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Sulfate fluids are common fluids in nature, and their salinity studies can provide important information for the evolution of ore-forming fluids, migration and enrichment of ore-forming elements, and the classification of deposit types. Considerable research has been carried out to investigate the solubility of Na2SO4 and K2SO4 in hydrothermal fluids, however most of the literature reported experimental data were under saturated vapor pressure or the water supercritical region. A few data have been reported for the low temperature hydrothermal mineralization region. Thermodynamic model is a useful method to study the properties of hydrothermal geofluids, especially for mineral solubility. Pitzer interaction model is one of the most widely used model to calculate the thermodynamic properties of hydrothermal fluids, but few work have ever been carried out to calculate the solubility of sulfate at high temperature and pressure. With Pitzer specific interaction model, using the literature reported density data of Na2SO4 and K2SO4 solutions at high temperature and pressure, the pressure effect on Pitzer activity coefficient of sulfate and the standard partial molar volume change during sulfate dissolution process were evaluated and related parameters were obtained. The standard partial molar volumes of Na2SO4 and K2SO4 calculated with these parameters agreed well with those reported in the literature. Combined with the relevant parameters in the literature under saturated vapor pressure, a thermodynamic model for Na2SO4 and K2SO4 solubility calculation with temperature up to 250 ℃ and pressure up to 40 MPa was developed. The model gave very good agreement with the experimental solubility data. With this model, Na2SO4 and K2SO4 solubility was calculated at high temperature and pressure. The calculation results showed that pressure had a positive effect on both the average activity coefficient and solubility product of Na2SO4 and K2SO4, but the solubility of Na2SO4 and K2SO4 decreased with pressure due to the larger change of the average activity coefficient with pressure. And as the temperature increased, the degree of such reduction became larger. The results herein can provide instructions for the compositional analysis of sulfate fluid inclusions.  相似文献   
内蒙古自治区胜利煤田煤-锗矿床元素地球化学性质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内蒙古自治区胜利煤田煤-锗矿是新近发现的特大型锗矿床,矿区元素地球化学性质表现为:碱性元素Ca、K、Na、Mg、Al等相对富集,锗与其关系为正相关;轻重稀土元素分异度较大,轻稀土元素较为富集,随锗含量的递增,轻稀土元素由富集逐渐减弱,重稀土元素逐渐出现较弱富集;锗含量与REE、LREE负相关,与LREE/REE、δEu正相关,与La/Yb、La/Sm、(La/Yb)n、(La/Sm)n、δCe值均呈负相关关系;而锗含量与灰分指数呈负相关关系。成煤沼泽中比较平静停滞的水文条件有利于溶液中的锗被有机质充分吸附。胜利煤田煤-锗矿形成环境为弱碱性及还原性较强的环境。煤-锗矿床的稀土元素地球化学特征具有继承性,稀土主要来自物源区的无机物质,胜利煤田西南部盆缘的岩石富含锗,可能就是煤-锗矿床中锗的原始来源。锗源母岩区全锗的供给和全锗进入成煤沼泽后的水文地质条件对锗在泥炭中的富集具有控制作用。  相似文献   
Humic Ion-Binding Model V, which focuses on metal complexation with humic and fulvic acids, was modified to assess the role of dissolved natural organic matter in the speciation of rare earth elements (REEs) in natural terrestrial waters. Intrinsic equilibrium constants for cation-proton exchange with humic substances (i.e., pKMHA for type A sites, consisting mainly of carboxylic acids), required by the model for each REE, were initially estimated using linear free-energy relationships between the first hydrolysis constants and stability constants for REE metal complexation with lactic and acetic acid. pKMHA values were further refined by comparison of calculated Model V “fits” to published data sets describing complexation of Eu, Tb, and Dy with humic substances. A subroutine that allows for the simultaneous evaluation of REE complexation with inorganic ligands (e.g., Cl, F, OH, SO42−, CO32−, PO43−), incorporating recently determined stability constants for REE complexes with these ligands, was also linked to Model V. Humic Ion-Binding Model V’s ability to predict REE speciation with natural organic matter in natural waters was evaluated by comparing model results to “speciation” data determined previously with ultrafiltration techniques (i.e., organic acid-rich waters of the Nsimi-Zoetele catchment, Cameroon; dilute, circumneutral-pH