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We present new evidence of infiltration metasomatism in granitoids that were albitized in a process that produced two sharp replacement fronts, both of which are clearly visible in the field. The two fronts advanced through the original granite simultaneously, but at different rates. Here we focus mainly on the Ajitgarh intrusive in the northern Aravalli orogen of northwest India. This intrusion shows geographically well-defined metasomatic zones on the outcrop scale as well as a large volume of original ferroan granite, both of which were poorly preserved in most of the previously studied Khetri granites. Stage I metasomatism transformed the grey original granite to pink microcline–albite granite, and stage II converted the microcline–albite granite to white albite granite. Both these reaction fronts are sharp and are easily recognized in the field by their different colours. The mineralogical and chemical changes during the first stage are expressed by transformation of original oligoclase to albite, biotite (annite-rich) and hastingsite (amphibole) to hastingsite with low XFe values, dehydration, gain in Na, and losses in Fe and Rb. The second stage of metasomatism caused almost complete conversion of microcline to albite and complete or nearly complete disappearance of amphibole. Chemically, these changes are manifested by substantial gain in Na and extreme losses in K, Rb, Ba, Ca, Sr, Fe, and Mg. Depending on the modal abundances of amphibole, stage II albitized rocks are depleted in light rare earth elements or heavy rare earth elements or both, signifying that rare earth elements are principally hosted by mafic phases. The disparity in whole-rock δ18O values during both stages of albitization is related to the variations in modal amounts of Si-bearing phases. The replacement microstructures are in accord with the fluid-mediated phase transformations by a coupled dissolution–precipitation mechanism. The albitizing event took place at low temperatures of 350–400 °C and the fluid was metamorphic in nature.  相似文献   
In this problem, one of the primaries of mass \(m^{*}_{1}\) is a rigid spherical shell filled with a homogeneous incompressible fluid of density ρ 1. The smaller primary of mass m 2 is an oblate body outside the shell. The third and the fourth bodies (of mass m 3 and m 4 respectively) are small solid spheres of density ρ 3 and ρ 4 respectively inside the shell, with the assumption that the mass and the radius of the third and the fourth body are infinitesimal. We assume that m 2 is describing a circle around \(m^{*}_{1}\) . The masses m 3 and m 4 mutually attract each other, do not influence the motions of \(m^{*}_{1}\) and m 2 but are influenced by them. We also assume that masses m 3 and m 4 are moving in the plane of motion of mass m 2. In the paper, equilibrium solutions of m 3 and m 4 and their linear stability are analyzed. There are two collinear equilibrium solutions for the system. The non collinear equilibrium solutions exist only when ρ 3=ρ 4. There exist an infinite number of non collinear equilibrium solutions of the system, provided they lie inside the spherical shell. In a system where the primaries are considered as earth-moon and m 3,m 4 as submarines, the collinear equilibrium solutions thus obtained are unstable for the mass parameters μ,μ 3,μ 4 and oblateness factor A. In this particular case there are no non-collinear equilibrium solutions of the system.  相似文献   
Flood hazards are the most destructive among all natural disasters and are a constant threat to human’s life and property. Effective disaster risk reduction strategies can be improved by geospatial approach in the way of producing information and knowledge that are useful to plan truly effective actions for the protection from floods. This research aims to develop a quantified predictive model of flood susceptibility in the Ghatal and Tamluk subdivision of Medinipur district of West Bengal, India, by means of empirically selected and weighted spatial predictors of flood. The weighted prediction model is used to quantify the spatial associations between individual geospatial factors within the flood inundated study area. Yule’s coefficient and distance distribution analysis are used to assign weights to individual geo-factors, and finally weighted spatial predictors are integrated to a multi-class index overlay analysis to derive the spatially explicit predictive model of flood susceptibility. The resultant susceptibility model reveals that approximately 32.35 and 52.99% of the total study areas (3261.45 km2) are under the category of high-to-moderate flood susceptible zone. Quantitative results of this study could be integrated into the policy process in the formulation of local and national government plans for the future flood mitigation management and also to develop appropriate infrastructure in order to protect the lives and properties of the common people of the Medinipur district.  相似文献   
Wetlands play a vital role in maintaining groundwater levels in an area. This is true for Punjab that was bestowed with several natural wetlands in the flood plains of its rivers. These natural wetlands have never been mapped and their existence has not been acknowledged. The large scale agricultural development in the state has made it India's leading food producing state. This development was done at the cost of certain ecologically sensitive parts, mainly the flood plains thus leading to the demise of wetlands. This paper is an attempt to retrace the lost wetlands that were existed in the flood plains of the three major rivers: Satluj, Beas and Ravi in the present day Punjab at the beginning of 20th century. A majority of these wetlands have not been documented so far and do not even have names. The purpose is to emphasize their elimination in addition to establishing a baseline dataset that can be a tool for wetland planning and management.  相似文献   
