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In the summer of 1960, mammoth bones were discovered by a dragline operator in southern Wyoming at the Union Pacific (U.P.) Mammoth site. Although subsequent archaeological work during 1960 and 1961 identified artifacts in association with the mammoth remains, many authors have since questioned the nature of that association. Also, little has been published about the site other than a brief article in National Geographic Magazine in 1962. In this paper, we present additional information on the U.P. Mammoth site including stratigraphic profiles from the first author's geoarchaeological work in 1961, stratigraphic and spatial location of bones and artifacts derived from the original field notes, and new radiocarbon dates. Although the precise stratigraphic provenance for many artifacts and skeletal elements remains unclear, a compelling argument can be made for spatial and stratigraphic association of the mammoth remains with the artifact assemblage suggesting some kind of human interaction with the animal.  相似文献   
The self-diffusion of oxygen has been measured for three silicate melts along the join diopsideanorthite. The experiments were done by isotope exchange between an “infinite” reservoir of oxygen gas and spheres of melt. The oxygen self-diffusion coefficients for the three melts are given as: C-1(diopside): D = 1.64 × 101 exp(?(63.2 ± 20)(kcal/mole)/RT) cm2/sec C-2(Di58An42): D = 1.35 × 10?1 exp(?(46.8 ± 9)(kcal/mole)/RT) cm2/sec C-3(Di40An60): D = 1.29 × 10?2 exp(?(44.2 ± 6)(kcal/mole)/RT) cm2/secThe self-diffusion coefficients do not agree with the Eyring equation unless mean ionic jump distances (λ) considerably larger than the diameter of oxygen anion are assumed. However, the sense of variation of the actual diffusivities is as the Eyring equation predicts.Consideration of the results of this study and the bulk of previous work shows that oxygen appears to conform to the compensation law for cationic diffusion in silicate melts and glasses. The range of oxygen diffusivities was also found to encompass the field of divalent cation diffusivities in silicate melts.Those results imply that the diffusion of oxygen in silicate melts may involve a contribution from a cation-like diffusion mechanism (discrete O2? anions) as well as contributions from the diffusion of larger structural units.  相似文献   
A framework for estimating aquifer hydraulic properties using sinusoidal pumping is presented that (1) derives analytical solutions for confined, leaky, and partially penetrating conditions; (2) compares the analytical solutions with a finite element model; (3) establishes a field protocol for conducting sinusoidal aquifer tests; and (4) estimates aquifer parameters using the analytical solutions. The procedure is demonstrated in one surficial and two confined aquifers containing potentially contaminated water in coastal plain sediments at the Savannah River site, a federal nuclear facility. The analytical solutions compare favorably with finite-element solutions, except immediately adjacent to the pumping well where the assumption of zero borehole radius is not valid. Estimated aquifer properties are consistent with previous studies for the two confined aquifers, but are inconsistent for the surficial aquifer; conventional tests yielded estimates of the specific yield—consistent with an unconfined response—while the shorter-duration sinusoidal perturbations yielded estimates of the storativity—consistent with a confined, elastic response. The approach minimizes investigation-derived wastes, a significant concern where contaminated fluids must be disposed of in an environmentally acceptable manner. An additional advantage is the ability to introduce a signal different from background perturbations, thus easing detection.  相似文献   
Mining operations began at a world-class vermiculite deposit at Vermiculite Mountain near Libby, Montana, circa 1920 and ended in 1990. Fibrous and asbestiform amphiboles intergrown with vermiculite ore are suspected to be a causative factor in an abnormally high number of cases of respiratory diseases in former mine and mill workers, and in residents of Libby. The question addressed in this report is whether some of the amphibole from Vermiculite Mountain could have been dispersed by Pleistocene glacial processes rather than by human activity after vermiculite mining began. The history of Pinedale glaciation in the Libby area provides a framework for estimating the presence and distribution of asbestiform amphiboles derived from Vermiculite Mountain and found in naturally occurring sediments of Glacial Lake Kootenai that underlie the Libby Valley area. There were two situations where sediments derived from Vermiculite Mountain were deposited into Glacial Lake Kootenai: (1) as lake-bottom sediments derived from meltwater flowing down Rainy Creek when the valley south of Vermiculite Mountain was free of ice but active ice still covered Vermiculite Mountain; and (2) as lake-bottom sediments eroded from the Rainy Creek outwash and re-deposited during a re-advance of the Purcell Trench Glacier lobe near Moyie Springs, Idaho.  相似文献   
Todd L. Walton  Jr. 《Coastal Engineering》2005,52(12):1127-1132
Bypassing of the coastal sediment at inlets is required to prevent downdrift erosion or the filling in of navigation channels. When coastal structures such as jetties or terminal groins are placed along the inlet boundaries, bypassing is reduced but not eliminated. Bypassing solutions such as Pelnard-Considere (1956) [Pelnard-Considere, R., 1956. Essai de Theorie de l'Evolution des Forms de Rivages en Plage de Sable et de Galets, Fourth Journess de l'Hydralique, les energies de la Mer, Question III, Rapport No. 1, pp. 289–298.] are known although the effect of existing background erosion on such bypassing is not so well known. The occurrence of existing erosion due to offshore sand loss complicates the bypassing situation. The following note reviews existing analytical bypassing solutions and presents a solution and nomograms for solving a bypassed amount when existing erosion occurs along a shoreline and the sand which bypasses the updrift structure is assumed to reach the downdrift shoreline without being trapped in shoals or inlet channel.  相似文献   
