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In the internal part of the Umbro-Marchean-Romagnan Apennines, the foredeep clastic wedge constituting the Neogene part of the sedimentary cover is completely detached from the underlying Mesozoic–Palaeogene succession. The resulting (Umbro-Romagnan) parautochthon consists of tectonostratigraphic units with a general geometry of broad synclinal blocks separated by narrow faulted anticlines.
Thrust-related structures observed in the field require thrust ramp propagation to have occurred within already folded rocks; therefore, they cannot be restored using simple fault-bend fold or fault-propagation folding models. Evidence for a passive fold origin in the studied rocks suggests that an early detachment folding episode preceded ramp propagation. The latter was facilitated by the enhanced thickness of incompetent material in the cores of detachment anticlines, which became the preferential sites where thrust ramps cut up-section. Depending on the trajectory of such thrust ramps, different types of fault-related structures could develop. Hanging-wall anticlines which give way to monoclinal structures higher up in the section are associated with listric thrust ramps, whereas hanging wall monoclines approximately parallel to the underlying fault surface are associated with straight-trajectory ramps.
This kinematic evolution, which occurred partly during syn-depositional compression, also accounts for the observed lithofacies distribution. The latter reflects an early differentiation of the foredeep trough into sub-basins that are progressively younger towards the foreland. The detachment anticlines that originally bounded such sub-basins were the site of later thrust propagation, leading to a tectonic juxtaposition of different tectonostratigraphic units consisting of broad NW-SE elongate synclinal blocks.  相似文献   
The geology of the Sicilian mainland is summarized by N–S geological sections. A continuous late Cenozoic orogenic belt through central and western Sicily resulted from a complex deformative history, recorded by several tectonic events. The deformation mainly involved the sedimentary cover of the old African continental margin, formed in a large basinal area, bordered at its southern margin by a shallow-water carbonate environment attached to Gondwana. The orogenic belt involves a complex architecture of thrust systems, of different size, geometry and palaeogeographical origin. Deformation, which mainly developed in the earlier stages of thrusting in the basinal rock assemblages, mainly gave rise to a stack of three different duplex structures, respectively, composed of Palaeozoic, Mesozoic–Palaeogene and Neogene strata. Large-scale clockwise rotation of the thrusts predated transpressional movements in the hinterland during the latest Miocene to Pliocene. High- angle reverse faults, with lateral components, modified earlier tectonic contacts within the allochthons. Contemporaneous southwards- directed imbrications affected the external southern areas, progressively incorporating foreland and piggyback basirts. The stratigraphic relationships of basin-fills to the tectonic structures reveals that reactivation processes have been active during the last Plio-Pleistocene.  相似文献   
The solubility of gold was measured in KCl solutions (0.001-0.1 m) at near-neutral to weakly acidic pH in the presence of the K-feldspar-muscovite-quartz, andalusite-muscovite-quartz, and pyrite-pyrrhotite-magnetite buffers at temperatures 350 to 500°C and pressures 0.5 and 1 kbar. These mineral buffers were used to simultaneously constrain pH, f(S2), and f(H2). The experiments were performed using a CORETEST flexible Ti-cell rocking hydrothermal reactor enabling solution sampling at experimental conditions. Measured log m(Au) (mol/kg H2O) ranges from −7.5 at weakly acid pH to −5.9 in near-neutral solutions, and increases slightly with temperature. Gold solubility in weakly basic and near-neutral solutions decreases with decreasing pH at all temperatures, which implies that Au(HS)2 is the dominant Au species in solution. In more acidic solutions, solubility is independent of pH. Comparison of the experimentally measured solubilities with literature values for Au hydrolysis constants demonstrates that at 350°C dominates Au aqueous speciation at the weakly acidic pH and f(S2)/f(H2) conditions imposed by the pyrite-pyrrhotite-magnetite buffer. In contrast, at temperatures >400°C becomes less important and predominates in weakly acid solutions. Solubility data collected in this study were used to calculate the following equilibrium reaction constants:
Ambient seismic noise measurements were conducted inside the Holweide Hospital (Cologne) for checking whether its frequencies of vibration fall into the range where soil amplification is expected. If this is the case, damage might increase in case of an earthquake due to an amplified structural response of the building. Two different techniques were used: the ratio between the horizontal and vertical components of the spectra recorded at stations located inside the building and the ratio between the corresponding components of the spectra recorded simultaneously inside the building and at a reference station placed outside. While the former method might be preferred because of less equipment involved, the latter has the advantage of producing more stable results and deleting automatically the influence of the sedimentary cover, which might obscure some eigenfrequencies of vibration of the building. An independently performed finite-element analysis of the hospital showed a good correlation between measured and calculated eigenmodes.  相似文献   
