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In the case of the dynamic analysis of the structures using the recorded earthquake ground motions, it is usually assumed that the ground motion consists of body waves propagating vertically. However, the response of a long and narrow structure may be influenced by the oblique propagation of body waves and the dispersion of surface waves. In this paper, the effects of the seismic wave propagation on the response of this kind of structure are investigated. The characteristics of the wave propagation were verified using the recorded motions and soil information at the building site. The ground motion at every input point of the building was evaluated using the difference of arrival time of seismic waves calculated by assuming the velocity and the direction of the wave propagation. Using these ground motions, response analyses of the lumped mass model for the structure were performed. By considering the characteristics of the seismic wave propagation, the average response decreased but the local response increased around the end of the roof. Further studies of the structure were also performed in order to restrain the response around the end of the roof.  相似文献   
We investigated the potential of ALOS/PALSAR for estimating the above-ground biomass (AGB) and other biophysical parameters (tree height, diameter at breast height (DBH), and tree stand density) in the boreal forest of Alaska. In July 2007, forest surveys were conducted along a south–north transect (150°W) to profile the ecotone from boreal forest to tundra in Alaska. In situ parameters were measured in 29 forests by a combination of the Bitterlich angle-count sampling method and the sampled-tree measuring method. These in situ values were compared with the backscatter intensity of ALOS/PALSAR. A strong positive logarithmic correlation was found between the backscatter intensity and the forest AGB, with the correlation being stronger in the HV than in the HH polarization mode. No obvious saturation was found in the sensitivity of the HV mode backscatter intensity to the forest AGB up to 120.7 Mg ha?1. Similarly, a robust sensitivity was found in the HV backscatter intensity to both tree height and DBH, but weak sensitivity was observed for tree density. The regression curve of HV backscatter intensity to the forest AGB appeared to be intensified by the uneven forest floor, particularly for forests with small AGB. The geographical distribution of the forest AGB was mapped, demonstrating a generally south-rich and north-poor forest AGB gradient.  相似文献   
The hydrographic structure of the region of large meander of the Kuroshio and the large cold water mass, which were formed in 1975, was observed down to the ocean bottom, during three cruises of the R/VHakuho Maru in September 1975, September 1976, and December 1977. The analysis of observed data indicates the following common features: the horizontal gradient of the specific volume anomaly exists down to a 3,500 db surface, corresponding to the existence of baroclinic geostrophic current down to this depth. These facts demonstrate that the current of the Kuroshio is not confined to the upper layer during periods of existence of the large meander. On a T-S diagram, the Kuroshio water and the water in the large cold water mass can be discriminated down to a 5°C surface, but there is evidence of mixing due to conspicuous interleaving between the two water masses, near the thermocline. Below the thermocline, water types defined by points on the T-S diagram can be traced from a deeper level in the Kuroshio water to a shallower level in the cold water mass, indicating that in the deeper layers the Kuroshio water continues to be uplifted toward the center of the cold water mass. The same inference is also obtained from the distribution of dissolved oxygen.  相似文献   
Stream temperature ranged from 3 to 4°C at an experimental site during snowmelt on Hokkaido Island, Japan, which provided direct evidence of major contributions of subsurface water to stream water. In contrast, stream temperatures during rainstorms in summer decreased gradually after stream flow peaked, attaining a nearly constant temperature ranging from 9 to 11°C. During storm flow recession, stream temperatures during summer or snowmelt were similar to the soil temperature at 1·8 m below the land surface, suggesting that subsurface water contributions to stream flow are derived from this depth. The hygrographs during two rainstorms, August 1987 and September 1989, were separated using temperature. The stream temperature was assumed to depend on the mixing of surface flow, having a temperature ranging from that of rainfall to that of shallow (50 cm deep) soil water, and subsurface flow, having the temperature of the soil at 1·8 m below the land surface. Subsurface flow was estimated to contribute 85–90% of the total stream flow during each rainstorm. A two‐component hydrograph separation was also evaluated using specific conductance. Runoff contributions from the two sources for the temperature and specific conductance analysis were similar. Analysis of the temperature and conductance–discharge hysteresis loop, and of individual flow components for storm hygrographs, provide a general picture of the runoff process in the experimental basin. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We retrieved samples of peridotite from a dredge haul (KH92-1-D2) collected during Cruise KH92-1 undertaken by the research vessel (R/V) Hakuho in 1992 at the landward trench slope of the southern Mariana Trench (11°41.16′N, 143°29.62′E; depth 6594–7431 m), which is the deepest ocean in the world. Ten of 30 retrieved samples possessed both a foliation and lineation, as assessed from 46 thin sections of various orientations and observations of hand samples. The samples showed marked variation in microstructure, ranging from coarse (> 5 mm) equigranular and intensely elongated textures to finer (< 1 mm) porphyroclastic and fine-grained equigranular textures. Olivine fabrics also varied among the different samples, with (010)[100] and (010)[001] patterns (termed A- and B-type, respectively) observed in samples with coarse textures and no clear patterns observed in samples with fine textures. Even though the peridotite samples were retrieved from a single dredge site, some contain primary tectonic microstructures and some contain secondary microstructures. Recent bathymetric and topographic analyses indicate that the lithosphere in this region is as thin as 20 km. Such a thin lithosphere may have been intensely deformed, even perhaps in the ductile regime, during fore-arc extension; consequently, the observed variations in microstructure within the peridotite samples probably reflect the complex tectonic evolution of the southern Mariana region.  相似文献   
