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Pressure is one of the most important parameters to be quantified in geological problems. However, in metamorphic systems the pressure is usually calculated with two different approaches. One pressure calculation is based on petrological phase equilibria and this pressure is often termed thermodynamic pressure. The other calculation is based on continuum mechanics, which provides a mean stress that is commonly used to estimate the thermodynamic pressure. Both thermodynamic pressure calculations can be justified by the accuracy and applicability of the results. Here, we consider systems with low‐differential stress (<1 kbar) and no irreversible volumetric deformation, and refer to them as conventional systems. We investigate the relationship between mean stress and thermodynamic pressure. We discuss the meaning of thermodynamic pressure and its calculation for irreversible processes such as viscous deformation and heat conduction, which exhibit entropy production. Moreover, it is demonstrated that the mean stress for incompressible viscous deformation is essentially equal to the mean stress for the corresponding viscous deformation with elastic compressibility, if the characteristic time of deformation is five times longer than the Maxwell viscoelastic relaxation time that is equal to the ratio of shear viscosity to bulk modulus. For typical lithospheric rocks, this Maxwell time is smaller than c. 10,000 years. Therefore, numerical simulations of long‐term (>10 kyr) geodynamic processes, employing incompressible deformation, provide mean stress values that are close to the mean‐stress value associated with elastic compressibility. Finally, we show that for conventional systems the mean stress is essentially equal to the thermodynamic pressure. However, mean stress and, hence, thermodynamic pressure can be significantly different from the lithostatic pressure.  相似文献   
The quaternary coastal Collo aquifer in northeast Algeria (NE Algeria) marks an important local water resource supporting domestic, industrial and agricultural activities. The aquifer shows signs of contamination due to the existence of various pollution sources, especially nitrogen compounds. Focusing the local identification of key vulnerable zones and related main hazard types for wise future water management, the present study highlights results from a coupled analysis of the well-established Geographical Information System (GIS)-based GOD (groundwater occurrence, overall aquifer class, depth to groundwater) hazard index analysis and the COST Action 620 plan. Most prevalent hazard types in the study area were identified as the urban/residential areas without public sewage systems, landfill and agricultural/pasturing areas. Regarding the vulnerability analysis particularly the northern aquifer region is endangered, dominated by high (22.4%) and moderate (27.4%) vulnerability classes. Central, western and southern aquifer regions are characterized by low (23.3%) and very low (26.9%) vulnerability classes. Overall, these GOD-derived results are in good agreement with earlier results obtained by the more complex DRASTIC approach. Final risk assessment and validation related to 2014/2015 nitrate sampling campaigns indicate that “high risk” and “very high risk” classes only apply to a small part of the study area in the northern sector (8%), whereas the main part (>60%) broadly affecting the central, western and southern sector only bears a low to very low risk of water pollution. Apart from a future-oriented groundwater abstraction strategy it is recommended to update the evaluation regularly to effectively consider dynamic changes of local anthropogenic activities and hazards.  相似文献   
Periods of summertime low flows are often critical for fish. This study quantified the impacts of forest clear‐cutting on summertime low flows and fish habitat and how they evolved through time in two snowmelt‐dominant headwater catchments in the southern interior of British Columbia, Canada. A paired‐catchment analysis was applied to July–September water yield, the number of days each year with flow less than 10% of mean annual discharge, and daily streamflow for each calendar day. The postharvest time series were divided into treatment periods of approximately 6–10 years, which were analysed independently to evaluate how the effects of forestry changed through time. An instream flow assessment using a physical habitat simulation‐style approach was used to relate streamflow to the availability of physical habitat for resident rainbow trout. About two decades after the onset of logging and as the extent of logging increased to approximately 50% of the catchments, reductions in daily summertime low flows became more significant for the July–September yield (43%) and for the analysis by calendar day (11–68%). Reductions in summertime low flows were most pronounced in the catchment with the longest postharvest time series. On the basis of the temporal patterns of response, we hypothesize that the delayed reductions in late‐summer flow represent the combined effects of a persistent advance in snowmelt timing in combination with at least a partial recovery of transpiration and interception loss from the regenerating forests. These results indicate that asymptotic hydrological recovery as time progresses following logging is not suitable for understanding the impacts of forest harvesting on summertime low flows. Additionally, these reductions in streamflow corresponded to persistent decreases in modelled fish habitat availability that typically ranged from 20% to 50% during the summer low‐flow period in one of the catchments, suggesting that forest harvest may have substantial delayed effects on rearing salmonids in headwater streams.  相似文献   
