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Respiration tests were carried out during a seven month bioremediation field trial to monitor biodegradation rates of weathered diesel non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) contaminating a shallow sand aquifer. Multiple depth monitoring of oxygen concentrations and air-filled porosity were carried out in nutrient amended and nonamended locations to assess the variability of degradation rate estimates calculated from respiration tests.
The field trial consisted of periodic addition of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) and aeration of a 100 m2 trial plot. During the bioremediation trial, aeration was stopped periodically, and decreases in gaseous oxygen concentrations were logged semi-continuously using data loggers attached to recently developed in situ oxygen probes placed at multiple depths above and within a thin NAPL-contaminated zone. Oxygen usage rate coefficients were determined by fitting zero-and first-order rate equations to the oxygen concentration reduction curves, although only zero-order rates were used to calculate biodegradation rates. Air-filled porosity estimates were found to vary by up to a factor of two between sites and at different times.
NAPL degradation rates calculated from measured air-filled porosity and oxygen usage rate coefficients ranged up to 69 mg kg-1 day-1. These rates are comparable to and higher than rates quoted in other studies, despite the high concentrations and weathered state of the NAPL at this test site. For nutrient-amended sites within the trial plot, estimates of NAPL degradation rates were two to three times higher than estimates from nonamended sites. Rates also increased with depth.  相似文献   
We present a ∼5-yr optical light curve of the recurrent Be/X-ray transient A0538–66 obtained as a by-product of the MACHO Project. These data reveal both a long-term modulation at P =420.8±0.8 d and a short-term modulation at 16.6510±0.0022 d which, within errors, confirms the previously found orbital period. Furthermore, the orbital activity is only seen at certain phases of the 421-d cycle, suggesting that the long-term modulation is related to variations in the Be star envelope.  相似文献   
Abstract— Shock metamorphic features in opaque minerals (FeNi metal and troilite) of 22 L chondrites have been studied petrographically and geochemically in an attempt to establish a connection between the present silicate-based shock classification scheme (Stöffler et al., 1991) and the peak-shock and postshock thermal history recorded in these minerals. Unshocked to weakly shocked (S1–S3) L chondrites contain FeNi metal and troilite that display textures related to normal, slow cooling. They may also contain rare disequilibrium shock features, which suggest localized departures from equilibrium shock conditions. Above shock stage S3, selected melting of FeNi metal and troilite produces melt droplets whose composition and abundance correspond to the maximum equilibrium shock state achieved by the sample. At these higher shock levels, the abundance of other shock-induced features, such as polycrystalline kamacite, sheared and fizzed troilite, coarse-grained pearlitic plessite, polycrystalline troilite, and polymineralic melt veins serve as textural criteria that can be used to establish peak-shock conditions. Minimum postshock temperatures obtained from analyses of plessite components show a systematic increase in temperature with an increase in shock stage, thereby providing additional information about the postshock thermal histories of L chondrites. At the highest shock levels recorded in L chondrites (S6 and above), melting and chemical homogenization of FeNi metal produces flattened Ni profiles that may partially to completely obscure any evidence for an earlier, slow-cooling history. All of these features serve as aids for shock classifying L chondrites as well as for quantifying minimum peak temperatures that resulted during shock metamorphism.  相似文献   
The study aims to reveal Australian households?? perceptions of climate change and their preferences for mitigation action. A web-based survey was conducted in November 2008 in which over 600 households from the state of New South Wales were asked for their willingness to bear extra household expenditure to support the ??Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme??, an emissions trading scheme proposed by the Australian government. The results of the study can be summarized in four key findings. First, respondents?? willingness to pay for climate change mitigation is significantly influenced by their beliefs of future temperature rise. Support for the policy increased at a decreasing rate as the perceived temperature change rose. Second, perceptions of policy failure have a significant negative impact on respondents?? support for the proposed mitigation measure. The higher the perceived likelihood that the measure would not deliver any outcome, the lower was the likelihood that respondents would support the policy. Third, respondent preferences for the proposed policy are influenced by the possibility of reaching a global agreement on emissions reduction. Sample respondents stated significantly higher values for the policy when the biggest polluting countries implement a similar scheme. Finally, respondents?? willingness to take action against climate change, both at the national and household level, is found to be influenced by their level of mass-media exposure. Particularly, those respondents who watched ??An Inconvenient Truth?? were significantly more likely to act for climate change mitigation than others.  相似文献   
