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可达性是连接土地利用与交通建设的关键环节,对城市扩展具有指向性。利用Auto-Logistic回归的CLUE-S模型,预测区域发展与交通规划两种情景下2020年广佛都市区的城市扩展,分析了1982~2020年交通可达性格局演变与城市扩展特征,并在此基础上揭示二者的耦合关系。结果表明:CLUE-S模型在城市扩展上具有较好的预测能力,且加入可达性因子有助于提高模拟精度;1982~2020年广佛都市区空间和时间可达性格局由双核心圈层结构演变为单核心圈层结构,且时间可达性格局有明显的交通主干道指向性;城市扩展强度与扩展差异逐渐拉大,预测2020年扩展区域集中在白云与花都交界处、天河黄埔一带、顺德部分乡镇;都市区由无序扩张转变为交通指向性,随着可被开发的土地的减少,交通指向性的影响减弱;初期的城市用地规模越大,交通可达性提高越显著,但随着交通基础设施先行建设的开展,城市规模对交通可达性的正向影响减弱。未来侧重于完善站点的公共配套设施和提高土地利用效率等方面。  相似文献   
长江三角洲地区全新世以来环境变迁对人类活动的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对长江三角洲地区搜集的泥炭、贝壳砂堤、埋藏古树的测年数据,新石器时代考古遗址点的测年资料以及海拔高程等的分析表明:新石器时代人类的生产和生活与生态环境变迁有密切关系,表现出人类活动对环境变迁的适应。马家浜时期气候潮湿,地面水域扩大,房屋大多以干栏式为主,而且遗址大多分布在山坡和湖汊岸边稍高的岗地、土墩上;崧泽文化期湖泊沼泽比较多,遗址多建于河湖间高爽处;良渚文化时期泥炭埋藏点的分布较马家浜与崧泽文化时期少,而且距离湖泊较远,表明当时地理环境有所好转,适宜人类生活的空间变得更为宽广,遗址的分布开始分散。对古遗址高程以及埋藏古树、泥炭^14C年龄数据统计分析结果表明,新石器时代人类居住高程与地面水域扩张和缩小状况相一致。同时,研究结果也表明影响人们居住地高低的因素较多,先人们的“择高而居”在某种程度上也只是部分地防止海水倒灌及台风和洪水灾害的侵害而采取的一种解决手段,而不是全部,如良渚文化时期部分高遗址点是出于宗教因素。  相似文献   
针对移动容迟网络中的数据共享服务,提出基于社团的源路由算法(Social-based Source Routing,SSR)。将移动容迟网络中的数据共享过程分为摘要消息广播、兴趣消息回传与内容数据转发。利用分布式社团检测算法区别各节点的多社团结构,通过摘要消息广播构建节点间的社团路径(Community Path),并将共享数据沿社团路径进行基于单消息副本的转发。仿真结果表明算法在一定条件下能够达到与多副本转发算法类似的消息传输成功率,同时显著降低消息传输代价。  相似文献   
采用非定常势流理论,对高游速海洋动物所具有的新月形尾推进进行了分析,着重考虑了推进力能量的频率特性,并理论估算了一种海豚的实际游动状况。  相似文献   
The Yangtze Delta is one of the economically most developed areas in China. It is located in the eastern China monsoon region. Archaeological excavations and environment-archaeology studies over many years in this region provide exceptional information about climate changes, development of human civilization and also human-environment interactions. Archaeological excavations made in the study region reveal that the development of Neolithic cultures is not continuous, which may be a result of extreme climatic events. The analysis of 14C-dated buried paleotrees, peat and shell ridges show the rise and fall of human civilization in the study area. The research results presented in this paper confirm that human civilization collapsed six times in the Yangtze Delta, matching six high sea level epoches, peat accumulation and buried paleotrees formation periods respectively. This indicates that human activities in the Yangtze Delta are controlled by local climate changes and changing hydrological conditions. The collapse of the Liangzhu culture (5000 aBP-3800 aBP) in about 4000 aBP, after a tremendous flooding event, followed by a relatively backward Maqiao culture (3800 aBP-3200 aBP) confused researchers and aroused their great interest. The research results in this paper show that the collapse of the Liangzhu culture is a result of several factors, for example war and food shortage, but the flooding event occurred in the late Liangzhu culture epoch is the main factor therein.  相似文献   
中国位处环太平洋地震带与地中海-喜马拉雅地震带之间,陆域和海域地区的地质构造活动均非常强。随着沿海经济的持续、快速发展,特别是“21世纪海上丝绸之路”战略构想的提出,滨海、近海及海洋工程的抗震设防成为地震科学领域的热点研究方向。因此,迫切需要开展海域地震区划为工程抗震设防提供依据。国家重点研发计划项目“海域地震区划关键技术研究”以海域地震区划的基本原则、科学问题及关键技术为研究目标,提出海域地震区划图的编制原则,形成区划方法与技术系统,并通过典型海域地震区划的示范应用,为中国海域地震区划图编制提供技术支撑。经过两年的项目研究,编制完成了中国东部和南部海域活动构造框架图和3个典型海域(位于黄海、台湾海峡、南海内)地震构造简图,获得了中国海域及邻区俯冲带地震构造模型;建立了中国海域及邻区的统一地震目录,给出了中国近海大陆架地震带的地震活动性方案和参数;统计分析了海域与陆域场地上地震动以及内陆与俯冲带的不同震源类型地震的地震动特性差异,提出了基于地震动观测记录和地震模拟数据的地震动衰减模型构建方案;建立了中国海域及邻区海底地形及海床场地模型,给出了初步的海域场地地震动调整方法;分别开展了海上风力发电、桥梁及海底管道等海域工程及珊瑚岛礁的地震反应模拟分析,初步给出了海洋工程结构和岛礁对不同的地震动参数的敏感性特征;提出了典型示范区的地震区带及潜在震源区方案,形成了海域地震区划的原则与方法,完成了海域地震区划技术系统架构的设计。  相似文献   
