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Abstract— The gravity‐driven collapse of complex impact craters induces the mass transfer of large rock volumes. In distal parts of a crater, inward movements dominate; whereas in the centre of an impact structure, outward movements occur if the central uplift collapses. The particle trajectory field is centro‐symmetric, which signifies that the conditions for plane‐strain deformation are not fullfilled. Converging particle trajectories can be compensated either by a bulk thickening of inward sliding masses (folding, repetition of rock units along thrust faults, plastic flow) or by the formation of localised radial transpression ridges (RTR) at the edges of individual landslides. In these transpression ridges, material is uplifted to accommodate the converging mass flow. Different modes of uplift are possible including radial folding, lateral overthrusting, and the formation of positive flower structures. A simple geometric model is used to estimate the amount of transpression thickening and bulk thickening of inward sliding masses on the base of volumetric considerations. The existence of RTRs is confirmed by structural investigations at the Siljan impact structure, Sweden, as well as at other complex impact craters on Earth.  相似文献   
The evolution on the AGB and beyond is reviewed with respect to the origin of Wolf-Rayet central stars. We focus on thermal pulses due to their particular importance for the evolution of hydrogen deficient stars. It is shown that overshoot applied to all convection regions is a key ingredient to model these objects leading to intershell abundances already close to the surface abundances of Wolf-Rayetcentral stars. In contrast to standard evolutionary calculations, overshoot models do show dredge up for very low envelope masses and efficient dredge up was found even during the post-AGB stage. Three thermal pulse scenarios for Wolf-Rayet central stars can nowbe distinguished: an AGB Final Thermal Pulse (AFTP) occurring at the very end of the AGB evolution, a Late Thermal Pulse (LTP) occurring during the post-AGBevolution when hydrogen burning is still on, and a Very Late Thermal Pulse (VLTP) occurring on the cooling branch when hydrogen burning has already ceased. All scenarios lead to hydrogen-deficient post-AGB stars with carbon and oxygen abundances as observed for Wolf-Rayet stars.Hydrogen is either diluted by dredge up (AFTP, LTP) or completely burnt (VLTP).  相似文献   
{We investigate the conversion of the 0.5–4 and 1–8 Å soft X-ray flux measurements made by detectors on the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) into temperature and emission measures of coronal plasma using modern spectral models and modern understanding of coronal abundances. In particular, the original analysis by Thomas, Starr and Crannell (1985) is updated to take into account the realization that coronal abundances may be quite different from photospheric abundances. An important result of this analysis is that the derived temperatures and emission measures depend strongly on the assumed abundances even at high temperatures where continuum rather than spectral lines dominates the Sun’s X-ray spectrum. This occurs because the higher coronal abundances mean that most of the continuum is due to free–bound emission processes, not free–free emission, and thus is abundance-dependent. We find significant differences between modern calculations of the temperature response of the flux measurements and the versions currently in use: for a typical flare, emission measures may be up to a factor of 4 smaller than the current software suggests. Derived temperatures are similar for both photospheric and coronal abundances for cool flares (e.g., 15 MK), but for hot flares (e.g., 35 MK) coronal abundances can lead to significantly (~25%) lower temperatures being derived.  相似文献   
The Solar–Stellar Irradiance Comparison Experiment {II (SOLSTICE {II), aboard the Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) spacecraft, consists of a pair of identical scanning grating monochromators, which have the capability to observe both solar spectral irradiance and stellar spectral irradiance using a single optical system. The SOLSTICE science objectives are to measure solar spectral irradiance from 115 to 320 nm with a spectral resolution of 1 nm, a cadence of 6 h, and an accuracy of 5%, to determine its variability with a long-term relative accuracy of 0.5% per year during a 5-year nominal mission, and to determine the ratio of solar irradiance to that of an ensemble of bright B and A stars to an accuracy of 2%. Those objectives are met by calibrating instrument radiometric sensitivity before launch using the Synchrotron Ultraviolet Radiation Facility at the National Institute for Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, Maryland. During orbital operations irradiance measurements from an ensemble of bright, stable, main-sequence B and A stars are used to track instrument sensitivity. SORCE was launched on 25 January 2003. After spacecraft and instrument check out, SOLSTICE {II first observed a series of three stars to establish an on-orbit performance baseline. Since 6 March 2003, both instruments have been making daily measurements of both the Sun and stars. This paper describes the pre-flight and in-flight calibration and characterization measurements that are required to achieve the SOLSTICE science objectives and compares early SOLSTICE{II measurements of both solar and stellar irradiance with those obtained by SOLSTICE {I on the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite.  相似文献   
It has been proposed that propagation of cosmic-rays at extreme-energy may be sensitive to Lorentz-violating metric fluctuations (“foam”). We investigate the changes in interaction thresholds for cosmic-rays and gamma-rays interacting on the CMB and IR backgrounds, for a class of stochastic models of space–time foam. The strength of the foam is characterized by the factor (E/MP)a, where a is a phenomenological suppression parameter. We find that there exists a critical value of a (dependent on the particular reaction: acrit3 for cosmic-rays, 1 for gamma-rays), below which the threshold energy can only be lowered, and above which the threshold energy may be raised, but at most by a factor of two. Thus, it does not appear possible in this class of models to extend cosmic-ray spectra significantly beyond their classical absorption energies. However, the lower thresholds resulting from foam may have signatures in the cosmic-ray spectrum. In the context of this foam model, we find that cosmic-ray energies cannot exceed the fundamental Planck scale, and so set a lower bound of 108 TeV for the scale of gravity. We also find that suppression of p→pπ0 and γ→ee+ “decays” favors values aacrit. Finally, we comment on the apparent non-conservation of particle energy–momentum, and speculate on its re-emergence as dark energy in the foamy vacuum.  相似文献   
