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The Arctic Mediterranean is the ocean area north of the Greenland-Scotland Ridge. Exchanges between this region and the North Atlantic both provide the main source for production of North Atlantic Deep Water and supply heat and salt to the northern oceans. The exchange occurs through several gaps in the ridge; in terms of volume flux the Iceland-Scotland Gap is the most important one as it carries more than half the total, with approximately three quarters of the total inflow and one third of the total outflow. The Nordic WOCE observational system was initiated to monitor the exchanges through this gap and it has provided data that allow estimates of typical fluxes and their seasonal variation. The flux measurements show that most of the Atlantic inflow to the Arctic Mediterranean returns as overflow and hence the processes forming intermediate and deep waters in the Arctic Mediterranean are the main forcing mechanism for the Atlantic inflow. The inflow between Iceland and Scotland seems to be a maximum in late winter while the Faroe Bank Channel overflow is strongest in late summer. Using the results from the Nordic WOCE system it has been possible to interpret historical observations from Ocean Weather Ship Station M and conclude that the flux of the Faroe Bank Channel overflow decreased in magnitude from 1950 to 2000.  相似文献   
Using synchronous cultures of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardti, the toxicities of mixtures of Ekofisk crude oil and oil dispersants were measured. Sixteen so-called concentrates and 10 solvent-based dispersants were tested. The dispersing effectiveness of these compounds with respect to the Ekofisk crude oil was also measured. The concentrates were tested undiluted as well as diluted using algal growth medium (2‰ salinity) and artificial sea water (33‰ salinity) as dispersing liquid. The solvent-based compounds were tested in algal medium. For all compounds we found significant correlations between their toxicity and their effectiveness in dispersing the Ekofisk oil, such that the more effective the compound, the more toxic it was.  相似文献   
Hydrographic time series from the northern North Atlantic throughout the 20th century show oscillations in temperature and salinity at more or less regular intervals. The Great Salinity Anomalies described during the 1970s [Dickson, R.R., Meincke, J., Malmberg, S.-A., Lee, A.J., 1988. The “Great Salinity Anomaly” in the North Atlantic, 1968-1982. Progress in Oceanography 20, 103-151.], during the 1980s [Belkin, I.M., Levitus, S., Antonov, J., Malmberg, S.-A., 1998. “Great Salinity Anomalies” in the North Atlantic. Progress in Oceanography 41, 1-68.], and during the 1990s [Belkin, I.M., 2004. Propagation of the “Great Salinity Anomaly” of the 1990s around the northern North Atlantic. Geophysical Research Letters 31(8), L08306, doi:10.1029/2003GL019334.] have distinct amplitudes, and all three of them were interpreted as low salinity anomalies propagating downstream through the anti-clockwise circulation system of the northern North Atlantic Ocean. Further inspection of time series from the Northeast Atlantic and the Northwest Atlantic over the past century shows, however, several other distinct negative anomalies of lesser amplitudes. Additionally, a number of high salinity anomalies can be identified. The present paper analyses further the propagation of the negative and positive anomalies and links them together. It is shown that they have varying speeds of propagation, and that the varying speeds are correlated across the North Atlantic. We propose that varying volume fluxes in and out of the Arctic Basin is the causal mechanism behind the anomaly signals, and that the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) partly has influence on the flux variations described. Periods of large decadal-scale amplitudes of the NAO coincide with periods of large decadal-scale oscillation in the marine climate.  相似文献   
Governors always have some image of what they are governing and why, and of what their role is. These images are often implicit. They are not reflected upon or discussed in the governance process, yet they have real consequences because they are acted upon. Interactive governance theory argues that image formation is an integral part of governance and that images are made as explicit as possible to avoid self-fulfilment. Such a process needs to be interactive and flexible to allow exploration of alternatives to existing governing images for the purpose of enhancing the governability of fisheries systems. In this paper, we contrast the classical image of the governing system (top down decision-making pyramid) and of the human-in-nature system (top down trophic pyramid) with alternative images (roses and inverted pyramid, respectively) and discuss the implication that these different images have on fisheries governance.  相似文献   

The objective of the article is to show how the demonstration project and battery ferry Ampere has contributed to a greening of public ferry procurement in Norway. Building on theories on demonstration projects in transition studies and institutional work, the author argues for a more integrated focus than hitherto on the dynamic interplay of materiality, organization, and discourse in demonstration projects, and how the agency of actor networks and the materiality connected to demonstration projects can affect institutional change accompanying transition processes. This is done by conceptualizing Ampere as a ‘performing project’: a complex of discursive and organizational strategies of framing and lobbying deployed by the actor networks connected to it and its materiality. Methodically, the author draws on semi-structured interviews and document analysis. The results suggest that Ampere’s ‘performance’ has contributed to changes in national and regional ferry procurement practices and been vital for an emerging maritime battery niche.  相似文献   
