western Bushveld Complex range between 50 ppb and 70 ppm. Boulders thus have much more variable, and sometimes highly enriched, PGE contents relative to the other lithologies in the immediate foot-wall sequence of the Merensky Reef. The PGE enrichment can largely be modelled as a result of primary magmatic processes including collection of PGE by segregating sulphide melt and fractionation of mss. Other features of the Boulder Bed, such as the selvages of pure anorthosite and the chromitite stringers surrounding some of the boulders, bear evidence of recrystallisation. A model is proposed by which the Boulder Bed formed as a result of a combination of early and late magmatic processes. The PGEs were collected by magmatic sulphide melt which accumulated in a pyroxenite layer. The host rock to the pyroxenite was a thick package of norites which recrystallised in response to upward-migrating magmatic fluids. The fluids caused partial hydration melting of the norites adjacent to the pyroxenite, producing anorthosite. The boulders represent the broken-up remnants of the pyroxenite layer. The selvages of chromite and pure anorthosite around some of the boulders remain poorly understood, but may represent the latest recrystallisation event, in response to localised late-magmatic fluid overpressure upon cooling.  相似文献   
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