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To analyze global gene expressions, we constructed a cDNA microarray from a basal chordate, the ascidian Ciona intestinalis. Ciona is a cosmopolitan species and a genomic analysis of Ciona revealed that ascidians had approximately 15,500 protein-coding genes. Our "Ciona intestinalis cDNA chip version 1 (Ci cDNA chip ver. 1)" has arrayed 13,400 unique Ciona cDNAs. To establish a detection system for gene expression profiles in wild ascidians using a cDNA microarray, we analyzed gene expressions in the whole body of Ciona adults after exposure to 100 nM tributyltin (TBT) for 24 h. In our preliminary array data using Ci cDNA chip ver. 1, we found more than 200 genes that showed strong differential expressions. These genes encoded proteins that were concerned with stress response, detoxification, oxidoreduction reaction, biosynthesis, and catabolism. This, the first large cDNA microarray of this animal, should facilitate analyses of global gene expressions following exposure to TBT.  相似文献   
目前,大多数地质学者仅重视边缘盆地的形成,却往往忽略了边缘盆地在其形成以后的演化.本文拟提出边缘盆地的总发展史,特别是其形成后的演化,并进而探讨边缘盆地在边缘海发育和大陆生长过程中的作用.在地质发展史上,地球表面的宏观地质(发展)演化过程可能有两大类,即海底扩张和大陆生长,对此二者海洋地质学者颇有兴致.关于大陆的生长有两种类型:一是由于不同板块碰撞所导致的大陆联合;二是边缘海的生成,致使大陆不断扩大.关于边缘盆地的形成乃是当代地学工作者所面临的最重要的问题之一,但其对于边缘盆地形成的知识是十分贫乏的.以下作者拟对边缘盆地的演化提出讨论.边缘盆地形成的机制已经提出的有四种模式:(一)Uyeda和Miyashiro(1974)认为日本海的张开是起因于扩张海脊的俯冲,同时Eguchi等(1979)认为安达曼海也是如此;(二)Karig(1971)提出与俯冲作用有关的热底辟造成地壳的扩张,借以解释大多数边缘盆地的形成.McManus与Tate(1978)认为从静态硅铝圈之下涌出的硅镁物质的边缘扩张造成边缘海,并认为该模式更适用于苏禄海、苏拉威西海和南中国海.Lawver和Hawkins(1978)提出岩浆可在某些构造部位呈离散状泄出,并在某些边缘盆地中形成  相似文献   
1nm锰矿相的金属阳离子交换能力的研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
人工合成的1nm锰矿相和铜、钴、镍等二价金属阳离子的交换实验表明,1nm锰矿相具有强烈的金属阳离子交换能力.正是这种金属阳离子的交换能力,使得大洋多金属结核大量地富集了铜、钴、镍等有价金属元素.1nm锰矿相对几种金属阳离子的交换的优先顺序为:Cu>Co>Zn≥Ni>Ca>Mg.多金属结核中镍的含量往往高于铜、钴、锌等元素,但在交换顺序中它却低于铜、钴、锌等,这种不一致性说明结核成矿后期的金属离子交换并非是有价金属结合进结核的唯一途径.多金属结核富含铜、钴、镍等有价金属可能是结核初始成矿和成矿后期金属离子交换等多种因素共同作用的结果.  相似文献   
The single-cell microgel electrophoresis assay or the comet assay was used to evaluate DNA damage of dispersed crude oil on sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) and mussels (Mytilus edulis L.). Sea urchins were exposed to 0.06 and 0.25 mg/L dispersed crude oil in a continuous flow system, while the mussels were exposed to 0.015, 0.06 and 0.25 mg/L dispersed crude oil. Sea urchin coelomocytes and mussel haemocytes were sampled after 4 and 5 weeks exposure, respectively. In the sea urchin coelomocytes, there was a significant concentration-related increase in the percentage of DNA in comet tail. In mussel haemocytes, there was a significantly higher percentage of DNA in comet tail for all treatments compared to the control. The responses were concentration-related up to 0.06 mg/L oil. The two highest exposure concentrations of mussels were not significantly different from each other. These results indicate that the comet assay can be used for biomonitoring of DNA damage in marine invertebrates following oil contamination.  相似文献   
This study aimed to test the performance of the amphipod Gammarus locusta (L.) in chronic sediment toxicity tests. It constitutes part of a multi-level assessment of chronic toxicity of estuarine sediments, integrating organism and population-level endpoints with biochemical markers responses. Here we account for organism and population-level effects, while biomarker responses were reported in a companion article. Five moderately contaminated sediments from Sado and Tagus estuaries were tested, comprising 3 muddy and 2 sandy sediments. These sediments either did not show acute toxicity or were diluted with control sediment as much as required to remove acute toxicity. Subsequent chronic tests consisted of 28-day exposures with survival, individual growth and reproductive traits as endpoints. Two of the muddy