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Rb-Sr isochron age of fluid inclusions in quartz from the Fuwan super-large silver deposit is 68 - 6 Ma, the silver deposit is characterized by high μ values (10.67 - 10.95 ), which are much higher than those of the ore-hosted Paleozoic strata and are close to those of ores hosted in the Proterozoic metamorphic basement in western Guangdong Province. Based on the Pb isotopic characteristics, coupled with much high background silver contents (200-1000ng/g) in the Proterozoic basement and relatively low silver contents in the Paleozoic strata in the region of the Sanshui Basin, it is concluded that the ore-forming material of the super-large silver deposit came mainly from the old basement. The super-large silver deposit related genetically to the intense volcanic activities during the Upper Cretaceous to Eogene. The formation of the Fuwan super-large silver deposit is controlled by the following favorable geological conditions : ( 1 ) The intersection of deep faults and contemporaneous faults at the margin of the Sanshui Basin led to the formation of an excellent structure as passageway for ore fluids; (2) The special ore-hosted rock association forms a ore gathering-trap structure that favors the precipitation of ore; (3) The silver-rich old basement, multi-stage mineralization and multi-episode volcanic activities which constitute a geothermal convection system.  相似文献   
东营凹陷地下水动力场的形成与演化   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:10  
沉积盆地地下水动力场的理想模式可以归纳为对称型和不对称型两种,其中局部地下水动力单元可以划分为泥岩压榨水离心流,大气水下渗向心流,越流、越流蒸发泄水和滞流4种类型。地下水动力场的演化具有旋回性,每个旋回可以分为两个阶段:盆地沉降沉积时期的泥岩压榨水离心流阶段和盆地抬升剥蚀时期的大气水下渗向心流阶段。随沉积盆地的形成与演化,水动力场也有形成、发展和消亡的过程。东营凹陷地下水动力场在平面上呈对称性:总体上大气水由凹陷边缘向凹陷中心渗入,凹陷内部各洼陷为压榨水形成的离心流区,凹陷边缘南部斜坡带和北部断阶带以及凹陷内部中央断裂带为越流泄水区。纵向上,局部水动力单元强度及演化规律与地层的埋藏深度有关。随着埋藏深度的增加,水动力单元强度逐渐减弱。  相似文献   
This paper describes a two-dimensional lake breeze model with turbulent energy closure. The simulated results show that (1) the front of the lake breeze progresses inland faster in the late afternoon than at the fully developed stage; and (2) the lake breeze and land breeze have larger extension offshore than inland. The acce-leration of the front in the declining phase of the lake breeze is explained in terms of the decreased turbulent fric-tion acting on the head of the lake breeze. The larger extension offshore, probably, is attributed to the smaller roughness of water surface and to the offshore synoptic wind.  相似文献   
贵州西北部发育多处基性侵入岩,总体规模较小(约0.25 Km2),多沿深大断裂侵位,出露于铅锌矿点外围,本文对猫猫厂、凉山两处矿点附近的儿马冲和白岩庆两地小型基性侵入岩进行了重点研究。侵入岩主要岩性为细粒辉长岩,造岩矿物主要为拉长石、普通辉石。SiO2范围为49.60-51.09 wt%,MgO从3.88-4.27 wt %,TiO2为3.69-3.85 wt %。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年结果为268.3±7.4 Ma,显示岩浆侵位于二叠纪。基性侵入岩的微量元素蛛网图呈OIB型特征,富集大离子亲石元素(LILE)、轻稀土元素(LREE),亏损重稀土元素(HFEE),相对亏损高场强元素(Nb,Ta),有Sr、Y亏损,Pb富集。(87Sr/86Sr)i范围0.706749~0.707069,(143Nd/144Nd)i范围0.512313~0.512363,εNd(t)范围0.2~1.2;源区熔融深度处于石榴石橄榄岩相深度,可能经历了1-3 %的部分熔融,处于亏损石榴石二辉橄榄岩相向原始石榴石二辉橄榄岩相的过渡区。成岩过程中发生了单斜辉石、斜长石等矿物分离结晶,受到了有限的地壳混染作用,未经历明显的AFC过程。地壳物质在地幔源区中的加入可能是造成地幔富集的主要原因。侵入岩与成矿作用之间的关系,主要通过两方面所表现。一方面是二者间构造活动上的耦合性。另一方面是基性岩在成矿过程中可能发挥了重要的化学屏障层作用。  相似文献   
采用问卷调查的方式,对气象、交通、公安等多部门公路交通决策气象服务关注的气象要素、产品类型和时段、服务改进方向等需求进行了调研。利用专家评分法对调查内容进行评估分析,并提出提升公路交通决策气象服务能力的相关建议。结果表明:专家对现有公路交通决策气象服务工作总体满意度较高,普遍认为公路交通决策气象服务在公路运输、运行调度、应急救援等方面发挥作用明显;行业领域不同需求的气象要素有所不同,交通部门专家对公路积雪、降雪、霾等要素给出的需求权重值明显高于气象部门专家给出的;不同类型的决策服务产品关注的气象要素和时效也有所不同,其中,监测类产品对低能见度、道路积雪要素最为关注;预报类产品对雨雪和大雾要素最为关注;预警类产品对大雾最为关注;而影响评估类产品对低能见度最为关注。监测类产品主要关注逐小时时段;预报和预警类产品重点关注未来3—12 h时段;而影响评估类产品主要关注日、月、季度时段。  相似文献   
副高边缘暴雨的多普勒雷达回波特征   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
利用常规观测资料和多普勒雷达探测资料,对2003-2004年湖南省4次副高边缘暴雨的天气形势和雷达回波特征进行了分析研究。结果表明:4次暴雨过程的副高位置适当,高空有低槽,中低层有低空急流和低涡切变线,地面上有冷锋。在基本反射率图上,低槽暴雨有S-N向的窄带回波特征、冷式切变线暴雨有准W—E向的积层回波特征、暖式切变线有NE—SW向的积层回波特征,但每一次暴雨过程不尽相同。在多普勒速度图上常出现低空急流、冷暖平流、冷锋、逆风区以及高层大风核等特征,并常是几种特征同时出现,有利于强降水产生。  相似文献   
地表温度是衡量地表水热平衡的关键参数,微波地表温度因其范围大、全天候等独特的优势,在气候、农业和环境等领域得到广泛应用。基于经质量控制的MODIS地表温度产品对风云三号卫星C星的微波地表温度日产品和月平均产品进行验证评估,结果显示:FY-3C卫星升轨(夜晚)和降轨(白天)微波地表温度日产品平均分别高估8. 7 K、低估13. 2 K,月平均产品平均分别高估7. 9 K、低估12. 0 K,日产品和月平均产品的反演误差都在15K以内。在全球空间分布上,升轨(夜晚)和降轨(白天)月产品误差分别呈现高估和低估,热带雨林区和沙漠、荒漠区域在夜晚分别高估5 K以内和30 K以内,白天则分别低估10 K以内和10~30 K。不同土地覆盖类型间FY-3C微波地表温度反演精度存在差异,总体上升轨(夜晚)比降轨(白天)的精度高,反演精度最高和最低的土地类型分别是常绿阔叶林和荒漠、稀疏植被,不同土地覆盖类型间的地表温度反演精度在季节上存在明显差异。根据分析结果,改进FY-3C微波地表温度的反演算法,可进一步提高微波地表温度的反演精度。  相似文献   
