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Measurements were made of sulphur and oxygen isotope ratios of sulphate in some Slovenian rivers, lakes and tap waters. δ34S ranged from −0.2 to + 13.3‰, δ18O ranged from +4.9 to + 13.6‰, and the sulphate content varied from 0.8 to 41.4 mg/L. Rivers flowing from the Julian Alps contain a very low amount of sulphate that is leached from a thin horizon of soil by rain. As confirmed by their low δ18O values, these sulphates do not enter the rivers directly in rain, but arise from biochemical cycling in the soil. The low δ34S of this sulphate indicates that it originates from the oxidation of sedimentary sulphides. The evolution of sulphates along the river course was investigated for the Sava and Ljubljanica rivers. The variations observed in sulphate from the waters studied result from variations in the contribution of sulphates of different origin. Downstream the Sava River sulphate is depleted in the heavy isotopes of both sulphur and oxygen, with δ-values gradually tending toward the δ-values of groundwater sulphates in the watershed. In contrast, the δ-values of sulphate in the Ljubljanica River are almost constant and similar to those of sulphate in local groundwater. Introduction of water from Italian and Slovenian mines was recorded in the Soča River, where the lowest δ34S value of sulphate sulphur (−0.2‰) was observed. In addition, the influence of sulphate from the oxidation of sedimentary sulphides was recorded in the Sotla River. No evidence was found for introduction of sulphate from factories.  相似文献   
In this paper we search for a reference relation between seismic P-wave velocity V and density ρ ref for the continental crust. Based on the results of modern seismic experiments, we compiled 2-D seismic models into a network of four, each about 1100–1400 km long, continental-scale seismic transects cutting all main tectonic units in Central Europe. The Moho depth (about 52 km beneath the TESZ in SE Poland, to about 25 km beneath the Pannonian Basin) and the crustal structure of this area are characterised by a large variation. This structural variation provides an interesting basis for gravity studies and especially for analysing the difference of the density structure between two major tectonic provinces of distinctive age difference: Precambrian and Phanerozoic. The 2-D gravity modelling applied for crustal cross-sections representing the regional structure, based on a unified gravity anomaly map of the area, allows for a stable determination of some general features of the regional reference velocity-density relation for the continental crust. In general three major seismo-petrological types of rocks can be distinguished: sediments, crystalline crust and mantle. In compacted sediments the reference velocity-density relation is well described by the Gardner or Nafe-Drake model. Calculated gravity anomalies, using unified velocity-density relation for the whole crystalline crust, well describe observed anomalies, with an average difference of 14 mGal. However, calculated gravity anomalies, using separated velocity-density relations for the crystalline crust of Precambrian and Phanerozoic Europe, describe observed anomalies better than for the entire crust, with an average difference 12 mGal. The most important feature of these relations is the large differentiation of the derivative dρ ref /dV in the crystalline crust, being about 0.3 g s/m4 for Precambrian, and about 0.1 g s/m4 for the Phanerozoic crystalline crust. The modelling suggests a very small density value in the uppermost mantle ρ = 3.11 g/cm3 below the younger area, while for the older area it is ρ = 3.3 g/cm3.  相似文献   
It is well known that both the galactic and anomalous cosmic rays show positive intensity gradients in the outer heliosphere which are connected with corresponding pressure gradients. Due to an efficient dynamical coupling between the solar wind plasma and these highly energetic media by means of convected MHD turbulences, there exists a mutual interaction between these media. As one consequence of this scenario the enforced pressure gradients influence the distant solar wind expansion. Here we concentrate in our theoretical study on the interaction of the solar wind only with the anomalous cosmic-ray component. We use the standard two-fluid model in which the cosmic-ray fluid modifies the solar wind flow via the cosmic-ray pressure gradient. Then we derive numerical solutions in the following steps: first we calculate an aspherical pressure distribution for the anomalous cosmic rays, describing their diffusion in an unperturbed radial solar wind. Second, we then consider the perturbation of the solar wind flow due to these induced anomalous cosmic-ray pressure gradients. Within this context we especially take account of the action of a non-spherical geometry of the heliospheric shock which may lead to pronounced upwinddownwind asymmetries in the pressures and thereby in the resulting solar wind flows. As we can show in our model, which fits the available observational data, radial decelerations of the distant solar wind by between 5 to 11% are to be expected, however, the deviations of the bulk solar wind flow from the radialdirections are only slightly pronounced.  相似文献   
