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The 2010-2011 wet season was one of extreme weather for the State of Queensland, Australia. Major rivers adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) were discharging at rates 1.5 to >3 times higher than their long term median. Exposure to photosystem II herbicides has been routinely monitored over a period of up to 5 years at 12 inshore GBR sites. The influence of this wet season on exposure to photosystem II herbicides was examined in the context of this long-term monitoring record and during flood plume events in specific regions. Median exposures expressed as diuron equivalent concentration were an average factor of 2.3 times higher but mostly not significantly different (p<0.05) to the median for the long-term monitoring record. The herbicides metolachlor and tebuthiuron were frequently detected in flood plume waters at concentrations that reached or exceeded relevant water quality guidelines (by up to 4.5 times).  相似文献   
Using a network of 15 seismometers around the inflating Uturuncu Volcano from April 2009 to 2010, we find an average rate of about three local volcano-tectonic earthquakes per day, and swarms of 5–60 events a few times per month with local magnitudes ranging from −1.2 to 3.7. The earthquake depths are near sea level, more than 10 km above the geodetically inferred inflation source and the Altiplano Puna Magma Body. The Mw 8.8 Maule earthquake on 27 February 2010 triggered hundreds of earthquakes at Uturuncu with the onset of the Love and Rayleigh waves and again with the passage of the X2/X3 overtone phases of Rayleigh waves. This is one of the first incidences in which triggering has been observed from multiple surface wave trains. The earthquakes are oriented NW–SE similar to the regional faults and lineaments. The b value of the catalog is 0.49, consistent with a tectonic origin of the earthquakes. We perform ambient noise tomography using Love wave cross-correlations to image a low-velocity zone at 1.9 to 3.9 km depth below the surface centered slightly north of the summit. The low velocities are perhaps related to the hydrothermal system and the low-velocity zone is spatially correlated with earthquake locations. The earthquake rate appears to vary with time—a seismic deployment from 1996 to 1997 reveals 1–5 earthquakes per day, whereas 60 events/day were seen during 5 days using one seismometer in 2003. However, differences in analysis methods and magnitudes of completeness do not allow direct comparison of these seismicity rates. The rate of seismic activity at Uturuncu is higher than at other well-monitored inflating volcanoes during periods of repose. The frequent swarms and triggered earthquakes suggest the hydrothermal system is metastable.  相似文献   
Analytical solutions to debris avalanche problems involving shock waves are derived. The debris avalanche problems are described in two different coordinate systems, namely, the standard Cartesian and topography-linked coordinate systems. The analytical solutions can then be used to test debris avalanche numerical models. In this article, finite volume methods are applied as the numerical models. We compare the performance of the finite volume method with reconstruction of the conserved quantities based on stage, height, and velocity to that of the conserved quantities based on stage, height, and momentum for solving the debris avalanche problems involving shock waves. The numerical solutions agree with the analytical solution. In addition, both reconstructions lead to similar numerical results. This article is an extension of the work of Mangeney et al. (Pure Appl Geophys 157(6–8):1081–1096, 2000).  相似文献   
Where they are present in catchments, peatlands are a dominant source of dissolved organic matter (DOM) to surrounding waterways due, in part, to high production rates. Despite the preponderance of peatlands in northern latitudes and expected peatland vulnerability to climate change, little is known about peatland DOM degradation relative to a more comprehensive understanding of degradation when DOM is sourced from upland-dominated catchments. We compared DOM biodegradability of various sources of stream water in two catchments having peatlands (22%–33% of the area) surrounded by upland forests (70%–90% of the area, either deciduous or coniferous). We measured total organic carbon (TOC), and biodegradable dissolved organic carbon concentrations; bacterial respiration rates; streamflow; and upland runoff during and after snowmelt (March to June, 2009–2011). We also explored if DOM in upland runoff stimulated biodegradation of peatland-derived DOM (i.e., a priming effect), and if forest cover type affected DOM biodegradability. As expected, the peatlands were the largest sources of both water (72%–80%) and TOC (92%–96%) to the streams although more area in each catchment was in uplands (70%–90%). Several results were unexpected, yet revealing: (1) DOM from peatlands sometimes had the same biodegradability as DOM from uplands, (2) upland sources of DOM had negligible effects on biodegradability in the peatland and downstream, and (3) upland deciduous cover did not yield more degradable DOM than conifer cover. The most pronounced effect of upland runoff was dilution of downstream TOC concentrations when there was upland runoff. Overall, the effects of upland DOM may have been negligible due to the overriding effect of the large amount of biodegradable DOM that originated in bogs. This research highlights that peatland-sourced DOM has important effects on downstream DOM biodegradability even in catchments where upland area is substantially larger than peatland area.  相似文献   
