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U/Pb SHRIMP ages of nine Variscan leucocratic orthogneisses from the central Tauern Window (Austria) reveal three distinct pulses of magmatism in Early Carboniferous (Visean), Late Carboniferous (Stephanian) and Early Permian, each involving granitoid intrusions and a contemporaneous opening of volcano-sedimentary basins. A similar relationship has been reported for the Carboniferous parts of the basement of the Alps further to the west, e.g. the “External massifs” in Switzerland. After the intrusion of subduction-related, volcanic-arc granitoids (374?±?10?Ma; Zwölferkogel gneiss), collisional intrusive-granitic, anatectic and extrusive-rhyolitic/dacitic rocks were produced over a short interval at ca. 340?Ma (Augengneiss of Felbertauern: 340?±?4?Ma, Hochweißenfeld gneiss: 342?± 5?Ma, Falkenbachlappen gneiss: 343?±?6?Ma). This Early Carboniferous magmatism, which produced relatively small volumes of melt, can be attributed to the amalgamation of the Gondwana-derived “Tauern Window” terrane with Laurussia–Avalonia. Probably due to the oblique nature of the collision, transtensional phenomena (i.e. volcano-sedimentary troughs and high-level intrusives) and transpressional regimes (i.e. regional metamorphism and stacked nappes with anatexis next to thrust planes) evolved contemporaneously. The magmas are mainly of the high-K I-type and may have been generated during a short phase of decompressional melting of lithospheric mantle and lower crustal sources. In the Late Carboniferous, a second pulse of magmatism occurred, producing batholiths of calc-alkaline I-type granitoids (e.g. Venediger tonalite: 296?±?4?Ma) and minor coeval bodies of felsic and intermediate volcanics (Heuschartenkopf gneiss: 299?±?4?Ma, Peitingalm gneiss: 300?±?5?Ma). Prior to this magmatism, several kilometres of upper crust must have been eroded, because volcano-sedimentary sequences hosting the Heu- schartenkopf and Peitingalm gneisses rest unconformably on 340-Ma-old granitoids. The youngest (Permian) period of magma generation contains the intrusion of the S-type Granatspitz Central Gneiss at 271?±?4?Ma and the extrusion of the rhyolitic Schönbachwald gneiss protolith at 279?±?9?Ma. These magmatic rocks may have been associated with local extension along continental wrench zones through the Variscan orogenic crust or with a Permian rifting event. The Permian and the above-mentioned Late Carboniferous volcano-sedimentary sequences were probably deposited in intra-continental graben structures, which survived post-Variscan uplift and Alpine compressional tectonics.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Bleiglanzproben aus verschiedenen Lagerstätten der Sierra de Cartagena wurden auf ihre Blei-Isotopen-Verhältnisse untersucht. Auffallend ist deren völlig identische Pb-Isotopen-Zusammensetzung, aus der sich nach dem Houtermans-Modell ein Modell-Alter von 30 Millionen Jahren errechnen läßt. Die Blei-Mineralisation im Erzdistrikt von Cartagena steht daher in einem sicheren Zusammenhang mit der Tätigkeit jungtertiärer subvulkanischer Magmenherde. Das Alter der Andesite wurde mittels Rb/Sr-Methode an einem Biotit des Atalaya-Andesites mit 44±27 m.y. bestimmt. Dieser Wert stimmt sehr gut mit einer Altersbestimmung an einem leukogranitischen Gang aus der Sierra Cabrera überein (50±3 m.y.). Die Ergebnisse der Spurenelement-bestimmung an Bleiglanzproben werden im Zusammenhang mit schon früher mitgeteilten Schwefel-Isotopen-Daten diskutiert.
Lead isotope ratios have been determined in galena samples from the Sierra de Cartagena (Spain). The range of the Pb-isotopes is extremely narrow within the ore district, which contains different types of ore deposits. The age of the galena bearing ore deposits has been determined by using the Houtermansmodel: 30 million years. The lead minertalisation in the district therefore may be linked to the subvolcanic activity of Tertiary age. Ascribing the mineralisation to three volcanic episodes of Palaeozoic, Miocene and Pliocene ages and two periodes of supergene processes is not possible. Rb/Sr ratios have been determined in a biotite sample from the Atalaya andesite. The mica age is 44±27 m.y. which is in closest agreement with the age given for rocks in the Sierra Cabrera (50±3 m.y.). The results of trace element analyses are discussed in connection with previously studied sulphur isotope composition.
