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On 25 April 1998 the tailings dam of the Aznalcóllar mine burst, a great quantity of pyrite waste sludge and acid water was spilled reaching the vicinity of the Doñana National Park. In surface and ground water samples taken a week after dam breaking, metals, trace elements and Pb isotopic ratios (206Pb/207Pb and 208Pb/206Pb) were analysed. In September 1998 a second sampling survey was carried out. The surface waters have a similar isotopic composition as the lead contained in the pyrite from the Aznalcóllar mine. The polluted groundwater of the Guadiamar aquifer also shows the influence of the mining origin of the lead. Lead isotope ratios (206Pb/207Pb and 208Pb/206Pb) in the groundwater of the Almonte-Marismas are very low and they differ clearly from the rest of groundwater samples. A further group of wells has a lead isotope composition intermediate between the Aznalcóllar mine and the atmospheric aerosols of the Iberian Peninsula.  相似文献   
Inverse problem in hydrogeology   总被引:14,自引:6,他引:8  
The state of the groundwater inverse problem is synthesized. Emphasis is placed on aquifer characterization, where modelers have to deal with conceptual model uncertainty (notably spatial and temporal variability), scale dependence, many types of unknown parameters (transmissivity, recharge, boundary conditions, etc.), nonlinearity, and often low sensitivity of state variables (typically heads and concentrations) to aquifer properties. Because of these difficulties, calibration cannot be separated from the modeling process, as it is sometimes done in other fields. Instead, it should be viewed as one step in the process of understanding aquifer behavior. In fact, it is shown that actual parameter estimation methods do not differ from each other in the essence, though they may differ in the computational details. It is argued that there is ample room for improvement in groundwater inversion: development of user-friendly codes, accommodation of variability through geostatistics, incorporation of geological information and different types of data (temperature, occurrence and concentration of isotopes, age, etc.), proper accounting of uncertainty, etc. Despite this, even with existing codes, automatic calibration facilitates enormously the task of modeling. Therefore, it is contended that its use should become standard practice.
Resumen Se sintetiza el estado del problema inverso en aguas subterráneas. El énfasis se ubica en la caracterización de acuíferos, donde los modeladores tienen que enfrentar la incertidumbre del modelo conceptual (principalmente variabilidad temporal y espacial), dependencia de escala, muchos tipos de parámetros desconocidos (transmisividad, recarga, condiciones limitantes, etc), no linealidad, y frecuentemente baja sensibilidad de variables de estado (típicamente presiones y concentraciones) a las propiedades del acuífero. Debido a estas dificultades, no puede separarse la calibración de los procesos de modelado, como frecuentemente se hace en otros campos. En su lugar, debe de visualizarse como un paso en el proceso de entendimiento del comportamiento del acuífero. En realidad, se muestra que los métodos reales de estimación de parámetros no difieren uno del otro en lo esencial, aunque sí pueden diferir en los detalles computacionales. Se discute que existe amplio espacio para la mejora del problema inverso en aguas subterráneas: desarrollo de códigos amigables al usuario, acomodamiento de variabilidad a través de geoestadística, incorporación de información geológica y diferentes tipos de datos (temperatura, presencia y concentración de isótopos, edad, etc), explicación apropiada de incertidumbre, etc. A pesar de esto, aún con los códigos existentes, la calibración automática facilita enormemente la tarea de modelado. Por lo tanto, se sostiene que su uso debería de convertirse en práctica standard.