Large-scale trajectory data offer a finer lens into the regularity in individual mobility choices. Previous studies have exerted efforts to measure the regularity in people's location visiting patterns. However, the complexity of travel behavior at different spatial and temporal scales has not been adequately considered. To capture regularity in a more comprehensive manner, we construct human mobility profiles with interpretable features at three levels, that is, location, motif, and route, on personal vehicle drivers. A feature engineering approach is designed to analyze the extent to which individuals exhibit multi-level regularity. The analysis pipeline includes feature selection, user segmentation and profiling, and feature importance evaluation. Our empirical study analyzed over 4 million trips of 3743 personal vehicle drivers collected over a month in six metropolitan areas in the United States. The weak correlations between features confirm the validity of quantifying regularity from different aspects. We discovered five clusters of drivers (i.e., gig drivers, homebodies, movers, typical drivers, and work-focused commuters) that differ in their regularity to commute to the workplace and the inclination to participate in non-work activities. A similar driver segmentation and profiling pattern is found in all of the studied metro areas. The minor differences are interpreted from the distribution of mobility features and urban features. The proposed method using multi-level feature engineering provides a generic framework to study regularity and can be readily adapted to other mobility data sources by customizing the features. The improved understanding of mobility patterns within the built environment is valuable for innovating urban transportation solutions.  相似文献   
Implementation of aquifer storage recovery (ASR) for water resource management in Florida is impeded by arsenic mobilization. Arsenic, released by pyrite oxidation during the recharge phase, sometimes results in groundwater concentrations that exceed the 10 µg/L criterion defined in the Safe Drinking Water Act. ASR was proposed as a major storage component for the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP), in which excess surface water is stored during the wet season, and then distributed during the dry season for ecosystem restoration. To evaluate ASR system performance for CERP goals, three cycle tests were conducted, with extensive water‐quality monitoring in the Upper Floridan Aquifer (UFA) at the Kissimmee River ASR (KRASR) pilot system. During each cycle test, redox evolution from sub‐oxic to sulfate‐reducing conditions occurs in the UFA storage zone, as indicated by decreasing Fe2+/H2S mass ratios. Arsenic, released by pyrite oxidation during recharge, is sequestered during storage and recovery by co‐precipitation with iron sulfide. Mineral saturation indices indicate that amorphous iron oxide (a sorption surface for arsenic) is stable only during oxic and sub‐oxic conditions of the recharge phase, but iron sulfide (which co‐precipitates arsenic) is stable during the sulfate‐reducing conditions of the storage and recovery phases. Resultant arsenic concentrations in recovered water are below the 10 µg/L regulatory criterion during cycle tests 2 and 3. The arsenic sequestration process is appropriate for other ASR systems that recharge treated surface water into a sulfate‐reducing aquifer.  相似文献   
We investigated relationships among modern diatom species composition and physical and chemical characteristics of high-elevation lakes of the Sierra Nevada (California), to develop transfer functions that can be used to infer historic lake conditions. Data were collected from 50 lakes in National Parks and Forests of the central and southern Sierra Nevada. Multivariate statistical methods revealed that acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) and nitrate accounted for significant variation in diatom taxa. A training set with 242 modern diatom taxa from a subset of 41 lakes was used to develop transfer functions for ANC and nitrate using weighted averaging techniques. ANC and nitrate calibration ranges were 23.0–137 μEq/L and 0.18–9.5 μM, respectively. Coefficients of determination for the models were: ANC: R2 = 0.76, and R jackknife 2  = 0.44; NO3: R2 = 0.67, and R jackknife 2  = 0.27. The ANC model was applied to the top 50 cm of sediments in Moat Lake to reconstruct ANC from ca. AD 350 to 2005. The reconstruction suggests that ANC declined by about 40 % (101–60 μEq/L) between the 1920s and the 1960s and then recovered to pre-1920s levels during 1980–2000. The magnitude of this ANC excursion was the largest observed during the past 1,600 years. We hypothesize that temporal variations in ANC were influenced by: (1) changes in rates of acid deposition, especially nitric acid and (2) variations in the timing and magnitude of snowmelt runoff.  相似文献   