Several selected seismic lines are used to show and compare the modes of Late-Cretaceous–Early Tertiary inversion within the North German and Polish basins. These seismic data illustrate an important difference in the allocation of major zones of basement (thick-skinned) deformation and maximum uplift within both basins. The most important inversion-related uplift of the Polish Basin was localised in its axial part, the Mid-Polish Trough, whereas the basement in the axial part of the North German Basin remained virtually flat. The latter was uplifted along the SW and to a smaller degree the NE margins of the North German Basin, presently defined by the Elbe Fault System and the Grimmen High, respectively. The different location of the basement inversion and uplift within the North German and Polish basins is interpreted to reflect the position of major zones of crustal weakness represented by the WNW-ESE trending Elbe Fault System and by the NW-SE striking Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone, the latter underlying the Mid-Polish Trough. Therefore, the inversion of the Polish and North German basins demonstrates the significance of an inherited basement structure regardless of its relationship to the position of the basin axis. The inversion of the Mid-Polish Trough was connected with the reactivation of normal basement fault zones responsible for its Permo-Mesozoic subsidence. These faults zones, inverted as reverse faults, facilitated the uplift of the Mid-Polish Trough in the order of 1–3 km. In contrast, inversion of the North German Basin rarely re-used structures active during its subsidence. Basement inversion and uplift, in the range of 3–4 km, was focused at the Elbe Fault System which has remained quiescent in the Triassic and Jurassic but reproduced the direction of an earlier Variscan structural grain. In contrast, N-S oriented Mesozoic grabens and troughs in the central part of the North German Basin avoided significant inversion as they were oriented parallel to the direction of the inferred Late Cretaceous–Early Tertiary compression. The comparison of the North German and Polish basins shows that inversion structures can follow an earlier subsidence pattern only under a favourable orientation of the stress field. A thick Zechstein salt layer in the central parts of the North German Basin and the Mid-Polish Trough caused mechanical decoupling between the sub-salt basement and the supra-salt sedimentary cover. Resultant thin-skinned inversion was manifested by the formation of various structures developed entirely in the supra-salt Mesozoic–Cenozoic succession. The Zechstein salt provided a mechanical buffer accommodating compressional stress and responding to the inversion through salt mobilisation and redistribution. Only in parts of the NGB and MPT characterised by either thin or missing Zechstein evaporites, thick-skinned inversion directly controlled inversion-related deformations of the sedimentary cover. Inversion of the Permo-Mesozoic fill within the Mid-Polish Trough was achieved by a regional elevation above uplifted basement blocks. Conversely, in the North German Basin, horizontal stress must have been transferred into the salt cover across the basin from its SW margin towards the basins centre. This must be the case since compressional deformations are concentrated mostly above the salt and no significant inversion-related basement faults are seismically detected apart from the basin margins. This strain decoupling in the interior of the North German Basin was enhanced by the presence of the Elbe Fault System which allowed strain localization in the basin floor due to its orientation perpendicular to the inferred Late Cretaceous–Early Tertiary far-field compression.  相似文献   
Twenty-three magnesite samples from vein deposits, found in ultramafic rocks related to ophiolites in the north-east Bohemian Massif, have been examined for carbon and oxygen isotope ratios. In these rocks two stages of antigorite serpentinization took place prior to magnesite precipitation. δ18OSMOW in magnesites ranges from 24.5 to 27.9%o (corrected for acid fractionation factor) which leads us to conclude a meteoric origin of the ore-forming solution. This inference is further supported by δ13C values (?18.7 to ?4.4%o) which point to a biogenic origin of carbon in the magnesites.  相似文献   
Warsaw was heavily damaged during World War II. Post-War socialist reconstruction emphasized public multi-family housing. A 1987 survey revealed that about one-third of Warsaw residents lived in single-family units, though most expressed their preferences to live in single family houses free from noise pollution and in an aesthetically acceptable environment. In two areas, the CBD and the Praga North, a large proportion of residents preferred to live in existing multi-family units, though such preference was much greater among the blue collar workers than white collar.  相似文献   
For the Fiji-Tonga-Kermadec area and for the period from January 1977 to July 2003, the Harvard CMT catalogue lists 1022 shallow, 410 intermediate and 633 deep earthquakes of moment magnitude from 4.9 to 8.0. The magnitude threshold, above which the catalogue is complete, is 5.3–5.4, and the number of earthquakes of magnitude above this value is 691 for shallow, 329 for intermediate and 476 for deep events, respectively. The proportion of earthquakes associated with doublets and multiplets against the total number of earthquakes is approximately the same in both data sets and therefore all earthquake pairs were considered regardless of their magnitude. We investigated all the pairs of earthquakes that occurred at a centroid distance of less than 40, 60 or 90 km from each other and within a time interval of 200, 300 or 450 days, depending on their magnitude. We found 208 pairs