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Mercury concentrations are clearly elevated in the surface and sub-surface layers of peat cores collected from a minerotrophic (“groundwater-fed”) fen in southern Greenland (GL) and an ombrotrophic (“rainwater-fed”) bog in Denmark (DK). Using 14C to precisely date samples since ca. AD 1950 using the “atmospheric bomb pulse,” the chronology of Hg accumulation in GL is remarkably similar to the bog in DK where Hg was supplied only by atmospheric deposition: this suggests not only that Hg has been supplied to the surface layers of the minerotrophic core (GL) primarily by atmospheric inputs, but also that the peat cores have preserved a consistent record of the changing rates of atmospheric Hg accumulation. The lowest Hg fluxes in the GL core (0.3 to 0.5 μg/m2/yr) were found in peats dating from AD 550 to AD 975, compared to the maximum of 164 μg/m2/yr in AD 1953. Atmospheric Hg accumulation rates have since declined, with the value for 1995 (14 μg/m2/yr) comparable to the value for 1995 obtained by published studies of atmospheric transport modelling (12 μg/m2/yr).The greatest rates of atmospheric Hg accumulation in the DK core are also found in the sample dating from AD 1953 and are comparable in magnitude (184 μg/m2/yr) to the GL core; again, the fluxes have since gone into strong decline. The accumulation rates recorded by the peat core for AD 1994 (14 μg/m2/yr) are also comparable to the value for 1995 obtained by atmospheric transport modelling (18 μg/m2/yr). Comparing the Pb/Ti and As/Ti ratios of the DK samples with the corresponding crustal ratios (or “natural background values” for preanthropogenic peat) shows that the samples dating from 1953 also contain the maximum concentration of “excess” Pb and As. The synchroneity of the enrichments of all three elements (Hg, Pb, and As) suggests a common source, with coal-burning the most likely candidate. Independent support for this interpretation was obtained from the Pb isotope data (206Pb/207Pb = 1.1481 ± 0.0002 in the leached fraction and 1.1505 ± 0.0002 in the residual fraction) which is too radiogenic to be explained in terms of gasoline lead alone, but compares well with values for U.K. coals. In contrast, the lowest values for 206Pb/207Pb in the DK profile (1.1370 ± 0.0003 in the leached fraction and 1.1408 ± 0.0003 in the residual fraction) are found in the sample dating from AD 1979: this shows that the maximum contribution of leaded gasoline occurred approximately 25 yr after the zenith in total anthropogenic Pb deposition.  相似文献   
Deposits from as many as 50 large tsunamis during the last 7000 years are preserved on the Pacific coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula near the mouth of the Zhupanova River, southern Kronotskiy Bay. These deposits are dated and correlated using Holocene marker tephra layers. The combined, preserved record of tsunami deposits and of numerous marker tephras on Kamchatka offers an unprecedented opportunity to study tsunami frequency. For example, from the stratigraphy along southern Kronotskiy Bay, we estimate frequency of large tsunamis (>5 m runup). In the last 3000 years, the minimum frequency is about one large tsunami per 100 years, and the maximum about one large tsunami per 30 years; the latter frequency occurred from about 0 to 1000 A.D. This time interval corresponds to a period of increased seismicity and volcanic activity that appears to be recorded in many places on the Kamchatka Peninsula.  相似文献   
We report direct luminescence ages for the culture‐bearing sediments of the Kebaran site of Nahal Hadera V (NHV) in the coastal plain of Israel. Although the site contains, in addition to rich lithic deposits, plentiful mammalian bone, it has proved to be undatable using radiocarbon dating, in spite of the fact that the cultural context places the time of occupation well within the range of radiocarbon dating. In contrast, luminescence dating of the site sediments proved successful. Luminescence ages were determined using the single aliquot additive‐dose (SAA) method, applied to sand‐sized quartz extracts to determine past equivalent doses (De). Dose rates (R) were calculated using thick source alpha counting for the uranium (U) and thorium (Th) concentrations and x‐ray fluorescence analysis for the potassium (K20) concentration. Of the five samples collected at the site, four represent cultural and subcultural deposits and the fifth represents the geological substrate for the archaeological deposit, a quartz‐rich, carbonate‐cemented dune sand known as aeolianite or kurkar. The luminescence age of the kurkar is 42.7 ± 6.3 ka. Human occupation of the site occurred between 21.3 ka and 14.0 ka ago, during the Last Glacial Maximum. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
The Malpica–Tui complex (NW Iberian Massif) consists of a Lower Continental Unit of variably deformed and recrystallized granitoids, metasediments and sparse metabasites, overridden by an upper unit with rocks of oceanic affinities. Metamorphic minerals dated by the 40Ar/39Ar method record a coherent temporal history of progressive deformation during Variscan metamorphism and exhumation. The earliest stages of deformation (D1) under high-pressure conditions are recorded in phengitic white micas from eclogite-facies rocks at 365–370 Ma. Following this eclogite-facies peak-metamorphism, the continental slab became attached to the overriding plate at deep-crustal levels at ca. 340–350 Ma (D2). Exhumation was accompanied by pervasive deformation (D3) within the continental slab at ca. 330 Ma and major deformation (D4) in the underlying para-autochthon at 315–325 Ma. Final tectonothermal evolution included late folding, localized shearing and granitic intrusions at 280–310 Ma.

