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本文报道了在青藏高原东南木里地区发现的二叠纪苦橄岩和与其共生玄武岩的主微量元素地球化学特征以及Os-Sr-Nd同位素组成.苦橄岩和与其共生玄武岩受地壳混染作用影响较小.根据苦橄岩的Ti/Y比值和初始的Os同位素组成,将木里苦橄岩分为两类:高Ti/Y型苦橄岩和低ⅣY型苦橄岩,其中高Ti/Y型苦橄岩具有高的γOs= 5.3~ 10.7和εNd= 5.9~ 6.4,与全球典型洋岛玄武岩的Os和Nd同位素组成接近,代表了地幔柱源区的同位素特征;而低Ti/Y型苦橄岩具有低的γOs=-4.1~ 1.2和εNd= 3.2~ 5.0,可能表明受到了SCLM(大陆岩石圈地幔)源区物质的混染.与其共生的玄武岩具有低的γOs=-3.5~-1.6和εNd=-0.6~ 0.7,表明其来自于不同于低Ti/Y型苦橄岩也有异于高Ti/Y型苦橄岩的地幔源区,但是也可能受到了SCLM物质的混染.基于Nd-Os同位素的地幔柱与SCLM的二端元混合模型显示:低Ti/Y型苦橄岩可能是SCLM物质组分与地幔柱起源的苦橄质原始岩浆混合形成的;与苦橄岩共生的玄武岩可能是由地幔柱来源的玄武质岩浆与SCLM小比例熔融的熔体混合形成的.  相似文献   
A global two-dimensional chemistry model is developed to study long-term trends of CH_4 sinceindustrial revolution.The sources of CH_4,CO and NO_x are parameterized as functions of latitudeand time.With two long-term emission scenarios,long-term trends of CH_4 are simulated.The resultshave a good agreement with observation from ice cores.The modeled CH_4 increased from 760 ppbvin 1840 to 1611.9 ppbv in 1991, while the modeled number concentration of tropospheric OHdecreased from 7.17×10~5 cm~(-3)in 1840 to 5.79×10~5 cm~(-3) in 1991.The increase of atmosphericCH_4 can be explained by the increase of emission of CH_4 and build-up because of decrease of OHradicals that remove CH_4 from the atmosphere.The model is also used to simulate the distribution of CH_4.Comparisons between the modelresults and observations show that the model can simulate both latitudinal distribution and seasonalvariation of CH_4 well.  相似文献   
<正>The rapid identification based on InSAR technology was proved to be effective in our emergency investigation of surface ruptures and geohazards induced by the Yushu earthquake.The earthquake-generating fault of the Yushu earthquake is the Yushu section of the Garze-Yushu faults zone.It strikes NWW-NW,23 km long near the Yushu County seat,dominated by left-lateral strike slip,and appearing as a surface rupture zone.The macroscopic epicenter is positioned at Guo-yang-yan -song-duo of Gyegu Town(33°03'11N,96°51'26E),where the co-seismic horizontal offset measured is 1.75 m.Geohazards induced by the Yushu earthquake are mainly rockfalls,landslides,debris flows, and unstable slopes.They are controlled by the earthquake-generating fault and are mostly distributed along it.There are several geohazard chains having been established,such as earthquake,canal damage,soil liquefying,landslide-debris flow,earthquake,soil liquefying,roadbed deformation,etc.In order to prevent seismic hazards,generally,where there is a visible surface rupture induced by the Yushu earthquake,reconstruction should be at least beyond 20 m,on each side,from it.Sufficient attention should also be given to potential geohazards or geohazard chains induced by the earthquake.  相似文献   
A novel method for prediction of the load carrying capacity of a corroded reinforced concrete beam (CRCB) is presented in the paper. Nine reinforced concrete beams, which had been working in an aggressive environment for more than 10 years, were tested in the laboratory. Comprehensive tests, including flexural test, strength test for corroded concrete and rusty rebar, and pullout test for bond strength between concrete and rebar, were condueted. The flexural test results of CRCBs reveal that the distribution of surface cracks on the beams shows a fractal behavior. The relationship between the fractal dimensions and mechanical properties of CRCBs is then studied. A prediction model based on artificial neural network (ANN) is established by the use of the fractal dimension as the corrosion index, together with the basic intbrmation of the beam. The validity of the prediction model is demonstrated through the experimental data, and satisfactory resuits are achieved.  相似文献   
Environmental isotopes have been applied to analyze confined groundwater recharge in the lower reaches of the Heihe River,Inner Mongolia.CFC is regarded as a tracer that determines the date of groundwater,the date being less than 45 a.The confined groundwater within the Gurinai area and Ejin Basin other than the surface water of Heihe River might have originated from precipitation from Qilian Mountain or/and the Tibetan Plateau.The deep confined groundwater overflows into an upper aquifer and emerges into the ground,forming springs and lakes within the low-lying area.The recharge volume is estimated to be around 400 million-cubic meters.  相似文献   