This study applies the soil and water assessment tool (SWAT), with climate (precipitation and temperature) outputs from four general circulation models (GCMs) and a regional circulation model (PRECIS), to evaluate (1) the impacts of climate change on reservoir sedimentation and (2) the impacts of climate change and reservoir development on sediment outflow in the Nam Ou River Basin located in northern Laos. Three reservoir–density scenarios, namely one reservoir (1R), three reservoirs in series (3R), and five reservoirs in series (5R), were evaluated for both no climate change and climate change conditions. The results show that under no climate change conditions, by 2070, around 17, 14, and 15% of the existing reservoir storage volume in the basin will be lost for 1R, 3R, and 5R scenarios, respectively. Notably, under climate change scenario with highest changes in erosion and sediment outflux from the basin, the additional reduction in reservoir storage capacity due to sedimentation is estimated to be nearly 26% for 1R, 21% for 3R, and 23% for 5R. Climate change alone is projected to change annual sediment outflux from the basin by ?20 to 151%. In contrast, the development of reservoirs in the basin will reduce the annual sediment outflux from the basin varying from 44 to 80% for 1R, 44–81% for 3R, and 66–89% for 5R, considering climate change. In conclusion, climate change is expected to increase the sediment yield of the Nam Ou Basin, resulting in faster reduction of the reservoir’s storage capacity. Sediment yield from the Nam Ou River Basin is likely to decrease significantly due to the trapping of sediment by planned reservoirs. The impact of reservoirs is much more significant than the impact of climate change on the sediment outflow of the basin. Hence, it is necessary to investigate appropriate reservoir sediment management strategies.  相似文献   
We describe our laboratory procedures for precise measurements of lattice surface profile, where Bragg reflection takes place, of bent monocrystal wafers. A comparison of X-ray spectrometer characteristics for perfect and real crystals is presented. The described procedures will be used to measure the properties of the crystals that will be used as the dispersive elements in the future solar X-ray spectrometers SolpeX and ChemiX.  相似文献   
Ceres’ surface has commonly been linked with carbonaceous chondrites (CCs) by ground‐based telescopic observations, because of its low albedo, flat to red‐sloped spectra in the visible and near‐infrared (VIS/NIR) wavelength region, and the absence of distinct absorption bands, though no currently known meteorites provide complete spectral matches to Ceres. Spatially resolved data of the Dawn Framing Camera (FC) reveal a generally dark surface covered with bright spots exhibiting reflectance values several times higher than Ceres’ background. In this work, we investigated FC data from High Altitude Mapping Orbit (HAMO) and Ceres eXtended Juling (CXJ) orbit (~140 m/pixel) for global spectral variations. We found that the cerean surface mainly differs by spectral slope over the whole FC wavelength region (0.4–1.0 μm). Areas exhibiting slopes ?1 constitute only ~3% of the cerean surface and mainly occur in the bright material in and around young craters, whereas slopes ≥?10% μm?1 occur on more than 90% of the cerean surface; the latter being denoted as Ceres’ background material in this work. FC and Visible and Infrared Spectrometer (VIR) spectra of this background material were compared to the suite of CCs spectrally investigated so far regarding their VIS/NIR region and 2.7 μm absorption, as well as their reflectance at 0.653 μm. This resulted in a good match to heated CI Ivuna (heated to 200–300 °C) and a better match for CM1 meteorites, especially Moapa Valley. This possibly indicates that the alteration of CM2 to CM1 took place on Ceres.  相似文献   
北京市PM_(2.5)中主要重金属元素污染特征及季节变化分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用2005年4月18日—2008年9月27日北京市中国地质大学(东门)采样点的PM2.5质量浓度变化与重金属Cd、Pb、As、Cu及Zn等污染特征,结合最新发布的《环境空气质量标准》(GB3095—2012),初步分析了近4年时间里北京市单点PM2.5的污染水平及主要重金属污染元素的变化特征,得出了一些有意义的认识。2005年春季—2008年春季期间PM2.5质量浓度为13.1~171μg/m3之间变化,平均浓度为65.6μg/m3,超过最新环境空气质量标准制定的PM2.5年平均浓度限值35μg/m3,北京市PM2.5污染形势依然严峻。奥运会及残奥会期间PM2.5的24 h质量浓度平均值为40.7μg/m3,没有超标。北京市PM2.5中的重金属元素含量及富集特征随着不同年份不同季节差别较大,典型的城市污染元素As在冬季质量浓度最高。对比环境空气质量标准的参考浓度限值发现,As元素的质量浓度在研究期间的年均值均超过了年平均浓度参考限值0.006μg/m3。化学分析结果显示人为污染是PM2.5中Cu、Cd、Pb、Zn、As重金属污染的主要来源,其中As污染需要引起足够重视。研究结果对于北京市大气污染防治具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
We provide the first documentation of tectonic deformation resulting from a volcanic eruption on the island of Jan Mayen. Vertical displacement of about 14 m southwest of the stratovolcano Beerenberg is associated with an eruption in ad 1732 on its southeastern flank. The age of the uplift event is bracketed by radiocarbon-dated driftwood buried by material deposited due to uplift, and by tephra from this eruption. Constraints, inferred from radiocarbon ages alone, allow for the possibility that uplift was completed prior to the ad 1732 eruption. However, the occurrence of tephra in the sediment column indicates that some displacement was ongoing during the eruption but ceased before the eruption terminated. We attribute the tectonic deformation to intrusion of shallow magma associated with the volcanic eruption. Our results complement previous studies of volcanic activity on Jan Mayan by providing precise age constraints for past volcanic activity. Also, it raises new hypotheses regarding the nature, timing and prevalence of precursor tectonic events to Jan Mayan eruptions. The uplift caused the complete isolation of a coastal lake by closing its outlet to the sea, thus landlocking the facultative migratory fish species Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus).  相似文献   
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