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王娟  李钢  于悦  赵美风  冯忱熹  陈诺 《热带地理》2022,42(9):1559-1570
拐卖儿童犯罪屡禁不止,备受社会和学界关注。地理学视角下的已有研究多注重宏观区域定量分析,缺少基于寻亲成功案例聚焦被拐儿童的微观定性分析,尤其对被拐儿童记忆空间与记忆地图的探究不足。文章基于从“宝贝回家”公益平台提取的典型案例,综合运用文本分析、认知地图分析、案例分析等方法,探索寻亲成功的被拐儿童记忆地图模式及其影响因素。结果表明:1)被拐儿童记忆内容由地方性知识、家庭性知识和个体性知识3部分构成。其中,地方性知识包括儿童家乡的自然物理环境与社会文化环境要素;家庭性知识包括儿童原生家庭成员信息、亲缘关系等要素;个体性知识包括儿童自身体貌特征、失踪时穿着等要素。2)被拐儿童记忆空间形成于其日常活动空间,是地理空间与人文情感的结合;随着儿童年龄增长和时代变迁,儿童记忆空间要素产生变化,形成不同阶段不同时代的独特个体记忆,儿童生活环境的变化易塑造混合复杂的记忆空间。3)被拐儿童记忆地图根据其记忆内容及记忆要素类型分为多要素混合式记忆地图(依托多种感官、多要素定位家乡区域)、空间化布局式记忆地图(即手绘完整地图,具有空间性和尺度性)、单要素主导式记忆地图(即以地标和地名为关键要素)3种模式。4)儿童对其日常活动中频繁接触的场所会留下较为深刻印象,家乡环境中独特形状的道路、水域更易使儿童产生记忆,成为寻亲过程中的重要促进因素;地名、方言、习俗组合与地名、地标组合成为寻亲成功的关键要素组合。  相似文献   
杨泽粟  张强  赵鸿 《中国沙漠》2014,34(4):1055-1063
于2011年在黄土高原半干旱地区以平地不覆膜为对照,研究了不同沟垄和覆膜方式对马铃薯叶片和土壤水势水势的影响。结果表明:不同沟垄和覆膜方式在不同土层和不同生育期对土壤和叶片水势的影响差异显著。(1)土壤水势日变化趋势:0~20 cm土层,土垄处理在开花期为先下降后上升型,土垄和覆膜垄处理在块茎膨大期为先下降后上升型,覆膜垄和全膜双垄沟播处理在成熟期为先下降后上升型,其余为逐渐下降型;20~40 cm土层,各处理土壤水势呈逐渐下降趋势。(2)叶片水势日变化趋势:开花期和块茎膨大期表现为双低谷型,双低谷分别在13:00和17:00,成熟期为“V”型,即单低谷型,低谷出现在17:00。各处理变化趋势相同,但水势存在差异。土垄处理在水分关键期(开花期和块茎膨大期)叶片水势显著高于其他处理,而全膜双垄沟播处理在成熟期最高。(3)生育期土壤水势和叶片水势均表现为先减小后增大的趋势。20~40 cm土层对叶片水势影响较大,土垄处理在该土层具有较好的水分状态,蒸腾作用较强加速了水分运移速率,是导致覆膜垄和全膜双垄沟播处理水势低于土垄的主要原因。在前期降雨较少的年份,由于较小的蒸腾作用,土垄处理可以保证马铃薯承受较小的水分胁迫;在前期降雨量较多的年份,覆膜垄和全膜双垄沟播处理则可以凭借其较大的蒸腾作用发挥较大的增产效果。  相似文献   
应用神经网络建立加速度峰值衰减规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
崔建文  温瑞智 《地震研究》1997,20(3):278-285
在假定了加速度峰值衰减规律的形式后,本采用人工神经网络拟合实际加速度峰值观测资料来求取方程中的待定系数。为加速神经网络的训练,本设计了基于BP学习算法的目标分段网络训练法。  相似文献   
石家庄春季自然物候对气候变化的响应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了石家庄1965-2007年杨絮始落、鸭梨始花和刺槐盛花3种植物物候期的变化特征以及对气候的响应规律。结果表明:(1)石家庄春季物候期普遍提早,早春的物候期提前天数多,晚春物候期提早天数少。石家庄春季物候现象普遍存在着2~3年的周期。(2)通过计算石家庄春季物候与气温、日照和降水量的相关关系,发现与气温的关系最好,与降水日数表现出弱的相关性,与日照关系不明显,说明气温是影响石家座春季物候的主导气象因子,GDD是衡量植物热量供应的较好指标,而日照对物候期影响表现出不同物种和不同物候现象间的差异性特征。(3)石家庄春季物候期与ENSO事件也表现出一定的关系,在暖事件年以物候期偏早为主,在冷事件年无明显早晚趋势。  相似文献   
通过对胶东牟平—乳山热液脉状金,铅锌矿床成矿动力学控制规律的研究,说明了建立热液成矿反应体系的方法,并得出以下认识:(1)区域断裂构造活动,通过影响成矿反应体系的热力学性质和条件,控制元素的富集和分散。(2)热液成矿过程中容矿断裂活动可划分为两种作用方式:脆性破裂和韧—脆性张开,构成热液成矿的两种构造动力学环境。(3)热液成矿反应体系是一种开放的动态的热力学体系。断裂的脆性破裂阶段,使体系处于强烈的过饱和状态,矿质在远离平衡状态下快速结晶,加剧物质分异;在脆—韧性张开阶段,矿质在接近平衡态体系中缓慢晶出。(4)热液演化晚期,金在残余溶液中富集;当断裂再次发生构造脉动震颤时,早期形成的块状黄铁矿矿石碎裂,富金溶液充填其中,形成含裂隙金和晶隙金的富矿石。成矿体系热力学演化与构造动力学条件有利的匹配控制着富矿石的形成。  相似文献   
滇西澜沧变质带变质作用和变形作用的关系   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
赵靖  钟大赉 《岩石学报》1994,10(1):27-40
滇西澜沧变质带经历了两期变质变形事件,其时代分别为519Ma和280~190Ma。早期变质变形事件(M1D1)可由销长石和石榴石变斑晶的包裹体痕迹确定,形成近E-W向的变形构造格局。晚期变质变形作用(M2D2)以形成蓝片岩相矿物组合,如以蓝门石(青铝门石)+多硅白云母+绿泥石+石英等为特征,并形成近N-S向的变形构造格局.钠质问石以青铝闪石和蓝闪石为主,白云母多为3T+2M;型多硅白云母,其bo均值在9.040A以上;蓝片岩相变质作用的P、T条件估计分别为0.6~0.7GPa和300℃。晚期变质变形事件经历了二个主要阶段(M2aD2a和M2bD2b),分别伴随透入性面理(S2)和褶劈理(S3)的形成,蓝门石的40Ar-39Ar定年分别为279Ma和214Ma;M2cD2c期局部受到热的扰动,以及出现大量的膝折带或宽缓褶皱。上述变质变形演化历史代表了澜沧变质带的隆升及剥蚀过程。  相似文献   
