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Martian meteorites, in particular shergottites, contain darkened olivine (so‐called “brown olivine”) whose color is induced by iron nanoparticles formed in olivine during a shock event. The formation process and conditions of brown olivine have been discussed in the Northwest Africa 2737 (NWA 2737) chassignite. However, formation conditions of brown olivine in NWA 2737 cannot be applied to shergottites because NWA 2737 has a different shock history from that of shergottites. Therefore, this study observed brown olivine in the NWA 1950 shergottite and discusses the general formation process and conditions of brown olivine in shergottites. Our observation of NWA 1950 revealed that olivine is heterogeneously darkened between and within grains different from brown olivine in NWA 2737. XANES analysis showed that brown olivine contains small amounts of Fe3+ and TEM/STEM observation revealed that there is no SiO‐rich phase around iron metal nanoparticles. These observations indicate that iron nanoparticles were formed by a disproportionation reaction of olivine (3Fe2+olivine → Fe0metal + 2Fe3+olivine + Volivine, where Volivine means a vacancy in olivine). Some parts of brown olivine show lamellar textures in SEM observation and Raman peaks in addition to those expected for olivine, implying that brown olivine experienced a phase transition (to e.g., ringwoodite). In order to induce heterogeneous darkening, heterogeneous high temperature of about 1500–1700 K and shock duration of at least ~90 ms are required. This heterogeneous high temperature resulted in high postshock temperature (>900 K) inducing back‐transformation of most high‐pressure phases. Therefore, in spite of lack of high‐pressure phases, NWA 1950 (= Martian meteorites with brown olivine) experienced higher pressure and temperature compared to other highly shocked meteorite groups.  相似文献   
Mosses are a dominant component of high-arctic terrestrial ecosystems, yet little is known regarding the abundance and diversity of fungi associated with these abundant plants. We investigated vertical patterns of abundance and diversity of fungi and their relationship with chemical properties within profiles of Hylocomium splendens and Racomitrium lanuginosum collected in the Oobloyah Bay area on Ellesmere Island, Canada. The moss profiles were divided into 6 (H. splendens) and 5 (R. lanuginosum) layers according to the color and texture, and hyphal length, fungal assemblages, and contents of organic chemical components (acid-unhydrolyzable residues, total carbohydrates, extractives) and nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) were measured. Total hyphal length was greatest at the middle layers of H. splendens and at the deepest layers of R. lanuginosum and was significantly affected by moss species and nutrient contents. A total of 18 and 19 fungal taxa was isolated from the profiles of H. splendens and R. lanuginosum, respectively, with 11 taxa being common to both moss species. Moss species significantly affected the species distribution of fungi. Individual fungal taxa showed patterns of vertical distribution within the moss profiles. The contents of acid-unhydrolyzable residues and nutrients increased and the content of total carbohydrates decreased down the profile, which was attributable to the ability of fungi to decompose carbohydrates selectively and to immobilize nutrients in decomposed moss residues.  相似文献   
We investigate statistical distributions of differences in gravitational-lensing deflections between two light rays, the so-called lensing excursion angles. A probability distribution function of the lensing excursion angles, which plays a key role in estimates of lensing effects on angular clustering of objects (such as galaxies, quasi-stellar objects and also the cosmic microwave background temperature map), is known to consist of two components: a Gaussian core and an exponential tail. We use numerical gravitational-lensing experiments in a ΛCDM cosmology for quantifying these two components. We especially focus on the physical processes responsible for generating these two components. We develop a simple empirical model for the exponential tail which allows us to explore its origin. We find that the tail is generated by the coherent lensing scatter by massive haloes with   M > 1014  h −1 M  at   z < 1  and that its exponential shape arises due to the exponential cut-off of the halo mass function at that mass range. On scales larger than 1 arcmin, the tail does not have a practical influence on the lensing effects on the angular clustering. Our model predicts that the coherent scatter may have non-negligible effects on angular clustering at subarcminute scales.  相似文献   
