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Summary In 1967, a series of observations were carried out at Lomnický tít of the intensity of light of the clear sky. Using the de Bary method[1], the observations were used to determine the function of simple dispersion on turbind particles in the atmosphere and compared with theoretical functions, which hold for Jung's power distribution of the particles according to size[7] and for the logarithmic Gauss distribution of the particles[8].  相似文献   
Summary The paper deals with the effect of aerosol on the transmission of solar radiation in a metropolitan atmosphere. The work is based on field measurements of the intensity of direct solar radiation, carried out by the Institute of Meteorology and Climatology, Slovak Acad. Sci., at four points in Bratislava.  相似文献   
The hydrochemical features of Ob Inlet in the open-water time were characterized using the data of the surveys during two seasons of different water content. The inlet was subdivided into the “riverine,” “marine,” and intermediate areas being different in the factors determining their hydrochemical regime. The processes occurring in each of the distinguished areas were considered in detail. Special attention was paid to the hydrochemical features in the mixing area of the fresh and saline waters (the frontal zone) within the periods of the maximum and minimum biological activity in the aquatic area of Ob Inlet.  相似文献   
The results of long-term biogeochemical monitoring of Lake Baikal are presented. The accumulation is studied of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in bottom sediments and macrozoobenthos that were synchronously sampled at the same stations. The stations are located in the areas where anthropogenic impact on the lake is high: in the area of the former Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill (BPPM), in the footprint of the BAM railway in the north of the lake and in the Selenga River delta front as well as in the zones of coastal fouling in the area of BPPM. It is found that variations in the concentration of PAHs in macrozoobenthos do not directly depend on those in the sediments. It is revealed that the maximum concentration of benzo[a]pyrene in the area of the former BPPM is almost by eight times higher than in the other areas of the lake; shallow-water macrophytes accumulate more polyarenes than deep-water macrozoobenthos.  相似文献   
Theoretical and Applied Climatology - Police records, kept in the form of yearbooks, enabled analysis of the possible relationships between traffic accidents and the weather in the Czech Republic...  相似文献   
The results of measurements of water-vapor vertical profiles in the upper troposphere and stratosphere on board a meteorological balloon with a FLASH-B optical fluorescent hygrometer (Russia) are presented. These data were obtained during two international field campaigns in West Africa (August 2006) and Central America (August 2007). Eleven high-resolution water-vapor vertical profiles measured in the course of these works make it possible to characterize the processes controlling humidity in the tropical tropopause region. Layers with increased humidity are detected in the lower stratosphere over West Africa to the level of the potential temperature 450 K. An analysis of satellite maps of the brightness temperature, balloon ozone measurements, and aerosol scattering, as well as trajectory modeling, display the relation between the observed layers with increased humidity and the phenomena of convective overshooting of the tropopause, as a result of which cold and ozone-depleted air penetrates into the lower stratosphere together with ice particles, which, rapidly sublimating, locally increase the water-vapor concentration. A comparison of the humidity data obtained in West Africa in 2006 and in Central America in 2007 reveals substantial distinctions in values and vertical structures of water vapor, both in the tropopause region and in the middle stratosphere.  相似文献   
A method for the determination of total sulfur in geological materials by inductively coupled plasma‐optical emission spectrometry (ICP‐OES) is described. We show that good results were obtained using this method even for sample types with very low (< 20 μg g?1) sulfur concentration (e.g., peridotite). Sulfur was determined in fifteen geological reference materials with different sulfur contents. For reference materials with certified sulfur contents, the ICP‐OES method gave results in excellent agreement with certified values, and uncertainties better than 4% RSD. ICP‐OES results for sulfur in other reference materials yielded RSDs better than 10%, where S concentrations were > 100 μg g?1 (except for diabase W‐2a, 16% RSD). Reference materials with lower sulfur contents (< 40 μg g?1) showed much higher RSDs (17–18%). Except for RMs with certified values for sulfur, most data obtained by the combustion infrared detection method generally showed higher concentrations than those measured by ICP‐OES and a better RSD (≤ 8% for all materials except DTS‐2b).  相似文献   