喀拉通克铜镍矿床产于漏斗状基性岩体中下部的橄榄苏长辉长岩相中,矿石类型分特富铜镍矿石(Ⅰ)、富铜贫镍矿石(Ⅱ)、贫铜贫镍矿石(Ⅲ)及富镍富铜矿石(Ⅳ).由于矿床物质成分复杂特别是金银铂钯矿物颗粒细、品位低、种类多,故首先在进行矿物定性研究的基础上,确定目的矿物的特殊富集流程.然后在人工重砂大样中富集目的矿物,并制成砂光薄片,有代表性的排定视域,引入电子探针-图象分析-计算机联机定量并辅以显微镜定量的综合方法对贵金属元素和矿物进行定量.联机方法是用电子探针以扫描方式提供颗粒电子象和元素X射线面分布象信号给出元素或共存元素的化学信息,对矿物颗粒进行分类,统计出个数及面积百分比.这种方法对微细杂矿物的定量工作颇有成效.  相似文献   
The hydrochemical composition of surface water and groundwater is a key parameter for understanding the evolution of water and its quality.In particular, little is known about the impact of transferred water on surface water and groundwater.In this study, Baiyangdian Lake was selected as a typical area for extensive groundwater exploration and surface water transfer in the North China Plain.Surface water and groundwater samples were sampled in dry/wet seasons and then analyzed before/after the water transfer, respectively.Generally, surface water and groundwater are extensively hydrologically connected based on hydrochemical evidence.It was found that the hydrochemical composition of the shallow groundwater is affected by the surface water and that the water quality of the deep groundwater is stable.However, inter-aquifer recharge processes from the shallow groundwater to the deep groundwater existed in the anthropogenic region impacted with high nitrate-ion concentrations.Also, the hydrochemical composition of the surface water and groundwater was dominated by rock-weathering and evaporation-precipitation processes.Due to the existence of the deep vadose zone in the alluvial fan, Na~+was exchanged into soil matrices during the leakage of the surface water.In addition, the transferred water resulted in surface water with good quality, and it also played as an important recharge source to groundwater.As the most important water resource for irrigation and drinking, deep groundwater should be paid more attention in the alluvial fan with frequent water transfer and extensive groundwater exploration.  相似文献   
To restore China’s degraded ecological environment, the government has launched an environmental restoration project named the “Grain for Green Project” (GGP) in 1999. From 1999 to 2010, the government will spend 40 billion dollars to convert 147 million ha of croplands and 173 million ha of wastelands into forestlands and grasslands in 25 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. A primary goal is to replace cropping and livestock grazing in fragile areas