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Continuous high-precision long-term gravity measurements are carried out at the geophysical observatory located in the experimental base of Vladimir State University. The long time series of gravity acceleration and its standard deviation are obtained. The factors responsible for the increases in the studied deviations are analyzed. The recommendations for improving the accuracy of relative gravity measurements are formulated.  相似文献   
Doklady Earth Sciences - Statistical analysis of heat flow values measured in transform faults of the equatorial part of the Atlantic Ocean has been performed. Owing to the calculation using the...  相似文献   
Strack OD 《Ground water》2006,44(1):91-98
We deal in this paper with an ongoing development of the analytic element method. We present in outline new analytic line elements that are suitable to model general flow fields, i.e., flow fields that possess a continuously varying areal inflow or outflow. These elements are constructed specifically to model the leakage through leaky layers that separate aquifers in leaky systems and to model transient effects. The leakage or release from storage underneath linear features is modeled precisely by the new elements; the singularity in leakage is matched exactly by the approximate solution. Applications are given for a problem involving leakage and for a case of transient flow. We note that the analytic elements can be used also to reproduce the effect of continuously varying aquifer properties, e.g., the hydraulic conductivity or the elevation of the base of the aquifer. In the latter case, the elements would reproduce the rotation of the flow field caused by the variation in properties, rather than the divergence as for the case of leakage.  相似文献   
A. H. D. 《测量评论》2013,45(93):335-336
The product spectra of gravity and barometric pressure in Europe   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
A total of 111 000 hourly values of gravity and barometric pressure from stations in Europe is analysed. The data consist of two sets of records from Brussels, an early set of 36 000 h length and a more recent set of 21 000 h length, a set of records from Bad Homburg of 24 000 h length, and a set of records from Strasbourg of 30 000 h length. All of the gravity measurements were made with similar superconducting instruments and the pressure data were recorded simultaneously at each superconducting gravimeter site. The four sets of records have different time bases, and to bring out common features and suppress individual station systematic errors, the product spectrum is introduced. Spectral density estimates are first computed for a common spectral window for each record, and the product spectrum is formed by multiplying individual spectral estimates across records. The cumulative distribution function is found for the product spectrum and confidence intervals are calculated from it by iteration. The product spectrum in gravity reveals a triplet of resonances in the subtidal band which are shown by an automated computer search to be uniquely associated with the translational modes of the solid inner core. The product spectrum in barometric pressure clearly reveals the first 10 solar heating tides in the atmosphere, but otherwise does not show common features with the gravity product spectrum. In particular, the triplet of resonances in the subtidal band of the gravity product spectrum do not show up in the product spectrum of barometric pressure, climinating the atmosphere as their source.  相似文献   
On November 4th 2007, along the Grijalva River in the state of Chiapas, Mexico, has occurred one of the largest landslides ever known. This landslide, known as Juan del Grijalva, destroyed the town of the same name, killing 20 people, and moved 55 million cubic meters of rock and debris down slope to completely block the Grijalva River. In order to understand the characteristics and factors that triggered the Juan del Grijalva landslide, geologic studies were conducted at the site. The results indicate that the landslide was composed of a lithologic sequence of thin-bedded shales and thin to medium-thick-bedded sandstones. This was faulted into several blocks dipping in the same sense as the mass movement. The main triggering factor was the increment of the pore pressure into the lithologic unit due to water saturation after 5 days of heavy rain before the incident. According to records from the last century, the Juan del Grijalva mass movement represents one of the largest mass movements recorded all over the world. The risk conditions of the area after the landslide lead to the rapid construction of an artificial channel to drain the accumulating mass of water upstream and therefore prevent a future catastrophic inundation down stream.  相似文献   
The location of the seismic event hypocenter is the very first task undertaken when studying any seismological problem. The accuracy of the solution can significantly influence consecutive stages of analysis, so there is a continuous demand for new, more efficient and accurate location algorithms. It is important to recognize that there is no single universal location algorithm which will perform equally well in any situation. The type of seismicity, the geometry of the recording seismic network, the size of the controlled area, tectonic complexity, are the most important factors influencing the performance of location algorithms. In this paper we propose a new location algorithm called the extended double difference (EDD) which combines the insensitivity of the double-difference (DD) algorithm to the velocity structure with the special demands imposed by mining: continuous change of network geometry and a very local recording capability of the network for dominating small induced events. The proposed method provides significantly better estimation of hypocenter depths and origin times compared to the classical and double-difference approaches, the price being greater sensitivity to the velocity structure than the DD approach. The efficiency of both algorithms for the epicentral coordinates is similar.  相似文献   
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