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Deng  Xu  He  Sizhong  Cao  Zhouhong  Wu  Tao 《Landslides》2021,18(12):3937-3952
Landslides - Landslide-induced tsunamis are common natural hazards that potentially affect the safety and stability of waterfront structures. A numerical tank was constructed using FLOW-3D to...  相似文献   
我国历史时期冷暖年代的干旱型   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
郑斯中 《地理研究》1983,2(4):32-40
中国历史时期的旱涝变化与冷暖变化是有联系的。冷的年代,我国的气候是西干东湿,而暖的年代则是西湿东干。  相似文献   
The formation and evolution of permafrost in China during the last 20 ka were reconstructed on the basis of large amount of paleo-permafrost remains and paleo-periglacial evidence, as well as paleo-glacial landforms, paleo-flora and paleofauna records. The results indicate that, during the local Last Glacial Maximum(LLGM) or local Last Permafrost Maximum(LLPMax), the extent of permafrost of China reached 5.3×106-5.4×106 km2, or thrice that of today, but permafrost shrank to only0.80×106-0.85×106 km2, or 50% that of present, during the local Holocene Megathermal Period(LHMP), or the local Last Permafrost Minimum(LLPMin). On the basis of the dating of periglacial remains and their distributive features, the extent of permafrost in China was delineated for the two periods of LLGM(LLPMax) and LHMP(LLPMin), and the evolution of permafrost in China was divided into seven periods as follows:(1) LLGM in Late Pleistocene(ca. 20000 to 13000-10800 a BP)with extensive evidence for the presence of intensive ice-wedge expansion for outlining its LLPMax extent;(2) A period of dramatically changing climate during the early Holocene(10800 to 8500-7000 a BP) when permafrost remained relatively stable but with a general trend of shrinking areal extent;(3) The LHMP in the Mid-Holocene(8500-7000 to 4000-3000 a BP)when permafrost degraded intensively and extensively, and shrank to the LLPMin;(4) Neoglaciation during the late Holocene(4000-3000 to 1000 a BP, when permafrost again expanded;(5) Medieval Warming Period(MWP) in the late Holocene(1000-500 a BP) when permafrost was in a relative decline;(6) Little Ice Age(LIA) in the late Holocene(500-100 a BP), when permafrost relatively expanded, and;(7) Recent warming(during the 20 th century), when permafrost continuously degraded and still is degrading. The paleo-climate, geography and paleopermafrost extents and other features were reconstructed for each of these seven periods.  相似文献   
东昆中构造带具有复杂的物质组成与结构构造,其中沟里地区出露的原划石炭系浅变质沉积地层是东昆中蛇绿构造混杂岩基质岩系的重要组成部分,其形成时代和属性研究对东昆中构造带研究具有重要意义。运用LA-MC-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年代学分析方法,对浅变质沉积地层变砂岩碎屑锆石进行详细研究,结果显示,碎屑锆石年龄谱可分为4组:①加里东期(499~565Ma)。②新元古代中期至早期(693~969Ma)。③古元古代晚期-中元古代中期(1 254~1 967Ma)。④新太古代-古元古代早期(2 348~2 776Ma)。结合前人研究资料认为浅变质沉积地层形成时间在427~499Ma,应归属于早古生代纳赤台岩群变沉积岩。其沉积物源以新元古代早期至中期响应Rodinia超大陆汇聚、裂解的物质记录及新太古代-元古代结晶基底为主,少量东昆仑地区加里东期与原特提斯洋扩张俯冲相关岩浆岩。东昆中构造带沟里地区基质地层主要是早古生代纳赤台岩群变沉积岩,而不是前人认为的石炭纪地层。东昆中构造带主要构造活动在早古生代末期就已经基本完成。  相似文献   
东昆仑东段广泛分布晚古生代的中酸性花岗岩,基性岩浆岩记录较少。本文选择位于东昆仑北弧岩浆岩带南缘的阿拉思木基性岩进行研究,为东昆仑东段晚古生代岩浆演化研究提供新的依据。通过LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年方法获得阿拉思木基性岩形成年龄为(241±1)Ma,为中三叠世岩浆活动的产物。岩石地球化学特征显示岩石具有低Ti O2(0.17%~0.37%,平均值0.25%)和较高的Mg#值(72.94~77.32,平均值为74.95)及Al2O3值(13.08~23.20%,平均值18.9%),富集大离子亲石元素(LILE:Sr、Rb、Ba),明显亏损高场强元素(HFSE:Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf)。Harker图解表明,Mg O与Fe2O3T、Ti O2、Ni、Co呈明显的正相关,暗示阿拉思木基性岩浆在形成过程中有一定程度的橄榄石、钛铁氧化物的分离结晶。阿拉思木辉长岩具有岛弧玄武岩的地球化学特征,并且其结晶年龄明显早于东昆仑碰撞及后碰撞构造岩浆时限。综合区域地质资料认为,阿拉思木辉长岩可能代表了东昆仑地区中三叠世洋壳俯冲的最晚期岩浆记录,进而确定东昆仑古特提斯洋俯冲结束碰撞开始的时间可能为中三叠世。  相似文献   
