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横切潍北-莱州湾凹陷郯庐断裂带的地震反射剖面和断裂带内的凹陷断层、沉积相和油气特征,直接或间接显示了郯庐断裂带的延伸、运动性质和活动时限。郯庐断裂带在海域和陆上的几何形态及其组合基本一致,根据切过断裂带的剖面和平面上断层的组合特征,判断其为兼具垂直位移的走滑运动断层系。走滑断裂带的活动控制着凹陷内同构造沉积以及构造样式,表明郯庐断裂带的活动时限具分段性,相当于渤海湾盆地孔店组(E1?2k)-沙四段(E2?3s4)沉积期(古新世-早始新世)-孔店组-沙二段(E2?3s2)沉积期(古新世-始新世)-孔店组-沙一段(E2?3s1)(古新世-渐新世)沉积时期,走滑拉分活动由南向北迁移; 活动方式也由古新世-早始新世的左旋走滑活动,被早始新世之后的右旋走滑活动所替代。  相似文献   
Lead concentrations and isotopes in aerosols from Xiamen, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To investigate the magnitude and origin of lead (Pb) pollution in the atmosphere of Xiamen, China, 40 aerosol samples were collected from the coast of Xiamen from January to December 2003. All these samples were measured for Pb isotopic compositions (208Pb/206Pb = 2.10897 ± 0.00297, 207Pb/206Pb = 0.85767 ± 0.00159, n = 40) using a Multi-collector-Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (MC-ICPMS). Thirty-five out of forty samples were also measured for Pb concentrations (79.1 ± 38.3 ng/m3, n = 35) by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). The results indicate that the Pb concentrations display significant seasonal variations while Pb isotopic ratios remain relatively constant. The Pb concentrations were high in January and February, abruptly decreased in March, remained relatively constant (but low) from April to August, and then gradually increased from September to December. This corresponds to the rainless climate in winter and rain scavenging in summer. The higher Pb concentration of Xiamen aerosols in winter and spring may be also caused by long-range transferred anthropogenic Pb during the northeastern monsoon seasons. Although the use of leaded gasoline in Xiamen was banned in 2000, our new data indicate that the Pb annual concentrations of aerosols in Xiamen increased about 12% when compared to the data measured between 1991 and 1993. Thus, Pb pollution in the atmosphere of Xiamen has not receded even after the phase-out of leaded gasoline. Our results further confirm the previous studies’ conclusion that the primary source of atmospheric Pb in China, especially in South China, is the vast combustion of lead-containing coal, not leaded gasoline.  相似文献   
黄淮地区触发对流天气的干线特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用高空和地面观测、欧洲中期预报中心再分析资料(ERA5)以及卫星云图,统计2010—2019年4—9月我国黄淮地区触发对流天气的干线特征。结果表明:干线主要出现在山东德州附近和豫北周边地区,多呈准西北—东南向和准东北—西南向;长度集中在100~200 km,宽度在50~100 km;多出现在14:00(北京时,下同)或17:00;多发生在高空冷涡形势下,低层多有切变线(或辐合线)配合,地面多位于入海高压后部。地面气象要素统计显示:干线干侧温度较湿侧偏高1.9 ℃,湿侧露点温度较干侧偏高6.8 ℃,干线两侧温度梯度为-2.7 ℃·(100 km)-1,露点温度梯度为10.1 ℃·(100 km)-1,比湿梯度为5.9 g·kg-1·(100 km)-1。探空参数统计结果表明:干线湿侧大气可降水量略高于干侧,925 hPa,850 hPa和700 hPa湿侧比湿均大于干侧;对流有效位能湿侧平均值远大于干侧;干线两侧700 hPa,850 hPa与500 hPa温度差非常接近,即黄淮地区干线两侧对流有效位能的显著差异主要由干线两侧低层水汽条件差异造成,干线两侧条件不稳定度大致相当。  相似文献   
一次MCS过程的卫星云图和数值模拟分析   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文应用卫星云图与数值模拟结果对2000年6月2日发生的一次影响江苏的江淮气旋暴雨过程进行研究分析,阐述了这次暴雨过程表现的MCS基本特征。分析表明:MCS的形成可以由几个中β尺度对流云或对流带开始,在特定的环境场中汇合成合并;在其发展过程中必须维持湿度平流,低层到中层有暖平流,骨强偏南风急流伸向形成区,同时在其东北方向有一支高空西风急流相耦合;低层的辐合、整层凝结潜热的释放、垂直运动的增强、高层的辐散引起的正反馈机制是MCS发展的动因。  相似文献   
近年来引起我国地质界广泛注意的内蒙地轴解体论所建立的基础是清河镇群蛇绿岩和清河镇小壳动物群。解体论者认为这些广泛分布在中朝陆台北缘近20000km的东西延伸带上的不同岩层都是和温都尔庙群相似的蛇绿岩,并且其中都产有早寒武世小壳动物化石。最新研究已证实清河镇动物群不是生物化石,而是用酸处理岩石样品过程中的化学沉淀物和少量现代植物碎屑混入物的组合。大量地质资料也证明这个带上主要分布早前寒武纪变质杂岩和稍晚的裂谷堆积,所谓的清河镇群蛇绿岩是错误的地质观察和岩石鉴定造成的。  相似文献   
GPS与测距仪短距离测量精度探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GPS用于较短距离测量(几米到千米)的精度能够达到什么的量级,是工程测量者比较关注的问题。我们在一项特殊的工程中,同时使用GPS接收机和测距仪进行了距离测量,根据实测数据,分析GPS用于短距离测量所达到的精度。  相似文献   
Sishili Bay is the most important aquiculture and tourism area for the city of Yantai, China; however, red tides occurred frequently and have caused huge economic losses in this bay in recent years. To gain a better understanding of the local ecological environments in the bay, we conducted this research between 2003 and 2008 to analyze variations in nutrients and chlorophyll (chl-a) during high frequency red tide period (May to September). The results show that the chl-a concentration increased from 2.70 in 2003 to 7.26 mg/m3 in 2008, while the concentration of total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) and silicate (SiO3-Si) increased lineally from 5.18 and 1.45 μmol/L in 2003 to 18.57 and 9.52 μmol/L in 2008, respectively, and the annual phosphate (PO4-P) varied between 0.15 and 0.46 μmol/L. Special attention was given to a red tide in August 2007 occurred when water temperature was high and nutrient concentrations increased sharply because of a heavy rainfall. Overall, the results show the P limitation in Sishili Bay, and reveal that red tides were caused by eutrophication from terrestrial inputs and local warm weather, particularly during rainy periods. Therefore, to control red tide, greater efforts should be made to reduce sewage discharges into Sishili Bay, particularly during rainfall seasons.  相似文献   
成都平原的形成与演化   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
成都平原是位于青藏高原东南侧前缘的第四纪压陷盆地,东西两侧分别被龙泉山和龙门山所限。研究表明,成都平原的第四纪断陷作用从大邑-彭县-绵竹隐伏断裂和浦江-新津-成都-德阳断裂所夹的北东向断块的为民陷开始,然后向东西两侧扩展。不同断裂在不同时代的逆冲运动对成都平原的形成和演化起重要的制约作用。  相似文献   
人们认识自然总是从实践到理论,再从理论到实践.没有理论指导的实践是盲目的实践,没有实践基础的理论是空洞的理论,只有理论与实践密切结合,才能有所发现,有所进步.  相似文献   
文章将周期结构原理与导纳方法结合起来,分析了带复合结构单元的有阻尼的有限周期系统的波传播和振动特性,得到了有限周期结构自振频率的一般表达式。  相似文献   
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