Regional variations in the contribution of non-photosynthetic pigments (ā np*) to the total light absorption of phytoplankton (ā ph*) and its influence on the maximum quantum yield of photosynthesis (φ m) were investigated. In the western equatorial Pacific, the surface ā np* : ā ph* ratio was higher in the western warm pool than that in the upwelling region. This difference appears to be attributable to severe nitrate depletion and higher percentage of prokaryotes, which can accumulate very high concentrations of zeaxanthin in the western warm pool. In the subarctic North Pacific, the ā np* : ā ph* ratio was expected to be higher in the Alaskan Gyre where the thermocline is sharper and iron limitation may possibly be more severe than in the Western Subarctic Gyre. However, the ratio was actually higher in the Western Subarctic Gyre, contradictory to our expectations. This east-west variation appears to be attributable to changes in the taxonomic composition; cyanobacteria were more abundant in the Western Subarctic Gyre. The values of ā np* : ā ph* and its vertical variations were relatively small in the subarctic North Pacific compared to those in the western equatorial Pacific. These inter-regional variations appear to be attributable to the lower solar radiation intensity, smaller percentage of cyanobacteria, and relatively strong vertical mixing in the subarctic North Pacific. The spatial variations in ā np* : ā ph* significantly influence φ m. In comparison with φ m based on the total light absorption (φ m ph), the values corrected for the contribution of non-photosynthetic pigments (φ m ps) showed an increase in both the western equatorial Pacific and the subarctic North Pacific.  相似文献   
Based on the model calculation of VLF hiss power flux spectrum resulting from convective beam amplification of incoherent Cerenkov whistler radiation by the beam of precipitating auroral electrons, which has been developed by Maggs (1976), we examine the altitude dependence of power flux levels. Their strong altitude dependence leads us to suggest that non-linear processes are important in determining the spectrum of VLF hiss at high altitude. It is also shown that estimated power fluxes inside the electron precipitation region at low altitude might not reach as high levels as observed when the electron beam is weak. In this case, wave propagation outside of the precipitation region will account for the high power flux levels as well as significant magnetic components of VLF hiss observed especially at low altitude. In addition, we show that the transformation of the electron beam in transit to lower altitudes, determined from Liouville's theorem, may influence appreciably VLF hiss power flux spectrum. Finally, it is pointed out that two types of VLF hiss spectrum observed at the ground level can be accounted for by the difference in strength of the electron beam.  相似文献   
The atomic scale structure and chemistry of (111) twins in MgAl2O4 spinel crystals from the Pinpyit locality near Mogok (Myanmar, formerly Burma) were analysed using complementary methods of transmission electron microscopy (TEM). To obtain a three-dimensional information on the atomic structure, the twin boundaries were investigated in crystallographic projections and Using conventional electron diffraction and high-resolution TEM (HRTEM) analysis we have shown that (111) twins in spinel can be crystallographically described by 180° rotation of the oxygen sublattice normal to the twin composition plane. This operation generates a local hcp stacking in otherwise ccp lattice and maintains a regular sequence of kagome and mixed layers. In addition to rotation, no other translations are present in (111) twins in these spinel crystals. Chemical analysis of the twin boundary was performed by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) using a variable beam diameter (VBD) technique, which is perfectly suited for analysing chemical composition of twin boundaries on a sub-nm scale. The VBD/EDS measurements indicated that (111) twin boundary in spinel is Mg-deficient. Quantitative analyses of HRTEM (phase contrast) and HAADF-STEM (Z-contrast) images of (111) twin boundary have confirmed that Mg2+ ions are replaced with Be2+ ions in boundary tetrahedral sites. The Be-rich twin boundary structure is closely related to BeAl2O4 (chrysoberyl) and BeMg3Al8O16 (taaffeite) group of intermediate polysomatic minerals. Based on these results, we conclude that the formation of (111) twins in spinel is a preparatory stage of polytype/polysome formation (taaffeite) and is a result of thermodynamically favourable formation of hcp stacking due to Be incorporation on the {111} planes of the spinel structure in the nucleation stage of crystal growth. The twin structure grows as long as the surrounding geochemical conditions allow its formation. The incorporation of Be induces a 2D-anisotropy and exaggerated growth of the crystal along the (111) twin boundary.  相似文献   
Twenty four solar bursts of peak fluxes above 50 sfu are analyzed which were observed with the 17 GHz interferometer at Nobeyama during the period from 1978 September to 1979 December. Source characteristics and their temporal evolutions are investigated on a statistical basis with high time resolutions up to 0.8 s. Use of a model-fitting technique recently developed by Kosugi (1982) is made to derive both the position of centroid and size (~ FWHM) of burst source with an uncertainty of a few arc sec. The results of this study are the following:
  1. Two different phases in the burst, that is to say, the main phase and the post-burst-increase (PBI) phase, are distinguished clearly not only by the morphological difference of flux time profile, but also by the differences of brightness temperature (107-?109 K vs 105–107 K), circular polarization degree (0–50% vs 0–10%), and size (?5–25″ vs 10–70″). There is no definite correlation between the peak fluxes in the two phases.
