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In this paper we construct a generalized classical model of a white dwarf distorted by magnetic field and differential rotation. The numerical method, to be presented, will be implemented in a subsequent quantitative treatment of the model.  相似文献   
A three-dimensional ultrasonic modelling was used to study the Rayleigh waves reflected from a thin low velocity vertical layer and those transmitted through the same zone. The reflection and transmission coefficients of the Rayleigh waves have been calculated by an approximate method based on the Green function technique. Nonrigid contact boundary conditions were used for the low velocity layer modelling. A rather good correspondence between the theoretical and experimental absolute values of the reflection and the transmission coefficients was obtained. Some discrepancies between experimental and theoretical results, in particular with regard to phase shifts, may be explained by a certain inadequacy of the theoretical model to the low velocity layer investigated by the ultrasonic modelling.  相似文献   
The main shock of the West-Bohemian earthquake swarm, Czechoslovakia, (magnitudem=4.5, depthh=10 km) exhibits an irregular areal distribution of macroseismic intensities 6° to 7° MSK-64. Four lobes of the 6° isoseismal are found and the maximum observed intensity is located at a distance of 8 km from the instrumentally determined epicentre. This distribution can be explained by the energy flux of the directS wave generated by a circular source, the hypocentral location and focal mechanism of which are taken from independent instrumental studies. The theoretical intensity, which is assumed to be logarithmically proportional to the integrated squared ground-motion velocity (i.e.,I=const+log v 2 (t)dt), fits the observed intensity with an overall root-mean-square error less than 0.5°. It is important that the present intensity data can also be equally well explained by the isotropic source. The fit was attained by means of a horizontally layered model though large fault zones and an extended sedimentary basin suggest a significant lateral heterogeneity of the epicentral region. The results encourage a broader application of the simple modelling technique used.  相似文献   
Summary A one dimensional analytical model of katabatic wind over the Antarctica has been developed. This parametric model is derived from the bulk two-layer model of Ball including the surface friction and taking into account the Earth's rotation and the geostrophic wind in the upper layer.This model is validated using the data set (70 soundings) collected during IAGO experiment at D47 (67°24S, 138°43E, altitude 1 564m), 110 km inland from the coast of Adélie Land.The parameteric model is then introduced into a GCM which is a spectral global version of the operational numerical weather prediction model used by the French weather service. The most significant effect of the parameterization is a 50 m increase of the geopotential height over the South Pole. The surface temperature at the South Pole increases (2°C) reducing the pole-midlatitude thermal gradient. The westerly circulation at 50° S is slowed down (4m/s at 850 hPa), and the surface pressure at the South Pole increases (4hPa). These results, consistent with an increase of katabatic winds, would however be improved by a better coupling between the parameterization and the GCM boundary layer.With 8 Figures  相似文献   
Daily measurements of atmospheric concentrations of dimethylsulfide (DMS) were carried out for two years in a marine site at remote area: the Amsterdam Island (37°50S–77°31E) located in the southern Indian Ocean. DMS concentrations were also measured in seawater. A seasonal variation is observed for both DMS in the atmosphere and in the sea-surface. The monthly averages of DMS concentrations in the surface coastal seawater and in the atmosphere ranged, respectively, from 0.3 to 2.0 nmol l-1 and from 1.4 to 11.3 nmol m-3 (34 to 274 pptv), with the highest values in summer. The monthly variation of sea-to-air flux of DMS from the southern Indian Ocean ranges from 0.7 to 4.4 mol m-2 d-1. A factor of 2.3 is observed between summer and winter with mean DMS fluxes of 3.0 and 1.3 mol m-2 d-1, respectively.  相似文献   
A liquid jet of 90 m diameter and variable length has been utilized to determine absorption rates and, hence, mass accommodation coefficients , of atmospheric trace gases. The compounds investigated are HCl (0.01), HNO3 (0.01), N2O5 (0.005), peroxyacetyl nitrate (>0.001), and HONO (0.005). It is concluded that the absorption of these trace gases by liquid atmospheric water is not significantly retarded by interfacial mass transport. The strengths and limitations of the liquid jet technique for measuring mass accommodation coefficients are explored.  相似文献   
The spatial variability of the structure of the lower troposphere over the northwestern Indian Ocean for the period 12th July to 2nd September, 1983 has been studied using upper air data collected during the first scientific cruise of ORV Sagar Kanya.An analysis of thermodynamic structure and kinematics of the marine boundary layer for different zonal and meridional sections revealed the following features: (a) Temperature and humidity inversions were generally absent over the study area except over a few locations in the western region; (b) Large-scale subsidence was found over the central equatorial Indian Ocean; (c) The convective activity over the western Indian Ocean was found to be moderately suppressed as compared to the eastern region; (d) The zonal and meridional components of winds along the equator and 10° N zonal section exhibited a mirror-image-like distribution.  相似文献   
