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Two different multiresolution analyses are used to decompose the structure of active-region magnetic flux into concentrations of different size scales. Lines separating these opposite polarity regions of flux at each size scale are found. These lines are used as a mask on a map of the magnetic field gradient to sample the local gradient between opposite polarity regions of given scale sizes. It is shown that the maximum, average, and standard deviation of the magnetic flux gradient for α,β,β γ, and β γ δ active-regions increase in the order listed, and that the order is maintained over all length scales. Since magnetic flux gradient is strongly linked to active-region activity, such as flares, this study demonstrates that, on average, the Mt. Wilson classification encodes the notion of activity over all length scales in the active-region, and not just those length scales at which the strongest flux gradients are found. Further, it is also shown that the average gradients in the field, and the average length-scale at which they occur, also increase in the same order. Finally, there are significant differences in the gradient distribution, between flaring and non-flaring active regions, which are maintained over all length scales. It is also shown that the average gradient content of active-regions that have large flares (GOES class “M” and above) is larger than that for active regions containing flares of all flare sizes; this difference is also maintained at all length scales. All of the reported results are independent of the multiresolution transform used. The implications for the Mt. Wilson classification of active-regions in relation to the multiresolution gradient content and flaring activity are discussed.  相似文献   
The study of the distribution of biomass by size provides an ataxonomic approach for analyzing the structure of the pelagic ecosystem. However, empirical data regarding planktonic size-structure in offshore areas are scarce. Here, we report the results of a study of the planktonic biomass size-distribution at several stations located within two regions (Sargasso Sea and New England Seamounts Area) of the Northwest Atlantic. The biomass size-spectra covered a body-size range from bacteria to mesozooplankton and a depth range from the surface to 400 m. It is shown that the slope of the normalized biomass size-spectrum (NBS-spectrum) varies depending on whether volume or carbon units are used. The transformation from volume to carbon units makes the slope of the NBS-spectrum approximately 0.15 units more negative. The distribution of normalized-biomass by size was linear (plotted on a log–log scale) at all stations. The slopes of the NBS-spectra (volume scale) ranged from −0.96 to −1.01. There were no significant differences among the slopes of the NBS-spectra within either of the two areas studied. In addition, no significant differences were detected between the stations in the Sargasso Sea and those located in the New England Seamounts area. Apart from a tendency towards a decrease in the intercept of the normalized-biomass axis of the size-spectra in deeper waters, the NBS-spectra were also very similar through depth. The slopes of the NBS-spectra in biovolume units are not significantly different from −1.0 (p<0.01), and therefore are in agreement with Sheldon’s Linear Biomass Hypothesis. By contrast, the slopes of the NBS-spectra in carbon units are significantly different (p<0.01) from −1.0 (range=–1.09 to –1.17; all stations TOGETHER=–1.14) and their numerical values are in close agreement with Platt and Denman’s model and with the findings of [Rodríguez and Mullin, 1986a]) for the North Pacific Central Gyre. The results of this study support the hypothesis that the planktonic size-structure of offshore oligotrophic systems is a conservative property.  相似文献   
Understanding the Changing Planet is the latest in a long line of reports that makes the case for the relevance of the discipline of geography by invoking big “S” science. My commentary argues that this model of science, with its celebration of large data sets, sophisticated methodological techniques, and various material tools and hardware, is only one model of geography's contribution. Instead, I suggest that the strength of geography is in its pluralism and methodological variety, and in the end that will do more for understanding the changing planet than anything else.  相似文献   
If the equation of state is nonlinear, a given flux of heat across a double diffusive interface causes different buoyancy fluxes in the upper and lower layers. This results in different convective activity in the two layers and can lead to preferential entrainment across the interface in one direction (i.e. a migration of the interface). In this paper we derive the conservation equations for properties (e.g. heat and a solute) across a double diffusive interface between two well-mixed layers. A nondimensional measure of the entrainment across an interface and the most suitable choice for the buoyancy flux ratio are presented. Some surprising facts emerge. First, even for a linear equation of state and in the absence of direct entrainment across the interface, the flux of water across a finger interface is shown to be important. Second, for the heat-solute system, the heat balance equations for each well-mixed layer contain terms proportional to the heat of solution of the solute and the partial specific enthalpy of pure water in a seawater solution. Third, the rate of change of gravitational potential energy of the two-layer system is shown to have several extra terms in addition to the two commonly quoted major terms.  相似文献   
A 4000-yr history at Clark Lake reveals natural variations in sediment geochemistry and nutrient levels and anthropogenic influence on twentieth century sedimentation rates. Sediment texture and ridge and swale topography indicate that the channel system creating Clark Lake is now occupied by the Yazoo River. Between 1.24 and 0.60 m (2522–865 cal yr BP), total carbon percentages and the C/N ratio average 42% and 17, respectively. The base of the 1650-yr interval and onset of high organic activity in the lake coincides with the abandonment of the Yazoo Meander Belt. The top of the interval is marked by a drop in C/N ratio to 11 and a geochemical transition zone. No change in the rate of sediment accumulation or clay mineralogy was observed despite increased cumulative percentages of Al, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Ca, and Na. The decrease in organic activity at 865 cal yr BP is attributed to unfavorable growth conditions related to the entrenchment of the Yazoo River and changes in the hydroperiod of the area. Significant floodplain alteration was completed in 1978, but the only major effect was increased sedimentation in the late twentieth century due to the completion of the Whittington Auxiliary Channel.  相似文献   