  2. The majority of the selected bursts (21 of 24) show in the main phase source characteristics of the impulsive burst. The total flux varies rapidly (characteristic time scale defined by FWHM ? 100 s), often associated with the rapid shift of position and the rapid change of polarization degree. The source height of the impulsive source is lower than that of the PBI source. On the other hand, the type IVμ source, seen in three events, shows a gradual variation and the source ascends to a height of ~ 40 000 km above the photosphere.
  3. In the PBI phase, the expansion and ascension of the source occur in general (21 of 23 for the former and 12 of 15 for the latter). The velocities of both the movements are of the order of 5 km s?1.
Concentrations of trace elements (V, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, Ga, Se, Rb, Sr, Mo, Ag, Cd, Sn, Sb, Cs, Ba, Hg, Tl, Pb and Bi) were determined in muscle and liver of 12 species of marine fish collected from coastal areas in Malaysia. Levels of V, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, Ga, Sr, Mo, Ag, Cd, Sn, Ba and Pb in liver were higher than those in muscle, whereas Rb and Cs concentrations showed the opposite trend. Positive correlations between concentrations in liver and muscle were observed for all the trace elements except Cu and Sn. Copper, Zn, Se, Ag, Cd, Cs and Hg concentrations in bigeye scads from the east coast of the Peninsular Malaysia were higher than those from the west, whereas V showed the opposite trend. The high concentration of V in the west coast might indicate oil contamination in the Strait of Malacca. To evaluate the health risk to Malaysian population through consumption of fish, intake rates of trace elements were estimated on the basis of the concentrations of trace elements in muscle of fish and daily fish consumption. Some specimens of the marine fish had Hg levels higher than the guideline value by US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indicating that consumption of these fish at the present rate may be hazardous to Malaysian people. To our knowledge, this is the first study on multielemental accumulation in marine fish from the Malaysian coast.  相似文献   
The American physical oceanographer Henry Stommel and co-workers proposed “the perpetual salt fountain” and suggested the possibility of upwelling deep seawater without an energy source. In the open ocean, deep seawater containing rich nutrients becomes a source of primary production. Previously, we have tested Stommel's hypothesis by numerical simulations and in ocean experiments, and confirmed the upwelling of a perpetual salt fountain. In the present study, we conducted an open-ocean experiment in the Philippines Sea, and succeeded to demonstrate an increase in chlorophyll concentration. The chlorophyll concentration at the pipe outlet was much greater than that in the surrounding seawater. Satellite ocean-color image around the pipe was analyzed, and the signal of artificial upwelling is investigated. Composite analysis of satellite chlorophyll image indicates an increased surface chlorophyll distribution in the vicinity of pipe position, in which the increasing signal is much larger than the expected production based on nutrient supply. Although the problem must be further discussed, this increased signal is shown to be statistically significant. This mechanism may contribute to effective utilization of fishery resources in subtropical oligotrophic region.  相似文献   
We determined chlorine contents in nine GSJ (Geological Survey of Japan) reference materials (JB-1, 1a, 2, 3; JA-1, 2, 3; JR-1, 2) by prompt gamma neutron activation analysis, employing the standard addition method. Pressed powder disks of each reference material were used for neutron irradiation and gammaray measurement, after known quantities (25-200 μl) of sodium chloride solution were added. The influence of the nearby sodium peak overlap was checked, and fluctuations in the chlorine count rate were corrected using silicon as an internal standard. The slopes of calibration lines for seven reference materials (JB-1, 2, 3; JA-1, 2, 3; JR-2) and SiO2 powders fall within 5% error, and their chlorine values were obtained from the intercepts. Chlorine contents in JB-1 a and JR-1 were also determined by using the calibration lines. Our chlorine values ranged from 26.1 to 934 μg g-1, which agrees well with the previously reported values.  相似文献   
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