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Radio emission by pulsars is calculated from first principles. In an almost current-free magnetosphere, the two charged components (of the unsteadily escaping pair plasma) have different (and varying) bulk Lorentz factors. Curvature radiation emitted by the more energetic component is thus locally coherent, (so-called antenna mechanism). Strong enough seed signals cause the relativistically streaming charges to enhance their radiation, via an induced drift that can largely exceed the curvature drift. This amplification mechanism is similar to - but different from - that of a maser; we call it a MAIDER. Maximal amplification occurs at an (emission) altitude where the two components have sufficiently separated in energy though not yet separated too strongly in space.  相似文献   
青岛海陆风三维结构的数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文采用 1个陡地形影响修正的三维中尺度流体静力的气象学模式 ,对青岛地区海陆风的日变化规律和三维结构进行了较细致的分析。结果显示 ,青岛有多支海陆风存在 ,且每支海陆风出现的时间、强度和向内陆伸展的距离有很大的不同。这其中沿岸山地的机械和热力作用扮演着重要的角色。在观测站 ,模拟结果和实测资料等方面有较好的一致性。  相似文献   
We reported recently some rapid changes of sunspot structure in white-light(WL) associated with major flares.We extend the study to smaller events and present here results of a statistical study of this phenomenon.In total,we investigate 403 events from 1998 May 9 to 2004 July 17,including 40 X-class,174 M-class,and 189 C-class flares.By monitoring the structure of the flaring active regions using the WL observations from the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer(TRACE),we find that segments in the outer sunspot structure decayed rapidly right after many flares;and that,on the other hand,the central part of sunspots near the flare-associated magnetic neutral line became darkened.These rapid and permanent changes are evidenced in the time profiles of WL mean intensity and are not likely resulted from the flare emissions.Our study further shows that the outer sunspot structure decay as well as the central structure darkening are more likely to be detected in larger solar flares.For X-class flares,over 40% events show distinct sunspot structure change.For M-and C-class flares,this percentage drops to 17% and 10%,respectively.The results of this statistical study support our previously proposed reconnection picture,i.e.,the flare-related magnetic fields evolve from a highly inclined to a more vertical configuration.  相似文献   
2010年沙尘天气对巴彦浩特空气质量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用巴彦浩特2010年1月至2011年2月PM10、SO2、NO2的逐日监测数据和同一时期气象观测资料,分析巴彦浩特空气污染物特征及PM10浓度与沙尘天气之间的关系。分析结果表明:2010年春、夏、秋三季巴彦浩特的主要污染物是PM10,冬季主要污染物是SO2;沙尘天气是造成巴彦浩特PM10浓度变化的最重要因素;影响巴彦浩特空气质量的沙尘主要来源于其西北方向和西北偏北方向。建议有关部门在巴彦浩特西北地区搞好生态保护与建设,以减轻沙尘天气对巴彦浩特地区空气质量的影响。  相似文献   
基于长期不透水面和MODIS地表温度数据,分析2000—2015年中国城市群扩张及热岛效应时空演变,进而综合采用冗余分析(RDA)、线性回归分析和变异分配分析(VPA)等方法,揭示城市群城市热岛效应的驱动机制。结果表明:城市群内建成区面积快速扩张,不透水面比例从2000年2.08%增长到2015年5.33%,且主要集中于珠江三角洲等沿海城市群;2000—2015年,夏季热岛分布较广,且白天强度高于夜晚。东部以及大部分北部城市群如哈长城市群等,降温强度较大,但其夜晚热岛效应在不同程度增强。冬季夜晚比白天热岛分布广、强度高,北方、西北、东部等地区夜晚热岛效应也在增强;自然环境因素显著影响城市群热岛强度,降水对夏季夜晚热岛强度起显著负贡献(22%),纬度越高,冬季夜晚热岛强度也越高。人为因素显著影响夜晚热岛分布和城市群内热岛强度的平衡,城市植被覆盖显著减少夜晚城市群内热岛分布,灯光强度对夏季夜晚热岛强度起显著负贡献(24%),对热岛比例起显著正贡献(27%),人口密度对夏季夜晚热岛强度起显著负贡献(31%);自然环境因素对热岛强度的贡献占主导,而人为干扰因素对热岛比例的贡献占主导。  相似文献   

现代洪水沉积物的沉积学特征研究是开展古洪水重建的一项基础工作.2018年黄河汛期洪水沉积物在兰州体育公园形成了一道天然堤.对该天然堤剖面的岩石磁学研究显示:沉积物中的磁性矿物既有磁铁矿,又有赤铁矿/针铁矿.磁化率、饱和等温剩磁、非磁滞剩磁、S-ratio和L-ratio等参数在剖面上没有明显变化,指示2018年洪水沉积物源区、磁性矿物的种类和含量变化不显著.剖面下部(66~110 cm)沉积物的磁化率各向异性(AMS)椭球最大轴偏角集中分布(K1-Dec=22.8°±10.3°),上部(0~64 cm)沉积物的磁化率最大轴偏角在上半平面内随机分布;下部沉积物的磁性矿物粒度指标(χARM/χχARM/SIRM)和天然剩磁(NRM)强度低于上部;指示洪水沉积物的下部和上部分别形成于2018年黄河二号和三号洪水期间.由于二号洪水流量及水位陡升陡降、持续时间短,三号洪水水位升降相对缓慢、持续时间长;造成了两次洪水沉积物的AMS特征、χARM/χχARM/SIRM以及NRM强度差异.本研究揭示洪水沉积物的磁学参数能够灵敏地响应不同水动力条件和持续时间的洪水期次,从而具有高分辨率区分洪水事件的潜力.

