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Finite element modeling on a highly conceptualized 2-D model of fluid flow and heat transport is un-dertaken to simulate the paleo-hydrological system as if the Mount Isa deposits were being formed in the Mount Isa basin, Northern Australia, and to evaluate the potential of buoyancy force in driving ba-sin-scale fluid flow for the formation of sedimentary-exhalative (SEDEX) deposits. Our numerical case studies indicate that buoyancy-driven fluid flow is controlled mainly by the fault penetration depth and i...  相似文献   
The Ljubljana Moor basin is characterized by moderate bedrock topography and thicknesses of Quaternary lacustrine and fluvial sediments ranging from 0 to 200 m. More than 65 boreholes which reached the bedrock were drilled in the area, but their distribution in the basin is very uneven and some data from the boreholes uncertain. There are also no data on S-velocity distribution within the basin, but seismic refraction measurements pointed out a rather uniform increase of P-velocity with depth, great impedance contrast with the bedrock and relatively small lateral velocity variations. The microtremor horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) method was therefore applied as a complementary tool to seismic refraction survey to map the thickness of sediments. First, microtremors were measured at the locations of boreholes which reached the bedrock and the resonance frequencies determined. The inverse power relationship between the resonance frequency and the thickness of sediments was then determined from 53 data pairs. The quality of the correlation is moderate due to possible heterogeneities in sediments and possible 3D effects in some minor areas, but the obtained parameters correspond well to the values obtained in six other European basins. Secondly, a 16 km-long discontinuous seismic refraction profile was measured across the whole basin, leaving uncovered some larger segments where active seismic measurements were not possible. Microtremors were then measured at 64 locations along the same profile, using 250 m point spacing, without leaving any gaps. The frequency–thickness relationship was used to invert resonance frequencies to depths. These were first validated using the results of the seismic refraction survey, which showed good agreement, and finally used for interpolation in the segments of missing refraction data to obtain a continuous depth profile of the bedrock. The study has shown that the microtremor method can be used as a complementary tool for mapping the thickness of unconsolidated sediments also in areas characterized by moderate bedrock topography. As the input data are always to some extent uncertain, it is important to have a sufficiently large number of borehole data to establish a frequency–thickness relationship, as well as some additional independent geophysical information for its validation.  相似文献   
Water flooding disasters are one of the five natural coal-mining disasters that threaten the lives of coal miners. The main causes of this flooding are water-conducting fractured zones within coal seams. However, when resistivity methods are used to detect water-conducting fractured zones in coal seams, incorrect conclusions can be drawn because of electrical anisotropy within the water-conducting fractured zones. We present, in this paper, a new geo–electrical model based on the geology of water-conducting fractured zones in coal seams. Factors that influence electrical anisotropy were analyzed, including formation water resistivity, porosity, fracture density, and fracture surface roughness, pressure, and dip angle. Numerical simulation was used to evaluate the proposed electrical method. The results demonstrate a closed relationship between the shape of apparent resistivity and the strike and dip of a fracture. Hence, the findings of this paper provide a practical resistivity method for coal-mining production.  相似文献   
地质雷达在活动断裂研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于快速发生沉积和侵蚀的地区,断裂附近的古地震遗迹会很快被掩埋。获取这些地区断裂的位置、上断点的埋深和标志层的断距等方面的数据至关重要。本文利用地质雷达探测技术探测这些被埋藏的古地震遗迹。以北京平原区正断性质的新夏垫断裂和青藏高原东北缘六盘山地区逆冲性质的六盘山东麓断裂为实验区。通过探测发现,对于断裂两侧地表覆盖层主要为粉土或粉质粘土的新夏垫断裂,地质雷达可精确定位断裂通过的位置,指示上断点的埋深,但无法在地质雷达剖面上识别出各套地层。对于在T1基座阶地上通过的六盘山东麓断裂,地质雷达不但可以精确定位断裂的位置,而且可以在地质雷达剖面上识别出各套地层,进而求得断裂两侧基座的断距。  相似文献   
复杂地表条件下高斯波束叠前深度偏移(英文)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在复杂地表条件的区域,地震数据的采集和处理是一项极大的挑战。虽然可以通过静校正来消除起伏地表的影响,然而当地表高程以及近地表速度剧烈变化时,简单的垂直时移对地震波场造成的畸变会严重降低偏移成像的质量。基于射线的偏移方法可以直接在起伏地表面进行波场的延拓成像,是解决上述问题的有效手段。本文针对复杂地表条件下的高斯波束叠前深度偏移进行研究,对倾斜叠加公式进行修改,使之包含地表高程以及速度的信息,通过直接在复杂地表面进行平面波的合成,得到了一种具有更高成像精度的改进方法。首先简单介绍常规高斯波束偏移的基本原理和计算流程,并以此为基础,给出复杂地表条件下高斯波束偏移原有的实现方法以及本文的改进方法,最后通过模型和实际资料的试算验证本文方法的有效性。  相似文献   
利用四川地区2010 ~ 2013 年流动重力观测数据作出的重力场动态变化图像和重力段差时序变化图像,对芦山7. 0 级地震前后的重力场动态演化特征进行了研究,结果表明:震前重力场经历了约3 年的重力增大和约1 年的减小变化,重力变化呈“上升→加速上升→减速上升→加速下降→减速下降”特征; 芦山地震发生在重力场变化由下降转为上升的回调过程中;震后重力场变化以较快的速度恢复到接近震前状况,并出现重力正值变化异常区域;临震前震中区域重力场变化数值较小,构造带活动速度变慢。  相似文献   
