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— We estimate the theoretical site response along seven cross sections located in the city of Thessaloniki (Greece). For this purpose the 2-D structural models used are based on the known geometry and the dynamic soil properties derived from borehole measurements and other geophysical techniques. Several double-couple sources have been employed to generate the seismic wavefield, and a hybrid method that combines the modal summation with finite differences, has been deployed to produce synthetic accelerograms to a maximum frequency of 6 Hz for all components of motion. The ratios between the response spectra of signals derived for the 2-D local model and the corresponding spectra of signals derived for the 1-D bedrock reference model at the same site, allow us to estimate the site response due to lateral heterogeneities. We interpret the results in terms of both geological and geometrical features of the models and of the characteristics of the wave propagation. The cases discussed confirm that the geometry and depth of the rock basement, along with the impedance contrast, are responsible for ground amplification phenomena such as edge effects and generation and entrapment of local surface waves. Our analysis also confirms that the peak ground acceleration is not well correlated with damage and that a substantially better estimator for possible damage is the spectral amplification.  相似文献   
The post-Miocene sedimentary and structural evolution of NW-continental Greece changes from west to east.In the west, along the Ionian coast, the tectonic activity of the Mio-Pliocene marine sedimentation is reflected in olisthostromes and intrafoliated folds. During the emergence of the area at the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary, low angle thrusting, dissolution cleavage and open NNW to NNE trending folds, were developed. This horizontal shortening is the result of active plate convergence between the Apulian plate and the Aegean plate. Subsequent vertical movements continuing till the precent, produces mainly NNW and ENE directed faults.In the east, between the Ionian coast and Pindus thrust, nonmarine sedimentation began, in the middle Pliocene, on a folded and partially eroded substratum. Long fault bounded intramountaneous basins formed during general uplift and extension in three directions: NNW, ENE and WNW. Extension in both areas, resulting from NNW and ENE faults, is interpreted in terms of the action of upwelling convective currents induced by the Hellenic subduction. As the Aegean back arc extension migrated slowly westwards, the whole study area was gradually affected by WNW trending grabens.
Zusammenfassung Spätmiozäne Sedimentationsprozesse sowie strukturelle Entwicklung ändern sich in NW kontinental-Griechenland in E-W Richtung.An der Ionischen Küste wurden während der spätmiozänen Absenkung des Sedimentationsraumes mächtige Olisthostrome und intrafoliale Falten gebildet. An der Grenze des Plio/Pleistozäns wurden flache überschiebungen, Lösungsschieferung und NNW bis NNE streichende, geöffnete Falten entwickelt. Diese tektonische Strukturen sind das Ergebnis aktiver Plattenkonvergenz zwischen der apulischen lithosphären-Platte und der ägäischen Platte. Während der postorogenen Aufhebung sind NNW und ENE streichende Verwerfungen entstanden.Im mittleren Pliozän wurden im Raum zwischen Ionischem Meer und der Pindos überschiebung auf dem gefalteten und teilweise erodierten Untergrund vorwiegend limnisch-terrestrische Sedimente abgelagert. Während der postorogenen Ausweitung sind Absenkungsräume in NNW- und ENE Richtung entstanden. Sie sind vermutlich das Ergebnis von Konvektionsströmungen innerhalb der Asthenosphäre, die durch die Hellenische Subduktion hervorgerufen wurden.Die Krustenausdehnung im ägäischen »back-arc basin« hat sich kontinuierlich gegen Westen verlagert, so da\ West-Griechenland zusätzlich von WNW streichenden Grabenstrukturen weitgehend deformiert ist.

Résumé La partie nord-occidentale de la Grèce continentale montre, d'est en ouest, une modification des processus sédimentaires et structuraux.A l'ouest, le long de la cÔte ionienne, la sédimentation marine subsidente tardi-miocène s'est accompagnée de puissants olisthostromes et de plis intrafoliaux. La limite Pliocène-Pleistocène a vu se développer des charriages peu inclinés et des plis ouverts NNE à NNW accompagnés d'une schistosité de dissolution. Ce raccourcissement horizontal est le résultat de la convergence des plaques apulienne et égéenne. Il a été suivi de mouvements subséquents verticaux, encore actifs aujourd'hui, responsables de failles de directions NNW et ENE.Plus à l'est, entre la cÔte ionienne et le charriage du Pinde, une sédimentation continentale s'est installée, au Pliocène moyen, sur le substratum plissé et partiellement érodé. Au cours du soulèvement post-orogénique, des bassins intramontagneux de grabens se sont formés selon trois directions: NNW, ENE et WNW. Les deux premières sont interprétées comme le résultat de courants de convection induits dans l'asthénosphère par la subduction hellénique. Les grabens WNW seraient en relation avec le déplacement progressif vers l'ouest de la zone d'extension crustale du bassin d'arrière-arc égéen.

, NW EW. . / , , NNW NNE. , . , NNW-ENE. - . NNW-ENE. , - , , . , , WNW.
