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Payment schemes for environmental services face serious budget constraints in Mexico. Payments are equally distributed among forest owners, and the governmental agencies that make payments to beneficiaries do not evaluate the amount of environmental services produced by forested areas. This lack of evaluation could lead to economic and environmental deficiencies that restrict the possible benefits of such programmes. In general, these programmes do not achieve their conservation objectives, and local beneficiaries are not involved in the design or application of these programmes. Similarly, the Payments for Hydrological Environmental Services (PHES) programme of the State of Mexico, Mexico, makes equal payments to beneficiaries of forested areas considering tree density. The objective of the present work was to create a methodology for determining differentiated payments schemes for hydrological environmental services, prioritising areas that contribute the most to groundwater recharge and promote the participation of society. In the Nevado de Toluca Natural Protected Area, the environmental criteria of forest type, tree density and aquifer overexploitation as well as social participation were considered in a multi-criteria analysis implemented in a Geographic Information System. A methodology was developed to determine differentiated payments based on specific forest characteristics that influence the potential capacity of forests to recharge groundwater reserves in addition to the level of social participation. In particular, social participation is key as it could ensure the viability of PHES programmes as conservation alternatives in forested areas with high groundwater recharge potential.  相似文献   
利用朝鲜半岛东南部地区浅层地应力数据,给出区域现今应力状态的分布特征及其与断层分布的关系.地应力数据表明,区域最大主压应力呈ENE-WSW到NE-SW向,这与地震震源机制解及欧亚板块东部构造应力方向的一阶模式一致.或许是受到断层的影响,现今应力张量在大小和方向上表现出不均匀性.区域水平主应力变化较为一致,而垂向则变化较...  相似文献   
1997年4月28日爱德华王子岛转换断层地震(M_u6.8)的地震图清楚地显示了两类破裂的重叠,一种是正常地震,一种是在低频辐射能量的慢成分。我们将低频谱数据和P波波形数据结合起来,反演满足0.001~2.5 Hz数据的震源时间函数。结果表明地震开始于快主震前约15s的一个慢事件,它是持续时间在30s以上慢震的一部分。在地区性台站P波到时初始部分期间,从高频能量低振幅推断初始事件的平滑度。方向性分析表明,破裂的这两种成分发生在不同断层上。慢事件发生在主转换断层上,快事件发生在以东40 km的一个平行断层上。1994年罗曼什转换断层上发生过一个包括慢成分和快成分的近似的复合序列,且在多个断层上都发生了破裂。慢震的这些结果和其他结果表明,海洋转换断层上的许多大地震都是复合事件。  相似文献   
太古宙的多期变质岩构成了波罗的地盾东部元古宙地层的褶皱基底,占据了被现令侵蚀面切割的70%地区。太古宇是由不同时代的数个岩石群构成的(在2600-3500Ma时限范围内)其中包括有白海系、科拉系、卡罗里达系基底杂岩和拉宾杂岩。白海系和科拉系主要是由片麻岩(铝质、斜长石和含闪岩的)和闪岩构成,总厚为5—7公里。在扎曼德拉(Zaimandra)、平克尔—贾维(Pinkel-jarvi)等地麻粒岩  相似文献   
本文利用2001-2003年南极中山站175天全天空摄像机观测,对午后多重极光弧的出现率及其与Kp指数的关系进行了统计分析,结果表明午后多重极光弧出现率呈一单峰分布,最大发生率出现在1445UT(1645MLT),其位置在1500MLT极光热点(1300-1700MLT)近夜侧的部分。与地磁活动指数Kp的相关统计分析表明,Kp值为2-3之间时多重极光弧有较大的出现率,这说明中等地磁活动情形下午后多重极光弧有较高的出现率。事件分析表明多重极光弧的强度变化与地磁Pc5脉动具有较高的相关性,并且有类似的频谱特征,这说明午后多重极光弧可能与同时出现的Pc5地磁脉动有关。  相似文献   
l introduCtionJiangsu Province is one of the fastest growing provinces in Cab and has eXPerienced aStonishingeconomic development since the Anplementahon of reform and open dOOr POlicy in 1978. As theeconomic development is closely related to the industrial develOPment, this Paper will examine tileperformance of industrial sector in Jiangsu in the period 1978-1995. ms may be helpfiil to understandthe regional economic development in the ProVince which serves as a good case study of this …  相似文献   
为了对平流层大气环流的地形影响的作用进行分析,我们作了一个12层全球环流NCAR(美国国家大气研究中心)模式进行数值试验来模拟有山和无山情况下的1月份气候形势,模式中的大气顶为36公里,采用球坐标,水平网格的经距和纬距取5°,垂直格距取3公里。这个模式包括了许多物理因子:太阳辐射和大地辐射,地面和行星边界层,对流层中大尺度降水和云,地面和冰雪面的温度,对流调整,次网格尺度的热量、水汽和动量的输送。地面的大陆度:在有山的情况下由洋面温度与真实地形来确定,在无山的情况下由洋面温度与地平面高度来确定。我们规定按太阳偏角、海面温度以及臭氧随纬度—高度的分布来模拟1月份平均情况。试验中不考虑光化过程。1月份(有山和无山)两种模拟情况的差异是用大气状态变量的地理分布以及纬向平均的气候统计结果来进行分析的。结果发现平流层中在考虑了山的情况下,在增强行星波动能量的铅直输送的方面有明显的差异(尤其是波数1)。在冬季,平流层中,阿留申地区上空半永久性的反气旋仅在有山的情况下才能模拟出来。这表明地形对于平流层大气环流的影响是很大的。另外还详细研究了热带平流层中各种波型铅直传播的特点。有两种波型是一样的;即以5天左右为周期的混合型罗斯贝—重力波和以15天左右为周期的开尔文波。这些波动随高度的倾斜和观测事实是十分一致的,这表明了在模式中热带平流层的波动能量的铅直输送也是向上的。关于在平流层中动量平衡和能量学的详细分析将在第二部分描述。  相似文献   
A study was conducted to determine polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) distribution and microbial population changes in brackish sediments from an Italian lagoon included in the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance. The presence and level of PAH-degrading bacteria were estimated by the most probable number (MPN) enumeration technique, whereas degradation capability towards target compounds was checked against loss of spiked PAHs (Phenanthrene, Anthracene and Fluoranthene) in MPN tubes after incubation in optimal conditions. Chemical analyses and microbiological counts suggested a potential for PAHs biodegradation by natural occurring populations of sediment microorganisms, thus indicating an "optimal range" in sediment PAHs concentrations, outside of which the natural selection of the indigenous microflora did not occur. The MPN procedure here described, provided an effective and reliable way to simultaneously determine microbial population densities and subsequent confirmation of the biodegradation capability of sediment indigenous microflora when exposed to laboratory and environmental concentrations of PAHs.  相似文献   
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