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Outcrops and cored/counter‐flushed boreholes in the coastal area between Espinho and Aveiro (north‐west Portugal) were investigated to reconstruct the changing patterns of sedimentation during the Late Pleistocene–Holocene. To obtain a common comparison basis, the grain‐size data from outcrop and borehole samples were analysed. The outcrops and the cored parts of the boreholes were dated by radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence. The results show that, on top of pebble‐rich beds of fluvial origin, a wet aeolian dune and interdune environment was active during the later part of the Pleistocene, turning to dry aeolian at the transition to the Holocene. The data indicate also that aeolian accumulation was controlled by vegetation changes (climate) and groundwater table fluctuations. During the Holocene, a podzol formed on the Pleistocene dunes and extensive vegetation precluded major aeolian accumulations. Remobilization of sand started again because of human deforestation and – last but not least – the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   
The 2·63 Ga Louis Lake batholith, a calc-alkalic plutonexposed in Wind River Range of western Wyoming, consists ofminor diorite, quartz diorite, granodiorite, and granite. Atshallow structural levels the batholith is pyroxene free, butat deeper levels, all units of the batholith contain pyroxenes.On its northern margin the batholith was emplaced at P = 5–6kbar, T = 775–800°C, fO2 at FMQ (fayalite–magnetite–quartz)+ 1·5 to FMQ + 1·8, and aH2O  相似文献   
The southwestern Kalahari linear dunefield, which displays marked morphological variability, possesses a partial but temporally and spatially variable vegetation cover and has frequently been described as a palaeodunefield. Palaeo status has been ascribed on the basis of several criteria including the presence of vegetation, but also because dunes are thought to be out of alignment with modern resultant potential sand-moving wind directions and because present-day wind energy is regarded as low. For the period 1960–1992, wind data from eight dunefield meteorological stations are analysed in detail to examine these assertions. Potential sand transport directions, including spatial and temporal variations, and potential drift directions for the windiest three month periods, are calculated and explained. It is concluded that the present-day potential sand transport environment is markedly variable from year to year and from place to place. While periods of low sand transport energy do occur, it is also noted that the 1980s possessed considerable potential for sand transport in the dunefield. Directional variability is also relatively high, perhaps exceeding that under which linear dunes can be expected to form. Because linear dune aeolian activity has a number of states, however, the present-day wind environment may allow dune surface aeolian activity to occur which does not alter the overall pattern of the dunes.  相似文献   
Integrated fluvial sequence stratigraphic and palaeosol analysis can be used to better reconstruct depositional systems, but these approaches have not been combined to examine halokinetic minibasins. This study characterizes the temporal and spatial patterns of lithofacies and palaeosols in a sequence stratigraphic framework to reconstruct a model of minibasin evolution and identify halokinetic influences on fluvial deposition. This research documents fluvial cycles and stratigraphic hierarchy, palaeosol maturity and apparent sediment accumulation rates in the Chinle Formation within the Big Bend minibasin. This study also uses palaeosols to help identify fluvial aggradational cycle (FAC) sets. The Chinle is divided into two hectometre‐scale (102 m) fluvial sequences, six decametre‐scale (101 m) FAC sets, and variable numbers of metre‐scale FACs depending on proximity to the minibasin. Ten pedotypes representing 225 palaeosol profiles are recognized. The pedotypes include palaeosols similar to modern Entisols, Inceptisols, Aridisols, Vertisols and Alfisols. A maturity index (1–5) is assigned to each pedotype to assess its variability in palaeosol development. Estimated palaeosol development time is used to approximate apparent sediment accumulation rates. Increased subsidence resulted in a greater number and thicker FACs, thicker FAC sets and fluvial sequence sections, and lithofacies associations reflecting more rapid sedimentation along the minibasin axis. Palaeocurrent indicators converge towards the minibasin axis and indicate that it formed and drifted through time. Relative palaeosol maturity is inversely related to stratal thickness, and decreases towards the minibasin where episodic burial by fluvial sediment was more frequent. Metre‐scale FACs are most abundant towards the minibasin axis, and locally have Entisols and Inceptisols developed upon their upper boundaries reflecting increased sediment accumulation rates. Areas outside the minibasin are characterized by fewer FACs that are associated with more mature palaeosols. Palaeosol‐derived apparent sediment accumulation rates are as much as two orders of magnitude greater within the minibasin than in marginal areas. The combined stratigraphic, palaeocurrent and palaeosol evidence is used to develop a model for the evolution of the Big Bend minibasin that illustrates the halokinetic affect on fluvial and landscape processes.  相似文献   