waters of the Tamagawa River, Japan, and the Kalix River, northern Sweden). The model predictions compare well with the ultrafiltration studies, especially for the heavy REEs in circumneutral-pH river waters. Subsequent application of the model to world average river water predicts that organic matter complexes are the dominant form of dissolved REEs in bulk river waters draining the continents. Holding major solute, minor solute, and REE concentrations of world average river water constant while varying pH, the model suggests that organic matter complexes would dominate La, Eu, and Lu speciation within the pH ranges of 5.4 to 7.9, 4.8 to 7.3, and 4.9 to 6.9, respectively. For acidic waters, the model predicts that the free metal ion (Ln3+) and sulfate complexes (LnSO4+) dominate, whereas in alkaline waters, carbonate complexes (LnCO3+ + Ln[CO3]2) are predicted to out-compete humic substances for dissolved REEs. Application of the modified Model V to a “model” groundwater suggests that natural organic matter complexes of REEs are insignificant. However, groundwaters with higher dissolved organic carbon concentrations than the “model” groundwater (i.e., >0.7 mg/L) would exhibit greater fractions of each REE complexed with organic matter. Sensitively analysis indicates that increasing ionic strength can weaken humate-REE interactions, and increasing the concentration of competitive cations such as Fe(III) and Al can lead to a decrease in the amount of REEs bound to dissolved organic matter.  相似文献   
广州市2005年热岛强度变化特征   总被引:13,自引:12,他引:13  
分析2005年广州市市区和郊区的8个自动气象观测站气象资料得出,热岛强度(UHI)具有明显的日、月和季节变化。一般来说,广州市UHI夜间〉UHI白天;UHI干(10月-次年5月)〉UHI雨事(6-8月份);UHI春季〉UHI夏季。用不同的温度指标计算出的UHI略有不同:UHI最低气温为1.50℃、UHI平均气温为1.16℃、UHI最高气温为0.61℃。  相似文献   
溃变理论在汕头暴雨天气预测中的应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
运用溃变理论的V-3θ图结构分析方法和溃变图分析了汕头的一场暴雨天气,说明怎样运用溃变理论对汕头暴雨天气进行预测分析。结果表明:V-3θ图对暴雨天气预测有着较好的指示特征,溃变图对天气形势的演变有较好的指示意义,溃变理论在暴雨天气预测中有参考价值。  相似文献   
Groundwater recharge and discharge in the Akesu alluvial plain were estimated using a water balance method. The Akesu alluvial plain (4842 km2) is an oasis located in the hyperarid Tarim River basin of central Asia. The land along the Akesu River has a long history of agricultural development and the irrigation area is highly dependent on water withdrawals from the river. We present a water balance methodology to describe (a) surface water and groundwater interaction and (b) groundwater interaction between irrigated and non‐irrigated areas. Groundwater is recharged from the irrigation system and discharged in the non‐irrigated area. Uncultivated vegetation and wetlands are supplied from groundwater in the hyperarid environment. Results show that about 90% of groundwater recharge came from canal loss and field infiltration. The groundwater flow from irrigated to non‐irrigated areas was about 70% of non‐irrigated area recharge and acted as subsurface drainage for the irrigation area. This desalinated the irrigation area and supplied water to the non‐irrigated area. Salt moved to the non‐irrigation area following subsurface drainage. We conclude that the flooding of the Akesu River is a supplemental groundwater replenishment mechanism: the river desalinates the alluvial plain by recharging fresh water in summer and draining saline regeneration water in winter. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Eclogites characterized by a garnet + clinopyroxene + orthopyroxene + sanidine + rutile assemblage are reported for the first time in the eastern Bangong suture, central Tibet (China). Garnet and sanidine are exsolved from clinopyroxene. Al‐exchange barometer for orthopyroxene and garnet and K concentrations in clinopyroxene indicate a peak pressure of ~4 GPa. The occurrence of these ultrahigh‐pressure rocks implies the subduction of continental crust to a depth of >130 km along the eastern Bangong suture zone during the Early Jurassic. The denudation of these ultrahigh‐pressure metamorphic rocks could have provided a significant source for the Jurassic turbidites in the western Bangong ocean basin.  相似文献   
