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This article examines the locational patterns of population and employment and the resultant changes in urban form in the Halifax–Dartmouth region between 1970 and 1996. The article employs the univariate and bivariate K function to measure spatial dependence or clustering within and between the classes of residential and commercial land parcels. The results of the K function estimates suggest that residential land parcels cluster together, commercial land parcels cluster together, and residential and commercial land parcels have become more clustered over time. Evidence of clustering provides insight into the changing urban form of the region and possible multinucleation.  相似文献   
Multiple regional chironomid–climate calibration datasets are available to reconstruct quantitatively July air temperatures from fossil chironomid assemblages. We examined the relationship between July air temperature and the 40 most common chironomid taxa in three independent Eurasian calibration (training) sets. The estimated temperature optimum of each chironomid taxon is systematically lower (by ~1–2 °C) in a Norwegian calibration set compared to Finnish and Russian calibration sets. This result might partly be explained by the fact that the Norwegian calibration set extends further at the cold end of the temperature gradient. A difference in continentality between the Russian sites and the European sites might also contribute to this pattern. The number of taxa that show a statistically significant unimodal response to temperature is higher in the Norwegian calibration set (34 out of 40 taxa) compared to the modern Finnish (11 of 37 taxa; 3 common taxa absent) and the Russian calibration set (20 of 40 taxa), probably due to the longer temperature gradient incorporated in the Norwegian calibration set. We applied all three calibration sets to fossil chironomid assemblages from the high-latitude study site of Sokli (northeast Finland), a site with a unique series of lacustrine deposits covering (amongst others) the Holocene, part of early MIS 3 (at ~53 ka) and MIS 5d–c (at ~110–95 ka) and with independent proxy-records for comparison. In the early Holocene and during MIS 5c, the chironomid-based temperature inferences from all three inference models had similar values. Temperature reconstructions based on the Norwegian calibration set are 2–4 °C lower for the late Holocene, early MIS 3 and MIS 5d than the inferred temperatures based on the other calibration sets. Although the lakes included in the Finnish calibration set are located closest to the site of Sokli, evaluation tests and a comparison with independent proxy data suggests that the Norwegian calibration set provides the most suitable analogues for reconstruction purposes for most of the fossil assemblages. Our results imply that when choosing a calibration set for quantitative climate reconstructions on glacial timescales, regional proximity of the fossil site may not be a sufficient basis, and the length of the temperature gradient of the calibration dataset and factors such as the continentality gradient covered by the calibration set must also be considered.  相似文献   
The criteria which may be employed when selecting an approach to a particular evapotranspiration mapping problem are discussed in the light of previous attempts at mapping evapotranspiration. Evapotranspiration mapping involves two main stages: firstly the derivation of point evapotranspiration estimates, and secondly the interpolation of isolines around these estimates. Many studies have emphasized the first stage, frequently applying estimation formulae to data from climate stations, and have given substantially less attention to the interpolation of isolines. In the present study, where potential evapotranspiration estimates were derived for only 70 stations over the area of the European Economic Community and where maps showing the general trends in potential evapotranspiration were required, the technique of isoline interpolation was of great importance. Two forms of polynomial trend surface analysis were applied to the point estimates and a technique employing a restricted use of all three dimensions of location was found to be appropriate for denning the position of the smoothed evapotranspiration isolines.  相似文献   
Moored sediment traps were deployed from January 2004 through December 2007 at depths of 550 and 800 m in San Pedro Basin (SPB), CA (33°33.0′N, 118°26.5′W). Additionally, floating sediment traps were deployed at 100 and 200 m for periods of 12-24 h during spring 2005, fall 2007, and spring 2008. Average annual fluxes of mass, particulate organic carbon (POC), ??13Corg, particulate organic nitrogen (PON), ??15N-PON, biogenic silica (bSiO2), calcium carbonate (CaCO3), and detrital material (non-biogenic) were coupled with climate records and used to examine sedimentation patterns, vertical flux variability, and organic matter sources to this coastal region. Annual average flux values were determined by binning data by month and averaging the monthly averages. The average annual fluxes to 550 m were 516±42 mg/m2 d for mass (sdom of the monthly averages, n=117), 3.18±0.26 mmol C/m2 d for POC (n=111), 0.70±0.05 mmol/m2 d for CaCO3 (n=110), 1.31±0.21 mmol/m2 d for bSiO2 (n=115), and 0.35±0.03 mmol/m2 d for PON (n=111). Fluxes to 800 and to 550 m were similar, within 10%. Annual average values of ??13Corg at 550 m were −21.8±0.2‰ (n=108), and ??15N averages were 8.9±0.2‰ (n=95). The timing of both high and low flux particle collection was synchronous between the two traps. Given the frequency of trap cup rotation (4-11 days), this argues for particle settling rates ≥83 m/d for both high and low flux periods. The moored traps were deployed over one of the wettest (2004-2005, 74.6 cm rainfall) and driest (2006-2007, 6.6 cm) rain years on record. There was poor correlation (Pearson's correlation coefficient, 95% confidence interval) of detrital mass flux with: Corg/N ratio (r=0.10, p=0.16); ??15N (r=−0.19, p=0.02); and rainfall (r=0.5, p=0.43), suggesting that runoff does not immediately cause increases in particle fluxes 15 km offshore. ??13Corg values suggest that most POC falling to the basin floor is marine derived. Coherence between satellite-derived chlorophyll a records from the trap location (±9 km2 resolution) and SST data indicates that productivity and export occurs within a few days of upwelling and both of these parameters are reasonable predictors of POC export, with a time lag of a few days to 2 weeks (with no time lag—SeaWiFS chlorophyll a and POC flux, r=0.25, p=0.0014; chlorophyll a and bSiO2 flux, r=0.28, p=0.0002).  相似文献   
