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High‐quality broadband data are required to promote the development of seismology research. Instrument response errors that affect data quality are often difficult to detect from visual waveform inspection alone. Here, we propose a method that uses ambient noise data in the period range of 5?25 s to monitor instrument performance and check data quality in situ. Amplitude information of coda waves and travel time of surface waves extracted from cross‐correlations of ambient noise are used to assess temporal variations in the sensitivity and poles–zeros of instrument responses. The method is based on an analysis of amplitude and phase index parameters calculated from pairwise cross‐correlations of three stations, which provides multiple references for reliable error estimates. Index parameters calculated daily during a two‐year observation period are evaluated to identify stations with instrument response errors in real time. During data processing, initial instrument responses are used in place of available instrument responses to simulate instrument response errors, which are then used to verify our results. The coda waves of noise cross‐correlations help mitigate the effects of a non‐isotropic field and make the amplitude measurements quite stable. Additionally, effects of instrument response errors that experience pole–zero variations on monitoring temporal variations in crustal properties appear statistically significant of velocity perturbation and larger than the standard deviation. Monitoring seismic instrument performance helps eliminate data pollution before analysis begins.  相似文献   
】通过对菖蒲地区1∶10000区域地质调查,基本查明了大别山超高压变质带的岩石组成、产出状态及分布规律。探讨了榴辉岩形成的多样性,指出碧溪岭榴辉岩体的“S型”构造形态,并确定了港河浅变质火山碎屑岩系的层序。  相似文献   
Soil is heterogeneous and has different thermal and hydraulic properties, causing varied behavior in heat and moisture transport. Therefore, soil has an important effect on land–atmosphere interactions. In this study, an improved soil parameterization scheme that considers gravel and organic matter in the soil was introduced into CLM4.5 (Community Land Model). By using data from the Zoige and Madoi sites on the Tibetan Plateau, the ability of the model to simultaneously simulate the duration of freeze–thaw periods, soil temperature, soil moisture, and surface energy during freeze–thaw processes, was validated. The results indicated that: (1) the new parameterization performed better in simulating the duration of the frozen, thawing, unfrozen, and freezing periods; (2) with the new scheme, the soil thermal conductivity values were decreased; (3) the new parameterization improved soil temperature simulation and effectively decreased cold biases; (4) the new parameterization scheme effectively decreased the dry biases of soil liquid water content during the freezing, completely frozen, and thawing periods, but increased the wet biases during the completely thawed period; and (5) the net radiation, latent heat flux, and soil surface heat flux of the Zoige and Madoi sites were much improved by the new organic matter and thermal conductivity parameterization.  相似文献   
基于2018年中国气象局与国家统计局在全国31个省(区、市)范围内收集的40213份服务满意度评价调查样本,采用非线性加权综合法,对利用支付意愿法、影子价格法和节省费用法测算出的公众气象服务经济效益进行综合评估,估算出2018年我国公众气象服务的经济效益为671.9亿元。这种综合评估的方法可以充分利用不同评估方法收集的评价信息,避免了一种评估方法的片面性,并解决了多种评估方法结果差异性较大的问题,评价结果更为客观和可靠。  相似文献   
We present mobile vehicle lidar observations in Tianjin, China during the spring, summer, and winter of 2016. Mobile observations were carried out along the city border road of Tianjin to obtain the vertical distribution characteristics of PM2.5. Hygroscopic growth was not considered since relative humidity was less than 60% during the observation experiments. PM2.5 profile was obtained with the linear regression equation between the particle extinction coefficient and PM2.5 mass concentration. In spring, the vertical distribution of PM2.5 exhibited a hierarchical structure. In addition to a layer of particles that gathered near the ground, a portion of particles floated at 0.6–2.5-km height. In summer and winter, the