This article investigates landscape characteristics and sediment composition in the western Greater Caucasus by using multiple methods at different timescales. Our ultimate goal is to compare short‐term versus long‐term trends in erosional processes and to reconstruct spatio‐temporal changes in sediment fluxes as controlled by partitioning of crustal shortening and rock uplift in the orogenic belt. Areas of active recent uplift are assessed by quantitative geomorphological techniques [digital elevation model (DEM) analysis of stream profiles and their deviation from equilibrium] and compared with regions of rapid exhumation over longer time intervals as previously determined by fission‐track and cosmogenic‐nuclide analyses. Complementary information from petrographic and heavy‐mineral analyses of modern sands and ancient sandstones is used to evaluate erosion integrated throughout the history of the orogen. River catchments displaying the highest relief, as shown by channel‐steepness indices, correspond with the areas of most rapid exhumation as outlined by thermochronological data. The region of high stream gradients is spatially associated with the highest topography around Mount Elbrus, where sedimentary cover strata have long been completely eroded and river sediments display the highest metamorphic indices and generally high heavy‐mineral concentrations. This study reinforces the suggestion that the bedrock–channel network can reveal much of the evolution of tectonically active landscapes, and implies that the controls on channel gradient ultimately dictate the topography and the relief along the Greater Caucasus. Our integrated datasets, obtained during a decade of continuing research, display a general agreement and regularity of erosion patterns through time, and consistently indicate westward decreasing rates of erosional unroofing from the central part of the range to the Black Sea. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Little is known regarding hormone export from tile‐drained agricultural fields despite the widespread presence of tile drains in the Midwestern United States. By intensively measuring water flow rates and hormone concentrations in four subsurface tile drains and three receiving ditches at a working Midwest farm, hormone fluxes and loads from the tile‐drained fields were quantified. Before and during the 17‐month study period (January 2009 – May 2010), the associated farm fields received various animal waste applications (beef, dairy, poultry, sheep, and swine). Hormones monitored included the estrogens17β‐ and 17α‐estradiol, estrone, and estriol; the natural androgens testosterone, and androstenedione; and the synthetic androgens 17β‐ and 17α‐trenbolone, and trendione. Hormone loads measured in the ditches for three drainage areas during the entire 17‐month study period were in ranges of 16–58 mg/ha for total estrogens, 6.8–19 mg/ha for natural androgens, and 4.2–44 mg/ha for synthetic androgens. Because higher hormone concentrations generally occurred during discrete periods of increased flow, high flow rates often were associated with a disproportionately high hormone flux. For example, 80% of total estrogens and natural androgens exported into the ditches occurred during only 9–26% of the study period, coinciding with the most significant storm events. In addition, hormone fluxes were highest during storm events that occurred shortly after animal waste applications. Therefore, to effectively reduce hormone loads exported to downstream aquatic ecosystems in the absence of any application reduction, the short periods during which high‐flow events occur must be targeted. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Storm sewer systems and their associated utility trenches may strongly influence the effects of urbanization on a groundwater system. This study was undertaken to identify the causes of district-wide basement infiltration in an aquitard system. It comprised widespread continuous monitoring of utility trench wells and dye tracing from storm sewer system exfiltration tests. The results indicate that a major effect of urbanization on shallow groundwater is related to storm sewer system exfiltration, which is marked by a characteristic pattern of head variations in the aquitard unrelated to distributed surface infiltration. The aquitard constrains flow from storm sewer system exfiltration to the utility trench, creating an urban flow path for groundwater discharge. Temporary buildup of water levels in the utility trench drives relatively high-velocity flow through the permeable sewer bedding material of the utility trench to a separate foundation drainage collector system, ultimately causing a severe “urban karst” effect that produces system surcharging and widespread basement water infiltration. The main conditions causing the “urban karst” are the large hydraulic conductivity ratio between the utility trench material and the aquitard, and the shallow depth and low gradient of the storm sewer system imposed by a very flat drainage basin.  相似文献   
