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灾害的早期识别是防灾减灾领域的关键技术。文中以甘肃省舟曲县为例,利用2018年1月-2019年1月Sentinel-1A雷达卫星降轨数据和2021年5月Sentinel-2光学遥感影像数据,通过D-InSAR技术获取研究区地表形变信息,利用随机森林模型识别潜在的滑坡体。结果表明:使用已有的滑坡数据集,采用随机森林模型能够较好地识别出潜在滑坡体。潜在滑坡点分布位置均位于地表形变量大的区域。舟曲县整体形变沿东西向发生,主要分布于舟曲县东北和西南方向,与潜在滑坡点高度重合。识别出的潜在滑坡点(立节乡北山滑坡),年形变量达到0.12 m,于2021年1月18日发生滑坡,该滑坡典型案例也印证了文中方法的有效性。  相似文献   
Comparative planetology is an interdisciplinary science between Earth sciences and astronomy. It studies physical, chemical and dynamical properties of planets and satellites and their surface characteristics, interior structures and chemistry, magnetic field, climate and possible existence of life. Although the study of comparative planetary science is at its infancy stage in China, it is very encouraging to see that 25 papers were received by the session, which is much more than what we expected. It indicates that more and more scientists are interested in this research field. These papers can be classified into three categories: solar planets, extra-solar planets, and moon explorations. Scientists from both China and oversea reported their recent results.  相似文献   
于1985年,一颗独特的凸缘微玻璃陨石被发现于采自北太平洋(9°33′N,167°00′W;水深4928m)深海沉积物中。使用各种分析方法对它的显微特征、微结构和化学成分进行了研究。结果表明,太平洋凸缘微玻璃陨石的形态和结构与达尔文的凸缘澳大利亚石(或玻璃陨石)和查普曼的人造凸缘玻璃陨石相似,从而揭示了玻璃陨石和微玻璃陨石的凸缘结构是由空气动力消融作用的产物。这一研究具有重要的理论和实际意义。  相似文献   
采用样方法和土地利用转移矩阵,以贵州省西南部的晴隆县为研究区域,研究了典型喀斯特峡谷区不同土地利用类型在1988、1999和2009年的碳储量空间格局和演变过程,并由此估算了贵州省喀斯特峡谷区的碳储量及贡献率。结果表明:晴隆县喀斯特区域的碳储量和平均碳密度呈先减少后增加的趋势。由晴隆县不同情况下的碳储量比例关系,估算出贵州省喀斯特峡谷区碳储量的实际值为42.55 Tg。同时,研究结果表明人类活动对碳储量的空间格局和演变有很大的影响。此外,估算的贵州省喀斯特峡谷区生态系统的平均碳密度远高于中国陆地生态系统的平均值,土壤平均碳密度则接近全国陆地生态系统平均值,但其植被平均碳密度却远高于全国陆地生态系统平均值,与全国森林系统的植被平均碳密度持平。这说明喀斯特峡谷区具有极大的固碳潜力,对其进行石漠化防治,是极其必要的。  相似文献   
In recent years, melting and calving happen in the Antarctic ice shelves. In this paper, seven periods of coastlines were applied to provide an analysis of the ice front changes of Ross, Filchner-Ronne and Amery ice shelves with the inclusion of 1997 and 2000 Radarsat products, 2003/2004 and 2008/2009 MODIS products and 2006, 2012, 2015 coastline which were extracted from MODIS images. Change area, SCE (Shoreline Change Envelope) and NSM (Net Shoreline Movement) were applied to analyze the variation of the ice shelf front. The results shows that, the ice front of Amery ice shelf has advanced since 1997 and the total outward extension distance of the ice front was about 20 to 25 km while the advance area reached 3.03×103 km2. Ross ice shelf and Filchner-Ronne ice shelf continued to advance after ice calving events under the driver action of glacier. However, the advance area was less than the retreat area and the net change area is respectively -9.39×103 km2 and -5.86×103 km2. The retreat distance of the collapse area were up to 53 km and 39 km in the two biggest ice shelves.  相似文献   