Various metacarbonate and associated calc-silicate rocks form minor but genetically significant components of the lithological units in the Bohemian Massif of the Variscan orogen in Central Europe.These rocks vary in terms of their lithostratigraphy,chemical composition and mineral assemblage(dolomite/calcite ratio,silicate abundance).Tourmaline is present in five paragenetic settings within the metacarbonate and calc-silicate units.TypeⅠcomprises individual,euhedral,prismatic grains and grain aggregates in a carbonate-dominant(calcite±dolomite)matrix poor in silicates.TypeⅡis characterized by euhedral to subhedral grains and coarse-to fine-grained aggregates in silicate-rich layers/nests within metacarbonate bodies whereas typeⅢoccurs as prismatic grains and aggregates at the contact zones between carbonate and associated silicate host rocks.TypeⅣis in veins crosscutting metacarbonate bodies,and typeⅣtourmaline occurs at the exocontacts of elbaite-subtype granitic pegmatite.Tourmaline from the different settings shows distinctive compositional features.Typical for typeⅠare Mg-rich compositions,with fluor-uvite>dravite>>magnesio-lucchesiite.Tourmalines from typeⅡsilicate-rich layers/nests are highly variable,corresponding to oxy-schorl,magnesio-foitite,Al-rich dravite and fluor-uvite.Typical for typeⅢtourmalines are Ca,Ti-bearing oxy-dravite compositions.The typeⅣveins feature dravite and fluor-uvite tourmaline compositions whereas typeⅤtourmaline is Li,F-rich dravite.Tourmaline is the only Bbearing phase in paragenetic typesⅠ-Ⅳ,where it is characterised by two principal ranges of B-isotope composition(δ^11B=-13‰to-9‰and-18‰to-14‰).These ranges correspond to regionally different units of the Moldanubian Zone.Thus,the Svratka Unit(Moldanubian Zone s.l.)contains only isotopically lighter tourmaline(δ^11B=-18‰to-14‰),whereas metacarbonates in the Poli?ka unit(Teplá-Barrandian Zone)and Olesnice unit(Moravicum of the Moravo-Silesian Zone)has exclusively isotopically heavier tourmaline(δ^11B=-9‰to-13‰).Tourmalines from metacarbonates in the Variegated Unit cover both ranges of isotope composition.The isotopically light end of the B isotope range may indicate the presence of continental evaporites within individual investigated areas.On the other hand,variations in the range of~8δ-units is consistent with the reported shift in B isotopic composition of metasedimentary rocks of the Bohemian Massif due to the prograde metamorphism from very-low grade to eclogite facies.In contrast to the metacarbonate-hosted settings,tourmaline of paragenetic type V from the exocontact of granitic pegmatites displays a significantly heavier range ofδ^11B(as low as-7.7‰to-0.6‰),which is attributed to partitioning of 10 B to cogenetic axinite and/or different B-signature of the source pegmatite containing tourmaline with heavyδ^11B signature.  相似文献   
Late Pleistocene tephras derived by large explosive volcanic eruptions are widespread in the Mediterranean and surrounding areas. They are important isochronous markers in stratigraphic sections and therefore it is important to constrain their sources. We report here tephrochronology results using multiple criteria to characterize the volcanic products of the Late Pleistocene Ciomadul volcano in eastern–central Europe. This dacitic volcano had an explosive eruption stage between 57 and 30 ka. The specific petrological character (ash texture, occurrence of plagioclase and amphibole phenocrysts and their compositions), the high-K calc-alkaline major element composition and particularly the distinct trace element characteristics provide a strong fingerprint of the Ciomadul volcano. This can be used for correlating tephra and cryptotephra occurrences within this timeframe. Remarkably, during this period several volcanic eruptions produced tephras with similar glass major element composition. However, they differ from Ciomadul tephras by glass trace element abundances, ratios of strongly incompatible trace elements and their mineral cargo that serve as discrimination tools. We used (U-Th)/He zircon dates combined with U-Th in situ rim dates along with luminescence and radiocarbon dating to constrain the age of the explosive eruptions of Ciomadul that yielded distal tephra layers but lack of identified proximal deposits.  相似文献   
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