The increasing frequency and/or severity of extreme climate events are becoming increasingly apparent over multi‐decadal timescales at the global scale, albeit with relatively low scientific confidence. At the regional scale, scientific confidence in the future trends of extreme event likelihood is stronger, although the trends are spatially variable. Confidence in these extreme climate risks is muddied by the confounding effects of internal landscape system dynamics and external forcing factors such as changes in land use and river and coastal engineering. Geomorphology is a critical discipline in disentangling climate change impacts from other controlling factors, thereby contributing to debates over societal adaptation to extreme events. We review four main geomorphic contributions to flood and storm science. First, we show how palaeogeomorphological and current process studies can extend the historical flood record while also unraveling the complex interactions between internal geomorphic dynamics, human impacts and changes in climate regimes. A key outcome will be improved quantification of flood probabilities and the hazard dimension of flood risk. Second, we present evidence showing how antecedent geomorphological and climate parameters can alter the risk and magnitude of landscape change caused by extreme events. Third, we show that geomorphic processes can both mediate and increase the geomorphological impacts of extreme events, influencing societal risk. Fourthly, we show the potential of managing flood and storm risk through the geomorphic system, both near‐term (next 50 years) and longer‐term. We recommend that key methods of managing flooding and erosion will be more effective if risk assessments include palaeodata, if geomorphological science is used to underpin nature‐based management approaches, and if land‐use management addresses changes in geomorphic process regimes that extreme events can trigger. We argue that adopting geomorphologically‐grounded adaptation strategies will enable society to develop more resilient, less vulnerable socio‐geomorphological systems fit for an age of climate extremes. © 2016 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
This methods paper details the first attempt at monitoring bank erosion, flow and suspended sediment at a site during flooding on the Mekong River induced by the passage of tropical cyclones. We deployed integrated mobile laser scanning (MLS) and multibeam echo sounding (MBES), alongside acoustic Doppler current profiling (aDcp), to directly measure changes in river bank and bed at high (~0.05 m) spatial resolution, in conjunction with measurements of flow and suspended sediment dynamics. We outline the methodological steps used to collect and process this complex point cloud data, and detail the procedures used to process and calibrate the aDcp flow and sediment flux data. A comparison with conventional remote sensing methods of estimating bank erosion, using aerial images and Landsat imagery, reveals that traditional techniques are error prone at the high temporal resolutions required to quantify the patterns and volumes of bank erosion induced by the passage of individual flood events. Our analysis reveals the importance of cyclone‐driven flood events in causing high rates of erosion and suspended sediment transport, with a c. twofold increase in bank erosion volumes and a fourfold increase in suspended sediment volumes in the cyclone‐affected wet season. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Large wood (LW) affects several ecological and hydrogeomorphic processes in streams. The main source of LW is riparian trees falling inside channels. However, in confined valley floors, falling trees are more likely to be suspended above the channel. Eventually, these suspended trees will decompose and break to finally fall into the channel to better provide functions for streams. We evaluated changes in wood decay, length, diameter, and suspended status (suspended or non-suspended) 17 years post-harvest and nine years after the first sampling occurred in 2006 in 12 headwater streams of coastal British Columbia, Canada. We also evaluated whether changes differed among riparian management treatments (no-harvest buffers of 10 and 30 m in width, thinning, and unharvested reference sites), and identified the factors affecting wood changes and suspended status. Wood pieces advanced in decay, became shorter, and 34% of them (n = 108) changed status from suspended to non-suspended. Non-suspended wood pieces were more decayed and shorter than suspended wood. Suspended wood was longer, thicker, less decayed, and represented 46.5% (n = 147) of the wood sampled in 2006. Our findings revealed limited influences of riparian management on many aspects of wood changes considered in this study. Changes in wood characteristics were more likely for pieces that were smaller in diameter, longer, and suspended closer to the water. The transition from suspended to non-suspended LW can be a long-term process that can increase wood residence time and reduce LW in-stream functions particularly in confined stream valleys. The suspended stage is also an important mechanism underlying time lags in stream ecosystem responses to riparian tree fall. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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