南海西部围区中特提斯东延通道问题   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
通过对南海西部围区中生代岩相古地理资料的收集整理和分析,编制了该区T_2,T_3~1,T_3~2,T_3~3,J_1-J_2,J_3-K_1共6个时段的岩相古地理简图,根据其中生代海相地层的时空分布和岩相特征,讨论了尚存争议的中特提斯进入南海的通道问题。实际资料表明,黑水河盆地在三叠纪受印支运动影响完成了从海到陆的过程,之后不再出现海相沉积,中特提斯不可能从红河裂谷带进入南海。在新加坡所见的晚三叠世至早侏罗世浅海至陆相沉积代表古特提斯的残余海,到中侏罗世完全消失。早侏罗世时期在印支半岛南部出现的近南北走向的海湾可能经过泰国湾与当时的滇缅海相通;但是这个海湾浅而短暂,滇缅海能否从这里进入南海值得怀疑,更不可能是中特提斯的通道。在南海西部围区,迄今已证实的中生代洋壳碎片(蛇绿岩套)和深海沉积仅见于南部Woyla—Maratus—Lupar一线及其附近。这套延伸2000余km,从洋壳、深海到浅海岩相齐全的岩石所代表的晚侏罗世至早白垩纪世大洋应是中特提斯洋的一部分。中特提斯东延而最可能是走南路,即从班公一怒江带南下之后,经Woyla线穿过苏门答腊岛,绕加里曼丹岛南缘到Maratus线,向北再经沙巴到Lupar线,在沙捞越北部或纳土纳岛附近进入南海。  相似文献   
起伏地表条件下的声波散射数值模拟的积分方程法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
从散射理论的角度来看,起伏地表可以看作是一种特殊的扰动介质,因此应用散射积分方程求解起伏地表条件下的散射场在理论上是可行的。从三维频率域声波方程出发,由格林函数定理,得出起伏地表条件下的散射积分方程。散射积分方程为关于起伏地表的面积分和与速度扰动体有关的体积分之和,同时给出了格林函数在奇异点的积分方法。由于数值离散求解积分方程存在着计算时间太长和存储内存不足的问题,采用电磁散射积分方程的拟解析近似的方法。在假设反射函数为缓变函数的基础上,最终得到其近似表达式,因此散射场的数值求解不必再借助于代数方程组,只要进行数值积分即可。这种方法避开了传统数值计算方法存在的问题,为地震散射波场快速正演模拟打下了基础。理论分析表明,这种方法适用于小扰动的问题。当扰动较大时,拟解析近似会产生较大的误差。  相似文献   
1932—1937年间在周口店中国猿人产地及其他地点采得八十馀件节足动物化石,多破碎,完整者极少。颜色不一,由乳白而棕黄,兼有呈半透明玻璃状者。经初步观察,应属节足动物门,多足纲,倍脚目,马陆科,计一属两种: 一、山马陆(Julus of.terrestris)此种在第一,三,十五地点及山顶洞均有发现。此与现生的山马陆无甚差异,仅肛板及由二肛板所成之肛门沟稍大。二、裴氏小马陆(Julus peii Chia & Liu(sp.nov.)此种於第一,四,十五地点及山顶洞均有发现。由身体及头部形态,身体环节数目(三十个以上),知其与山马陆同属。但其决非幼小山马陆,因其体节数目多於长成之山马陆。但与现生於日本的一种 Nipponoiulus truncatus 近似,惟後者体节数较少,尾端钝圆。关於马陆属化石,据现在所知最早发现於始新统地层中,直到现在仍有生存,变异极小。以上所述二种若非与其他脊椎动物化石共生於周口店地点,则其年代颇难鉴定,因其有以後爬入岩隙死後石化之可能,不过上述之标本不但有共生脊椎动物为证,且有的已埋藏於固结的砾岩中,其属於更新统时期可无疑义。  相似文献   
Armoring countermeasures, such as riprap stones, are the primary method used to protect bridge piers against scouring; however, these methods have not had definitive success. Recently, flow-altering countermeasures, such as sacrificial piles, have been tested as an alternative to armoring countermeasures. This study investigated the mechanics of an innovative flow-altering countermeasure device, frames in the shape of tetrahedrons that act as a pier-scour countermeasure. Results of measured characteristics for turbulence flow showed that the flow around the tetrahedral frames can be divided into three regions: (1) a deceleration region near the sediment bed; (2) an acceleration region in the middle of water depth region; and (3) a restoration region near the water surface. The velocity magnitudes, turbulent intensities and vorticities decreased in the deceleration region, increased in the acceleration region and reverted to that of the unprotected condition in the restoration region. This pier-scour countermeasure is innovative because of its ability to dissipate energy associated with the downflow and the horseshoes vortex generated around the bridge pier. The scour tests revealed that the frames protected the foundation of bridge piers against scour. The experimental results showed that the percentage reduction of scour depth decreased as the velocity ratio, U/U c , decreased, reaching a value of 50% for the range of parameters tested in this study. Moreover, its efficiency was dependent on the placement density of the frames. The data showed that the frames were more effective when η was larger. However, their influence becomes less significant when η≥ 0.16.  相似文献   
l. IntroductionGranite distributes widely in western KunlunMts. Many researches have been conducted byscientists (Wang Yuzhen et.al., l987; Zhang Yuquanet.al., l989, Fang Xilian et.al., I990, Jiang Chunfaet.al., 1992; Pan Yusheng, l992, Xu Ronghua et.al.,l 994; Jing Daogui et.al., l996, Zhang Yuquan et.al.,l998). But all of the researches have been donealong Sino-Pakistan road and Xinjiang-Tibet roadtith fOcus on isotopic dating of the intrusion andconducted a few on origin and tect…  相似文献   
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