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Marine bacteria, actinomycetes and fungal strains were isolated from continental slope sediment of the Bay of Bengal and studied for fatty acid profile to investigate their involvement in the benthic food-web. Fifteen different saturated and unsaturated fatty acids from bacterial isolates, 14 from actinomycetes and fungal isolates were detected. The total unsaturated fatty acids in bacterial isolates ranged from 11.85 to 37.26%, while the saturated fatty acid ranged between 42.34 and 80.74%. In actinomycetes isolates, total unsaturated fatty acids varied from 27.86 to 38.85% and saturated fatty acids ranged from 35.29 to 51.25%. In fungal isolates unsaturated fatty acids ranged between 44.62 and 65.52% while saturated FA ranged from 20.80 to 46.30%. The higher percentages of unsaturated fatty acids from the microbial isolates are helpful in anticipating the active participation in the benthic food-web of Bay of Bengal.  相似文献   
The Taiwan Strait region has many miles of coastline, and the Taiwan Straits Tunnel (TST) project faces many potential pollution problems as construction proceeds through sensitive areas. Conventional approaches for pollution mitigation require further examination. The recent development of nanoscale particle technology has shown distinct advantages for contaminant attenuation and ground improvement. This paper is focused on trace metals and is part of the overall effort to develop the nanoscale particle technology. Trace metals in ground and surface waters represent a continued threat to human and ecological health. One of the difficulties in removing toxic concentrations of trace metals from solution is the variable oxidation state and amphoteric nature of multiple constituents. In particular, while cationic metals (e.g., Pb2+, Cd2+, Ni2+) may be rendered less mobile under high pH conditions, anionic metals (e.g., AsO4 3?, CrO4 2?, SeO4 2?)may become more mobile. The objective of this research was to evaluate the sorption of both cationic and anionic trace elements, including arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr) and selenium (Se) under batch conditions. Mixtures of a local residual soil were tested alone and in combination with lime and zero valent iron. It was hypothesized that lime would raise the pH and precipitate positively charged metals while zero valent iron would create reducing conditions favorable to the immobilization of negatively charged metals. Results indicate that the use of lime and/or zero valent iron can increase the sorption capacity of soil. Compared to the baseline soil, sorption capacity increased with addition of lime for arsenic and cadmium while it decreased for chromium and selenium. In the case of zero valent iron addition, sorption capacity increased for cadmium, chromium and selenium, while showing no change for arsenic. When both lime and zero valent iron were used, the sorption capacity increased for all metals tested. These results suggest that the combined use of lime and zero valent iron may serve as an alternative treatment technology for removing trace metals from contaminated water systems.  相似文献   
In recent years, offshore reservoirs have been developed in deeper and deeper water environments. Steel catenary risers (SCRs) are being considered in deepwater development such as Northern North Sea. SCRs used in conjunction with a semi-submersible or floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) in deepwater harsh environments present significant design challenges. The large vertical motions at the semi or FPSO induce severe riser response, which results in difficulty meeting strength and fatigue criteria at the hang off and touch down point locations. To improve the understanding of SCR behaviour and increase the confidence in the design of such systems in deepwater harsh environments, a parametric study on a SCR connected to a semi-submersible was carried out in this paper to deal with the factors that mainly influence the loading condition and fatigue life of the riser. Weight-optimized configurations were applied during the course of riser design. Riflex combined with DeepC was the primary analysis tool used for the long-term response of the nonlinear SCR structure simulations, which requires a large amount of computer time. Hence, the parameters affecting the efficiency and accuracy of the simulations have also been studied during the analysis process.  相似文献   