We present the results of a deep radio observation of the globular cluster NGC 2808. We show that there are no sources detected within the core of the cluster, placing constraints on both the pulsar population of the cluster and the mass of a possible intermediate-mass black hole in NGC 2808. We compare the results for this cluster with other constraints on intermediate-mass black holes derived from accretion measures. With the exception of G1 in M 31 which has previously shown radio emission, even with considerably more conservative assumptions, only the clusters with the poorest of observational constraints are consistent with falling on the   M BH–σ  relation. This result is interpreted in terms of the fundamental differences between galaxies and globular clusters.  相似文献   
We have used Cassini stereo images to study the topography of Iapetus' leading side. A terrain model derived at resolutions of 4-8 km reveals that Iapetus has substantial topography with heights in the range of −10 km to +13 km, much more than observed on the other middle-sized satellites of Saturn so far. Most of the topography is older than 4 Ga [Neukum, G., Wagner, R., Denk, T., Porco, C.C., 2005. Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXVI. Abstract 2034] which implies that Iapetus must have had a thick lithosphere early in its history to support this topography. Models of lithospheric deflection by topographic loads provide an estimate of the required elastic thickness in the range of 50-100 km. Iapetus' prominent equatorial ridge [Porco, C.C., and 34 colleagues, 2005. Science 307, 1237-1242] reaches widths of 70 km and heights of up to 13 km from their base within the modeled area. The morphology of the ridge suggests an endogenous origin rather than a formation by collisional accretion of a ring remnant [Ip, W.-H., 2006. Geophys. Res. Lett. 33, doi:10.1029/2005GL025386. L16203]. The transition from simple to complex central peak craters on Iapetus occurs at diameters of 11±3 km. The central peaks have pronounced conical shapes with flanking slopes of typically 11° and heights that can rise above the surrounding plains. Crater depths seem to be systematically lower on Iapetus than on similarly sized Rhea, which if true, may be related to more pronounced crater-wall slumping (which widens the craters) on Iapetus than on Rhea. There are seven large impact basins with complex morphologies including central peak massifs and terraced walls, the largest one reaches 800 km in diameter and has rim topography of up to 10 km. Generally, no rings are observed with the basins consistent with a thick lithosphere but still thin enough to allow for viscous relaxation of the basin floors, which is inferred from crater depth-to-diameter measurements. In particular, a 400-km basin shows up-domed floor topography which is suggestive of viscous relaxation. A model of complex crater formation with a viscoplastic (Bingham) rheology [Melosh, H.J., 1989. Impact Cratering. Oxford Univ. Press, New York] of the impact-shocked icy material provides an estimate of the effective cohesion/viscosity at . The local distribution of bright and dark material on the surface of Iapetus is largely controlled by topography and consistent with the dark material being a sublimation lag deposit originating from a bright icy substrate mixed with the dark components, but frost deposits are possible as well.  相似文献   
In recently developed laser-driven shockless compression experiments an ablatively driven shock in a primary target is transformed into a ramp compression wave in a secondary target via unloading followed by stagnation across an intermediate vacuum gap. Current limitations on the achievable peak longitudinal stresses are limited by the ability of shaping the temporal profile of the ramp compression pulse. We report on new techniques using graded density reservoirs for shaping the loading profile and extending these techniques to high peak pressures.  相似文献   
We present the results of applying new object classification techniques to the supernova search of the Nearby Supernova Factory. In comparison to simple threshold cuts, more sophisticated methods such as boosted decision trees, random forests, and support vector machines provide dramatically better object discrimination: we reduced the number of nonsupernova candidates by a factor of 10 while increasing our supernova identification efficiency. Methods such as these will be crucial for maintaining a reasonable false positive rate in the automated transient alert pipelines of upcoming large optical surveys. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
Polarimetric reflectance measurements have been made at a wavelength of for a suite of predominantly lunar regolith simulants in support of development efforts for the BepiColombo Laser Altimeter (BELA). Measurements were made using an instrument at the University of Bern, Switzerland, that has been modified to accommodate photometric characterizations of laboratory samples down to 0° phase angle (g) with linearly polarized illumination and a linearly polarized receiver. The data reveal opposition surges that are dominated by polarization state-conserving reflectance terms for all samples. Relative strengths of the trans-state reflectance terms are lowest for the darkest samples, suggesting that multiple scattering is responsible for state conversions. Normal albedo measurements of the lunar simulants range from 0.13 to 0.22 at zero illumination angle (i=0°). The total reflectance of the regolith simulants at g=0° were found to decrease with increasing i, which is inconsistent with predictions of reflectance models for Mercury. However, the g=0° reflectance remains higher at i>0° than would be expected for a gray Lambert surface that is scaled to the g=i=0° reflectance value. Polarization ratios for reflectance under polarized illumination but unconstrained emission show that the samples scatter light in the in-plane polarization state more efficiently than in the transverse state at g=0° and i>0°. The opposite is true for g>0° polarization ratios, which indicate that transverse polarized illumination scatters more efficiently at high g. The polarization effect appears to correlate with the sample's characteristic grain size, but the statistical basis of this trend is weak. The implications of these measurements upon the performance of the BELA instrument are discussed.  相似文献   
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