fine particles basically gathered below 1 km near the ground. In spring and summer, the concentration of fine particles in the south was higher than that in the north because of the influence of south wind. In winter, the distribution of fine particles was opposite to that measured during spring and summer. High concentrations of PM2.5 were observed in the rural areas of North Tianjin with a maximum of 350 μg m–3 on 13 December 2016. It is shown that industrial and ship emissions in spring and summer and coal combustion in winter were the major sources of fine particles that polluted Tianjin. The results provide insights into the mechanisms of haze formation and the effects of meteorological conditions during haze–fog pollution episodes in the Tianjin area.  相似文献   
现有公布的数据显示,海水87Sr/86Sr值在中三叠世安尼期较为平稳,有别于早三叠世因环境导致的动荡变化,为二叠纪末生物大灭绝之后生物复苏的加速期,而罗平生物群就是该加速期的标志性生物群。本文研究了含罗平生物群层位标准剖面-大凹子剖面上连续沉积的26件碳酸盐岩样品的锶同位素组成与演化,用于了解含罗平生物群层位沉积海水锶同位素的变化趋势。结果显示:(1)碳酸盐岩中Sr平均值大于2000×10-6,主要来自于文石和海洋成岩作用;(2)低Mn和Mn/Sr0.4说明:87Sr/86Sr数据在很大程度上能代表同时期海水中的87Sr/86Sr比值;(3)这些样品的87Sr/86Sr值变化在0.707969~0.708253,平均值为0.708025,锶同位素比值变化曲线呈小幅度的起伏波动,其值明显大于同时期欧洲等地公布的数据,但同华南其他地区公布的数据具有相似性,推测含罗平生物群层位锶同位素组成仅代表区域事件,受印支运动影响。  相似文献   
地理学视角下的城市棕地研究综述与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
快速城市化背景下,城市棕地频现并已成为工业化与城镇化过程中的“毒瘤”。针对城市棕地研究空间视角缺乏和新型城镇化对老工业基地“改造更新与保护修复”的实践需要,在明确城市棕地基本概念和内涵的基础上,基于CiteSpace对2001~2017年Web of Science和CNKI期刊引文数据库中关于棕地研究的461篇英文和244篇中文文献,分析其发文数量、年度前沿热点、关键词、研究学科等知识图谱,梳理城市棕地空间识别方法、GIS空间数据库、评估体系、污染治理技术、景观规划设计、再利用机制及政策等方面的现有研究,提出地理学视角下的棕地再利用研究展望,即构建多学科交融的城市棕地研究框架、重视地理学视角下的棕地研究热点、完善统一的棕地概念体系、挖掘棕地空间识别方法及建立数据库、强化棕地再开发综合评价方法及指标体系构建、深入研究棕地再生模式与规划设计、注重典型城市和典型棕地再开发的实践研究。  相似文献   
魏蕾  雷恒池  吕玉环 《气象科技》2019,47(4):683-696
利用2012年6月29日的通辽和白城飞机联合探测资料(包括DMT和PMS)及雷达资料,对吉林省一次层状云降水消散期微观物理结构特征进行分析研究。结果表明:该天气过程是在东北锋面气旋影响下发展起来的,给东北地区带来大范围降水,属于吉林地区春季常见的降水性层状云系As-Ac-Ns云型。Ns云底约在1000m左右,云顶不超过4000m,Ns云层较厚,在该云系发展过程中雨层云下伴有碎雨云。结合DMT和PMS,小粒子在每个高度层上都占主要部分,0.61~2μm的小粒子浓度可达100cm-3,直径大于2μm的粒子谱型基本都是单调递减型;云内含水量较少,极大值也不足0.01g·m-3;粒子有效直径随高度变化呈多峰分布,粒子有效直径与粒子浓度在0℃层以下范围内,大的粒子有效直径对应小的粒子浓度,随着高度的升高粒子有效直径呈递减趋势。  相似文献   
Soil moisture is crucial to vegetation restoration in karst areas, and climate factors and vegetation restoration are key factors affecting changes in soil moisture. However, there is still much controversy over the long-term changes in soil moisture during vegetation restoration. In order to reveal the changes in soil moisture during vegetation restoration, we conducted long-term positioning monitoring of soil moisture at 0–10 and 10–20 cm on secondary forests sample plot (SF, tree land) and shrubs sample plot (SH, shrub land) in karst areas from 2013 to 2020. The results showed that the aboveground biomass of SF and SH increased by 50% and 240%, respectively, and the soil moisture of the SF and SH showed an increasing trend. When shrubs are restored to trees in karst areas, the soil moisture becomes more stable. However, the correlation coefficients (R2) between the annual rainfall and the annual average soil moisture of SF and SH are 0.84 and 0.55, respectively, indicating that soil moistures in tree land are more affected by rainfall. The soil moisture of shrubs and trees are relatively low during the months of alternating rainy and dry seasons. Rainfall has a very significant impact on the soil moisture of tree land, while air temperature and wind speed have a significant impact on the soil moisture of tree land, but the soil moistures of shrub land are very significantly affected by rainfall and relative humidity. Therefore, during the process of vegetation restoration from shrubs to trees, the main meteorological factors that affect soil moisture changes will change. The results are important for understanding the hydrological processes in the ecological restoration process of different vegetation types in karst areas.  相似文献   
严律  朱首贤 《海洋通报》2021,40(2):133-141
利用2018年夏季在西南黄海的现场调查资料,分析了海温、盐度和溶解氧(dissoloved oxygen,DO)分布特征.海区西侧的江苏沿海有明显的冷水带,冷水带对应表层较高的DO浓度.在海区南侧的长江口附近,盐度由南向北升高,上部海水DO浓度高,下部海水DO浓度低.综合现场观测数据、CCMP (Cross Calib...  相似文献   
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