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Due to rapid economic growth of the country in the last 25 years, particulate matter (PM) has become a topic of great interest in China. The rapid development of industry has led to an increase in the haze created by pollution, as well as by high levels of urbanization. In 2012, the Chinese National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) imposed ‘more strict’ regulation on the PM concentrations, i.e., 35 and 70 μg/m3 for annual PM2.5 and PM10 in average, respectively (Grade-II, GB3095-2012). The Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to determine the linear relationship of pollution between pollution levels and weather conditions as well as the temporal and spatial variability among neighbouring cities. The goal of this paper was to investigate hourly mass concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 from June 1 to August 31, 2015 collected in the 11 largest cities of Gansu Province. This study has shown that the overall average concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 in the study area were 26 and 66 μg/m3. In PM2.5 episode days (when concentration was more than 75 μg/m3 for 24 hrs), the average concentrations of PM2.5 was 2–3 times higher as compared to non-episode days. There were no observed clear differences during the weekday/weekend PM and other air pollutants (SO2, NO2, CO and O3) in all the investigated cities.  相似文献   
利用MICAPS观测降水数据、欧洲气象中心ERA5再分析资料和FY-4A卫星云顶亮温数据,对2021年7月20日河南极端暴雨进行综合分析。结果表明,此次暴雨受200 hPa两槽一脊、大陆高压、副热带高压(副高)西伸北抬和台风“烟花”西移、“查帕卡”台风倒槽等多尺度天气系统共同影响,黄淮气旋的西南气流与副高和“烟花”之间的东南气流稳定控制河南地区,边界层急流供应充沛水汽,在太行山和嵩山迎风坡辐合抬升,致使河南暴雨长时间维持,产生极端降水量。西南气流穿过从广东和广西延伸到河南的高湿带,副高和“烟花”引导东南气流经过从东海洋面延伸到河南的相对较弱湿区,这两条水汽输送带在太行山和嵩山地形阻挡下汇合在河南北部,为暴雨供应水汽。丰富的可降水量、水汽过饱和、深厚暖云层以及降水系统较强的水汽消耗率为郑州高降水效率提供有利条件。郑州低层大气经历多次从强层结不稳定到弱层结不稳定的转化,边界层急流引起的垂直风切变和气流辐合对层结稳定度变化有重要影响。黄淮气旋内部中尺度涡旋对河南暴雨发生发展至关重要,不但提供西南气流,还产生较强的位势高度纬向平流,增强边界层急流。嵩山与太行山余脉构成喇叭口地形,边界层急流在嵩山北侧和东侧爬坡,促使山前水汽堆积,激发和加强暴雨。中尺度云团合并小尺度云团,发展成结构密实的孤立云团,稳定少动,对暴雨有重要影响。降水区上空广义湿位涡异常,由于广义湿位涡能够刻画中尺度系统的垂直风切变、涡度以及大气湿斜压性和层结不稳定等动力和热力因素垂直结构特点,所以对中尺度系统和降水落区有一定指示意义。  相似文献   
利用长江中下游成矿带多学科深部探测剖面于2009年11月至2011年3月间采集的天然地震数据,通过天然地震接收函数成像等分析研究,得到了研究区地壳和上地幔结构的清晰图像。接收函数成像结果显示研究区内Moho面深度存在着明显的起伏变化,在长江中下游成矿带(指剖面穿过的长江中下游成矿带宁芜矿集区,下同)下方存在着"幔隆构造"。在剖面东南端(即扬子克拉通北缘),Moho面相对稳定,深度约为30km;在茅山和江南断裂附近,Moho面存在上下起伏现象;在剖面中部或宁芜矿集区下方,Moho面存在明显隆起,深度只有28km;在郯庐断裂带下方,Moho面明显加深,深度达到36km;进一步向北到华北地台南缘,Moho面深度逐渐恢复到了32km左右的平均深度水平。其次,我们在接收函数成像结果中发现,长江中下游成矿带与其周边下地壳结构存在着明显的差异,成矿带的下地壳具有显著的地震波方位各向异性。扬子克拉通北缘的下地壳呈高速的近水平状结构,地震波各向异性特征不明显;与此相比,长江中下游成矿带的下地壳虽然也呈近水平状结构特征,但是,对于沿成矿带走向方向传播的地震波,其下地壳具有高速特征,而对于垂直于成矿带走向方向上传播的地震波,其下地壳却又表现为低速特征,这意味着成矿带的下地壳存在着平行于成矿带走向(即近北东—南西)方向的地震波各向异性,我们解释其是下地壳熔融并沿成矿带走向水平流动导致矿物晶体定向排列的结果。最后,在郯庐断裂以西的华北地台南缘观测到一条从上地壳延伸到中下地壳的南南东向倾斜的转换震相,我们推测它可能是合肥盆地内地壳伸展构造的反映。此外,我们发现接收函数成像结果中观测到的"幔隆构造"与远震P波层析成像结果在成矿带下方150km深度上显示的上地幔低速异常(江国明等,另文发表)存在着良好的对应关系,我们解释它们是软流圈物质上涌的遗迹。综合天然地震接收函数成像、远震P波层析成像和前人关于岩浆岩等方面的研究成果,我们认为长江中下游成矿带现今的下地壳可能是中生代发生成矿作用的多级岩浆房系统的一部分,成矿带的形成可能是类似MASH过程的产物。首先,软流圈物质上涌导致了长江中下游成矿带及其周边拉张环境的形成,在其上部地壳中形成了一系列伸展构造;然后,软流圈物质通过底侵进入长江中下游成矿带的原下地壳并与原下地壳物质发生同化作用,形成类埃达克质岩浆;接着,类埃达克质岩浆沿着伸展、拆离构造上升到地壳浅部形成不同层次的岩浆房和侵入岩体,并与围岩作用形成矿床。  相似文献   