Diffuse CO<Subscript>2</Subscript> degassing at Vesuvio,Italy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
At Vesuvio, a significant fraction of the rising hydrothermal–volcanic fluids is subjected to a condensation and separation process producing a CO2–rich gas phase, mainly expulsed through soil diffuse degassing from well defined areas called diffuse degassing structures (DDS), and a liquid phase that flows towards the outer part of the volcanic cone. A large amount of thermal energy is associated with the steam condensation process and subsequent cooling of the liquid phase. The total amount of volcanic–hydrothermal CO2 discharged through diffuse degassing has been computed through a sequential Gaussian simulation (sGs) approach based on several hundred accumulation chamber measurements and, at the time of the survey, amounted to 151 t d–1. The steam associated with the CO2 output, computed assuming that the original H2O/CO2 ratio of hydrothermal fluids is preserved in fumarolic effluents, is 553 t d–1, and the energy produced by the steam condensation and cooling of the liquid phase is 1.47×1012 J d–1 (17 MW). The location of the CO2 and temperature anomalies show that most of the gas is discharged from the inner part of the crater and suggests that crater morphology and local stratigraphy exert strong control on CO2 degassing and subsurface steam condensation. The amounts of gas and energy released by Vesuvio are comparable to those released by other volcanic degassing areas of the world and their estimates, through periodic surveys of soil CO2 flux, can constitute a useful tool to monitor volcanic activity.Editorial responsibility: H. Shinohara  相似文献   
Microwave radiances from passive polar-orbiting radiometers have been, until recently, assimilated in the Met Office global numerical weather prediction system after the scenes significantly affected by atmospheric scattering are discarded.Recent system upgrades have seen the introduction of a scattering-permitting observation operator and the development of a variable observation error using both liquid and ice water paths as proxies of scattering-induced bias. Applied to the Fengyun 3 Microwave Temperature Sounder 2(MWTS-2) and the Microwave Humidity Sounder 2(MWHS-2), this methodology increases the data usage by up to 8% at 183 GHz. It also allows for the investigation into the assimilation of MWHS-2 118 GHz channels, sensitive to temperature and lower tropospheric humidity, but whose large sensitivity to ice cloud have prevented their use thus far. While the impact on the forecast is mostly neutral with small but significant shortrange improvements, 0.3% in terms of root mean square error, for southern winds and low-level temperature, balanced by 0.2% degradations of short-range northern and tropical low-level temperature, benefits are observed in the background fit of independent instruments used in the system. The lower tropospheric temperature sounding Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer(IASI) channels see a reduction of the standard deviation in the background departure of up to 1.2%. The Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit A(AMSU-A) stratospheric sounding channels improve by up to 0.5% and the Microwave Humidity Sounder(MHS) humidity sounding channels improve by up to 0.4%.  相似文献   
Flood and ebb currents provide different contributions to the initiation and evolution of tidal channel networks, generating diverse network structures and channel cross-sections. In order to separate the effects of these contributions, a physical model of a sloping tidal-flat basin was set up in the laboratory. Depending on the degree of tidal asymmetry imposed offshore, either flood or ebb currents can be enhanced. The experimental results show that the ebb current has a higher capability to initiate and shape tidal networks than the flood current. Headward erosion is mainly induced by the ebb flow. The slightly inclined flat surface tends to reduce the energy of the flood current and to enhance the ebb current, thus prolonging the duration of morphodynamic activity as well as sediment motion. Overall, flood-dominated tides favour the formation of small-scale channel branches in the upper basin zone, while long lasting ebb-dominated tides result in more complex, wider and deeper tidal networks. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In this paper, a recently deduced flow resistance equation for open channel flow was tested under equilibrium bed‐load transport conditions in a rill. First, the flow resistance equation was deduced applying dimensional analysis and the incomplete self‐similarity condition for the flow velocity distribution. Then, the following steps were carried out for developing the analysis: (a) a relationship (Equation  13 ) between the Γ function of the velocity profile, the rill slope, and the Froude number was calibrated by the available measurements by Jiang et al.; (b) a relationship (Equation  17 ) between the Γ function, the rill slope, the Shields number, and the Froude number was calibrated by the same measurements; and (c) the Darcy–Weisbach friction factor values measured by Jiang et al. were compared with those calculated by the rill flow resistance equation with Γ estimated by Equations  13 and 17 . This last comparison demonstrated that the rill flow resistance equation, in which slope and Shields number, representative of sediment transport effects, are introduced, is characterized by the lowest values of the estimate errors.  相似文献   
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