张畅  陈新军 《海洋学报》2019,41(2):99-106
澳洲鲐(Scomber australasicus)是西北太平洋重要的中上层经济鱼类,生命周期相对较短,资源量受补充量影响明显,了解澳洲鲐太平洋群系补充量状况对掌握其资源量及确保其可持续利用具有重要的意义。本文利用产卵场1(30°~32°N,130°~132°E)海表面温度(sea surface temperature,SST1)、产卵场2(34°~35°N,138°~141°E)海表面温度(SST2)、索饵场(35°~45°N,140°~160°E)海表面温度(SST3)、潮位差(tidal range,TR)、太平洋年代际涛动(Pacific decadal oscillation,PDO)和亲体量(spawning stock biomass,SSB)6个影响因子任意组合与补充量构建多个模型,运用贝叶斯模型平均法(Bayesian model averaging,BMA)分析各个环境因子对资源补充量的解释能力,并预测其补充量的变化。结果表明,SSB对补充量具有最长期且稳定的解释能力,其次是SST3,PDO、TR、SST2、SST1也对补充量模型具有一定的解释能力。SST3是环境因子中影响最大的因子,可能是由于补充群体在索饵场内生活时间较长,索饵场温度对仔鱼或鱼卵的生长存活有较大的影响。研究认为,基于BMA的组合预报综合考虑了各个模型的优势,优于单一模型,可用于澳洲鲐资源补充量的预测。  相似文献   
During 1992–2007, excessive pumping of groundwater caused large-scale aquifer-system compaction and land subsidence in the Choshui River Alluvial Fan, especially in the area of Yunlin county. The subsidence impedes surface-water runoff and endangers the operation of Taiwan High Speed Rail. Leveling, Global Positioning System (GPS), multi-level compaction monitoring well, and Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) are used to study the extent of subsidence in Yunlin and its mechanism. These sensors complement each other in spatial and temporal resolutions. A leveling network totaling 434 km in length was deployed to derive subsidence at every 1.5 km along the routes, and the result is accurate to few mm and shows a basin-like subsidence pattern centering at Tuku Township. Four multi-level compaction monitoring wells, co-located with GPS pillars, detect compactions at different depths, showing that the aquifer-system compaction (the cause of subsidence) occurs mostly below depths >200 m, where reduction of groundwater pumping is most needed. The vertical displacements from GPS and leveling agree to within 1 cm, and are larger than the cumulative compaction detected by the compaction-monitoring wells, suggesting that compaction also occurs below 300 m (the depth of the wells). The vertical displacements derived using DInSAR and 8 ENVISAT SAR images agree with the leveling result to 1–2 cm.  相似文献   
We report the results of fully three-dimensional numerical simulations of nonlinear convection in a Boussinesq fluid in an annular channel rotating about a vertical axis with lateral no-slip or stress-free sidewalls, stress-free top and bottom, uniformly heated from below, a problem first studied by Davies-Jones and Gilman (1971 Davies-Jones, RP and Gilman, PA. 1971. Convection in a rotating annulus uniformly heated from below.. J. Fluid Mech., 46: 6581.  [Google Scholar]) and Gilman (1973 Gilman, PA. 1973. Convection in a rotating annulus uniformly heated from below. Part 2. Nonlinear results. J. Fluid Mech., 57: 381400.  [Google Scholar]). A substantial range of the Rayleigh number R (Rc≤R≤O(100 Rc)), where Rc denotes the critical value at the onset of convection) is considered. It is found that the wall-localized convection mode, unaffected by the velocity boundary condition imposed on the sidewalls, is nonlinearly robust. Both directions of travelling waves, one propagating against the sense of rotation near the outer sidewall and the other propagating in the same sense as the rotation in the vicinity of the inner sidewall, are always present in the nonlinear solutions. In contrast to nonlinear convection in a rotating Bénard layer, neither convection rolls nor the Küpper–Lortz instability can exist in a rotating annular channel because of the effect of the sidewalls. It is the nonlinear interaction between the wall-localized modes and the internal mode that plays an essential role in determining the nonlinear properties of convection in a rotating annular channel. Our studies reveal systematically the various nonlinear phenomena, from steady travelling waves trapped in the vicinities of the sidewalls to convective turbulence exhibiting columnar structure.  相似文献   
一条巨蛇的多条尾巴令人恐怖地缠绕在一起,一只尖角从头顶伸出.这个怪物似乎正在遨游星球的海洋,或它正在攀爬一个陡峭的玄武岩悬崖?美国洛斯阿拉莫国家实验室的环境考古学家Bruce Masse 看到这个古代古刻,坚定地认为,这是一颗慧明.……  相似文献   
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