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塔里木盆地塔北隆起发育两组呈小角度相交(40°)的透入性X型走滑断裂,分别沿着NNE走向和NNW延伸。在对塔北哈拉哈塘地区三维地震资料解释的基础上,对走滑断层的几何展布特征以及断层的剖面变形特征进行研究;同时重点解析了RP6断裂和HA13断裂,分析比较NNW向与NNE向断层的变形及发育特征差异;结合盆地重磁资料以及周缘造山带的活动特征,对塔北隆起小角度的X型走滑断层的发育机制以及演化进行了分析。研究表明,塔北隆起走滑断层在垂向上具有明显的分层变形特征,分为三个构造层:震旦系-中寒武统下构造层(TH3界面以下)、上寒武统-中奥陶统中构造层(TH3-TO3t界面)和上奥陶统-石炭系上构造层(TO3t-TP界面)。断层在下构造层和中构造层中整体处于压扭环境,多发育正花状构造;上构造层中断层主要发育负花状构造或正断层,整体处于张扭环境。两组断裂比较,NNW向断裂活动性强,在各构造层中均有显著的断裂特征发育,垂向连通性强,发育先存基底断裂,而NE向断层主要发育在中构造层,在下构造层和上构造层中断层发育不明显。活动性分析表明,断层的形成与演化具有多期性,走滑断层的形成经历了三期主要活动:中寒武世末、中晚奥陶世和志留纪-石炭纪。塔北隆起X型走滑断裂的形成受到了NNW向基底断裂和薄弱带的控制,NNW向先存基底断裂带或薄弱带优先发育走滑断裂,基底断裂与主挤压应力方向的夹角小于45°-Φ/2,NNE断层的发育受NNW向先存断裂限制,最终形成小角度相交的X型断裂。  相似文献   
利用NCEP再分析资料,结合WRF模式对2008年7月17—19日发生在山东省的台风远距离暴雨水汽输送过程进行分析。结果表明:台风环流不仅有利于低纬度西太平洋水汽输送到山东内陆地区,而且迫使来自孟加拉湾的气流强度和方向发生变化,进而对远距离降水强度和持续时间产生重大影响;台风环流对鲁东南地区的水汽贡献远大于鲁西南地区,移除台风环流能间接地增强鲁西南地区的水汽供应;台风环流使远距离降水区水汽辐合范围集中,辐合强度增强,从而增强降水强度。  相似文献   
岩石风化是一种常见的地质现象。有关的研究成果也很多,但岩石风化速度定量的研究成果却是风毛麟角。实际上关于石质文物的长期保护和石质工程长期稳定性等研究都十分需要它的支持,原因也许在于在自然条件下难以有足够长的时间进行岩石风化实验。本文将讨论有关岩石风化速度定量研究的重要性,并提出相应的研究方法,以推动这一新的研究课题的开展。  相似文献   
利用经验正交函数数据插值法(Data INterpolating Empirical Orthogonal Functions)重构由MODIS-Aqua卫星提供的三级产品叶绿素a质量浓度,得到了从2003—2009年东中国海叶绿素a质量浓度的月平均场。东中国海近岸叶绿素a质量浓度7 a平均值明显高于外海。对叶绿素a质量浓度季节平均场进行分析研究表明,东中国海叶绿素a质量浓度主要受长江径流、海表水温和季风的影响。对叶绿素a质量浓度异常场进行EOF分析表明,第一模态方差贡献为37.8%,空间分布显示,在长江口东北部出现叶绿素a质量浓度异常高值区,时间变化以半年和半年以下周期为主;第二模态方差贡献为21.4%,空间分布显示,在长江口东部出现叶绿素a质量浓度异常高值区,时间系数主要表现为年际变化。  相似文献   
Depression filling is a critical step in distributed hydrological modeling using digital elevation models (DEMs). The traditional Priority‐Flood (PF) approach is widely used due to its relatively high efficiency when dealing with a small‐sized DEM. However, it seems inadequate and inefficient when dealing with large high‐resolution DEMs. In this work, we examined the relationship between the PF algorithm calculation process and the topographical characteristics of depressions, and found significant redundant calculations in the local micro‐relief areas in the conventional PF algorithm. As such calculations require more time when dealing with large DEMs, we thus propose a new variant of the PF algorithm, wherein redundant points and calculations are recognized and eliminated based on the local micro‐relief water‐flow characteristics of the depression‐filling process. In addition, depressions and flatlands were optimally processed by a quick queue to improve the efficiency of the process. The proposed method was applied and validated in eight case areas using the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission digital elevation model (SRTM‐DEM) with 1 arc‐second resolution. These selected areas have different data sizes. A comparative analysis among the proposed method, the Wang and Liu‐based PF, the improved Barnes‐based PF, the improved Zhou‐based PF, and the Planchon and Darboux (P&D) algorithms was conducted to evaluate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed algorithm. The results showed that the proposed algorithm is 43.2% (maximum) faster than Wang and Liu's variant of the PF method, with an average of 31.8%. In addition, the proposed algorithm achieved similar performance to the improved Zhou‐based PF algorithm, though our algorithm has the advantage of being simpler. The optimal strategies using the proposed algorithm can be employed in various landforms with high efficiency. The proposed method can also achieve good depression filling, even with large amounts of DEM data.  相似文献   
茎柔鱼(Dosidicus gigas)是我国远洋渔业的重要捕捞对象。当前针对茎柔鱼渔场分布及其与环境关系的研究多集中于秘鲁海域,针对赤道海域茎柔鱼特定种群小型群体资源分布及其渔场环境特征研究较少。根据2019年12月至2020年2月茎柔鱼生物学数据,2019年12月至2020年4月生产和环境数据,运用胴长-体重关系拟合、地统计插值、广义可加模型(GAM)探究其资源分布及渔场环境状况。结果表明:东太平洋赤道海域茎柔鱼胴长范围为136~407 mm,体重范围为117~1557 g;2019年12月至2020年4月各月渔获量呈先增加后减小趋势,2月渔获量最高;CPUE曲线除2月增加外,总体呈下降趋势;渔场集中分布于0°~3°S、105°W~114°W海域,不同月份渔场重心经向变化明显;渔场最适SST范围是24.5~25.5 °C,最适Chl-a范围是0.16~0.20 mg/m3,月份是影响茎柔鱼CPUE的主要因子。研究表明:该海域茎柔鱼渔获主要为小型群体;小型群体生长发育期(2–3月)对渔场分布有重要影响,生长发育期前茎柔鱼集群度高,生长发育期后逐渐分散活动;单一影响因子与茎柔鱼CPUE相关性不显著,综合考虑其他环境因素及其交互影响是今后的研究方向。  相似文献   