By incorporating the fabric effect and Lode’s angle dependence into the Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion, a strength criterion for cross-anisotropic sand under general stress conditions was proposed. The obtained criterion has only three material parameters which can be specified by conventional triaxial tests. The formula to calculate the friction angle under any loading direction and intermediate principal stress ratio condition was deduced, and the influence of the degree of the cross-anisotropy was quantified. The friction angles of sand in triaxial, true triaxial, and hollow cylinder torsional shear tests were obtained, and a parametric analysis was used to detect the varying characteristics. The friction angle becomes smaller when the major principal stress changes from perpendicular to parallel to the bedding plane. The loading direction and intermediate principal stress ratio are unrelated in true triaxial tests, and their influences on the friction angle can be well captured by the proposed criterion. In hollow cylinder torsional shear tests with the same internal and external pressures, the loading direction and intermediate principal stress ratio are related. This property results in a lower friction angle in the hollow cylinder torsional shear test than that in the true triaxial test under the same intermediate principal stress ratio condition. By comparing the calculated friction angle with the experimental results under various loading conditions (e.g., triaxial, true triaxial, and hollow cylinder torsional shear test), the proposed criterion was verified to be able to characterize the shear strength of cross-anisotropic sand under general stress conditions.  相似文献   
We observed unusually high levels (> 440 μatm) of carbon dioxide fugacity (fCO2) in surface seawater in the western subtropical North Pacific, the area where Subtropical Mode Water is formed, during summer 2015. The NOAA Kuroshio Extension Observatory moored buoy located in this region also measured high CO2 values, up to 500 μatm during this period. These high sea surface fCO2 (fCO2SW) values are explained by much higher normalized total dissolved inorganic carbon and slightly higher normalized total alkalinity concentrations in this region compared to the equatorial Pacific. Moreover, these values are much higher than the climatological CO2 values, even considering increasing atmospheric CO2, indicating a recent large increase in sea surface CO2 concentrations. A large seasonal change in sea surface temperature contributed to higher surface fCO2SW in the summer of 2015.  相似文献   
The Cairo earthquake (12 October 1992; m b  = 5.8) is still and after 25 years one of the most painful events and is dug into the Egyptians memory. This is not due to the strength of the earthquake but due to the accompanied losses and damages (561 dead; 10,000 injured and 3000 families lost their homes). Nowadays, the most frequent and important question that should rise is “what if this earthquake is repeated today.” In this study, we simulate the same size earthquake (12 October 1992) ground motion shaking and the consequent social-economic impacts in terms of losses and damages. Seismic hazard, earthquake catalogs, soil types, demographics, and building inventories were integrated into HAZUS-MH to produce a sound earthquake risk assessment for Cairo including economic and social losses. Generally, the earthquake risk assessment clearly indicates that “the losses and damages may be increased twice or three times” in Cairo compared to the 1992 earthquake. The earthquake risk profile reveals that five districts (Al-Sahel, El Basateen, Dar El-Salam, Gharb, and Madinat Nasr sharq) lie in high seismic risks, and three districts (Manshiyat Naser, El-Waily, and Wassat (center)) are in low seismic risk level. Moreover, the building damage estimations reflect that Gharb is the highest vulnerable district. The analysis shows that the Cairo urban area faces high risk. Deteriorating buildings and infrastructure make the city particularly vulnerable to earthquake risks. For instance, more than 90 % of the estimated buildings damages are concentrated within the most densely populated (El Basateen, Dar El-Salam, Gharb, and Madinat Nasr Gharb) districts. Moreover, about 75 % of casualties are in the same districts. Actually, an earthquake risk assessment for Cairo represents a crucial application of the HAZUS earthquake loss estimation model for risk management. Finally, for mitigation, risk reduction, and to improve the seismic performance of structures and assure life safety and collapse prevention in future earthquakes, a five-step road map has been purposed.  相似文献   
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