本文通过对河南省历代旱涝气候史料的分析,建立了豫西区1470-1979年分季(春、夏,秋)水旱序列,并且对序列及其可靠性作了分析.  相似文献   
拉脊山构造带南东端磨沟地区出露一套变安山岩夹片理化变玄武岩组合,其原岩分别为亚碱性拉斑系列安山岩和玄武岩。研究表明,变安山岩锆石U-Pb年龄为503.1±6.6Ma,形成于中寒武世。玄武岩稀土元素总量为93.40×10~(-6)~135.39×10~(-6),(La/Yb)_N值为2.76~3.64,δEu为0.87~1.00,微量元素蛛网图具有不相容元素富集特征,没有明显的Nb、Ta负异常,与板内火山岩特征相似。安山岩稀土元素总量低于玄武岩,而微量元素蛛网图具有富集大离子亲石元素Cs、Rb、Ba等,亏损高场强元素Nb、Ta、Ti等特征。岩石成因研究表明,玄武岩没有经历显著的地壳混染,为软流圈地幔石榴子石+尖晶石二辉橄榄岩低程度部分熔融的产物,而安山岩为地壳部分熔融的产物。构造环境判别表明,深沟组火山岩形成于大陆裂谷环境,表明祁连地块中部的拉脊山构造带南东端可能没有发育成熟的洋盆系统,随后在南祁连洋早古生代俯冲消减过程中以裂谷型岩石圈碎片的方式构造侵位于中祁连地块南缘。  相似文献   
文茜  赵亮  石玉兰  杨思忠 《冰川冻土》2014,36(5):1306-1312
生物降解与土著微生物群落结构、功能及其变化密切相关. 目前, 对于东北冻土土壤中的适冷降解菌了解不足. 新建成的中俄输油管道穿越中国东北的多年冻土区, 为相关研究提供了契机. 实验利用454高通量测序分析了加格达奇冻土活动层土壤在受控原油污染前后的微生物群落结构. 结果显示: 污染后的Proteobacteria和Firmicutes相对丰度显著升高, 优势类群包括Alicyclobacillus、Sphingomonas、Nevskia以及Bacillus. 群落以芳烃降解菌或者耐受油污环境的细菌为主. 这种变化与原油(尤其是芳烃)组分的生态毒害作用有关. 较高浓度的原油污染下, 群落中可耐受油污环境的细菌丰度相对更高.  相似文献   
Inactive ice wedges are still present today at Yituli'he in the middle Da Xing'anling (Greater Hinggan) Mountains in northeastern China, which is the southernmost known site (50°37′N) with ice wedges in the Northern Hemisphere. However, it is uncertain whether the ice‐wedge isotope composition, characterized by low δ18O, δD and low deuterium excess values, is representative of the isotope signature of a broader region. In this paper, the ice‐wedge isotope compositions were examined in the context of the stable isotopes of precipitation from the nearby Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation (GNIP) stations. In addition, the pollen spectra from the host sediments were analysed to provide additional information on local vegetation in order to better understand the climate conditions favouring ice‐wedge formation. The pollen spectra suggest that the Yituli'he ice wedges developed during the colder and wetter period after 6000 cal. a BP. The isotopes in the Yituli'he ice wedges are consistent with the isotope background recorded in atmospheric precipitation collected at the nearby GNIP stations. When the snow‐melt froze into ice veinlets, the isotope signals did not change substantially because of the strong, cold, continental anticyclones in winter as well as a strong temperature inversion that prevail in the Da Xing'anling Mountains. As the climate pattern did not change substantially, the neoglacial cold period is unlikely to have allowed for strong secondary fractionation of isotope records during ice‐wedge formation. Thus, the annual isotope signature can be interpreted as a valid archive of climate data.  相似文献   
东昆仑东段下三叠统洪水川组主要分布于东昆南断裂带和东昆中断裂带之间的红水川—托索河一带。笔者分别对出露于宝日禾日俄地区和可可沙地区洪水川组底部层位砾岩的砾石成分、磨圆度和粒度进行综合统计对比分析。结果显示:可可沙地区砾石成分主要为灰岩和变质岩,宝日禾日俄地区砾石成分主要为花岗岩和变质岩。从宝日禾日俄地区花岗岩砾石中获得的LA-ICP-Ma锆石U-Pb年龄为(464.9±9.3)Ma(MSWD=2.9)。砾石特征表明可可沙地区物源来自可可沙地区下伏地层哈拉郭勒组,而宝日禾日俄地区物源主要为早古生代岩浆岩,表明洪水川组底部层位物源主要为加里东期弧岩浆岩,而晚滇西—印支期弧岩浆岩并未提供沉积物质。结合前人资料认为,布青山—阿尼玛卿古特提斯洋于晚二叠世开始向北俯冲,洪水川组为一套弧前盆地的沉积产物,早三叠世早期布青山—阿尼玛卿古特提斯洋处于向北俯冲初始阶段。  相似文献   
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