sediments induced higher growth rates in the amphipods, and improved reproductive traits. This was understood to be a consequence of the amount of organic matter in the sediment, which was nutritionally beneficial to the amphipods, while concurrently decreasing contaminant bioavailability. Biomarker responses did not reveal toxicant-induced stress in amphipods exposed to these sediments. One of the sandy sediments was acutely toxic at 50% dilution, but in contrast stimulated amphipod growth when diluted 75%. This was presumed to be an indication of a hormetic response. Finally the two remaining contaminated sediments showed pronounced chronic toxicity, affecting survival and reproduction. The sex ratio of survivors was highly biased towards females, and offspring production was severely impaired. The particulars of the responses of this amphipod were examined, as well as strengths versus limitations of the sediment test. This study illustrates the utility of this chronic test for toxicity assessment of contaminated estuarine sediments, with potential application all along Atlantic Europe.  相似文献   
A new interstellar molecular ion, H2COH+ (protonated formaldehyde), has been detected toward Sgr B2, Orion KL, W51, and possibly in NGC 7538 and DR21(OH). Six transitions were detected in Sgr B2(M). The 1(1,0)-1(0,1) transition was detected in all sources listed above. Searches were also made toward the cold, dark clouds TMC-1 and L134N, Orion (3N, 1E), and a red giant, IRC + 10216, without success. The excitation temperatures of H2COH+ are calculated to be 60-110 K, and the column densities are on the order of 10(12)-10(14) cm-2 in Sgr B2, Orion KL, and W51. The fractional abundance of H2COH+ is on the order of 10(-11) to 10-(9), and the ratio of H2COH+ to H2CO is in the range 0.001-0.5 in these objects. The values in Orion KL seem to be consistent with the "early time" values of recent model calculations by Lee, Bettens, & Herbst, but they appear to be higher than the model values in Sgr B2 and W51 even if we take the large uncertainties of column densities of H2CO into account. We suggest production routes starting from CH3OH may play an important role in the formation of H2COH+.  相似文献   
Near-infrared (J, H and K bands) spectra of nine dark asteroids (chosen among a sample of supposed primitive objects between C and D classes) have been obtained at the Mauna Kea Observatory (Hawaii) with the 2.2-m telescope using KSPEC as spectrograph. The aim of this work was to search for evidence of the presence of organic materials in these objects as found in other planetary bodies as 5145 Pholus, and in some cometary nuclei. A careful analysis of the data has revealed flat or slightly redder spectra than the solar one for all observed asteroids. No evidence of distinct absorption features was found.  相似文献   
"Since the Russian economy recently has shown sings of stabilization, there now is evidence that demographic trends are beginning to improve somewhat. Although the population declined by 164,200, to 148.1 million at the beginning of 1996, the release of new statistical compendia by the Russian statistical agency (Goskomstat Rosii) in 1995 and early 1996 makes it possible to identify several positive trends.... Life expectancy increased for the first time since 1985. The infant mortality rate declined for the second year in a row. The crude death rate declined for the first time in a decade. The birth rate remained at about the same level for the third consecutive year. The rate of natural increase (births minus deaths), although still negative, recorded a moderate increase."  相似文献   
自1990年6月北京天文台太阳射电偏振仪投入实测以来,观测到一百多个“Spike”和短时标精细结构微波幅射,其中包括一些新的微波幅射特征。本文给出了主要的四点特征:(1)窄带辐射;(2)快速偏振逆转;(3)快速频率漂移;(4)不同时标的准周期振荡。  相似文献   
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