Glacier recession and landform development in a debris‐charged glacial landsystem characterized by an overdeepening is quantified using digital photogrammetry, digital elevation model (DEM) construction and mapping of the Icelandic glacier Kvíárjökull for the period 1945–2003. Melting of ice‐cores is recorded by surface lowering rates of 0·8 m yr–1 (1945–1964), 0·3 m yr–1 (1964–1980), 0·015 m yr–1 (1980–1998) and 0·044 m yr–1 (1998–2003). The distribution/preservation of pushed and stacked ice‐cored moraine complexes are determined by the location of the long‐term glacial drainage network in combination with retreat from the overdeepening, into which glacifluvial sediment is being directed and where debris‐rich ice masses are being reworked and replaced by esker networks produced in englacial meltwater pathways that bypassed the overdeepening and connected to outwash fans prograding over the snout. Recent accelerated retreat of Kvíárjökull, potentially due to increased mass balance sensitivity, has made the snout highly unstable, especially now that the overdeepening is being uncovered and the snout flooded by an expanding pro‐glacial, and partially supraglacial, lake. This case study indicates that thick sequences of debris‐charged basal ice/controlled moraine have a very low preservation potential but ice‐cored moraine complexes can develop into hummocky moraine belts in de‐glaciated terrains because they are related to the process of incremental stagnation, which at Kvíárjökull has involved periodic switches from transport‐dominant to ablation‐dominant conditions. Glacier recession is therefore recorded temporally and spatially by two suites of landforms relating to two phases of landform production which are likely typical for glaciers occupying overdeepenings: an early phase of active, temperate recession recorded by push moraines and lateral moraines and unconfined pro‐glacial meltwater drainage; and a later phase of incremental stagnation and pitted outwash head development initiated by the increasing topographic constraints of the latero‐frontal moraine arc and the increasing importance of the overdeepening as a depo‐centre. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A cometary ice analog sample consisting primarily of carbon suboxide ice (C3O2) was produced from the irradiation of its precursor, carbon monoxide. This carbon suboxide sample was subjected to irradiation with energetic electrons at 10 K to simulate the interaction of carbon suboxide-rich cometary analog ices with ionizing radiation. The destruction of carbon suboxide as well as the production of the primary degradation products, dicarbon monoxide (C2O), and carbon monoxide (CO), were monitored quantitatively by infrared spectroscopy in situ; the gas phase was simultaneously sampled via quadrupole mass spectrometry. A kinetic model was produced to help explain the decomposition kinetics of carbon suboxide in cometary ices and to infer the underlying reaction mechanisms.  相似文献   
Porosity is a fundamental property of marine sediment from which wet bulk density can be easily determined and used in a variety of geoacoustic, geotechnical, and sedimentological studies, analyses, and models. However, methods of sampling marine sands suffer from the common problem of core disturbance making the in situ porosity difficult to obtain. Embedding the sediment within an epoxy resin matrix will minimize the disturbance to the microfabric and preserve the in situ sedimentary structure for subsequent study. Image analysis can then be used on thin sections to study the microfabric and porometry. A comprehensive review and analysis of published data on the porosity of predominantly clean sands has been completed and a simple, accurate, and nondestructive technique is described for preparing and measuring the porosity of marine sediment (siliciclastic sand) that has been infiltrated aboard ship immediately upon sample collection and chemically fixed and infiltrated with epoxy shortly thereafter. The average porosity of 36 samples of marine sand collected offshore Fort Walton Beach, Florida, and embedded with resin was determined to be 41.30%. From the review of published data the average porosity of sand was determined to be 37.7%, 42.3%, and 46.3% for packed, natural (in situ), and loose packing conditions, respectively, for a range of sorting coefficients and grain sizes.  相似文献   
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