川西北地区马脑壳金矿床的成矿年代学   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
沉积容岩微细浸染型(SHDG)金矿床(或称卡林型金矿床),广泛分布于各大洲的许多古代和现代的地体(地块)周边,如美国的大盆及中国的黔西南和川西北的金矿床,是经济上非常重要的一种金矿类型。关于SHDG金矿床物质来源和成因一直存在着较大的争议,目前存在三...  相似文献   
The loess landform in the Loess Plateau of China is with typical dual structure, namely, the upper smooth positive terrain and the lower cliffy negative terrain (P–N terrain for short). Obvious differences in their morphological feature, geomorphological mechanism, and hydrological process could be found in the both areas. Based on the differences, a flow‐routing algorithm that separately addresses the dual‐structure terrain would be necessary to encompass this spatial variation in their hydrological behaviour. This paper proposes a mixed flow‐routing algorithm to address aforementioned problems. First, the loess landform surface is divided into P–N terrains based on digital elevation models. Then, specific catchment area is calculated with the new algorithm to simulate the water flows in both positive and negative terrain areas. The mixed algorithm consists of the multiple flow‐routing algorithm (multiple‐flow direction) for positive areas and the D8 algorithm for negative areas, respectively. The approach is validated in two typical geomorphologic areas with low hills and dense gullies in the northern Shaanxi Loess Plateau. Four indices are used to examine the results, which show that the new algorithm is more suitable for loess terrain in simulating the spatial distribution of water accumulation, as well as in modeling the flow characteristics of the true surface by considering the morphological structures of the terrain. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
本文利用采集于我国三大油田的五种原油样品开展了长达210天的溢油风化模拟实验,并依据相对偏差和重复性限数学分析法,进行溢油风化过程分析和诊断比值应用效果评估。研究结果表明:经过210天的风化,溢油鉴定诊断比值发生明显改变;其中来源于萜烷、甾烷和多环芳烃的诊断比值变化率要远低于正构烷烃,可用于中长期风化溢油鉴定。此外,研究发现,在这些有效诊断比值中有4个变化率较小,相对偏差低于5%,保持了较好的稳定性,更适合于重度风化溢油鉴定。  相似文献   
新疆S214(考干-米兰,考米线)公路位于库鲁克塔格沙漠东南缘,穿越台特玛湖干涸湖盆。由于该区气候干旱,风力强劲,沙源丰富,流动沙丘广布且快速移动,风沙危害对公路运输构成严重威胁。通过对风沙环境和风沙危害定位观测和土壤水盐特征系统调查,确定了风沙危害极为严重的公路区段,提出了合理的风沙防护措施及防沙体系结构。结果表明:该区具有明显的单风向风况,主要盛行ENE和NE风,偶有反向风沙活动,起沙风频率、输沙势、输沙率极高,属于高能-大比率风能环境;受土壤水分、盐分含量影响,地表紧实度差异较大,部分地段为极疏松的沙层,部分地段为紧实的盐壳;S214公路风沙危害防护区段为K4+900~K18+200,设计建造的阻-固-输相结合的机械-植物复合防沙体系,防沙效果明显,保障了道路安全运营。这一强风沙、高盐区公路防沙体系建设模式可为类似环境地区工程防沙提供借鉴。  相似文献   
矢量切片是以四叉树模型切割矢量数据而生成的矢量要素描述性文件,Web GIS开发中,矢量切片的配图是通过编写Json样式文件,最后浏览器根据样式文件实现地图在线渲染显示,但这种方式配图效率低,样式单一。为了优化配图过程,本文从矢量切片数据和浏览器渲染两个方面提出了一套基于Mapbox的矢量切片在线配图平台,包括基于Geo Server的矢量切片服务发布、基于MapboxGL的浏览器地图渲染等,设计实现了矢量切片在线配图平台应用于浙江省电子地图配图与在线制图研究项目,简化了矢量切片地图的配图过程,具有很强的实用性。  相似文献   
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