Located in the headwater upstream of the Taihu Lake region, which is a densely populated and economically developed area in China, the West Tiaoxi River catchment is a frequently food-hit area due to its nature and climatic characteristics. During the last several decades, more than ten catastrophic floods happened in this area, causing huge economic losses. Since 1990, due to the increasing property vulnerability to flood hazard, the disasters were even more serious than before, and economic losses increased year by year. Thus, there have great importance to study flood behaviors, flood risks and their consequences. In this paper the hydrologic/hydraulic modelling is presented firstly. It is the method to study the relationship between rainfall and runoff and the flood propagation process. Secondly, the author gives the summary of the current study methods for flood risk assessment. The West Tiaoxi River catchment has a long history of the construction of polders and hydraulic engineering. Most farmlands have been protected against floods. So the combination method has been used to obtain the real risk area. The results have been obtained by using this method, which, the authors think, will be used in disaster preparedness, property insurance etc. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 49671028) and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). Biography: XU Peng-zhu (1965 —), male, a native of Funing County of Jiangsu Province, associate researcher. His research interests include hydrology and water resources, numerical modelling, and application of GIS to hydrology.  相似文献   
建立两级隔振系统的运动模型,推导系统的闭环传递函数并对传递函数进行分析。结果表明:1)系统采用PID反馈较当前超长弹簧中采用的PD反馈具有更好的等效阻尼系数调节功能。2)系统的等效固有周期主要受反馈比例系数kp影响,kp越大,等效固有周期越长,隔振效果越好;kp选定后,积分系数ki和微分系数kd共同影响系统的阻尼,且ki占主导地位,决定系统的稳定性。通过仿真验证了闭环传递函数分析结果的准确性,且仿真结果表明,系统在1 Hz处的隔振效果可达-70 dB。  相似文献   
The upper 40 m of stratigraphy of the Yellow River (Huang He) subaqueous delta has been well documented, but the nature of the underlying strata is currently unknown at high-resolution. To address this deficiency we used a Geopulse seismic system to image shallow sedimentary deposits up to 120 m deep on the Yellow River delta. High-resolution seismic reflection images were processed with a series of specific techniques (e.g. swelling attenuation, dynamic s/n filter; f-x deconvolution, predictive deconvolution dipscan stack), and used with borehole data to investigate the Quaternary offshore sequences in the Yellow River (Huang He) delta. Repetitive sequences were observed and interpreted as containing layers of transgressive and regressive deposits. Six seismic transgressive and regressive cycles are identified. Unit M6F–C6F correlates with a relative sea-level rise (173–157 ka) and fall (231–173 ka), while Unit M5F–C5F is associated with a relative sea-level rise (124–100 ka) and fall (157–124 ka). Unit M4F–C4F spans a period of sea-level fall at 100–87 ka, followed by a rise at 87–76 ka. Unit M3F–C3F is a transgressive–regressive cycle dated as 76–58 ka. Unit M2F–C2F correlates with relative sea level fall at 58.2–36 ka and subsequent rise at 36–22 ka. Unit M1F–C1F was deposited during relative sea level fall (22–18 ka), followed by a rise, especially since 8.5 ka.  相似文献   
Ganzhou District is an oasis city in the Zhangye Municipality of Gansu Province,China.Based on multi-temporal TM and ETM satellite remote sensing data in 1985,1996,2000,and 2012,and by using corrected figures of land use status over the same periods,the spatial area of Ganzhou District since 1985 was extracted with statistical methods,and urban spatial expansion was measured by quantitative research methods.The characteristics of spatial expansion of Ganzhou District were analyzed by urban expansion rate,expansion intensity index,compactness,fractal dimension,and the city center shift method.The results showed that the built-up area of Ganzhou District increased by 3.46 times during 1985–2012.The expansion in 1985–1996 was slow,during 1996–2000 it was rapid,and during 2000–2012 it was at a high speed.This city mainly expanded to the northeast and northwest.Government decision making had a decisive influence on urban expansion.Initially the expansion was uniform,but later the local transportation,economy,resources,population,and national policies factors had an obvious influence on urban expansion.  相似文献   
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