Abstract During the Hakuho‐Maru KH03‐3 cruise and the Tansei‐Maru KT04‐28 cruise, more than 1000 rock samples were dredged from several localities over the Hahajima Seamount, a northwest–southeast elongated, rectangular massif, 60 km × 30 km in size, with a flat top approximately 1100 m deep. The rocks included almost every lithology commonly observed among the on‐land ophiolite outcrops. Volcanic rocks included mid‐oceanic ridge basalt (MORB)‐like tholeiitic basalt and dolerite, calc‐alkaline basalt and andesite, boninite, high‐Mg adakitic andesite, dacite, and minor rhyolite. Gabbroic rocks included troctolite, olivine gabbro, olivine gabbronorite (with inverted pigeonite), gabbro, gabbronorite, norite, and hornblende gabbro, and showed both MORB‐type and island arc‐type mineralogies. Ultramafic rocks were mainly depleted mantle harzburgite (spinel Cr? 50–80) and its serpentinized varieties, with some cumulate dunite, wehrlite and pyroxenites. This rock assemblage suggests a supra‐subduction zone origin for the Hahajima Seamount. Compilation of the available dredge data indicated that the ultramafic rocks occur in the two northeast–southwest‐oriented belts on the seamount, where serpentinite breccia and gabbro breccia have also developed, but the other areas are free from ultramafic rocks. Although many conical serpentinite seamounts 10 km in size are aligned along the Izu–Ogasawara (Bonin)–Mariana forearc, the Hahajima Seamount may be better interpreted as a fault‐bounded, uplifted massif composed of ophiolitic thrust sheets, resembling the Izki block of the Oman ophiolite in its shape and size. The ubiquitous roundness of the dredged rocks and their thin Mn coating (<2 mm) suggest that the Hahajima Seamount was uplifted above sealevel and wave‐eroded, like the present Macquarie Is., a rare example of ophiolite exposure in an oceanic setting. The Ogasawara Plateau on the Pacific Plate is adjacent to the east of the Hahajima Seamount, and collision and subduction of the plateau may have caused uplift of the forearc ophiolite body.  相似文献   
To investigate the realistic ground behavior during tunneling, a new device has been developed. With the new device, model tests of tunnel excavation considering an existing tunnel and an existing building were carried out. Non-linear finite element analyses corresponding to the model tests were also conducted using FEMtij-2D software where an elastoplastic subloading t ij model was used to describe the mechanical behavior of soil. Earth pressure distribution around the tunnels and ground movements during tunnel excavation depend on the distance and position between the twin tunnels. There is a significant effect of tunneling on the existing foundation of building even in the case where the tunnel is constructed in deep underground. The numerical analyses capture well the results of the model tests.  相似文献   
Elastomeric isolation bearings consist of multiple rubber layers with their top and bottom surfaces bonded to steel plates to restrict compressive deformation. Deformation constraints result in a variation of elastic modulus over the cross section of the rubber layers. In this paper, we describe a normalized compression modulus distribution on a circular rubber pad. The compressive and bending moduli of the rubber pad can be reproduced by applying the distribution to a series of axial springs. We also present a mechanical model for predicting the behavior of elastomeric seismic isolation bearings subject to large shear deformation and high compressive load. The mechanical model consists of a series of multiple shear springs at midheight and a series of axial springs at the top and bottom interfaces of the bearing. Simulation analyses of bearing tests were conducted to validate the proposed model. The analyses demonstrated that a model for circular lead-rubber bearings can successfully capture the influence of the axial load magnitude on the bearing shear behavior. The new model can simulate much more realistic behavior than prior models based on a uniform modulus assumption.  相似文献   
An intra-arc rift (IAR) is developed behind the volcanic front in the Izu arc, Japan. Bimodal volcanism, represented by basalt and rhyolite lavas and hydrothermal activity, is active in the IAR. The constituent minerals in the rhyolite lavas are mainly plagioclase and quartz, whereas mafic minerals are rare and are mainly orthopyroxene without any hydrous minerals such as amphibole and biotite. Both the phenocryst and groundmass minerals have felsic affinities with a narrow compositional range. The petrological and bulk chemical characteristics are similar to those of melts from some partial melting experiments that also yield dry rhyolite melts. The hydrous mineral-free narrow mineral compositions and low-Al2O3 affinities of the IAR rhyolites are produced from basaltic middle crust under anhydrous low-temperature melting conditions. The IAR basalt lavas display prominent across-arc variation, with depleted elemental compositions in the volcanic front side and enriched compositions in the rear-arc side. The across-arc variation reflects gradual change in the slab-derived components, as demonstrated by decreasing Ba/Zr and Th/Zr values to the rear-arc side. Rhyolite lavas exhibit different across-arc variations in either the fluid-mobile elements or the immobile elements, such as Nb/Zr, La/Yb, and chondrite-normalized rare earth element patterns, reflecting that the felsic magmas had different source. The preexisting arc crust formed during an earlier stage of arc evolution, most probably during the Oligocene prior to spreading of the Shikoku back-arc basin. The lack of systematic across-arc variation in the IAR rhyolites and their dry/shallow crustal melting origin combines to suggest re-melting of preexisting Oligocene middle crust by heat from the young basaltic magmatism.  相似文献   
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