The orbital period variations of the eclipsing binary BX And are examined analysing its (OC) diagram 1) with the standard method, in which the minima times are fitted by the quadratic ephemeris combined with an assumed light-time effect, and 2) with the first continuous method. The results from the use of the two methods are, as was expected, different.  相似文献   
In a cross section along the Rhodopian zone from the Greece/Bulgarian border through the postalpine basins in the Xanthi area to Thasos island detailed structural mapping and collection of field data enable us to determine a sequence of tectonic stages that affected this area. This allows us to propose a model of continental collision.During the early Eocene, NE-SW directed movements produced a southwest facing pile of crystalline nappes with internal deformation comprising NW and NE trending isoclinal folds and a NE-SW trending stretching lineation. After a short time interval, nappe movements started again under brittle deformation conditions and produced composite thrust sheets, WNW- and NNE trending chevron folds and thick cataclasite. Late erogenic uplift and extension caused the formation of NW- and NE trending normal faults. These faults bounded the Oligocene flysch- and molasse basins and provided pathways for voluminous magmatic suites. This tectonic process was interrupted at the Oligocene/Miocene boundary by a late orogenic compression reflected in NW open folds and dissolution cleavages. Subsequently, differential uplift and subsidence associated with NW- and NE trending normal faults has continued up to the present time. From the early Pliocene new fragmentation and thinning of the crust reflected in WNW listric faults and NNE transfer faults has affected the southern parts of the Rhodopian zone.Nappe forming movements are the result of a progressive collisional process involving a Kimmerian microcontinent lying between the Eurasia and Apulia continents. In the final stages of this collision, uderplating processes led to regional uplift and extension. Additional extensional movements were related to the formation of the Aegean back arc basin caused by the Late Cenozoic Hellenic subduction zone.
Zusammenfassung Durch Gefügedatensammlung und strukturelle Kartierung in einer Geotraverse durch die Rhodopische-Zone von der griechisch-bulgarischen Grenze, die sich über das postalpine Becken der Xanthi-Gegend bis zur Insel Thassos hinzieht, wurde sowohl die Zeitabfolge der tektonischen Ereignisse definiert als auch ein Kontinental-Kollisionsmodel aufgestellt.Während dem unteren Eozän haben NE-SW streichende Bewegungen einen südwestlich vergenten kristallinen Deckenstappel gebildet, der von NW- und NE streichenden Isoklinalfalten und einer SW streichenden Strekkungslineation innendeformiert wurde. Nach einer kurzen Zeitspanne haben Deckenbewegungen unter Bruchbedingungen wiederbegonnen. Dadurch wurden zusammengesetztes Deckenstappel, WNW and NNE streichende Knickfalten und mächtige Kataklasite gebildet. Postorogenetisches Aufsteigen des Gebirges wird von NW- und NE streichenden Abschiebungen gekennzeichnet. Diese Verwerfungen begrenzen Oligozäne Flysch- und Molassebecken und stellen Aufstiegswege von magmatischen Produkten dar, die stellenweise die Erdoberfläche erreichten. An der Grenze Oligozän-Miozän zeigt eine postorogene Kompression NW gerichtete geöffneteFalten und eine begleitende Lösungsschieferung. Nach dieser kurzen Unterbrechung setzt sich das Aufsteigen des Gebirges bis heute fort bei gleichzeitigen NW- und NE gerichteten Abschiebungen. Seit dem unteren Pliozän wird eine Zerspaltung und Ausdünnung der Kruste sowohl durch WNW gerichtete-listrische-Abschiebungen als auch durch NNE gerichtete »Transfer«-Verwerfungen hervorgerufen.Deckenbewegungen sind das Ergebnis eines kontinuierlichen Kollisionsprozesses, der einen Kimmerischen Mikrokontinent miteinbezieht, welcher zwischen dem Eurasischen- und dem Apulischen Kontinent lag. In den letzten Stadien der Kollision führte Plattenverdickung zu einem Aufsteigen des Gebirges, das von regionaler Ausdehnung begleitet wird. Eine weitere Ausdehnung bezieht sich auf die Bildung des Ägäischen »black arc basin« das durch die rezente Hellenische Subduktionszone hervorgerufen wurde.