In this paper a discussion of three failure criteria during a tanker collision takes place. The ‘Fracture Criterion’ developed recently [Glykas, A., Samouelides, E., Das, P.K. (1996) Energy absorption capacity of plates under lateral loading. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Offshore and Polar Engineers, Los Angeles '96, Vol. IV, pp. 502–509.], deals with the amount of energy required so that arbitrary crack propagation originates from microscopic material flaws of the steel structure, in areas of high strain concentration during large deflections. This fracture criterion is applied in critical areas of a tanker bow structure during head-on collision with a vertical rigid body and its validity is examined in comparison to other two state of the art failure criteria. The penetration of the tanker vessel as well as the time to rest from the initiation of the collision are determined in relation to the failure criteria.  相似文献   
The spatial distribution of physico-chemical parameters(sea surface temperature(SST), p H, sea surface salinity(SSS), dissolved oxygen(DO) and Secchi depth) along with filterable nutrients(dissolved inorganic nitrate(DIN),dissolved inorganic phosphate(DIP) and reactive silicate(DSi)) are measured in the winter months of November,December, January and February for four consecutive years from 2009–2010 to 2012–2013 on the shallow continental shelf(20 m bathymetry) of the coastal waters(up to 18 km away from shoreline) of the northern Bay of Bengal(n Bo B) during the highest high tide(HHT) and lowest low tide(LLT) hours for the first time. The variability of the coastal biogeochemical environment is assessed during the HHT and LLT hours and for this purpose, seawater samples are collected from seven different locations of a transect in the coastal region. Physicochemical parameters(except SST) show significant difference in magnitude during the HHT and LLT hours respectively. p H, SSS and DO are found to increase in the HHT hours and vice-versa. The data reveal that during the LLT hours, a relative increase of freshwater input in the n Bo B can have elevated the nutrient concentration compared with that observed during the HHT hours. The ratio of nutrient concentration is found to deviate significantly from the Redfield ratio. The abundance of DIP is much higher compared with that of DIN and DSi.The anthropogenic sources of DIP from the upstream flow(especially the domestic effluent of several metropolises) can be mainly attributed behind such an observation. In order to characterize and establish the trend of such variation in such an important bio-climatic region, long-term and systematic ecosystem monitoring in the coastal water of the n Bo B northern Bay of Bengal should be carried out throughout the year.  相似文献   
The TLP configuration in this paper comes from the case study of the ISSC Derived Loads Committee I.2 in 1985. Two models, Model 1 and Model 2, are created aiming at developing a computational tool to handle hydro-dynamic and structural aspects together to help the TLP designer. Another objective is to generate relevant information for a non-linear static local stress analysis of TLP components from a dynamic hydro-structural global analysis. Model 2 is developed for LUSAS, a general purpose, well established, FE software, to validate the in-house program DCATLP. Model 1 and Model 2 are purposely made slightly different in the tether modelling so that the non-linear formulations in DCATLP to treat a TLP as a coupled system with the hull and tethers can be verified with a straightforward linear step-by-step dynamic analysis in LUSAS. The code in DCATLP has advanced features to account for some complex aspects of TLPs, such as compliant characteristics. The results from DCATLP can be directly used in the reliability based structural design of TLP components and subsequent optimisation studies.  相似文献   
Renuka Lake in the Lesser Himalaya, Himachal Pradesh is in a valley surrounded by mountains comprised of highly crumpled, shattered, crushed, folded and dislocated rocks consisting of carbonaceous shales-slates often pyrite-ferrous, limestone, quartzites, boulder beds, etc. A detailed and systematic study of the major ion chemistry of the lake, clay mineral composition of the bed and core sediments and the Pb210 isotope estimation in the latter was conducted. The chemistry is dominated by carbonate weathering and (Ca + Mg) and (HCO3 + SO4) accounts for about 90% of the cations and anions. The SO4 content is almost the same as the HCO3. The low contribution of (Na + K) to the total cations and the (Ca + Mg) and HCO3 data tends to indicate that silicate weathering has not been the potential source of major ions to the lake waters. This difference may be related to the increasing susceptibility to weathering of carbonate over silicate rocks exposed in