with trees and grass. Given the tremendous scale and great number of participants in the project, the attitudes of the affected farmers and the future development in the area where GGP is implemented have a direct influence on the success of the project. To gain a clear idea about the farmers’ attitudes towards the project and put forward the development models for the forestlands converted from croplands, two case sites in the mountain-gorge region in Nujiang River are selected as the study areas, and the methods of field survey and semi-structured interview are adopted to make interviews with more than 100 households in 2002 and 2003 in order to quantify the farmers’ opinions about the GGP and how it has affected their livelihood, socio-cultural and industrial structures, etc. The results are as follows: 1) the project has a certain influence on the farmers with better economic basis and exerts greater influence on the farmers living in the low-elevation regions than on those living in the regions with middle-high elevation; 2) the production models of the local farmers has changed from cultivation and animal husbandry to forestry and sidelines due to the project and the income structure has changed from animal husbandry as main income source to state subsidy and sideline as main income sources; 3) the reduction in the grain income and decrease in the quantity of livestock because of the project have led to the diminution in the total income of the farmers; 4) the project has resulted in changes in the lifestyles and architecture styles of the local farmers, and the traditional “huotang” culture has gone away after the implementation of the project; 5) energy utilization has changed from firewood to methane and electricity in the wake of the implementation of the project. The above-mentioned study results have indicated that the GGP has truly exerted influence on the livelihood and production of the local farmers. Therefore, it is very necessary to make a research into the development models in the forestlands converted from croplands to resolve the problems of the farmers’ livelihood and production. The study results will provide some references for the sustainable development of the mountain-gorge regions.  相似文献   
为提高耐压柱壳设计效率,设计了耐压柱壳参数化分析流程。研究了有限元分析所涉及的材料属性、载荷施加、边界条件设置等内容,确定了采用弧长法分析耐压柱壳稳定性。利用Python语言对于ABAQUS软件进行了二次开发,利用Isight软件实现了ABAQUS的集成,实现了耐压柱壳有限元分析模型的网格自动划分、自动分析计算等。选择样本点进行参数化分析,利用响应面模型对于样本点进行了拟合,得到了具有较高拟合精度、满足工程需要的近似模型,进行了设计变量的灵敏度分析。研究结果表明:参数化分析流程可实现耐压柱壳的自动分析、近似模型及灵敏度分析,可降低耐压柱壳分析难度,均可提高耐压柱壳设计效率。  相似文献   
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