Résumé Létat du problème inverse des eaux souterraines est synthétisé. Laccent est placé sur la caractérisation de laquifère, où les modélisateurs doivent jouer avec lincertitude des modèles conceptuels (notamment la variabilité spatiale et temporelle), les facteurs déchelle, plusieurs inconnues sur différents paramètres (transmissivité, recharge, conditions aux limites, etc.), la non linéarité, et souvent la sensibilité de plusieurs variables détat (charges hydrauliques, concentrations) des propriétés de laquifère. A cause de ces difficultés, le calibrage ne peut être séparé du processus de modélisation, comme cest le cas dans dautres cas de figure. Par ailleurs, il peut être vu comme une des étapes dans le processus de détermination du comportement de laquifère. Il est montré que les méthodes dévaluation des paramètres actuels ne diffèrent pas si ce nest dans les détails des calculs informatiques. Il est montré quil existe une large panoplie de techniques d ‹inversion : codes de calcul utilisables par tout-un-chacun, accommodation de la variabilité via la géostatistique, incorporation dinformations géologiques et de différents types de données (température, occurrence, concentration en isotopes, âge, etc.), détermination de lincertitude. Vu ces développements, la calibration automatique facilite énormément la modélisation. Par ailleurs, il est souhaitable que son utilisation devienne une pratique standardisée.
Summer boundary-layer height at the plateau site of Dome’C,antarctica   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Measurements of the mean and turbulent structure of the planetary boundary layer using a sodar and a sonic anemometer, and radiative measurements using a radiometer, were carried out in the summer of 1999–2000 at the Antarctic plateau station of Dome C during a two-month period. At Dome C strong ground-based inversions dominate for most of the year. However, in spite of the low surface temperatures (between −50 and −20 °C), and the surface always covered by snow and ice, a regular daytime boundary-layer evolution, similar to that observed at mid-latitudes, was observed during summertime. The mixed-layer height generally reaches 200–300 m at 1300–1400 LST in high summer (late December, early January); late in the summer (end of January to February), as the solar elevation decreases, it reduces to 100–200 m. A comparison between the mixed-layer height estimated from sodar measurements and that calculated using a mixed-layer growth model shows a rather satisfactory agreement if we assign a value of 0.01–0.02 m s−1 to the subsidence velocity at the top of the mixed layer, and a value of 0.003–0.004 K m−1 to the potential temperature gradient above the mixed layer.  相似文献   
Analytical expressions are derived for the variances of some types of the periodograms due to normal-distributed noise present in the data. The equivalence of the Jurkevich and the Warner and Robinson methods is proved. The optimum phase cell number of the Warner and Robinson method is given; this number depends on the data length, signal form and noise level. The results are illustrated by numerical examples.  相似文献   
Karabash (52°2 N, 60°10 E) is a copper smelting town in the southern Ural Mountains of Russia. The town is affected by sulphur dioxide emissions and deposition of metal-rich particulates from the smelter, acid drainage from old mine workings, and leachates from disused waste dumps and tailings dams. The close proximity of houses to these sources of pollution is of concern to human health and has devastated terrestrial vegetation in the environs. The environmental impact of the smelter on lakes in the area has been assessed using chironomids. Short sediment cores were taken from 16 lakes within a 50 km radius of the smelter and the composition of the chironomid fauna from the bottom of each core, representing conditions prior to the commissioning of the smelter in 1910, was compared with the present chironomid fauna in the surface sediments. Redundancy analysis (RDA) showed that changes in the chironomid fauna of most lakes were driven by trophic change, independent of the industrial activity. Lakes and ponds adjacent to the smelter and waste dumps, which directly receive contaminated waters were devoid of macro- and mesofauna and flora, but there is no evidence that other lakes have been severely impacted by smelter emissions. Local geology ensures that the lakes are well-buffered to the effects of acid deposition which will limit the bioavailability of metals in the water column and sediment.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Aufgaben der Felsmechanik bei neuzeitlichen Tunnelrekonstruktionen. Für die neuzeitliche Tunnelbauweise müssen neue Erkundungsmethoden mit erweitertem Umfang felsmechanischer Prüfungen angewandt werden. Diese Forderung soll ebenso bei Rekonstruktionen erfüllt werden. Außer den mechanischen Eigenschaften werden auch die innere Spannung im Felsmassiv und in der Ausmauerung, die Mächtigkeit der gelockerten Zone sowie die Injektions- und Verankerungsmöglichkeit bestimmt.