the catchment and also seepage of water at the bottom. The high sulphate content in waters is derived from dissolution of pyrite-ferrous reduced black shales, which constitute a significant lithology in the catchment. The chemical index of alteration (CIA) value in core sediments is on an average 76, which is comparable with average shale (70-75) and the rate of sedimentation 3.3 mm/year based on measurement of Pb210, indicating a fairly high weathering rate in the catchment. Illite is the dominant clay mineral (52-90%) in the bed and core sediments, chlorite constitutes 7-48% and the kaolinite-chlorite mixed silicate layer is l-2%. This is consistent with the shale-slate, sandstone lithology in the valley.  相似文献   

The rainfall erosivity (R-factor in USLE) is the long-term average of the sum of the product of rainfall kinetic energy and its maximum 30-min intensity. Therefore, at most 30-min time intervals pluviograph records are required to calculate R-factor. But, such high-resolution data are scarce in many parts of the world and require lengthy processing period. In this study, R-factor was correlated with daily, monthly and annual rainfall, and its spatial variability in Eastern Ghats Highland of east India was mapped. The result showed that power regression models predicted satisfactorily the daily, monthly and annual R-factor, of which annual R-factor model performed best (model efficiency 0.93). Mean monsoon season R-factor was 15.6 and 10.0 times higher than the pre- and post-monsoon season R-factor, and thus remained highly critical with respect to erosion. Annual R-factor values ranged from 3040 to 10,127 MJ mm ha?1 h?1 year?1, with standard deviation of 1981 MJ mm ha?1 h?1 year?1. Rainfall intensity was positively correlated with erosivity density, and numerical value of rainfall intensity was almost double of the erosivity density value. The combination of rainfall and erosivity density was used to identify flood, erosion and landslide-prone areas. The developed iso-erosivity, erosivity density and risk maps can be opted as a tool for policy makers to take suitable measures against natural hazards in Eastern Ghats Highland of east India and elsewhere with similar rainfall characteristics.

Almost every year in the winter months (December–February), the vast Indo-Gangetic Plain south of the Himalaya is affected by dense fog. This fog is considered as radiational fog, and sometime it becomes smog (when it mixes with smoke). The typical meteorological, topographic and increasing pollution conditions over the Indo-Gangetic Plain are perhaps the common contributing factors for fog formation. In the present study, the North Indian fog has been successfully mapped and analysed using NOAA-AVHRR satellite data. In the winter seasons of 2005–06, 2006–07 and 2007–08, the fog-affected area has been found to cover about 575,800 km2, 594,100 km2 and 478,000 km2, respectively. Less fog in 2007–08 may be the consequence of high fluctuations in the meteorological parameters like temperature, relative humidity and wind speed as related to the prevailing synoptic regime for that season. The dissipation and migration pattern of fog in the study area has also been interpreted on the basis of the analysis of both meteorological and satellite data. Further analysis of the fog-affected area allowed identifying more fog-prone regions. Analysis of past fog-affected days and corresponding meteorological conditions enabled us to identify favourable conditions for fog formation viz. air temperature 3–13°C, relative humidity >87%, wind speed <2 m/s and elevation <300 m. Based on the observations of past fog formation and corresponding governing parameters, fog for few selected days could be predicted in hind-sight and later verified with NOAA images.  相似文献   
Rock samples belonging to ten lithological types under different stages of weathering, were collected from different stratigraphical horizons at Bhagalpur. Their densities and porosities were determined experimentally and the data obtained were fitted empirically in a linear equation for each lithological type. The slopes of the curves, which were negative in each case, showed that the increase in porosity for the same decrease in density were in the order, white sandstone > ferruginous sandstone > white claystone > porphyritic gneiss > quartzite > pegmatite > amphibolite ≅ biotite gnejss > basalt ≅ dolerite. A new weathering potential index based on the density-porosity data was proposed and the values for a specific stage of weathering for all the lithological types studied fall within the same range.  相似文献   
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