As a tribute to the massive contribution of our friend and colleague Graeme Hugo to the population and settlement geography of Australian rural areas, this paper presents a longitudinal study from his home State. It forms part of a wider study of the long-term demographic relationships between Australia’s rapidly growing regional cities and their surrounding functional regions. Of particular interest is the question of what effect the accelerating concentration of population and economic activity into a given regional city will have for the longer term demographic sustainability of its functional region as a whole. Taking the case of Port Lincoln, regional capital of most of South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula, it examines the nature of change in the functional region over the period 1947–2011, and investigates the forces feeding, and partly counteracting, the population concentration process, informed by concepts of evolutionary economic geography. In particular it traces the demographic impact (particularly differential migration and ageing trends) of exogenous shocks to the region’s essentially primary productive economic base during the period of major change from 1981 to 2011.  相似文献   
Two of Australia's most iconic ecosystems have recently sustained heavy damage related to climatic changes: the extensive eucalypt forests from catastrophic bushfires and the Great Barrier Reef from mass coral bleaching. Despite obvious differences, eucalypt trees and reef corals share some similarities in biology and ecology, particularly in relation to climate change impacts and adaptation. Both groups are the focus of an increasing research effort to characterize and respond to climate changes and here we examine how sharing research experiences can benefit both fields. Four key areas of research are considered: (a) modeling current distributions, (b) assessing impacts of climate change on future distributions, (c) using human‐assisted migration to improve survival, and (d) applying genetic enhancement to improve the species’ survival. Examples of each research area are used to examine potential crossovers, limitations of the methods, and future requirements. We conclude that eucalypt and coral researchers, and indeed researchers for many other endangered taxa, can gain much by comparing experiences and methods, despite the apparent differences in their respective taxa. This article is categorized under: Assessing Impacts of Climate Change > Observed Impacts of Climate Change  相似文献   
Pinna bicolor (Mollusca: Pelecypoda) were transplanted between four sites near a lead smelter. The species composition of their epifauna (sessile and mobile) was examined in relation to characteristics of both sediments and seston at the sites. Seventy-two taxa were distinguished in the epifaunal community. Substantial differences were found in the short-term sensitivity of some of the species to concentrations of Cd, Pb and Zn in sediments and to sediment particle size. The short-term sensitivity of many species to metals or sediment particle size explained their long-term distribution pattern. Twenty-three taxa were identified as significantly characterizing the faunal differences. Of these, eleven (four molluscs, four bryozoans, two barnacles and one ascidian) were affected by both sediment metal concentration and particle size, and eight (four molluscs, one bryozoan, one polychaete, one hydroid and one barnacle) were affected by metal contamination but not particle size. Of all fauna examined, the Bryozoa were the most metal-sensitive. Four species, Smittina raigii (Bryozoa), Galeolaria sp. 1 (Polychaeta), Epopella simplex (Cirripedia) and Monia ione (Pelecypoda) were identified by their short- and long-term sensitivity to metal contamination, and absence of sensitivity to sediment particle size, as suitable species for monitoring the effects of metal contamination on the epifauna. The implications of the results for toxicity-testing are discussed.  相似文献   
Successive temperature logs have been obtained over a period of two years in three closely-spaced boreholes in the Lac du Bonnet batholith of the Superior Province of the Canadian Shield. Two of the boreholes, of depth 450 m and 830 m, intersect a dipping fracture zone at 435–450 m. In both holes water is flowing from near the surface to the fracture zone at approximately 1.5–1.9·10−5 m3 s−1, the flow being inferred from analysis of the temperature logs. Below 25 m, temperatures in these two holes are 0.22–0.28 K lower than those in the third, 145 m, hole.The temperature data have been combined with over 200 thermal conductivity measurements on core samples to produce heat flow values. In the deepest hole heat flow above the fracture zone is 16% higher than that below the zone. This indicates that water is flowing up the fracture zone. The flow rate is approximately 0.3 g s−1 m−1, and the flow has existed for thousands of years.Observation of thermal effects of water flow in massive, relatively unfractured plutons in a region having little topographic relief causes one to be concerned about the reliability of heat flow values measured in similar environments.The regional heat flow is taken to be 50 mW m−2 after correction for glaciation effects. The average value of 24 determinations of radioactive heat generation in granitic core samples is 5.23 ± 1.11 μW m−3, which is more than three times higher than expected for such a heat flow in the Superior Province. This implies that the layer of high radioactive heat generation is thin, being not more than 4 km and probably about 1.3 km thick.  相似文献   
吴才来  Jong  WOODEN 《地质学报》2002,76(1):106-106
祁连南缘嗷唠山花岗岩锆石的SHRIMP年龄变化于445~496Ma之间,平均为 473 Ma,属早奥陶世。年龄值的统计出现两个峰值,第一个峰值与区内榴辉岩的相同(495 Ma),可能反映花岗岩源岩的部分熔融时代,第二个年龄峰值可能反映了花岗质岩浆的冷凝结晶时代(465 Ma)。该花岗岩的岩石地球化学特征类似于Ⅰ型花岗岩,有关构造环境判别图解得出,该花岗岩类似于岛弧或活动陆缘环境。结合区域地质特征和花岗岩的锆石SHRIMP年龄特征,我们认为,早奥  相似文献   
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