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We estimated metamorphic conditions for the  6 Ma Taitao ophiolite, associated with the Chile triple junction. The metamorphic grade of the ophiolite, estimated from secondary matrix minerals, changes stratigraphically downwards from the zeolite facies, through the prehnite–actinolite facies, greenschist facies and the greenschist–amphibolite transition, to the amphibolite facies. The metamorphic facies series corresponds to the low-pressure type. The metamorphic zone boundaries are subparallel to the internal lithological boundaries of the ophiolite, indicating that the metamorphism was due to axial hydrothermal alteration at a mid-ocean ridge.

Mineral assemblages and the compositions of veins systematically change from quartz-dominated, through epidote-dominated, to prehnite-dominated with increasing depth. Temperatures estimated from the vein assemblages range from  230 °C in the volcanic unit to  380 °C at the bottom of the gabbro unit, systematically  200 °C lower than estimates from the adjoining matrix minerals. The late development of veins and the systematically lower temperatures suggest that the vein-forming alteration was due to off-axis hydrothermal alteration.

Comparison between the Taitao ophiolite with its mid-ocean ridge (MOR) affinity, and other ophiolites and MOR crusts, suggests that the Taitao ophiolite has many hydrothermal alteration features similar to those of MOR crusts. This is consistent with the tectonic history that the Taitao ophiolite was formed at the South Chile ridge system near the South American continent (Anma, R., Armstrong, R., Danhara, T., Orihashi, Y. and Iwano, H., 2006. Zircon sensitive high mass-resolution ion microprobe U–Pb and fission-track ages for gabbros and sheeted dykes of the Taitao ophiolite, Southern Chile, and their tectonic implications. The Island Arc, 15(1): 130–142).  相似文献   