Computational Geosciences - The SOC change index, defined as the normalized difference between the actual Soil Organic Carbon and the value assumed at an initial reference year, is here tailored to...  相似文献   
Microprobe analysis, single crystal X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, and X-ray absorption spectroscopy were applied on Fe-rich osumilite from the volcanic massif of Mt. Arci, Sardinia, Italy. Osumilite belongs to the space group P6/mcc with unit cell parameters a = 10.1550(6), c = 14.306(1) Å and chemical formula (K0.729)C (Na0.029)B (Si10.498 Al1.502)T1 (Al2.706 Fe 0.294 2+ )T2 (Mg0.735 Mn0.091 Fe 1.184 2+ )AO30. Structure refinement converged at R = 0.0201. Unit cell parameter a is related to octahedral edge length as well as to Fe2+ content, unlike the c parameter which does not seem to be affected by chemical composition. The determination of the amount of each element on the mineral surface, obtained through X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy high-resolution spectra in the region of the Si2p, Al2p, Mg1s and Fe2p core levels, suggests that Fe presents Fe2+ oxidation state and octahedral coordination. Two peaks at 103.1 and 100.6 eV can be related to Si4+ and Si1+ components, respectively, both in tetrahedral coordination. The binding energy of Al2p, at 74.5 eV, indicates that Al is mostly present in the distorted T2 site, whereas the Mg peak at 1,305.2 eV suggests that this cation is located at the octahedral site. X-ray absorption at the Fe L2,3-edges confirms that iron is present in the mineral structure, prevalently in the divalent state and at the A octahedral site.  相似文献   
We describe a low-cost application of digital photogrammetry using commercially available photogrammetric software and oblique photographs taken with an off-the-shelf digital camera to create sequential digital elevation models (DEMs) of a lava dome that grew during the 2004–2008 eruption of Mount St. Helens (MSH) volcano. Renewed activity at MSH provided an opportunity to devise and test this method, because it could be validated against other observations of this well-monitored volcano. The datasets consist of oblique aerial photographs (snapshots) taken from a helicopter using a digital single-lens reflex camera. Twelve sets of overlapping digital images of the dome taken during 2004–2007 were used to produce DEMs and to calculate lava dome volumes and extrusion rates. Analyses of the digital images were carried out using photogrammetric software to produce three-dimensional coordinates of points identified in multiple photos. The evolving morphology of the dome was modeled by comparing successive DEMs. Results were validated by comparison to volume measurements derived from traditional vertical photogrammetric surveys by the US Geological Survey Cascades Volcano Observatory. Our technique was significantly less expensive and required less time than traditional vertical photogrammetric techniques; yet, it consistently yielded volume estimates within 5% of the traditional method. This technique provides an inexpensive, rapid assessment tool for tracking lava dome growth or other topographic changes at restless volcanoes.  相似文献   
Output from a three‐dimensional numerical flow model (SSIIM) is used in conjunction with high‐resolution topographic and velocity data to assess such models for eco‐hydraulic applications in river channel design and habitat appraisal. A new methodology for the comparison between field measurement and model output is detailed. This involves a comparison between conventional goodness‐of‐fit approaches applied to a spatially structured (riffle and pool) sample of model and field data, and a ‘relaxation’ method based upon the spatial semivariance of model/field departures. Conventional assessment indicates that the model predicts point‐by‐point velocity characteristics on a 0·45 m mesh to within ±0·1 m s−1 over 80% of the channel area at low flow, and 50% of the area at high in‐bank flow. When a relative criterion of model fit is used, however, the model appears to perform less well: 60–70% of channel area has predicted velocities that depart from observed velocities by more than 10%. Regression analysis of observed and predicted velocities gives more cause for optimism, but all of these conventional indicators of goodness of fit neglect important spatial characteristics of model performance. Spatial semivariance is a means of supplementing model appraisal in this respect. In particular, using the relaxation approach, results are greatly improved: at a high in‐bank flow, the model results match field measurements to within 0·1 m s−1 for more than 95% of the total channel area, provided that model and field comparisons are allowed within a radius of approximately 1 m from the original point of measurement. It is suggested that this revised form of model assessment is of particular relevance to eco‐hydraulic applications, where some degree of spatial and temporal dynamism (or uncertainty) is a characteristic. The approach may also be generalized to other environmental science modelling applications where the spatial attributes of model fits are of interest. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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