A Bayesian network model has been developed to simulate a relatively simple problem of wave propagation in the surf zone (detailed in Part I). Here, we demonstrate that this Bayesian model can provide both inverse modeling and data-assimilation solutions for predicting offshore wave heights and depth estimates given limited wave-height and depth information from an onshore location. The inverse method is extended to allow data assimilation using observational inputs that are not compatible with deterministic solutions of the problem. These inputs include sand bar positions (instead of bathymetry) and estimates of the intensity of wave breaking (instead of wave-height observations). Our results indicate that wave breaking information is essential to reduce prediction errors. In many practical situations, this information could be provided from a shore-based observer or from remote-sensing systems. We show that various combinations of the assimilated inputs significantly reduce the uncertainty in the estimates of water depths and wave heights in the model domain. Application of the Bayesian network model to new field data demonstrated significant predictive skill (R2 = 0.7) for the inverse estimate of a month-long time series of offshore wave heights. The Bayesian inverse results include uncertainty estimates that were shown to be most accurate when given uncertainty in the inputs (e.g., depth and tuning parameters). Furthermore, the inverse modeling was extended to directly estimate tuning parameters associated with the underlying wave-process model. The inverse estimates of the model parameters not only showed an offshore wave height dependence consistent with results of previous studies but the uncertainty estimates of the tuning parameters also explain previously reported variations in the model parameters.  相似文献   
The present paper is an attempt to assess a variety of potential probabilistic models for the meteorologically driven storm surge component of a long term water level observation record at Sandy Hook, New Jersey. Simple assumptions are made with regard to the record, and the fitting of the extreme values of the data are assessed graphically in observation space for determining quality of fit in the upper tail of the data. Results are presented which show a comparison of typical distributions utilized along with some distributions not before utilized for coastal storm surge.  相似文献   
Control of BTEX Migration Using a Biologically Enhanced Permeable Barrier   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A permeable barrier system. consisting of a line of closely spaced wclls. was installed perpendicular to ground water flow to control the migration of a dissolved hydrocarhon plume. The wells were charged wiih concrete briquets that release oxygen and nitrate at a controlled rate. enhancing aerobic bio-degradation in the downgradient aquifer.
Laboratory batch reactor experiments were conducted to identify concrete mixtures that slowly released oxygcn over an extended time period. Concretes prepared with urea hydrogen peroxide were unsatisfactory, while concretes prepared with calcium peroxide and a proprietary formalation of magnesium peroxide (ORC®) gradually released oxygen at a steadily declining rate. The 21 percent MgO2 conerete cylinders and briquets released oxygen at measurable rates for up to 300 days, while the 14 percent CaO2 briquets were exhausted by 100 days.
A full-scale permeable barrier system using ORC was constructed at a gasoline-spill site. During the first 242 days of operation. total BTFX decreased from 17 to 3.4 mg/L. and dissolved oxygen increased from 0.4 to 1.8 mg/L. during transport through the barrier. Over time, BTEX treatment efficiencies declined. indicating the barrier system had becomc less effective in releasing oxygen and nutrients to the highly contaminated portion of the aquifer. Point dilution tests and sediment analyses performed at the conclusion of the project indicated that ihc aquifer in the vicinity of the remediation wells had been clogged by precipitation with iron minerals. This clogging is believed to result from high pH from the concrete and oxygen released by ihc ORC. Oxygen-releasing permeable barriers and other aerobic bioremediation processes should be used with caution in aquifers with high levels of dissolved iron.  相似文献   
The extension of the magnetic reversal record back to the early Miocene is presented. This record is pieced together with the aid of microfloral analysis from three low sedimentation rate siliceous deep sea cores from the Equatorial Pacific.Nineteen Magnetic Epochs are now recognized from the earliest Miocene to the Present. By correlating the micropaleontological data in our cores with selected foraminiferal datums from DSDP Leg IX we correlate these datums with the following magnetic epochs: the Pulleniatina Datum occurs in the lower part of Epoch 5, the G. acostaensis Datum occurs in Epoch 11, the G. nepenthes Datum occurs in Epoch 12, the Orbulina Datum at the Epoch 15/16 boundary and the G. dissimilis Datum in the lower part of Epoch 16. The Early/Middle Miocene boundary (Orbulina Datum) is tentatively placed at the top of Epoch 16.  相似文献   
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