Zusammenfassung Konglomeratische Oberkreidesandsteine im Raum Bad Harzburg wurden auf ihren Geröll- und Leitmineralgehalt hin untersucht. Aus der Leitmineralverteilung ergibt sich die stratigraphische Stellung der Emscher- und Senonvorkommen zueinander; aus der Geröllführung geht hervor, daß der Brockengranit bereits im Oberemscher im Erosionsniveau lag und die Aufrichtungszone mesozoischer Gesteine am Harznordrand auch im Schimmerwaldgebiet bis zum Quadratensenon übertage vorhanden war, obwohl sie heute hier nicht mehr zu finden ist. Ursache dieser Erscheinung ist ein Schollenabbruch aus dem Dach des Ilsenburggranits, der an der Wende Granulaten-Quadratensenon erfolgte und zu einer lokalen Überfahrung der Aufrichtungszone geführt hat. Die geologische Neuaufnahme des Paläozoikums nördlich des Ilsenburggranites stellt die heutigen Lagerungsverhältnisse dieses Gebietes klar; sie werden bei der Rekonstruktion der ursprünglichen Lagerung und des Bewegungsvorganges zugrunde gelegt, dessen Ergebnis die teilweise Überdeckung des Vorlandes ist. Ein ähnlicher Vorgang liegt auch am benachbarten Okervorsprung der Harznordrandlinie vor.Unter Berücksichtigung der Ergebnisse neuer Tiefbohrungen im Subherzyn wird eine Auffassung von Ablauf und Ursachen tektonischer Vorgänge in diesem Raum entwickelt, die der herrschenden Meinung in zahlreichen Punkten widerspricht:Eine echte Faltung des Subherzyns im Mesozoikum, die bisher vermutete starke Nordbewegung der Harzscholle und eine ausschließliche Bindung tektonischer Vorgänge in diesem Gebiet an orogene Phasen wird abgelehnt.Auslösender Vorgang aller tektonischen Erscheinungen im Subherzyn ist eine vertikale Differentialbewegung der Harz- und Vorlandscholle, die sich seit Ausgang des Paläozoikums gleichsinnig, aber mit örtlich und zeitlich wechselnder Intensität, abspielt.  相似文献   
A sulfate-bearing Sr-Ba phosphate (Sr-gorceixite) formed by supergene alteration in rich iron ores from Minas Gerais, Brazil, has been studied by means of microprobe techniques. Analytical data and the structural formula are presented.  相似文献   
The neural network system has been developing very fast recently. It has been widely used in many industries such as automation, nuclear power plant, chemical industry, etc. Neural network systems have a great advantage in dealing with problems in which many factors influence the process and result, and the understanding of this process is poor, and there are experimental data or field data. In rock engineering, many problems are of this nature. In this paper, a brief introduction to neural network systems is given. Problems such as what is a neural network, how it works and what kind of advantages it has are discussed. After this, several applications in rock engineering, made by us, are presented. Case 1 is ore boundary delineation. In this case, the rock are divided into three classes, i.e.: (1) waste rock; (2) semi-ore; and (3) ore for mining purposes. The neural network system built can judge whether it is ore, semi-ore or waste rock along the borehole according its corresponding geophysical logging data, such as gamma-ray, gamma-gamma, neutron and resistivity. Case 2 is aggregate quality prediction. In this case, the quality parameters: (1) impact value; (2) abrasion value I; and (3) abrasion value II are predicted by using a neural network system based on density, point load, content of quarts and content of brittle minerals. Case 3 is rock indentation depth prediction. In this case, the rock indentation depth under indentation load is predicted by the established neural network system based on the indentation load on rock, indenter type and rock mechanical properties, such as uniaxial compressive strength, Young's modulus. Poisson's ratio, critical energy release rate and density. In all these cases, the neural network systems have been applied successfully. The testing results are satisfactory and better than the existing techniques.  相似文献   
Brothers volcano, of the Kermadec intraoceanic arc, is host to a hydrothermal system unique among seafloor hydrothermal systems known anywhere in the world. It has two distinct vent fields, known as the NW Caldera and Cone sites, whose geology, permeability, vent fluid compositions, mineralogy, and ore-forming conditions are in stark contrast to each other. The NW Caldera site strikes for ??600?m in a SW?CNE direction with chimneys occurring over a ??145-m depth interval, between ??1,690 and 1,545?m. At least 100 dead and active sulfide chimney spires occur in this field and are typically 2?C3?m in height, with some reaching 6?C7?m. Their ages (at time of sampling) fall broadly into three groups: <4, 23, and 35?years old. The chimneys typically occur near the base of individual fault-controlled benches on the caldera wall, striking in lines orthogonal to the slopes. Rarer are massive sulfide crusts 2?C3?m thick. Two main types of chimney predominate: Cu-rich (up to 28.5?wt.