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As eustasy, subsidence, and sediment accumulation vary, a 2D computer-based graphical simulation generates on-lapping and off-lapping geometries of both marine and near coastal alluvial deposits, reproducing timelines within sediment-bodies at basin margins. In the simulation, deposition is expressed by creation of new surfaces above previous ones. Thicknesses of layers are reduced by both erosion and compaction while their surfaces move vertically in response to tectonic change and loading. Simulation is divided into a series of equal time steps in which sediment is deposited as an array of en-echelon columns that mark the top of the previous depositional surface. The volume of sediment deposited in each time step is expressed as a 2D cross section and is derived from two right-angle triangles (sand and shale), whose areas are a 2D expression of the quantity of sediment deposited at that time step and whose length matches the width of the offshore sediment wedge seaward of the shoreline. Each column in the array is filled by both marine sediments up to sea level, and alluvial sediments to a surface determined by an alluvial angle that is projected landward from the shore to its intersection with the previous surface. Each time the area representing the sediment column is subtracted from the triangles, the triangle heights are reduced correspondingly. This process is repeated until the triangle heights match the position of sea level above the sediment surface, at which time the remaining area of the sediment triangle is deposited seaward as a single wedge of offshore sediments. This simulation is designed to aid interpretation of stratigraphic sequences. It can be used as a complement to seismic stratigraphy or can be used alone as an inexpensive test of stratigraphic models.  相似文献   
To propel a spacecraft in the direction leaving the Sun, a magnetic sail (MagSail) blocks the hypersonic solar wind plasma flow by an artificial magnetic field. In order to simulate the interaction between the solar wind and the artificially deployed magnetic field produced around a magnetic sail spacecraft, a laboratory simulator was designed and constructed inside a space chamber. As a solar wind simulator, a high-power magnetoplasmadynamic arcjet is operated in a quasisteady mode of 0.8 ms duration. It can generate a simulated solar wind that is a high-speed (above 20 km/s), high-density (1018 m−3) hydrogen plasma plume of ∼0.7 m in diameter. A small coil (2 cm in diameter), which is to simulate a magnetic sail spacecraft and can obtain 1.9-T magnetic field strength at its center, was immersed inside the simulated solar wind. Using these devices, the formation of a magnetic cavity (∼8 cm in radius) was observed around the coil, which indicates successful simulation of the plasma flow of a MagSail in the laboratory.  相似文献   
The flow characteristics of tidal jets induced by a Tidal-Jet Generator (TJG) are investigated using a finite-difference numerical scheme, named Navier–Stokes (NS)–Marker and Cell (MAC)-TIDE, based on the fully 3D NS equations. The TJG is an enclosed rectangular breakwater, which has vertical opening and a large enclosed volume inside. During both phases of tide, strong and uni-directional jets can be obtained locally from the inlet of the TJG, due to the water level difference between the inner and outer sides of TJG.The computed results are extensively compared with three other independently developed numerical models; 3D-ADI, DVM, and CIP-CSF. These models are based on quasi-3D, 2D depth-averaged, and fully 3D NS equations, respectively. It is seen that the present fully 3D numerical model NS–MAC-TIDE can predict the maximum intensity of inlet velocity with higher accuracy than the other numerical models when compared with the empirical function proposed from the experiments. The numerical simulations based on NS–MAC-TIDE can reproduce successfully the processes of generation, development, and dissipation of tidal jets. The effects of gap opening on the main characteristics of the tidal jet flow are assessed. Through numerical assessment, it is also clearly demonstrated that the residual time of a pollutant distributed around the front of the TJG can be decreased by significant amount due to the locally induced tidal jet. The TJG can thus utilize tidal energy for water purification in local marine environment by providing a flushing mechanism.  相似文献   
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are known as neurotoxic chemicals and possibly alter animal behavior. We previously reported that PCB-exposure induced abnormal schooling behavior in Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes). This abnormal behavior might be caused by the functional alteration of central or terminal nervous system. To understand the mechanism(s) of behavioral change by PCB-exposure, we analyzed the gene expression profiles in the brain of medaka exposed to 3,3',4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB126) or a PCB mixture (Kanechlor-400: KC-400) using a cDNA microarray that we constructed. Twelve FLF-II strain medaka (six individuals per treatment) were dietary exposed to PCB126 (0.01 microg/g b.w./day) or KC-400 (1 microg/g b.w./day) for three weeks. For the control, six fish were fed a control diet. After the exposure period, fish were dissected, and the brain samples were collected. The samples from control fish were pooled and used as a common reference in the microarray experiment. Microarray data were normalized by the LOWESS method, and we screened the genes whose expression levels were altered more than 1.5-fold. Gene expression profiling showed 97 down-regulated and 379 up-regulated genes in the brain of medaka exposed to PCB126. KC-400 exposure suppressed 15 genes and induced 266 genes in medaka brain. Among these genes, the expression levels of 7 and 188 genes were commonly down- or up-regulated, respectively in both treatment groups. On the other hand, 31 gene expressions were significantly different between PCB126 and KC-400 treatment groups, and three out of 31 genes were received opposite effects. In addition, the microarray data showed that thyroid hormone-responsive genes were up-regulated by PCB-exposure, which may imply that PCBs or their metabolites mimic thyroid hormone effects in the brain of PCB-exposed medaka.  相似文献   