Abstract: This paper examines major active faults and the present-day tectonic stress field in the East Tibetan Plateau by integrating available data from published literature and proposes a block kinematics model of the region. It shows that the East Tibetan Plateau is dominated by strike-slip and reverse faulting stress regimes and that the maximum horizontal stress is roughly consistent with the contemporary velocity field, except for the west Qinling range where it parallels the striking of the major strike-slip faults. Active tectonics in the East Tibetan Plateau is characterized by three faulting systems. The left-slip Kunlun-Qinling faulting system combines the east Kunlun fault zone, sinistral oblique reverse faults along the Minshan range and two major NEE-striking faults cutting the west Qinling range, which accommodates eastward motion, at 10–14 mm/a, of the Chuan-Qing block. The left-slip Xianshuihe faulting system accommodated clockwise rotation of the Chuan-Dian block. The Longmenshan thrust faulting system forms the eastern margin of the East Tibetan Plateau and has been propagated to the SW of the Sichuan basin. Crustal shortening across the Longmenshan range seems low (2–4 mm/a) and absorbed only a small part of the eastward motion of the Chuan-Qing block. Most of this eastward motion has been transmitted to South China, which is moving SEE-ward at 7–9 mm/a. It is suggested from geophysical data interpretation that the crust and lithosphere of the East Tibetan Plateau is considerably thickened and rheologically layered. The upper crust seems to be decoupled from the lower crust through a décollement zone at a depth of 15–20 km, which involved the Longmenshan fault belt and propagated eastward to the SW of the Sichuan basin. The Wenchuan earthquake was just formed at the bifurcated point of this décollement system. A rheological boundary should exist beneath the Longmenshan fault belt where the lower crust of the East Tibetan Plateau and the lithospheric mantle of the Yangze block are juxtaposed.  相似文献   
Dextral-slip thrust movement of the Songpan-Garze terrain over the Sichuan block caused the Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake of May 12, 2008 and offset the Central Longmenshan Fault (CLF) along a distance of-250 km. Displacement along the CLF changes from Yingxiu to Qingchuan. The total oblique slip of up to 7.6 m in Yingxiu near the epicenter of the earthquake, decreases northeastward to 5.3 m, 6.6 m, 4.4 m, 2.5 m and 1.1 m in Hongkou, Beichuan, Pingtong, Nanba and Qingchuan, respectively. This offset apparently occurred during a sequence of four reported seismic events, EQ1-EQ4, which were identified by seismic inversion of the source mechanism. These events occurred in rapid succession as the fault break propagated northeastward during the earthquake. Variations in the plunge of slickensides along the CLF appear to match these events. The Mw 7.5 EQ1 event occurred during the first 0-10 s along the Yingxiu-Hongkou section of the CLF and is characterized by 1.7 m vertical slip and vertical slickensides. The Mw 8.0 EQ2 event, which occurred during the next 10-42 s along the Yingxiu-Yanziyan section of the CLF, is marked by major dextral-slip with minor thrust and slickensides plunging 25°-35° southwestward. The Mw 7.5 EQ3 event occurred during the following 42-60 