The characteristics of seismic water level fluctuations of the two Sumatra-Andaman strong earthquakes with magnitude 8.7 and 8.5 on December 26,2004 and March 29, 2005 recorded at Jiaji well, Qionghai, Hainan were analyzed, the features of the infrequent "step" changes of well water level after the two earthquakes were also analyzed and the mechanism of the "step change" of well water level was discussed. Then the high-sample-rate digital observation data of seismically-induced water level fluctuations of the Sumatra-Andaman strong earthquakes with magnitude 8.7 and 8.5 recorded at Nanbin well, Sanya and Tanniu well, Wenchang were analyzed. The results suggest that the dominant period of the seismic well water level fluctuation in all three wells was comparatively accordant, the amplitudes of seismic water level fluctuation of the same earthquake in different wells were clearly different, the time duration of seismic water level fluctuations of different earthquakes at the same well was also clearly different.  相似文献   
论底苏铅锌矿床的“双源”沉积改造成矿模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
底苏铅锌矿床是近年来发现的。该矿床具“双源”沉积改造特征。同生沉积成岩成矿阶段同时存在海底热水和正常海水沉积作用,形成热水沉积矿石及矿源层。大气降水热液改造成矿阶段,大气降水沿岩石裂隙下渗被加热并淋滤早期沉积矿石及矿源层中的Pb、Zn,使之以[PbCl02]、[ZnCl02]迁移,当含矿热液运移至有利构造部位时,Pb、Zn络合物交代地层中的黄铁矿或被有机质还原而再沉淀成矿。本文在矿床地球化学研究基础上,提出了底苏铅锌矿床的成矿模式  相似文献   
西北干旱地区大气降水δ18O的特征及水汽来源   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
In order to reveal the characteristics and climatic controls on the stable isotopic composition of precipitation over Arid Northwestern China, eight stations have been selected from Chinese Network of Isotopes in Precipitation (CHNIP). During the year 2005 and 2006, monthly precipitation samples have been collected and analyzed for the composition of δD and δ18O. The established local meteoric water line δD=7.42 δ18O+1.38, based on the 95 ob-tained monthly composite samples, could be treated as isotopic input function across the region. The deviations of slope and intercept from the Global Meteoric Water Line indicated the specific regional meteorological conditions. The monthly δ18O values were characterized by a positive correlation with surface air temperature (δ18O (‰) =0.33 T (℃)-13.12). The amount effect visualized during summer period (δ18O (‰) = -0.04P (mm)-3.44) though not appeared at a whole yearly-scale. Spatial distributions of δ18O have properly portrayed the atmospheric circulation background in each month over Arid Northwestern China. The quan-titative simulation of δ18O, which involved a Rayleigh fractionation and a kinetic fractionation, demonstrated that the latter one was the dominating function of condensation of raindrops. Furthermore, the raindrop suffered a re-evaporation during falling processes, and the pre-cipitation vapor might have been mixed with a quantity of local recycled water vapor. Multiple linear regression equations and a δ18O-T relation have been gained by using meteorological parameters and δ18O data to evaluate physical controls on the long-term data. The estab-lished δ18O-T relation, which has been based on the present-day precipitation, could be considered as a first step of quantitatively reconstructing the historical environmental climate.  相似文献   
数字化气氡观测干扰因素的分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在进行地下流体数字化气氡观测及将观测资料应用于震情分析的过程中 ,发现某些干扰因素对数字化气氡观测和水氡的影响不同。在目前所用观测仪器和方法的条件下 ,气温对气氡值的影响系数为 - 0 4 % /℃ ;气压对气氡测值的影响系数为 0 1% /hPa ;不同类型的气水分离装置对气氡观测的影响很显著 ;同一含水层的井 (泉 )出水量的短期变化可引起观测水井流量的变化 ,但对气氡测值影响不显著 ;气氡测值对逸出气流量的变化反映不明显 ;逸出气含有杂质及气路泄漏等均会引起测值的下降。结合仪器的工作原理 ,对干扰产生的机制以及排除的方法进行了讨论  相似文献   
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