% Cu) and, more commonly, Zn-rich (up to 43.8?wt.% Zn). Geochemical results show that Mo, Bi, Co, Se, Sn, and Au (up to 91?ppm) are correlated with the Cu mineralization, whereas Cd, Hg, Sb, Ag, and As are associated with the dominant Zn-rich mineralization. The Cone site comprises the Upper Cone site atop the summit of the recent (main) dacite cone and the Lower Cone site that straddles the summit of an older, smaller, more degraded dacite cone on the NE flank of the main cone. Huge volumes of diffuse venting are seen at the Lower Cone site, in contrast to venting at both the Upper Cone and NW Caldera sites. Individual vents are marked by low-relief (??0.5?m) mounds comprising predominately native sulfur with bacterial mats. Vent fluids of the NW Caldera field are focused, hot (??300°C), acidic (pH????2.8), metal-rich, and gas-poor. Calculated end-member fluids from NW Caldera vents indicate that phase separation has occurred, with Cl values ranging from 93% to 137% of seawater values. By contrast, vent fluids at the Cone site are diffuse, noticeably cooler (??122°C), more acidic (pH?1.9), metal-poor, and gas-rich. Higher-than-seawater values of SO4 and Mg in the Cone vent fluids show that these ions are being added to the hydrothermal fluid and are not being depleted via normal water/rock interactions. Iron oxide crusts 3?years in age cover the main cone summit and appear to have formed from Fe-rich brines. Evidence for magmatic contributions to the hydrothermal system at Brothers includes: high concentrations of dissolved CO2 (e.g., 206?mM/kg at the Cone site); high CO2/3He; negative ??D and ??18OH2O for vent fluids; negative ??34S for sulfides (to ?4.6??), sulfur (to ?10.2??), and ??15N2 (to ?3.5??); vent fluid pH values to 1.9; and mineral assemblages common to high-sulfidation systems. Changing physicochemical conditions at the Brothers hydrothermal system, and especially the Cone site, occur over periods of months to hundreds of years, as shown by interlayered Cu?+?Au- and Zn-rich zones in chimneys, variable fluid and isotopic compositions, similar shifts in 3He/4He values for both Cone and NW Caldera sites, and overprinting of ??magmatic?? mineral assemblages by water/rock-dominated assemblages. Metals, especially Cu and possibly Au, may be entering the hydrothermal system via the dissolution of metal-rich glasses. They are then transported rapidly up into the system via magmatic volatiles utilizing vertical (??2.5?km long), narrow (??300-m diameter) ??pipes,?? consistent with evidence of vent fluids forming at relatively shallow depths. The NW Caldera and Cone sites are considered to represent stages along a continuum between water/rock- and magmatic/hydrothermal-dominated end-members.  相似文献   
A fluid inclusion study on metamorphic minerals of successive growth stages was performed on highly deformed paragneisses from the Nestos Shear Zone at Xanthi (Central Rhodope), in which microdiamonds provide unequivocal evidence for ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphism. The correlation of fluid inclusion density isochores and fluid inclusion reequilibration textures with geothermobarometric data and the relative chronology of micro- and macro-scale deformation stages allow a better understanding of both the fluid and metamorphic evolution along the PTd path. Textural evidence for subduction towards the NE is recorded by the orientation of intragranular NE-oriented fluid inclusion planes and the presence of single, annular fluid inclusion decrepitation textures. These textures occur within quartz “foam” structures enclosed in an earlier generation of garnets with prolate geometries and rarely within recrystallized matrix quartz, and reequilibrated both in composition and density during later stages of exhumation. No fluid inclusions pertaining to the postulated ultrahigh-pressure stage for microdiamond-bearing garnet–kyanite–gneisses have yet been found. The prolate shape of garnets developed during the earliest stages of exhumation that is recorded structurally by (L  S) tectonites, which subsequently accommodated progressive ductile SW shearing and folding up to shallow crustal levels. The majority of matrix kyanite and a later generation of garnet were formed during SW-directed shear under plane-strain conditions. Fluid inclusions entrapped in quartz during this stage of deformation underwent density loss and transformed to almost pure CO2 inclusions by preferential loss of H2O. Those inclusions armoured within garnet retained their primary 3-phase H2O–CO2 compositions. Reequilibration