In general terms the form of the Bride Moraine, its internal structure, and part of its stratigraphy result from a minor ice-sheet readvance during a late stage of the Devensian deglaciation of the Irish Sea basin. Four major structural styles are identified and are related to four structural zones that run parallel to the crest of the ice-thrust ridge. The structures result from the development of differential permafrost in a sequence of highly contrasting lithologies and the consequent generation of high pore-water pressures during ice-marginal loading. This caused mobilisation of water-saturated clays in the sequence and the development of large-scale diapiric structure in the core of the moraine and low-angles overthrust faulting on the flanks.  相似文献   

The concept of dominant (stream) discharge in geomorphology has not been firmly defined. By defining it, on rational grounds, as that discharge at which, over a long period of time, most sediment has been transported, a definite value can be computed for a stream for which there are available duration-curve values of daily discharge and a sediment-rating curve. This has been done for 5 eastern and 4 western rivers. The dominant discharge, when expressed in terms of percentage duration, is remarkably consistent, and is found to be a lower discharge than has generally been considered as dominant.  相似文献   
Ocean‐wide anoxic events represent intensively investigated anomalies in the global carbon cycle. Most previous research has focussed on hemipelagic and pelagic settings and on the relationship between black‐shale deposition and carbon‐isotope excursions. The study of ocean‐wide anoxic events and coeval shallow‐water settings is now increasingly seen as an interesting complementary approach, but one that is not without problems. Whereas platform drowning characterizes the Early Aptian of the northern Tethyan margin, LithocodiumBacinella‐rich facies and ongoing shoal‐water sedimentation at the southern Tethyan margin (Oman) bears important information on potential causes of carbon‐cycle perturbations. The present paper seeks to test the supra‐regional relevance of the Oman data by investigating coeval central Tethyan limestones. Three Lower Aptian shoal‐water sections in Istria (Croatia), deposited on the isolated Adriatic Carbonate Platform, are investigated applying chemostratigraphy (carbon and strontium) and detailed sedimentological analysis. The focus is on peritidal to lagoonal facies characterized by mass occurrences of LithocodiumBacinella, an enigmatic microencruster community. LithocodiumBacinella facies occurs predominantly in layers ranging from one to several centimetres in stratigraphic thickness, with several layers merging to metre‐thick packages. Growth fabrics within the layers include oncoidal morphotypes, lumps, interconnected patches and columns, layers and rare nodular to massive bindstone facies. These growth patterns show a remarkable regional extent and consistency over study sites distributed several kilometres apart. This widespread distribution suggests that specific LithocodiumBacinella morphotypes might serve as regional stratigraphic markers. The high‐resolution carbon‐isotope chemostratigraphy presented here is based on pristine rudist shells and matrix micrite samples and calibrated against strontium‐isotope data obtained from screened rudist low‐Mg calcite. The chemostratigraphic data are consistent with existing biostratigraphic data and place the studied strata at the onset of Early Aptian oceanic anoxic event 1a. Moreover, results indicate the near‐coeval nature of LithocodiumBacinella bloom facies in Istria and Oman. The outcomes of this study point to latitudinally different responses of Tethyan shoal‐water carbonate systems (platform drowning versus LithocodiumBacinella blooms) to the ocean‐wide anoxic event 1a.  相似文献   
The Pleistocene to Holocene Honolulu Volcanic Series was eruptedfrom about 37 vents scattered over the older Koolau tholeiiteshield. The rocks of this series are compositionally zoned withrespect to the shield; near the Koolau caldera the predominantrocks are melilitenepheline basalts, but these give way outwardto nepheline basalts, and ultimately, at the apron of the shield,to alkalic olivine basalts. The xenoliths in these are likewisezoned: most of those in the caldera area consist of dunite,most of those at intermediate distances of lherzolite, and someof those in the apron of the shield consist of garnet pyroxeniteand peridotite. The zoning of the xenoliths, however, does notcoincide with that of the enclosing rocks. We believe that copiouseruption of Koolau tholeiite produced a lateral and verticalheterogeneity in the mantle beneath Oahu, and that the zoningin both Honolulu lavas and their xenoliths is caused by thatheterogeneity. The textures of the xenoliths indicate that thebasalts were mainly produced by fractional melting rather thanfractional crystallization. There is some evidence that thedunite xenoliths are mantle residua produced during the generationof the tholeiite, and that the Honolulu magmas were generatedat greater depths than the Koolau magmas, probably as a resultof elastic unloading.  相似文献   
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