s and resulted in dextral-slip and slickensides plunging 10° southwestward in Beichuan and plunging 73° southwestward in Hongkou. The Mw 7.7 EQ4 event, which occurred during the final 60-95 s along the Beichuan-Qingchuan section of the CLF, is characterized by nearly equal values of dextral and vertical slips with slickensides plunging 45°-50° southwestward. These seismic events match and evidently controlled the concentrations of landslide dams caused by the Wenchuan earthquake in Longmenshan Mountains.  相似文献   
星星峡杂岩是中天山构造带东段出露的最老岩石,主要岩性为斜长角闪岩和各种副变质岩,并被中—新元古代花岗片麻岩和古生代片麻岩所侵位。文中利用SHRIMP定年方法,对星星峡杂岩的一个片岩和侵入其中的一个花岗片麻岩样品进行了锆石U-Pb测年。其中片岩样品中的碎屑锆石给出1800、1530和1200Ma3组大约年龄,表明其源区不仅包括古元古代和中元古代早期还含有中元古代晚期的地壳物质。在这些碎屑锆石中,最年轻的年龄为(1189±65)Ma,与该区中元古代大约1200Ma岛弧岩浆活动相近,可代表其沉积时的最大年龄。同时获得约910和470Ma的两组较年轻年龄;前者解释为变质年龄,后者为岩浆扰动年龄,与花岗质片麻岩样品的侵位时代相一致。中天山构造带东段的中元古代晚期岩浆(大约1200Ma)和变质作用(大约910Ma)的发生时间与华南、南极洲东部、澳大利亚南部和北美西南部所报道的格林维尔期增生-造山事件在时间上接近,表明中天山构造带东段与Rodinia超大陆的汇聚过程密切相关。  相似文献   
Recent field survey in the eastern Dabieshan Mountains has revealed extensive occurrences of pseudotachylite. The pseudotachylite tends to occur as simple veins and injected networks along the NE-SW-trending fracture zones or shear zones, which are parallel to the Tanlu fault zone and cut all the pre-Cretaceous geological bodies. The characteristics of both the microstructures gained by the optical microscope and SEM imaging and the geochemistry between the pseudotachylites and their host rocks show that the pseudotachylites were formed mainly by ultracataclasis of their wall rocks in which they occur. The bulk K-Ar ages of the pseudotachylites yielded a narrow range of 81 -93 Ma, and moreover the laser-probe 40Ar/39Ar dating of phengite overprinting on the pseudotachylite gave a weighted mean age of 78.9 Ma. These results show that the pseudotachylites from the eastern Dabieshan Mountains formed along the NE-SW-trending fault zone during the uplifting of the orogenic belt at 80-90 Ma, which places impor  相似文献   
四川省会理县海潮铜矿赋存于中元古界落雪组白云岩类和碳质板岩中,矿体呈层状、似层状及透镜状产出,产状与地层基本一致,局部具有分支现象;主要的围岩蚀变有褪色化、硅化、碳酸盐化和绢云母化;共有6个工业铜矿体,其中Ⅰ1和Ⅰ2矿体为主矿体;矿石自然类型以原生矿石为主,另有部分氧化矿石;根据赋矿岩石可分为板岩型和白云岩型。海潮铜矿床是中元古代裂谷环境下形成的热水沉积-改造型矿床。  相似文献   
长时间序列的土地利用/ 土地覆被数据是开展全球变化、可持续发展及生态安全等各项研究的重要基础。然而,早期的土地利用/ 土地覆被数据,特别是卫星遥感数据出现之前 的土地利用/ 土地覆被信息通常很难获取。利用TM、MSS 遥感影像数据和地形图、气候、地质、地貌、土壤、植被、水文等自然环境背景图件以及数据,社会经济统计数据等多源数 据,选择大庆市杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县作为典型案例区,在GIS 技术支持下建立了土地利用/ 土地覆被数字重建模型,再现了典型研究区20 世纪30 年代和50 年代土地利用/ 土地覆被空间分布状况。通过野外调查和历史文献资料对土地利用数字重建结果进行精度评价并初步得到以下结论:① 采用逐个图斑跟踪记录的方法对研究区各个时期土地利用/ 覆被变化的敏感 性进行分析,有利于揭示区域土地利用/ 土地覆被变化的规律;② 在定量、定位分析环境背景对土地利用/ 土地覆被分布及其变化的影响基础上,综合判断各种土地利用/ 土地覆被分布概率,其结果可为土地利用数字重建提供依据;③ 对1:10 万地形图提取土地利用信息的可行性与可信度分析表明,地形图中土地利用信息完全能够达到一级土地利用分类精度,同时疏林地、灌木林、沼泽地、盐碱地、沙地等二级分类信息也能获取。  相似文献   
为了研究厦门市大气湿沉降中的无机氮情况,分析了2000~2014年厦门市内和郊区的雨水中NO_3^--N和NH_4^+-N的浓度及其沉降通量的变化情况,并对湿沉降中无机氮对厦门近海海水生态系统的影响进行讨论。结果表明,厦门市内和郊区雨水中NO_3^--N和NH_4^+-N的浓度均为春季较高,夏季较低;高浓度无机氮在一年中出现的时间段在两个区域有差别,这可能与这两个区域的季风转换和大气混合层高度变化有关。在2000~2014年,雨水中NO_3^--N的浓度在市内总体呈下降趋势,在郊区总体呈上升趋势;NH_4^+-N浓度的年变化规律不明显。湿沉降给厦门近岸海域带来的NO_3^--N和NH_4^+-N的量分别为1056 t/a和1278 t/a,低于该区域河流输入的无机氮的量的10%,说明湿沉降不是厦门近岸海域海水中无机氮的主要来源。通过比较厦门雨水和近岸海水中的营养盐情况,发现雨水的沉降可能会促进厦门近海部分区域海水中浮游植物的生长。  相似文献   
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