Summary The Function of Rock Mechanics in Modern Tunnelling. For modern methods of tunnel driving it is necessary to apply new procedures of geological investigations including large-scale rock mechanics tests. This view holds equally for reconstruction projects. In addition to the mechanical properties of the rock masses it is necessary to determine the intrinsic stresses in the rock and in the tunnel lining, the thickness of the inelastic (relaxed) zone around the tunnel, as well as the possibility of grouting and anchoring.

Résumé Application de la mécanique des roches aux méthodes modernes de construction et de reconstruction des tunnels. Dans la technique moderne des tunnels il est nécessaire d'appliquer de nouvelles méthodes de reconnaissance comportant davantage d'essais de mécanique des roches. La même exigence est valable pour la reconstruction des tunnels. Outre les propriétés mécaniques du massif rocheux, on déterminera aussi les contraintes dans le rocher et dans le revêtement, l'épaisseur de la zone décomprimée et même les possibilités d'injection et de boulonnage.

Vortrag, gehalten beim XIX. Geomechanik-Kolloquium in Salzburg am 17. Oktober 1969.

Mit 2 Abbildungen  相似文献   
The comparisons of the Earth gravity field models by the order of their harmonic coefficients, performed with the basic lumped coefficients (Planet. Space Sci.29, 653, 1981, Paper I) are here extended to cover all harmonic coefficients (both odd and even degree). The lumped coefficients (the “e-terms” and “longitudinal” terms), corresponding to 18 Earth models, are compared mutually (Figs. 2–15). The large differences, observed for various models and orders, are of particular interest: they are gathered into Table 1. The result of Paper I was a little pessimistic. The same is true here: various inhomogeneities, sometimes very large, in the accuracy of the harmonic coefficients must exist—even for low orders. Most of our comments and objections, however, relate to the older Earth models, which have only a historical value now. Our comparisons are only relative ones; an actual test of the accuracy of the models (their calibration) is possible via data with independent status (Kloko?ník, 1982, 1983).  相似文献   
Biomonitoring of atmospheric deposition loads of 13, 14 and 35 elements and their compounds through moss analysis was carried out in the Czech Republic (CZ) in 1991, 1995 and 2000, respectively. The last biomonitoring campaign revealed very high contents of typical soil elements and lanthanides in southern Moravia. The variations in current element contents in moss, which can be explained by the action of six factors, were correlated with altitude, with total biennial precipitation, and with the bedrock types in the sampling plots. The element contents in moss samples repeatedly collected from the identical plots showed a steady decrease in atmospheric deposition loads in the CZ in the last decade of the 20th century. The main reasons for this phenomenon are listed. The results of cluster analyses and PCAs have found no substantial changes in the qualitative element composition of atmospheric deposition in CZ in recent years. Isoline maps are presented, which document changes in the distribution of Cd, Pb and S contents in moss in 1995 and 2000. An estimate of absolute deposition loads (g m–2 year–1) for given areas of the CZ can be made, using the list of bulk deposition indices.  相似文献   
The water quality of the Pozuelos-Murillo lagoon system in southern Mexico was evaluated during three periods between March and October 2002, with particular emphasis on the detection of organochlorine and organophosphorous pesticide residues in water and sediments. Physicochemical and microbiological parameters of water were also measured and integrated in a water quality index (WQI). Multivariate analysis was used to regionalise the lagoon system as a function of the behaviour of all measured parameters. Solid phase micro-extraction followed by gas chromatography (SPME-GC) was used for pesticide analysis. The concentration of phosphorous was found to be higher than that of nitrogenous compounds. This, besides a deficiency in dissolved oxygen and a high organic matter concentration (as COD), reflects eutrophication processes in some areas of the system. Measured levels of faecal coliforms and oils and greases were above the limits established by Mexican law and comparable to the concentrations reported for other highly polluted systems in Mexico. Residues of DDD (2.0 microg L(-1)) in water and DDE (247 ng g(-1)) and endosulfan I (814 ng g(-1)) sediments were detected by SPME-GC. The spatial distribution of these contaminants implies major potential risks because the most polluted sites were found to be those with the highest fishing activity. Although in general the WQI is on acceptable levels (65-80%), some contamination problems are evident.  相似文献   
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