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A review of historical reconstruction methods of land use/land cover   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Understanding long-term human-environment interactions requires historical reconstruction of past land-use and land-cover changes. Most reconstructions have been based primarily on consistently available and relatively standardized information from historical sources. Based on available data sources and a retrospective research, in this paper we review the approaches and methods of the digital reconstruction and analyze their advantages and possible constraints in the following aspects: (1) Historical documents contain qualitative or semi-quantitative information about past land use, which also usually include land-cover data, but preparation of archival documents is very time-consuming. (2) Historical maps and pictures offer visual and spatial quantitative land-cover information. (3) Natural archive has significant advantages as a method for reconstructing past vegetation and has its unique possibilities especially when historical records are missing or lacking, but it has great limits of rebuilding certain land-cover types. (4) Historical reconstruction models have been gradually developed from empirical models to mechanistic ones. The method does not only reconstruct the quantity of land use/cover in historical periods, but it also reproduces the spatial distribution. Yet there are still few historical land-cover datasets with high spatial resolution. (5) Reconstruction method based on multiple-source data and multidisciplinary research could build historical land-cover from multiple perspectives, complement the missing data, verify reconstruction results and thus improve reconstruction accuracy. However, there are challenges that make the method still in the exploratory stage. This method can be a long-term development goal for the historical land-cover reconstruction. Researchers should focus on rebuilding historical land-cover dataset with high spatial resolution by developing new models so that the study results could be effectively applied in simulations of climatic and ecological effects.  相似文献   
根据大量野外剖面测量和多种测年技术(包括全溶样品铀系等时线测年法、氩-氩法、热释光法和磁性地层法),初步确定了华南沿海雷州半岛第四纪多旋回火山岩-红土系列的层位、地层关系和主要层位的年龄,将火山岩-红土系列划分为7个组,其年代跨度分别为0~0.31MaB.P、031~0.48MaB.P.、0.48~0.85MaB.P.、0.85~1.25MaB.P.、1.25~1.65MaB.P.、1.65~2.05MaB.P和2.05~2.50MaB.P..这里存在着57000a.0.1Ma、0.4Ma和0.8Ma等不同时间尺度的喷发周期,这反映了华南沿海红土所记录的古环境演化的多旋回性与黄土-古土壤系列、冰碛系列以及河-湖相系列所记录的全球变化的多旋回性有着某种程度的相似性,红土的发育和演化很可能也受控于气候-构造耦合系统,并服从于气候-构造旋回的规律.  相似文献   
Abstract: A three-dimensional local-scale P-velocity model down to 25 km depth around the main shock epicenter region was constructed using 83821 event-to-receiver seismic rays from 5856 aftershocks recorded by a newly deployed temporary seismic network. Checkerboard tests show that our tomographic model has lateral and vertical resolution of ~2 km. The high-resolution P-velocity model revealed interesting structures in the seismogenic layer: (1) The Guanxian-Anxian fault, Yingxiu-Beichuan fault and Wenchuan-Maoxian fault of the Longmen Shan fault zone are well delineated by sharp upper crustal velocity changes; (2) The Pengguan massif has generally higher velocity than its surrounding areas, and may extend down to at least ~10 km from the surface; (3) A sharp lateral velocity variation beneath the Wenchuan-Maoxian fault may indicate that the Pengguan massif’s western boundary and/or the Wenchuan-Maoxian fault is vertical, and the hypocenter of the Wenchuan earthquake possibly located at the conjunction point of the NW dipping Yingxiu-Beichuan and Guanxian-Anxian faults, and vertical Wenchuan-Maoxian fault; (4) Vicinity along the Yingxiu-Beichuan fault is characterized by very low velocity and low seismicity at shallow depths, possibly due to high content of porosity and fractures; (5) Two blocks of low-velocity anomaly are respectively imaged in the hanging wall and foot wall of the Guanxian-Anxian fault with a ~7 km offset with ~5 km vertical component.  相似文献   
An earthquake of Ms 8 struck Wenchuan County,western Sichuan,China,on May 12~(th), 2008 and resulted in long surface ruptures (>300 km).The first-hand observations about the surface ruptures produced by the earthquake in the worst-hit areas of Yingxiu,Beichuan and Qingchuan, ascertained that the causative structure of the earthquake was in the central fault zones of the Longmenshan tectonic belt.Average co-seismic vertical displacements along the individual fault of the Yingxiu-Beichuan rupture zone reach 2.5-4m and the cumulative vertical displacements across the central and frontal Longmenshan fault belt is about 5-6 m.The surface rupture strength was reduced from north of Beichuan to Qingchuan County and shows 2-3 m dextral strike-slip component.The Wenchuan thrust-faulting earthquake is a manifestation of eastward growth of the Tibetan Plateau under the action of continuous convergence of the Indian and Eurasian continents.  相似文献   