Large-eddy simulations were performed of a neutrally-stratified turbulent flow within and above an ideal, horizontally- and vertically-homogeneous plant canopy. Three simulations were performed for shear-driven flows in small and large computational domains, and a pressure-driven flow in a small domain, to enable the nature of canopy turbulence unaffected by external conditions to be captured. The simulations reproduced quite realistic canopy turbulence characteristics, including typical ramp structures appearing in time traces of the scalar concentration near the canopy top. Then, the spatial structure of the organised turbulence that caused the scalar ramps was examined using conditional sampling of three-dimensional instantaneous fields, triggered by the occurrence of ramp structures. A wavelet transform was used for the detection of ramp structures in the time traces. The ensemble-averaged results illustrate that the scalar ramps are associated with the microfrontal structure in the scalar, the ejection-sweep structure in the streamwise and vertical velocities, a laterally divergent flow just around the ramp-detection point, and a positive, vertically-coherent pressure perturbation. These vertical structures were consistent with previous measurements made in fields or wind tunnels. However, the most striking feature is that the horizontal slice of the same structure revealed a streamwise-elongated region of high-speed streamwise velocity impacting on another elongated region of low-speed velocity. These elongated structures resemble the so-called streak structures that are commonly observed in near-wall shear layers. Since elongated structures of essentially similar spatial scales were observed in all of the runs, these streak structures appear to be inherent in near-canopy turbulence. Presumably, strong wind shear formed just above the canopy is involved in their formation. By synthesis of the ensemble-averaged and instantaneous results, the following processes were inferred for the development of scalar microfronts and their associated flow structures: (1) a distinct scalar microfront develops where a coherent downdraft associated with a high-speed streak penetrates into the region of a low-speed streak; (2) a stagnation in flow between two streaks of different velocities builds up a vertically-coherent high-pressure region there; (3) the pressure gradients around the high-pressure region work to reduce the longitudinal variations in streamwise velocity and to enhance the laterally-divergent flow and lifted updrafts downstream of the microfront; (4) as the coherent mother downdraft impinges on the canopy, canopy-scale eddies are formed near the canopy top in a similar manner as observed in conventional mixing-layer turbulence.  相似文献   
Pressure–temperature conditions of tourmaline breakdown in a metapelite were determined by high-pressure experiments at 700–900°C and 4–6 GPa. These experiments produced an eclogite–facies assemblage of garnet, clinopyroxene, phengite, coesite, kyanite and rare rutile. The modal proportions of tourmaline clearly decreased between 4.5 and 5 GPa at 700°C, between 4 and 4.5 GPa at 800°C, and between 800 and 850°C at 4 GPa, with tourmaline that survived the higher temperature conditions appearing corroded and thus metastable. Decreases in the modal abundance of tourmaline are accompanied by decreasing modal abundance of coesite, and increasing that of clinopyroxene, garnet and kyanite; the boron content of phengite increases significantly. These changes suggest that, with increasing pressure and temperature, tourmaline reacts with coesite to produce clinopyroxene, garnet, kyanite, and boron-bearing phengite and fluid. Our results suggest that: (1) tourmaline breakdown occurs at lower pressures and temperatures in SiO2-saturated systems than in SiO2-undersaturated systems. (2) In even cold subduction zones, subducting sediments should release boron-rich fluids by tourmaline breakdown before reaching depths of 150 km, and (3) even after tourmaline breakdown, a significant amount of boron partitioned into phengite could be stored in deeply subducted sediments.  相似文献   
砷总是与硫化物共同形成于地热环境中。然而,在地表氧化条件下硫化物与雨水接触后易溶解。在地热环境中硫化物溶解后的二次沉淀物对砷的迁移有着重大的影响。溶解的砷酸盐易被铁的氢氧化物固定,且铁的氢氧化物在大多数的地表氧化条件下都可以稳定存在。地热流体中无定形SiO_2的迅速沉淀和高岭石化可以固定大量的砷。这些硅酸盐可以稳定的存在于较宽泛的pH和氧化还原条件下。菲律宾地热场中矿物和地球化学条件对砷迁移的制约@Chelo PASCUA$Graduate School of Natural Scienceand Technology,Kanazawa University,Ishikawa,Japan …  相似文献   
An eddy covariance system using a closed-path CO2analyser was constructed for long-term CO2flux measurements above a forest, and its total frequency response was valuated experimentally. The amplitude and phase responses of the system wereexamined through a preliminary test, in which a prescribed pattern of CO2fluctuation was input to the system. The result showed that the amplitude of the output from the system was attenuated as frequency increased, with a half-power frequency of 0.3 Hz. The phase was delayed by the air sampling through a long tube, but the delay in phase decreased asfrequency increased. We then presented a new technique for the correction of flux loss due to the inadequate system response for the eddy covariance measurements of CO2 flux. Using the present system and the correction technique, diurnal variations in CO2 flux were measured over a temperate deciduous forest on three days in 1997. The results were compared with the CO2fluxes measured with a fast response open-path gas analyser. The CO2fluxes from the closed-path system agreed with those from the open-path system after the Webb, Pearman and Leuning correction was made for the latter. In the present test over a forest, the contribution of the frequency-response correction to the CO2fluxes was small and its averaged percentage was only 3%in the daytime. However, the percentage would likely increase, if the system were applied to a shorter vegetation site where high frequency components are more important. The comparison confirmed that we can obtain correct measurements of CO2flux using the present closed-path system and the correction technique.  相似文献   
Abstract– Distributions of organic functional groups as well as inorganic features were analyzed in the Bells (CM2) carbonaceous chondrite using near‐field infrared (NFIR) spectroscopy. NFIR spectroscopy has recently been developed to enable infrared spectral mapping beyond the optical diffraction limit of conventional Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy. NFIR spectral mapping of the Bells 300 nm thick sections on Al plates for 7.5 × 7.5 μm2 areas showed some C‐H‐rich areas which were considered to represent the organic‐rich areas. Heterogeneous distributions of organic matter as well as those of inorganic phases such as silicates (Si‐O) were observed with 1 μm spatial resolution. The NFIR mappings of aliphatic C‐H (2960 and 2930 cm?1) and structural OH (3650 cm?1) confirm that organic matter is associated with phyllosilicates as previously suggested. The NFIR mapping method can provide 1 μm spatial distribution of organic functional groups and their association with minerals. High local sensitivity of NFIR enables us to find organic‐rich areas and to characterize them by their aliphatic CH2/CH3 ratios. The aliphatic CH2/CH3 ratio of Bells is slightly higher than Murchison, similar to Orgueil, and lower than literature values of IDPs and cometary dust particles.  相似文献   
Geological evidence of severe tsunami inundation has been discovered in northern Japan. In the dune fields of Shimokita, in northernmost Tohoku, we have found two distinctive sand layers that are tsunami deposits. The run-up height of >20 m and inland inundation of at least 1.4 km are notably larger than any known historical case in Japan. The tsunami-genic earthquake that resulted in these deposits is thought to have taken place in the Kuril Forearc-Trench system nearly 700 years ago. The recurrence interval of major tsunamis originating in the Kuril subduction zone is about 400 years. Given that the most recent unusually large earthquake took place in AD 1611 (corresponding to the Keicho earthquake tsunami), the findings presented here increase the potential and hazard for an outsized tsunami striking the Pacific coast of northern Japan.  相似文献   
Platinum metals (Pd, Ir, Pt) and Au were determined by radiochemical neutron activation analysis (RNAA) on Cretaceous-Tertiary (K---T) boundary samples collected at Gubbio, Italy. In addition, about thirty elements were determined by instrumental NAA (INAA) for both the Cretaceous and the Tertiary layer samples, as well as the boundary clay samples. Iridium and other Pt metals were observed to be similarly enriched, relative to CI-chondrite, in the boundary layers, i.e., they occur in chondritic ratios. On the other hand, correlations among the metals are not very good, suggesting that Pt metals were not incorporated into clay materials in a single phase, but rather, they behaved separately according to their own solution chemistries. In the Gubbio section, the chemical composition does not change so much across the K---T boundary layer, except for Ir (and possibly other Pt group elements) and is very similar to that of the “North American shale composite (NASC)”. Arsenic and Sb were observed not to be anomalously enriched in the Gubbio K---T boundary layers. This implies that their abundances cannot be a clue in elucidating an event which must have happened at the K---T boundary period. NASC-normalized REE abundance patterns for the boundary samples show characteristic features due to some REE precipitation out of seawater. REE abundances are not variable among the Cretaceous, the Tertiary, and the boundary samples, suggesting that conditions for precipitation and sedimentation were similar across the K---T boundary at Gubbio.  相似文献   
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