Decontamination of radioactive effluents of low or intermediate level of radioactivity generated from different nuclear industries is done through the chemical precipitation route. The precipitates thus formed are of very fine sizes thereby requiring flocculation for faster settlement. The presence of polyacrylamide-based polymer not only enhances settling velocity but also increases removal of dissolved non-radioactive as well as radioactive metal ions from the liquid. About 99.5% of Cu2+ and Fe3+ ions are removed due to the presence of cationic Rishabh 611. Flocculation by either cationic or anionic flocculant has shown improvement in removal of radioactive strontium while turbidity of the liquid is reduced to a very low value (0.8 NTU). Decontamination factors (DF) of the effluents from different plants are improved by 3–5 times.  相似文献   
The in-plane motion of a Geosynchronous satellite under the gravitational effects of the sun, the moon and the oblate earth has been studied. The radial deviation (Δr) and the tangential deviation (r cΔθ) have been determined. Herer c represents the synchronous altitude. It has been seen that the sum of the oscillatory terms in Δr for different inclinations is a small finite quantity whereas the sum of the oscillatory terms inr cΔθ for different inclinations is quite large due to the presence of the low-frequency terms in the denominator  相似文献   

Globalisation, supply–demand dynamics, uneven development, enhanced connectivity including the better flow of information, communication and the reduced cost of travel have encouraged the global integration of nursing labour markets. Developed regions of the world have attracted internationally educated nurses (IENs) because of growing healthcare needs. India, along with the Philippines, has become a key supplier of nurses in the global economy. Traditionally the supply of nurses was heavily regionalised in south India, especially Kerala, but of late Punjab, in north India, has played an increasing role in nurse training and migration as the profession has become more respected and more international. This paper uses survey and interview data to detail the recent interest in nursing as a channel for independent female international migration from Punjab, and to examine how migratory ambitions have developed over the last decade in parallel with the changing status of nursing as an internationally respected profession. We identify growing interest in international migration for nursing students and their increased intention to pursue employment opportunities in Australia and New Zealand. This research highlights how nursing and care migration are increasingly structured by international circuits of training and employment, and how such circuits alter migrant and occupational geographies on the ground in sending regions.  相似文献   
The post-Independence period in India has witnessed a gradual decline of some occupations and services and the emergence of others. In the present paper an attempt has been made to analyze the change in the industrial structure of India's male working force by calculating an index of change. The index so calculated for 2 decades separately (1961-1971 and 1971-1981) is portrayed cartographically. The overall low degree of change recorded by the country's male working force establishes the weakness of India's industrial infrastructure. Consequently, the secondary sector seems to have failed in generating employment opportunities on a large scale. Regionally, the peripheral areas have recorded a higher incidence of change than the interior heartland of the country. The areas that were overwhelmingly agricultural and had experienced developments in the field of agriculture alone exhibited a low degree of change in comparison to those that had experienced developments both in the field of agriculture and industry. During the last inter-censal period (1971-1981) the country recorded an accelerated rate of change in the industrial structure of its male working force. Spatially too, the increasing rate of change has spread to new regions.  相似文献   
Dwarka River basin in Birbhum, West Bengal (India), is an agriculture-dominated area where groundwater plays a crucial role. The basin experiences seasonal water stress conditions with a scarcity of surface water. In the presented study, delineation of groundwater potential zones (GWPZs) is carried out using a geospatial multi-influencing factor technique. Geology, geomorphology, soil type, land use/land cover, rainfall, lineament and fault density, drainage density, slope, and elevation of the study area were considered for the delineation of GWPZs in the study area. About 9.3, 71.9 and 18.8% of the study area falls within good, moderate and poor groundwater potential zones, respectively. The potential groundwater yield data corroborate the outcome of the model, with maximum yield in the older floodplain and minimum yield in the hard-rock terrains in the western and south-western regions. Validation of the GWPZs using the yield of 148 wells shows very high accuracy of the model prediction, i.e., 89.1% on superimposition and 85.1 and 81.3% on success and prediction rates, respectively. Measurement of the seasonal water-table fluctuation with a multiplicative model of time series for predicting the short-term trend of the water table, followed by chi-square analysis between the predicted and observed water-table depth, indicates a trend of falling groundwater levels, with a 5% level of significance and a p-value of 0.233. The rainfall pattern for the last 3 years of the study shows a moderately positive correlation (R 2 = 0.308) with the average water-table depth in the study area.  相似文献   
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