Résumé Dans une géotraverse de la zone du Rhodope, depuis la frontière gréco-bulgare, à travers les bassins post-alpins de la région de Xanthi et jusqu'à l'île de Thasos, on a effectué une cartographie structurale de détail et diverses observations de terrain. Cette investigation a permis de définir la succession des événements tectoniques et de proposer un modèle de collision continentale.Pendant l'Eocène inférieur, des mouvements de direction NE-SW ont engendré un empilement de nappes cristallines à vergence SW dont les structures de déformation interne comprennent des plis isoclinaux de directions NW et NE ainsi qu'une linéation d'étirement NE-SW. Après une courte pause, le mouvement des nappes a repris dans des conditions de déformation cassante, avec production de lames charriées composites, de plis en chevrons orientés WNW et NNE et de zones cataclasitiques épaisses. Un soulèvement orogénique tardif accompagné d'une extension crustale a ensuite engendré des failles normales de directions NW et NE. Ces failles ont délimité les bassins oligocènes de flysch et de molasse et ont ouvert la voie à de volumineuses venues magmatiques qui, par endroits, ont atteint la surface. Ces processus tectoniques ont été interrompus à la limite Oligocène-Miocène parune compression tardi-orogénique responsable de plis ouverts orientés NW et d'une schistosité de dissolution. Par la suite, des mouvements de soulèvement et de subsidence différentiels se sont poursuivis jusqu'aujourd'hui. A partir du début du Pliocène, les parties méridionales de la zone du Rhodope ont été le siège de nouveaux processus de fragmentation et d'amincissement de la croûte, qui se sont traduits par des failles listriques WNW et par des décrochements.La genèse des nappes résulte d'un processus progressif de collision impliquant un microcontinent kimmérien compris entre les continents eurasien et apulien. Lors des stades finals de cette collision, des phénomènes d' «underplating» ont provoqué un soulèvement de l'ensemble accompagné d'une extension à l'échelle régionale. Des mouvements d'extension ultérieurs sont en relation avec la formation du bassin d'arrière-arc égéen engendré par la zone de subduction hellénique au Cénozoïque supérieur.

, - - Xanthi Thassos, . , NE SW , , , , - -, , -. , . , WNW NNE . , NW NE . , - . - - NW . , , NW NE. , - , - . , , . , . («back arc basin»), .
For numerical studies of geotechnical structures under earthquake loading, aiming to examine a possible failure due to liquefaction, using a sophisticated constitutive model for the soil is indispensable. Such model must adequately describe the material response to a cyclic loading under constant volume (undrained) conditions, amongst others the relaxation of effective stress (pore pressure accumulation) or the effective stress loops repeatedly passed through after a sufficiently large number of cycles (cyclic mobility, stress attractors). The soil behaviour under undrained cyclic loading is manifold, depending on the initial conditions (e.g. density, fabric, effective mean pressure, stress ratio) and the load characteristics (e.g. amplitude of the cycles, application of stress or strain cycles). In order to develop, calibrate and verify a constitutive model with focus to undrained cyclic loading, the data from high-quality laboratory tests comprising a variety of initial conditions and load characteristics are necessary. It is the purpose of these two companion papers to provide such database collected for a fine sand. Part II concentrates on the undrained triaxial tests with strain cycles, where a large range of strain amplitudes has been studied. Furthermore, oedometric and isotropic compression tests as well as drained triaxial tests with un- and reloading cycles are discussed. A combined monotonic and cyclic loading has been also studied in undrained triaxial tests. All test data presented herein will be available from the homepage of the first author. As an example of the examination of an existing constitutive model, the experimental data are compared to element test simulations using hypoplasticity with intergranular strain.  相似文献   
Initial fabric of a soil induced by its cyclic strain history is an important parameter among others like void ratio, state of stress and amplitude concerning the further accumulation of deformations under cyclic loading. It is of high importance to determine methods in order to estimate the initial fabric of the grain skeleton or the cyclic loading history of the soil. An attempt is made in this paper to correlate small strain stiffness of non-cohesive soil with its cyclic loading history. For this purpose several cyclic triaxial tests with specimens subjected to cyclic axial loading were performed and changes of small strain soil properties due to this cyclic loading were studied. All these tests showed only moderate changes of small strain stiffnesses independently of the different boundary conditions. Thus, a correlation between fabric or strain history and small strain stiffnesses seems not to be possible.  相似文献   
Ozone is an important observable tracer of martian photochemistry, including odd hydrogen (HOx) species important to the chemistry and stability of the martian atmosphere. Infrared heterodyne spectroscopy with spectral resolution ?106 provides the only ground-based direct access to ozone absorption features in the martian atmosphere. Ozone abundances were measured with the Goddard Infrared Heterodyne Spectrometer and the Heterodyne Instrument for Planetary Wind and Composition at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility on Mauna Kea, Hawai'i. Retrieved total ozone column abundances from various latitudes and orbital positions (LS=40°, 74°, 102°, 115°, 202°, 208°, 291°) are compared to those predicted by the first three-dimensional gas phase photochemical model of the martian atmosphere [Lefèvre, F., Lebonnois, S., Montmessin, F., Forget, F., 2004. J. Geophys. Res. 109, doi:10.1029/2004JE002268. E07004]. Observed and modeled ozone abundances show good agreement at all latitudes at perihelion orbital positions (LS=202°, 208°, 291°). Observed low-latitude ozone abundances are significantly higher than those predicted by the model at aphelion orbital positions (LS=40°, 74°, 115°). Heterogeneous loss of odd hydrogen onto water ice cloud particles would explain the discrepancy, as clouds are observed at low latitudes around aphelion on Mars.  相似文献   
The paper discusses the determination of a set of constants for the high‐cycle accumulation model (HCA) proposed by the authors. The HCA model predicts permanent strains or excess pore water pressures in non‐cohesive soils due to a cyclic loading with a large number of cycles and with small to intermediate strain amplitudes. The laboratory tests necessary for the determination of the material constants and their analysis are explained in detail in this paper. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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