Knowledge of upper ocean currents is needed for trajectory forecasts and is essential for search and rescue operations and oil spill mitigation. This paper addresses effects of surface waves on ocean currents and drifter trajectories using in situ observations. The data set includes colocated measurements of directional wave spectra from a wave rider buoy, ocean currents measured by acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs), as well as data from two types of tracking buoys that sample the currents at two different depths. The ADCP measures the Eulerian current at one point, as modelled by an ocean general circulation model, while the tracking buoys are advected by the Lagrangian current that includes the wave-induced Stokes drift. Based on our observations, we assess the importance of two different wave effects: (a) forcing of the ocean current by wave-induced surface fluxes and the Coriolis–Stokes force, and (b) advection of surface drifters by wave motion, that is the Stokes drift. Recent theoretical developments provide a framework for including these wave effects in ocean model systems. The order of magnitude of the Stokes drift is the same as the Eulerian current judging from the available data. The wave-induced momentum and turbulent kinetic energy fluxes are estimated and shown to be significant. Similarly, the wave-induced Coriolis–Stokes force is significant over time scales related to the inertial period. Surface drifter trajectories were analysed and could be reproduced using the observations of currents, waves and wind. Waves were found to have a significant contribution to the trajectories, and we conclude that adding wave effects in ocean model systems is likely to increase predictability of surface drifter trajectories. The relative importance of the Stokes drift was twice as large as the direct wind drag for the used surface drifter.  相似文献   
We investigated the impact of persistent hypoxia on sediment chemistry by comparing total, reactive (extractible with 1?M hydroxylamine?Chydrochloride in 25?% acetic acid), and dissolved forms of the redox-sensitive elements Mn, Fe, and As in cores recovered between 1982 and 2007 at two sites in the Lower St. Lawrence Estuary (LSLE) where the bottom water has been severely hypoxic since the early 1980s. The data reveal that the concentrations and the vertical distributions of total solid-phase and dissolved Mn as well as total solid-phase Fe and As were not significantly affected by persistent hypoxia. In contrast, the composition of solid-phase Fe and As changed significantly as did the pore-water concentrations of both these elements. The relative amounts of solid-phase reactive Fe and As increased, and the abundance of pyrite and pyritic?CAs decreased in the sediment layer that accumulated since 1982. We propose that persistent hypoxic conditions restrict the supply of oxygen to the sediment and increase the relative contribution of alternate electron acceptors??Mn(IV), Fe(III), and sulfate??to microbial oxidation of organic matter. In marine iron-rich environments, such as the LSLE sediment, increased sulfate reduction may promote conversion of less reactive Fe phases to more reactive Fe phases which, in turn, interfere with pyrite formation. Consequently, a chalcophile element such as As, which would normally be sequestered with authigenic pyrite, remains available for recycling across the oxic?Canoxic boundary in the sediment.  相似文献   
Some drainage ditches in the intensively managed row-crop agricultural region of southern Minnesota evolved from a trapezoidal form to multi-staged channel forms similar to natural streams. Older ditches constructed in cohesive sediment of the Des Moines Lobe till tend to follow a channel evolution model developed by Simon and Hupp. Site cross sections, longitudinal water and bed profiles and bed material particle size were determined according to Harrelson and others at 24 older ditch reaches, 5 newly constructed ditch reaches and 13 natural stream reaches. Morphological features were hypothesized to change from trapezoidal form to flat bench banks, similar to benches found in natural stream channels. All data were statistically analyzed with respect to drainage area using regression, because channel form is directly related to drainage area for a given climate, geology and land use. Results show similar regression slope and intercept for bankfull channel width and bankfull cross-sectional area (CSA) of older ditches and natural streams compared to typical trapezoidal designed ditches. Evolved ditches developed a small floodplain bench above the ditch bed and adjusted their bankfull widths similar to natural stream channels with respect to drainage area. Old ditches showed a relatively strong R 2 (0.82, 0.68) for channel CSA and width, a weaker R 2 (0.45) for water surface slope, and little to no correlation with bed particle size. Channel form appears to have adjusted more quickly than bed facets and/or bed particle size distribution. However, stepwise regression determined that D84, width/depth ratio and mean bankfull depth explained 83?% of the variability of channel features across varying drainage areas. Findings suggest a possible reduction of long-term maintenance costs if older ditches are allowed to evolve over time. A stable ditch form similar to natural streams is typically self-sustaining, suggesting that prior to a scheduled clean-out, the ditch should be examined for hydraulic capacity, sediment transport and bank stability.  相似文献   
Resetting of sediments mobilised by the LGM ice-sheet in southern Norway   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Former geological field investigations in the Rondane area, east-central southern Norway, have proposed that the maximum Fennoscandian ice-sheet coverage occurred during the Late Weichselian Glacial Maximum (LGM, ca. 20 ka) and that subsequent glaciofluvial sediments were first deposited in the early Holocene (after 10 ka). However, recent field investigations with ages from three internally consistent quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) age series show an apparent deglaciation of northern Rondane in the period 20.0–13.8 ka. We examine here the possibility that these ages are too old because the sediment was not completely zeroed prior to deposition. Our investigations of incomplete bleaching use modern analogues, small aliquots, and single grains of quartz. First, the symmetric shape of small aliquot equivalent dose distributions suggests that the sediment was probably well bleached at deposition. This is supported by 5 modern analogue equivalent doses (De) of 0.6 Gy, 1.5% of the typical De from the deglaciation sediments. Finally, from single grain studies on three samples, we conclude that there is no evidence for poor bleaching in these samples; thus the weighted mean gives the best estimates of De, and these are completely consistent with both large and small aliquot estimates for these samples. These comparisons between large aliquots, modern analogues, small aliquots and single-grain analyses help to validate the OSL ages and confirm the complete resetting of these sediments prior to deposition.  相似文献   
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