China lies in East-Asian monsoon region,which is one of the well-known active monsoonzones around the world.Monsoon anomaly results in frequent natural disasters,such as drought,torrential rain and flood.In 1998,joint intensified observations for 4 major meteorologicalscientific experiments have been carried out over Chinese major monsoon affected areas.A numberof valuable data have been obtained and some observational facts have come out after initialanalysis.The present paper is to give an introduction to the 4 major meteorological scientificexperiments conducted in 1998 in China.including its origin and scientific goals,implementationand planning,equipment and progress,and initial findings from the important observational facts.It aims to provide a comprehensive report on the progress of the above experiments for those whoare interested in.  相似文献   
Warm sea-surface temperature (SST) biases in the southeastern tropical Atlantic (SETA), which is defined by a region from 5°E to the west coast of southern Africa and from 10°S to 30°S, are a common problem in many current and previous generation climate models. The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) ensemble provides a useful framework to tackle the complex issues concerning causes of the SST bias. In this study, we tested a number of previously proposed mechanisms responsible for the SETA SST bias and found the following results. First, the multi-model ensemble mean shows a positive shortwave radiation bias of ~20 W m?2, consistent with models’ deficiency in simulating low-level clouds. This shortwave radiation error, however, is overwhelmed by larger errors in the simulated surface turbulent heat and longwave radiation fluxes, resulting in excessive heat loss from the ocean. The result holds for atmosphere-only model simulations from the same multi-model ensemble, where the effect of SST biases on surface heat fluxes is removed, and is not sensitive to whether the analysis region is chosen to coincide with the maximum warm SST bias along the coast or with the main SETA stratocumulus deck away from the coast. This combined with the fact that there is no statistically significant relationship between simulated SST biases and surface heat flux biases among CMIP5 models suggests that the shortwave radiation bias caused by poorly simulated low-level clouds is not the leading cause of the warm SST bias. Second, the majority of CMIP5 models underestimate upwelling strength along the Benguela coast, which is linked to the unrealistically weak alongshore wind stress simulated by the models. However, a correlation analysis between the model simulated vertical velocities and SST biases does not reveal a statistically significant relationship between the two, suggesting that the deficient coastal upwelling in the models is not simply related to the warm SST bias via vertical heat advection. Third, SETA SST biases in CMIP5 models are correlated with surface and subsurface ocean temperature biases in the equatorial region, suggesting that the equatorial temperature bias remotely contributes to the SETA SST bias. Finally, we found that all CMIP5 models simulate a southward displaced Angola–Benguela front (ABF), which in many models is more than 10° south of its observed location. Furthermore, SETA SST biases are most significantly correlated with ABF latitude, which suggests that the inability of CMIP5 models to accurately simulate the ABF is a leading cause of the SETA SST bias. This is supported by simulations with the oceanic component of one of the CMIP5 models, which is forced with observationally derived surface fluxes. The results show that even with the observationally derived surface atmospheric forcing, the ocean model generates a significant warm SST bias near the ABF, underlining the important role of ocean dynamics in SETA SST bias problem. Further model simulations were conducted to address the impact of the SETA SST biases. The results indicate a significant remote influence of the SETA SST bias on global model simulations of tropical climate, underscoring the importance and urgency to reduce the SETA SST bias in global climate models.  相似文献   
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