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The Quaternary deposits in the Store Middelgrund–Rørdebanke area midway between the island of Anholt and Hallandsåsen on the Swedish coast are described on the basis of reflection seismic profiles with a vertical resolution of 5–10 m. The Quaternary rests on Upper Cretaceous limestone, the surface of which is nearly horizontal. Three Quaternary sequences are defined and interpreted as: (1) Late Weichselian marine or lacustrine deposits, (2) Late Weichselian glaciogenic deposits, and (3) Late Saalian–Eemian and Early–Middle Weichselian deposits. Sequence 3 is probably comparable to the upwards-coarsening sequence known from Skaerumhede in Vendsyssel. The layers in sequence 3 are dislocated in the eastern part of the Store Middelgrund–Rødebanke area mainly by gentle folding, but other types of deformations occur. Folding could be the result of horizontal push from an ice sheet approaching from the east. Alternatively the folding is an effect of vertical, gravitational forces acting on the sediments due to an unstable density profile, as described by the Rayleigh–Taylor instability model. The zone of deformation is located close to the northern flank of the tectonically active Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone. It is suggested that the initiation of the folding process was facilitated by tremors from small earthquakes.  相似文献   
An attempt is made to reconstruct the palaeoenvironmental Holocene history at the timberline on the basis of the analysis of various palaeoecological proxy indicators available on a marshy area and its surroundings in the Taillefer Massif (Isère. France). The multidisciplinary approach involves analyses of pollen assemblages. plant macrofossils, coleoptera remains. subfossil trunks extracted from lakes or peat-bogs. and charcoals derived from the surrounding soils. This enables definition of the respective roles of five forest taxa ( Pinus uncinata Mill., Pinus cembra L., Larix decidua Mill., Abies alba Mill, and Picea abies L. Karsten) in the evolution of high altitude forests during the Holocene. Pinus uncinata was present on the plateau throughout the Holocene. Larix and Pinus cembra were present only during two periods: 7500-5000 BP and 3500-2000 BP. All trees disappeared from the plateau at about 2000 BP, while, at lower altitude. Abies was replaced by Picea. The action of both climate and early human impact can explain these changes.  相似文献   
Abstract— Tektites are natural glasses formed from terrestrial material that was melted and displaced by the impact of an extraterrestrial body. The surface and near-surface compositions of tektite glass results from fractionation during impact and ejection, and/or postsolidification weathering. The first goal of this study was to characterise the surface and near-surface (in the order of tens of angstroms) chemical composition of two tektites by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and to estimate the importance of weathering vs. fractionation during flying. In order to separate the chemical modification due to weathering from that due to fractionation during ballistic flight, we studied two samples from the Australasian tektite strewn field. One of them was collected in a hot desert area (Nullarbor Plain, Australia) and the other, in a humid climate (Thailand). Our study reveals the presence of well-developed leached layers in both tektites. In the Australian tektite, Si is depleted in the topmost layers (a few tens of angstroms). A more complex chemical zoning is defined in the tektite from Thailand. These leached layers are comparable to those observed in weathered glasses, and therefore we conclude that weathering is responsible for the chemical composition of the surface and near-surface compositions. The second goal was to investigate the chemical environment of O, N and C in the glass. The O peak was resolved into two bridging O components (Si-O-Si and Al-O-Si) that are comparable to O environments in artificial glasses. The binding energy of the C1s electron is typical for C-C and C-H bonds in hydrocarbons; minor organic acid components are also present. Nitrogen is only observed on the surface of the Thailand tektite. The binding energy of N1s is comparable to that of ammonia, and the surface enrichment in N is interpreted as due to sorption related to interactions between glass and fluid buffered by the organic material in the soil.  相似文献   
The service seNorge ( http://senorge.no ) provides gridded temperature and precipitation for mainland Norway. The products are provided as interpolated station measurements on a 1 × 1 km grid. Precipitation gauges are predominantly located at lower elevations such as coastal areas and valleys. Therefore, there are large uncertainties in extrapolating precipitation data to higher altitudes, both due to sparsity of observations as well as the large spatial variability of precipitation in mountainous regions. Using gridded temperature and precipitation data from seNorge, surface mass balance was modeled for five Norwegian glaciers of different size and climate conditions. The model accounts for melting of snow and ice by applying a degree‐day approach and considers refreezing assuming a snow depth depended storage. Calculated values are compared to point measurements of glacier winter mass balance. On average for each glacier, modeled and measured surface mass‐balance evolutions agree well, but results at individual stake locations show large variability. Two types of problems were identified: first, grid data were not able to capture spatial mass balance variability at smaller glaciers. Second, a significant increase in the bias between model and observations with altitude for one glacier suggested that orographic enhancement of precipitation was not appropriately captured by the gridded interpolation.  相似文献   