This study constructs a 3D velocity structure model of the Ludian region in the Yunnan province, southwestern China, and simulates ground motion propagation of the 2014 Ludian Ms 6.5 earthquake. It aims to construct the local velocity structure of the Ludian region in three dimensions and with high precision. The simulation, using the spectral element method, is validated by field data from the Ludian earthquake records. Thus, it demonstrates that the adopted key parameters, such as the seismic source mechanism, propagation medium and geographical features of the engineering site, are appropriated for the simulation. Meanwhile, the simulation generates the ground motion distribution of the study region with an earthquakeinduced landslide in Ludian earthquake.  相似文献   
Tsunami deposits provide a basis for reconstructing Holocene histories of great earthquakes and tsunamis on the Pacific Coast of southwest Japan. The deposits have been found in the past 15 years at lakes, lagoons, outcrops, and archaeological excavations. The inferred tsunami histories span 3000 years for the Nankai and Suruga Troughs and nearly 10,000 years for the Sagami Trough. The inferred histories contain recurrence intervals of variable length. The shortest of these —100–200 years for the Nankai Trough, 150–300 years for the Sagami Trough — resemble those known from written history of the past 1000–1500 years. Longer intervals inferred from the tsunami deposits probably reflect variability in rupture mode, incompleteness of geologic records, and insufficient research. The region's tsunami history could be clarified by improving the geologic distinction between tsunami and storm, dating the inferred tsunamis more accurately and precisely, and using the deposits to help quantify the source areas and sizes of the parent earthquakes.  相似文献   
基于BISQ模型的三维双相各向异性介质数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
Biot-flow and squirt-flow are the two most important fluid flow mechanisms in porous media containing fluids. Based on the BISQ (Biot-Squirt) model where the two mechanisms are treated simultaneously, the elastic wave-field simulation in the porous medium is limited to two-dimensions and two-components (2D2C) or two-dimensions and three-components (2D3C). There is no previous report on wave simulation in three- dimensions and three-components. Only through three dimensional numerical simulations can we have an overall understanding of wave field coupling relations and the spatial distribution characteristics between the solid and fluid phases in the dual-phase anisotropic medium. In this paper, based on the BISQ equation, we present elastic wave propagation in a three dimensional dual-phase anisotropic medium simulated by the staggered-grid high-order finite-difference method. We analyze the resulting wave fields and show that the results are an improvement.  相似文献   
We obtain the preliminary result of crustal deformation velocity field for the Chinese continent by analyzing GPS data from the Crustal Motion Observation Network of China (CMONOC), particularly the data from the regional networks of CMONOC observed in 1999 and 2001. We delineate 9 technically active blocks and 2 broadly distributed deformation zones out of a dense GPS velocity field, and derive block motion Euler poles for the blocks and their relative motion rates. Our result reveals that there are 3 categories of deformation patterns in the Chinese continent. The first category, associated with the interior of the Tibetan Plateau and the Tianshan orogenic belt, shows broadly distributed deformation within the regions. The third category, associated with the Tarim Basin and the region east of the north-south seismic belt of China, shows block-like motion, with deformation accommodated along the block boundaries only. The second category, mainly associated with the borderland of the Tibetan Plateau, such as the Qaidam, Qilian, Xining (in eastern Qinghai), and the Diamond-shaped (in western Sichuan and Yunnan) blocks, has the deformation pattern between the first and the third, i.e. these regions appear to deform block-like, but with smaller sizes and less strength for the blocks. Based on the analysis of the lithospheric structures and the deformation patterns of the regions above, we come to the inference that the deformation modes of the Chinese continental crust are mainly controlled by the crustal structure. The crust of the eastern China and the Tarim Basin is mechanically strong, and its deformation takes the form of relative motion between rigid blocks. On the other hand, the northward indentation of the Indian plate into the Asia continent has created the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and the Tianshan Mountains, thickened their crust, and raised the temperature in the crust. The lower crust thus has become ductile, evidenced in low seismic velocity and high electric conductivity observed. The brittle part of the crust, driven by the visco-plastic flow of the lower crust, deforms extensively at all scales. The regions of the second category located at the borderland of the Tibetan Plateau are at the transition zone between the regions of the first and the third categories in terms of the crustal structure. Driven by the lateral boundary forces, their deformation style is also between the two, in the form of block motion and deformation with smaller blocks and less internal strength.  相似文献   
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