Dating of high-pressure rocks by the 40Ar/39Ar method yields ages that are synchronous with published Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd ages obtained for both the Malpica–Tui complex and its correlative, the Champtoceaux complex in the French Armorican Massif. The results indicate that phengitic white mica retains its radiogenic argon despite been subjected to relatively high temperatures (500–600 °C) for a period of 20–30 My corresponding to the time-span from the static, eclogite-facies M1 peak-metamorphism through D1-M2 eclogite-facies deformation to amphibolite-facies D2-M3. Our study provides additional evidence that under certain geological conditions (i.e., strain partitioning, fluid deficiency) argon isotope mobility is limited at high temperatures, and that 40Ar/39Ar geochronology can be a reliable method for dating high pressure metamorphism.  相似文献   

The emission measures EM in the directions of supernova remnants and pulsars are considered as functions of their ages t. The resulting plot has a well-defined lower boundary, which can be approximated by the expression EMmin∝1/t. The quantity EMmin increases with decreasing age t and does not level off or reach a maximum until t?500 yr. It is concluded that the bulk of the radiative energy that goes into ionizing and heating the interstellar gas is released at early stages of the supernova remnant’s evolution. We suggest that most of the kinetic energy of the supernova shell is converted into thermal energy and radiated at remnant ages t<100 yr, when the supernova shell, which is expanding at an enormous speed (about 104 km/s), overtakes the shell produced by the presupernova in the supergiant stage. We have estimated the ionization energy E?1051 erg, diameter L?60 pc, and electron density Ne?7 cm?3 of the HII regions around the supernovae (the supernova Strömgren zones). A list of objects that can be reliably identified as Strömgren zones of type II supernovae is presented. The plot of pulsar pulse broadening τ as a function of the pulsar age t also has a well-defined lower boundary, for which τ∝t?2 when t≥1000 yr. This suggests that turbulence develops during the first thousand years after the supernova outburst. It is also concluded that turbulence plays an important role in the formation and evolution of the Strömgren zones of type II supernovae.  相似文献   
The Rainbow hydrothermal field (36° N Mid-Atlantic Ridge) is one of the three presently known fields related to serpentinization of ultramafic rocks accompanied by the formation of hydrogen- and methane-rich solutions. Gas chromatographic (GC) and molecular gas chromatographic–mass spectrometric (GC-MS) investigations of sulfide ores and sediments from this field confirmed a predominantly biological nature of bitumoids related to the high-temperature transformation of biomass of the hydrothermal biological community. At the same time, ores of the Rainbow field contain significant amounts of compounds that are not directly related to biogenic synthesis. This fact suggests the possibility of an abiogenic synthesis of methane and even complex hydrocarbons during the serpentinization of ultramafic rocks.  相似文献   
Thirty four-frequency line profiles of Class II methanol masers have been analyzed to investigate carefully the coincidences of various spectral features. Data at 6.7, 12.2, 107, and 156.6 GHz have been analyzed. Two clusters of Class II methanol maser lines at 6.7 and 12.2 GHz are observed in the spectra of many sources. These maser-line clusters are located on either side of the thermal methanol lines at 107 and 156.6 GHz. To avoid the effect of amplification in these thermal methanol lines, a similar analysis was performed for 80 sources having both maser emission at 6.7 GHz and thermal CS emission. The relative distributions of the methanol maser lines and the thermal CS line confirm on the basis of richer statistics that the maser lines are located in two clusters on either side of the thermal feature. It is proposed that the two maser-line clusters correspond to two edges of a Keplerian disk. The thermal methanol and CS emission is formed in dense molecular cores, whose centers are coincident with the disk centers.  相似文献   
To investigate the formation and early evolution of the lunar mantle and crust we have analysed the oxygen isotopic composition, titanium content and modal mineralogy of a suite of lunar basalts. Our sample set included eight low-Ti basalts from the Apollo 12 and 15 collections, and 12 high-Ti basalts from Apollo 11 and 17 collections. In addition, we have determined the oxygen isotopic composition of an Apollo 15 KREEP (K - potassium, REE - Rare Earth Element, and P - phosphorus) basalt (sample 15386) and an Apollo 14 feldspathic mare basalt (sample 14053). Our data display a continuum in bulk-rock δ18O values, from relatively low values in the most Ti-rich samples to higher values in the Ti-poor samples, with the Apollo 11 sample suite partially bridging the gap. Calculation of bulk-rock δ18O values, using a combination of previously published oxygen isotope data on mineral separates from lunar basalts, and modal mineralogy (determined in this study), match with the measured bulk-rock δ18O values. This demonstrates that differences in mineral modal assemblage produce differences in mare basalt δ18O bulk-rock values. Differences between the low- and high-Ti mare basalts appear to be largely a reflection of mantle-source heterogeneities, and in particular, the highly variable distribution of ilmenite within the lunar mantle. Bulk δ18O variation in mare basalts is also controlled by fractional crystallisation of a few key mineral phases. Thus, ilmenite fractionation is important in the case of high-Ti Apollo 17 samples, whereas olivine plays a more dominant role for the low-Ti Apollo 12 samples.Consistent with the results of previous studies, our data reveal no detectable difference between the Δ17O of the Earth and Moon. The fact that oxygen three-isotope studies have been unable to detect a measurable difference at such high precisions reinforces doubts about the giant impact hypothesis as presently formulated.  相似文献   
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