Well-preserved siliciclastic domal stromatolites, up to 2 m wide and 1·5 m high, are found in a 10 to 15 m thick interval within the Late Ordovician Eureka Quartzite of Southern Nevada and Eastern California, USA. These stromatolites appear as either isolated features or patchy clusters that contain more than 70% by volume quartz grains; their association with planar, trough and herringbone cross-bedding suggests that they were formed in an upper shoreface environment with high hydraulic energy. In this environment, sand bars or dunes may have provided localized shelter for initial microbial mat colonization. Biostabilization and early lithification of microbial mats effectively prevented erosion during tidal flushing and storm surges, and the prevalence of translucent quartz sand grains permitted light penetration into the sediment, leading to thick microbial mat accretion and the formation of domal stromatolites. Decimetre-scale to metre-scale stromatolite domes may have served as localized shelter and nucleation sites for further microbial mat colonization, forming patchy stromatolite clusters. Enrichment of iron minerals, including pyrite and hematite, within dark internal laminae of the stromatolites indicates anaerobic mineralization of microbial mats. The occurrence of stromatolites in the Eureka Quartzite provides an example of microbial growth in highly stressed, siliciclastic sedimentary environments, in which microbial communities may have been able to create microenvironments promoting early cementation/lithification essential for the growth and preservation of siliciclastic stromatolites.  相似文献   
In May–June 2006, airborne and ground-based solar (0.3–2.2 μm) and thermal infrared (4–42 μm) radiation measurements have been performed in Morocco within the Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment (SAMUM). Upwelling and downwelling solar irradiances have been measured using the Spectral Modular Airborne Radiation Measurement System (SMART)-Albedometer. With these data, the areal spectral surface albedo for typical surface types in southeastern Morocco was derived from airborne measurements for the first time. The results are compared to the surface albedo retrieved from collocated satellite measurements, and partly considerable deviations are observed. Using measured surface and atmospheric properties, the spectral and broad-band dust radiative forcing at top-of-atmosphere (TOA) and at the surface has been estimated. The impact of the surface albedo on the solar radiative forcing of Saharan dust is quantified. In the SAMUM case of 19 May 2006, TOA solar radiative forcing varies by 12 W m−2 per 0.1 surface-albedo change. For the thermal infrared component, values of up to +22 W m−2 were derived. The net (solar plus thermal infrared) TOA radiative forcing varies between −19 and +24 W m−2 for a broad-band solar surface albedo of 0.0 and 0.32, respectively. Over the bright surface of southeastern Morocco, the Saharan dust always has a net warming effect.  相似文献   
Abstract— We determined the cosmic-ray exposure age of 20 diogenites from measured cosmogenic noble gas isotopes and calculated production rates of 3He, 21Ne and 38Ar. The production rates were calculated on the basis of the measured chemical composition and the cosmogenic 22Ne/21Ne ratio of each sample. The shielding conditions of each sample were also checked on the basis of the measured 10Be and 26AI concentrations. The exposure ages range from 6 to 50 Ma but do not form a continuous distribution: ten ages cluster at 21–25 Ma and four at 35–42 Ma. The two diogenite clusters coincide with the 22 Ma and 38 Ma peaks in the exposure age distribution of eucrites and howardites. After the selection from literature data of 32 eucrites and 11 howardites with reliable ages, we find a total of 23 howardite, eucrite and diogenite (HED) group meteorites at 20–25 Ma and 10 at 35–42 Ma. The shape of the two peaks is consistent with single impact events, and random number statistics show that they are statistically significant at the 99% level. Altogether, this provides strong evidence for two major impact events 22 Ma and 39 Ma ago. Although these two events can explain more than half of all HED exposure ages, it takes at least five impact events to explain all ages <50 Ma. An impact frequency of one per 10 Ma corresponds to projectiles of at least 2–4 km in diameter for Vesta and of 60–300 m for the 100× smaller Vesta-derived “vestoids.” Based on the HED exposure-age distribution, the size distribution of the main-belt asteroids and the difference in size between Vesta and the kilometer size vestoids, we favor Vesta as the major source of HED meteorites, although some of the meteorites may have been ejected from the vestoids rather than directly from Vesta.  相似文献   
In this paper, the feasibility of using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to study water infiltration into a heterogeneous soil is examined, together with its difficulties and limitations. MRI studies of ponded water infiltration into an undisturbed soil core show that the combination of one- and two-dimensional imaging techniques provides a visual and non-destructive means of monitoring the temporal changes of soil water content and the moisture profile, and the movement of the wetting front. Two-dimensional images show air entrapment in repetitive ponded infiltration experiments. During the early stages of infiltration, one-dimensional images of soil moisture profiles clearly indicate preferential flow phenomena. The observed advance of wetting fronts can be described by a linear relationship between the square root of infiltration time (√t) and the distance of the wetting front from the soil surface. Similarly, the cumulative infiltration is also directly proportional to √t. Furthermore, from the MRI infiltration moisture profiles, it is possible to estimate the parameters that feature in infiltration equations. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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