of fluid inclusions in quartz aggregates is most likely the result of recrystallization along with stress-induced, preferential H2O leakage along dislocations and planar lattice defects which results in the predominance of CO2 inclusions with supercritical densities. Carbonic fluid inclusions from adjacent kyanite–corundum-bearing pegmatoids and, the presence of shear-plane-parallel fluid inclusion planes within late quartz boudin structures consisting of pure CO2-fluid inclusions with negative crystal shapes, bear witness of the latest stage of deformation by NE-directed extensional shear.This study shows that the textures of early fluid inclusions that formed already during the prograde metamorphic path can be preserved and used to derive information about the kinematics of subduction that is difficult to obtain from other sources. The textures of early inclusions, together with later generations of unaltered primary and secondary inclusions in metamorphic index minerals that can be linked to specific deformation stages and even PT conditions, are a welcome supplement for the reconstruction of a rather detailed PTd path.  相似文献   
Mercury vapor (Hg0) emission from plants contributes to the atmospheric Hg cycle. Young barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) plants grown on a hydroponic cultivation medium containing Hg(II) have previously been shown to increase their Hg0 emission significantly by reduction of Hg(II) with endogenous ascorbic acid. Regarding the potential contribution to the Hg cycle from the vast forest-covered areas, it was important to investigate this mechanism in trees. The increase in Hg0 emission from young European beech plants cultivated on a HgCl2 medium exceeded that from controls by ca. tenfold and was proportional to the Hg(II) concentration. From these experiments, a flux of 12.8 μg Hg0/h/m2 was estimated at an exposure of the roots to 20 μM Hg(II). Mercury vapor release from homogenates of Norway spruce needles exceeded that from European beech leaves by a factor of 2.3–4, i.e. in proportion to the reported AA concentrations; the reduction was maximal at alkaline pH which is typical for AA. The 8.4-fold difference in Hg0 release between homogenates from wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana and from its AA-deficient mutant vtc 1-1 also paralleled the reported difference in AA levels of both species. It is concluded that the phytoreduction and vaporization of Hg by AA is an important mechanism as much for Hg detoxification in trees as for Hg emission to the atmosphere. The efficiency of this process seems to result from the optimal coordination of transfer and biochemical transformation of mercuric ions and Hg vapor. There is no evidence for a relevant difference in the mechanisms of biogenic Hg(II) reduction between grass plants and trees.  相似文献   
This study presents a reconstruction of the tectonic history of an Upper Rotliegend tight gas field in Northern Germany. Tectonism of the greater study area was influenced by multiple phases of salt movement, which produced a variety of salt-related structural features such as salt walls, salt diapirs as well as salt glaciers (namakiers). A sequential 2D retro-deformation and stratal backstripping methodology was used to differentiate mechanisms inducing salt movement and to discuss their relation to regional tectonics. The quantitative geometric restoration included sedimentary balancing, decompaction, fault-related deformation, salt movement, thermal subsidence, and isostasy to unravel the post-depositional tectonic overprint of the Rotliegend reservoir rock. The results of this study indicate that reactive salt diapirism started during an Early Triassic interval of thin-skinned extensional tectonics, followed by an active diapirism stage with an overburden salt piercement in the Late Triassic, and finally a period of intensive salt surface extrusion and the formation of salt glaciers (namakiers) in Late Triassic and Jurassic times. Since the Early Cretaceous, salt in the study area has been rising by passive diapirism.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Aus den neueren geologischen Beobachtungen und Kartierungen in Griechenland folgt, daß die tektonische Aufgliederung Griechenlands nachRenz, zumindest in Ostgriechenland, nicht zu Recht besteht. An Stelle einer tektonischen Trennung haben wir kontinuierliche sedimentäre Übergänge. Gewiß gibt es tektonische Kontakte an kleineren und größeren Überschiebungen und einem verbreiteten Schuppenbau, aber diese Störungen beweisen keine tektonische Längsgliederung in Fazieszonen, für welcheRenz ein so reiches stratigraphisches Material erarbeitet hat.  相似文献   
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