Lower crustal high grade metamorphic rocks have been successively found at Pamirs nearby the western Himalayan syntaxis, Namjagbarwa and Dinggye nearby the eastern Himalayan syntaxis and the central segment of the Himalayan Orogenic Belt, respec-tively[1―4]. In particular, some researchers deduced that there were probably eclogites at some locations[5]. Moreover, some geochronological data of these lower crustal granulites also have been accumulated. For example, the high-pressure granulit…  相似文献   
长江中下游地区基底与成矿   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长江中下游地区,北以郯-庐断裂及襄阳-广济断裂与桐柏—大别造山带相邻,南缘大致以常州—宜城—高坦—九江南—上朱—监利—桑植一线与江南地体为界,为扬子板块东段北缘,是我国中东部著名的中生代金属成矿带,是沿长江工业带的矿产供应基地,在我国甚至世界上具有鲜明特点。长江中下游地区成矿大地构造背景和过程经历了由板缘-板内的过程,成矿作用发生在挤压向伸展的转换过程。长江中下游地区成矿作用贯穿于"燕山运动"的始终,记录了太平洋板块俯冲作用的影响。长江中下游地区成岩成矿受基底构造和深部作用控制,与本区特有的基底有关。本区前震旦纪基底,由于绝大部分被掩覆于盖层之下,长期存在争议,对地层时代归属、划分对比、基底原始建造类型及大地构造意义等,均有不同的看法。长江中下游地区基底与成矿特征表明,长江中下游主要成矿带落在基底隆起带上,两个不同的基底的结合带有利成矿。  相似文献   
A variational data assimilation method is proposed to estimate the near-surface soil moisture and surface sensible and latent heat fluxes.The method merges the five parts into a cost function,i.e.,the differences of wind,potential temperature,anti specific humidity gradient between observations and those computed by the profile method,the difference of latent heat fluxes calculated using the ECMWF land surface evaporation scheme and the profile method,and a weak constraint for surface energy balance.By using an optimal algorithm,the best solutions are found.The method is tested with the data collected at Feixi Station (31.41°N,117.08°E) supported by the China Heavy Rain Experiment and Study (HeRES) during 7-30 June 2001.The results show that estimated near-surface soil moistures can quickly respond to rainfall,and their temporal variation is consistent with that of measurements of average soil moisture over 15-cm top depth with a maximum error less than 0.03 m~3 m~(-3).The surface heat fluxes calculated by this method are consistent with those by the Bowen ratio method,but at the same time it can overcome the instability problem occurring in the Bowen ratio method when the latter is about-1.Meanwhile,the variational method is more accurate than the profile method in terms of satisfying the surface energy balance.The sensitivity tests also show that the variational method is the most stable one among the three methods.  相似文献   
基于流域DEM对各个集水区进行划分,提取流域沟壑长度、平均高程、平均坡度等信息,并运用EXCEL、SPSS对这些信息进行分析处理,计算出沟壑密度、流域相对高程、面积-高程积分值,并结合流域侵蚀产沙数据以及实地考察情况,借助地貌学的相关理论,分析流域不同区域内、不同尺度流域地貌发育及侵蚀产沙情况.研究发现,流域左右两岸支流的发育数目、形状受邻近流域的影响;面积-高程积分值的大小能反应流域的地貌现状与侵蚀趋势,蛇家沟与岔巴沟的面积-高程积分值分别为0.547 5、0.463 7,但面积-高程积分值的大小及变化趋势还与流域最低点是否达到基岩有关;沟壑发育分为长度发育与宽度发育两个阶段,沟壑密度只是衡量地貌的一个重要指标,沟壑密度对流域侵蚀产沙的影响与沟壑的发育阶段有关;一般情况下产沙模数的大小与流域面积大小没有直接的关系,主要看流域内的地貌的发育阶段.  相似文献   
秦岭造山带早古生代发育一套完整的“沟—弧—盆”体系,其中二郎坪群作为弧后盆地的代表。为了查明二郎坪弧后盆地俯冲消减的构造演化时限,本文以二郎坪群及其相关侵入岩体为研究对象,进行了锆石U-Pb年代学研究。结果表明,火神庙组斜长角闪片岩测得锆石U-Pb加权平均年龄为495.2±6.9 Ma,属于原岩的结晶年龄;侵入二郎坪群内部的变形岩体主要代表板山坪岩体、张家庄岩体、郭家幔岩体,测得其结晶年龄分别为:479.9±5.6 Ma、461.5±5.4 Ma和456.5±6.3 Ma。板山坪岩体的变形特征与二郎坪群北部岩片向北俯冲消减特征相同,张家庄岩体、郭家幔岩体的变形特征与二郎坪群南部岩片向南俯冲消减特征相同。另外,在二郎坪群南部岩片内部发现顺面理面侵入的未变形岩脉,其结晶年龄为427.8±5.4 Ma,以及切穿二郎坪群南部岩片面理的未变形岩脉,给出一颗锆石结晶年龄为388 Ma。综合上述以及前人研究成果,认为二郎坪弧后盆地可能于460 Ma闭合,其俯冲消减方式为双向式俯冲,并且两侧岩片俯冲变形可能持续至427 Ma,最终岩石俯冲变形结束时间上限为388 Ma。  相似文献   
A variational technique (VT) is applied to estimate surface sensible and latent heat fluxes based on observations of air temperature, wind speed, and humidity, respectively, at three heights (1 m, 4 m, and 10 m), and the surface energy and radiation budgets by the surface energy and radiation system (SERBS). The method fully uses all information provided by the measurements of air temperature, wind, and humidity profiles, the surface energy budget, and the similarity profile formulae as well. Data collected at Feixi experiment station installed by the China Heavy Rain Experiment and Study (HeRES) Program are used to test the method. Results show that the proposed technique can overcome the well-known unstablility problem that occurs when the Bowen method becomes singular; in comparison with the profile method, it reduces both the sensitivities of latent heat fluxes to observational errors in humidity and those of sensible heat fluxes to observational errors in temperature, while the estimated heat fluxes approximately satisfy the surface energy budget. Therefore, the variational technique is more reliable and stable than the two conventional methods in estimating surface sensible and latent heat fluxes.  相似文献   
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