Northern Brazil contains remnants of Mesozoic flood basalts and hypabyssal rocks that were apparently emplaced during tectonism related to opening of the Atlantic Ocean. Analyses and new K-Ar ages reveal that this 700x250 km Maranhão province (5°–8°S) has low-Ti basalts (1.1 wt% TiO2) in the western part that range about 160 to 190 Ma, and high-Ti basalts (3.4–4.4 wt% TiO2) in the eastern part about 115–122 Ma. Low-Ti basalt compositions are less evolved and have a smaller range, Mg# 62-56, than the high-Ti basalts, Mg# 44–33. General characteristics of the least evolved members of low- and high-Ti groups include, respectively, Zr 100 and 250 ppm, Sr 225 and 475 ppm, Ba 200 and 500 ppm, Nb 10 and 26 ppm, Y 29 and 36 ppm, La/Yb(n) 4.2 and 8.8, where La(n) is 30 and 90. Overall compositions resemble the low- and high-Ti basaltic rocks of the Mesozoic Serra Geral (Paraná) province in southern Brazil. The Maranhão low-Ti basalts have more radiogenic Sr and Pb and higher 18O than the high-Ti basalts. Respectively, low- vs high-Ti: Sr26–54 vs 15–18; 206Pb/204Pb=18.25–.78 vs 18.22–.24; and 18O 8.9–12.6 vs 6.5–8.6. Nd isotopes overlap: Nd–1.6 to –3.8 vs –2.1 to –3. Ages, compositions, and isotopes indicate that the low- and high-Ti groups had independent parentages from enriched subcontinental mantle. However, both groups can be modeled from one source composition if low-Ti basalt isotopes reflect crustal contamination, and if the parentages for each group were picritic liquids that represent either higher (for low-Ti) or lower (for high-Ti) percentages of melting of that single source. When comparing Pb isotopes of Maranhão and Serra Geral high-Ti basalts (uncontaminated) to evaluate the DUPAL anomaly, Maranhão has Pb 7/4=4.6–11, and Pb 8/4=72–87; Serra Geral has Pb 7/4=10–13, and Pb 8/4=95–125. The small difference is not enough to conform to DUPAL contours, and is inconsistent with large-scale isotopic heterogeneity of mantle beneath Brazil prior to rifting of South America from Africa. Maranhão low-Ti magmas probably relate to the opening of central North Atlantic, and high-Ti magmas to the opening of equatorial Atlantic. The proposed greater percentage of source melting for low-Ti basalts may reflect a Triassic-Jurassic hotspot, while lesser melting for high-Ti magmas may relate to Cretaceous decompressional (rifting) melting.  相似文献   
The British Tertiary Volcanic Province (BTVP) comprises within-platecentral igneous complexes associated with plateau lavas andregional dyke swarms. Lundy is the southernmost complex of theBTVP and comprises granite ({small tilde}90%) emplaced intodeformed Devonian sedimentary rocks within the Hercynian Cornubiangranite province of southwest England. The complex is intrudedby a northwest-southeast trending dyke swarm. In common withother BTVP igneous complexes, Lundy is associated with positivegravity and magnetic anomalies which are interpreted in termsof the presena of an underlying basic intrusion at shallow depth,with a volume exceeding that of the overlying granite. The Lundy intrusion is a coarse-grained megacrystic granitecontaining up to 20% alkali feldspar megacrysts in a coarse-grainedgroundmass composed of alkali feldspar, quartz, lithium-bearingmuscovite, and ‘biotite’ (lithian siderophyllite),with a range of aaxssory minerals. The main granite has a coarse-grained(locally miarolitic) pegmatitic facies and is intruded by thinsheets and veins of fine-grained aplite and microgranite. Themineralogy indicates crystallization of the Lundy granite froma highly fractionated H2O- and halogen-rich magma at a relativelyshallow crustal level. The main Lundy granite is a peraluminous leucogranite with Na2O=3–4%,K2O{small tilde}5%, low TiO2, MeO, CaO, Zr, and Sr, and highRb and Rb/Sr in comparison with many other peralurninous granites,including those from the Cornubian batholith and the BTVP. Anew Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron for the granite yields an ageof 58?7?1?6 Ma with an initial 87Sr/86Sr of 0?715?0?006. Ndvalues for the granite (–0?9 to –1?9) plot betweencontemporaneous mantle (positive Nd and Cornubian granites (Nd=ca.–11). The trace element data (Rb, Y, Nb) show affinities with syn-collisionand within-plate granites. As the Sr isotope data indicate amajor crustal component, and the Nd isotope data suggest bothmantle and crustal components, we propose that the Lundy graniteis derived from a parental magma comprising crustal components(derived from a similar source to that of the Cornubian granitebatholith) and a mantle-derived component (derived from a differentiateof contemporaneous basaltic magma This magma experienced fractionalcrystallization of plagioclase, alkai feldspar, Fe-Mg minerals,and REE-bearing accessory minerals before emplacement, and theLundy granite experienced further in situ fractional crystallization,associateded with crustal contamination by the Devonian shaleafter emplacement.  相似文献   
A time dependent model for the flow of gas in a spicule is studied. In this model, the flow occurs in a magnetic flux sheath. Starting from hydrostatic equilibrium, the flux sheath is allowed to collapse normal to itself. The collapse induces a flow of gas along the magnetic field and this flow is identified as a spicule. A variety of sheath geometries and velocity patterns for the normal flow have been studied. It is observed that a large curvature in the field geometry and a large initial value for the normal flow are necessary to achieve spicule-like velocities. The duration for which a large velocity of normal flow is required is much shorter than the average lifetime of a spicule. It is proposed that the initial rapid collapse occurs during an impulsive spicule phase and it is the subsequent gradual relaxation of the flow which is observed as a spicule.  相似文献   
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