为了考察外部激励群延时对反应谱的影响,分别从确定性的角度和统计的角度分析了群延时对线性单自由度结构体系位移响应最大值的影响。推导出了对应于给定单自由度结构体系在任意外部激励作用下最大位移响应的群延时。据此可以利用任意外部激励的群延时与结构体系的最大位移响应群延时的关系评估体系在该外部激励作用下位移响应峰值的大小。统计分析的结果表明:激励群延时的均值和方差对结构体系位移响应最大值的影响具有明显的规律性;激励群延时的分布频数与结构体系最大位移响应之间也存在着显著的关系。  相似文献   
Flow fluctuations inside an anticyclonic eddy in summertime Funka Bay were examined using three moorings and hydrographic data. The flow pattern above a sharp pycnocline with a concave isopycnal structure during the mooring period was characterized by high mean kinetic energy and relatively low eddy kinetic energy. The ratios of eddy to mean kinetic energy were equal to or less than one, and the mean flow field and isopycnal structure indicated the existence of a stable anticyclonic eddy above the sharp pycnocline under approximate geostrophic balance. Larger flow fluctuations with periods longer than 7 days were dominant inside the eddy. The low-frequency flow fluctuations are accompanied by north to northeastward movement of the eddy with deepening of the pycnocline and spin-up of the anticyclonic circulation. The wind field over Funka Bay is characterized by bay-scale wind fluctuations. The bay-scale winds are greatly influenced by the land topography around Funka Bay, resulting in non-uniform structure with significant wind stress curl. The bay-scale wind fluctuations are termed “locally modified wind” in the present study. The locally modified wind has a negative (positive) wind stress curl in the central–northeastern (southwestern) region of Funka Bay. The north to northeastward movement of the eddy is caused by horizontal non-uniform supply of vorticity from the locally modified wind forcing by the Ekman pumping process. Through this process, the anticyclonic circulation is enhanced (weakened) in the central–northeastern (southwestern) part of the eddy, resulting in the eddy moving north to northeastward with the pycnocline deepening and spin-up of the anticyclonic circulation. The locally modified wind forcing induces low-frequency flow fluctuations through the movement of the eddy in summertime Funka Bay.  相似文献   
在RS/GIS的支持下,采用地形图扫描矢量化法构建涨渡湖区域的数字高程模型(DEM),将DEM模型与涨渡湖区2003年的LANDSAT-7 TM遥感图像进行叠加分析,提取出不同湿地类型的平均高程.通过回归分析,建立起水位、淹没面积、容积的关系模型.结合试验区的农情状况和水利设施的排涝能力,对比分析出通江前后涨渡湖地区调蓄能力的变化:通江前湖区最大调蓄面积为38.75 km2,最大调蓄容量为1.644亿 m3;通江后其最大可淹没面积为273 km2, 最大可调蓄容量为9亿 m3.  相似文献   
Observations of soil moisture and salt content were conducted from May to August at Neleger station in eastern Siberia. Seasonal changes of salt and soil moisture distribution in the active layer of larch forest (undisturbed) and a thermokarst depression known as an alas (disturbed) were studied. Electric conductivity ECe of the intact forest revealed higher concentrations that increased with depth from the soil surface into the active layer and the underlying permafrost: 1 mS cm?1 at 1·1 m, to 2·6 mS cm?1 at 160 cm depth in the permafrost. However, a maximum value of 5·4 mS cm?1 at 0·6 m depth was found in the dry area of the alas. The concentration of ions, especially Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, SO42? and HCO3? in the upper layers of this long‐term disturbed site, indicates the upward movement of ions together with water. A higher concentration of solutes was found in profiles with deeper seasonal thawing. The accumulation of salts in the alas occurs from spring through into the growing season. The low concentration of salt in the surface soil layers appears to be linked to leaching of salts by rainfall. There are substantial differences between water content and electric conductivity of soil in the forest and alas. Modern salinization of the active layer in the alas is epigenetic, and it happens in summer as a result of spring water collection and high summer evaporation; the gradual salt accumulation in the alas in comparison with the forest is controlled by the annual balance of water and salts in the active layer. Present climatic trends point to continuous permafrost degradation in eastern Siberia increasing the risk of surface salinization, which has already contributed to changing the landscape by hindering the growth of forest. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Powell's method for minimizing a function of several variables without calculating derivatives is applied to recorded earthquake motion on the ground surface to identify ground characteristics that have irregular profiles. The identifications are made by designating the shear wave velocity depth and width of the irregularity of surface ground as unknown parameters and are based on the least square fit between the amplitude of the transfer function determined from accelerograms recorded at two observation sites and the corresponding transfer function calculated from the response analysis of a ground model. The discrete wave number method is used to analyze the response of ground with a non-uniform profile for the incidence of SH waves. The effect of the initial assumed values on the convergence is studied by evaluating the square error between the theoretical transfer function and that calculated from the parameters identified. The dispersive trend found for the accelerograms is explained by the calculated response of a ground model with a non-uniform profile.  相似文献   
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