of shallow, 31 of intermediate and 92 of deep events. To ascertain whether these earthquakes in pairs are not connected by chance, the possibility of their occurrence in an uncorrelated Poissonian catalogue was considered. It was assumed that in such a catalogue the inter-event time is exponentially distributed, the earthquake magnitude follows the Gutenberg-Richter relation, and the distribution of centroid distances between the events in pairs is controlled by its non-parametric kernel estimate. The probability of the appearance of the observed proportion of doublets of shallow earthquakes in the Poissonian catalogue was found to be very low. The low probability of occurrence in a semi-random catalogue, created by randomising centroid locations in the actual data set, also indicates major importance of the distance criterion used for a doublet specification. In general, shallow earthquakes tend to form pairs at shorter distances and within shorter time intervals than deep earthquakes. Both the distance and the time intervals do not depend on the magnitude of involved events. The largest number of pairs of deep earthquakes is observed at a depth of about 600 km, and the proportion of deep events associated with doublets against the number of all events increases with depth. From comparison of the focal mechanism of earthquakes in pairs, measured by the 3-D rotation angle, it follows that deep earthquakes forming pairs have a more diverse focal mechanism than shallow events; the rotation angle for three quarters of shallow pairs and only for about one third of deep pairs is reasonably small. The azimuth between two events forming a doublet is in about 60–65% of cases close to the strike of one of nodal planes of the first or the second event.  相似文献   
It is well-documented that a variety of factors controlling the rockmass fracturing process in mines often results in a complexity of mining event size distribution. In such cases, the estimation of the probability functions of source size parameterizations, with the use of presently known distribution models, brings about an unacceptable and systematic over- or underestimation of the seismic hazard parameters. It is, therefore, recommended that the non-parametric, kernel estimators of the event size distribution functions, be applied to stationary hazard studies in mining seismicity.These data-driven estimators, adapted to seismic source size characterization, accurately fit all kinds of data underlying distributions, regardless of their complexity. Recently, the non-parametric approach to size characterization was supported by a special method of uncertainty analysis based on resampling techniques. At present, it is a fully developed method, which provides point and interval estimates of size distribution functions and related hazard parameters. Two examples of its use in studying mining seismic data are presented and discussed in this paper. The analyzed data sets were recorded in two different copper mines in Poland. The smoothed bootstrap test for multimodality, which is a specialized tool for investigating the shapes of probability densities, provided highly significant proof that in both cases the probability densities of source size parameterization were complex thus implied the superiority of the non-parametric estimation to the classic, model-based approach in the studied cases. The data were then used to construct non-parametric, kernel estimates of the source size cumulative distribution function (CDF), the exceedance probability and the mean return period. Furthermore, confidence intervals for these quantities were also estimated. The intervals for CDF were narrow, showing that the procedures of non-parametric estimation and resampling based uncertainty analysis were precise. Due to the fact that the mean return period is very sensitive to values of the CDF, in particular for larger events sizes, the uncertainty of the return period estimates was not insignificant but remained manageable. The point and interval estimates of source size CDF and hazard parameters so obtained were compared with the respective point estimates achieved from the inappropriate in the case of complex magnitude distributions, model-based approach.  相似文献   
Pu  Yuanyuan  Apel  Derek B.  Prusek  Stanislaw  Walentek  Andrzej  Cichy  Tomasz 《Natural Hazards》2021,105(1):191-203

Exact knowledge for ground stress field guarantees the construction of various underground engineering projects as well as prediction of some geological hazards such as the rock burst. Limited by costs, field measurement for initial ground stresses can be only conducted on several measure points, which necessitates back-analysis for initial stresses from limited field measurement data. This paper employed a multioutput decision tree regressor (DTR) to model the relationship between initial ground stress field and its impact factor. A full-scale finite element model was built and computed to gain 400 training samples for DTR using a submodeling strategy. The results showed that correlation coefficient r between field measurement values and back-analysis values reached 0.92, which proved the success of DTR. A neural network was employed to store the global initial ground stress field. More than 600,000 node data extracted from the full-scale finite element model were used to train this neural network. After training, the stresses on any location can be investigated by inputting corresponding coordinates into this neural network.

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