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Abstract Recent geological investigations of the Isua Supracrustal Belt (3.8 Ga), southern West Greenland, have suggested that it is the oldest accretionary complex on earth, defined by an oceanic plate‐type stratigraphy and a duplex structure. Plate history from mid‐oceanic ridge through plume magmatism to subduction zone has been postulated from analysis of the reconstructed oceanic plate stratigraphy in the accretionary complex. Comparison between field occurrence of greenstones in modern and ancient accretionary complexes reveals that two types of tholeiitic basalt from different tectonic settings, mid‐oceanic ridge basalt (MORB) and oceanic island basalt (OIB), occur. This work presents major, trace and rare earth element (REE) compositions of greenstones derived from Isua MORB and OIB, and of extremely rare relict igneous clinopyroxene in Isua MORB. The Isua clinopyroxenes (Cpx) have compositional variations equivalent to those of Cpx in modern MORB; in particular, low TiO2 and Na2O contents. The Isua Cpx show slightly light (L)REE‐depleted REE patterns, and the calculated REE pattern of the host magma is in agreement with that of Isua MORB. Analyses of 49 least‐altered greenstones carefully selected from approximately 1200 samples indicate that Isua MORB are enriched in Al2O3, and depleted in TiO2, FeO*, Y and Zr at the given MgO content, compared with Isua OIB. In addition, Isua MORB show an LREE‐depleted pattern, whereas Isua OIB forms a flat REE pattern. Such differences suggest that the Early Archean mantle had already become heterogeneous, depending on the tectonic environment. Isua MORB are enriched in FeO compared with modern MORB. Comparison of Isua MORB with recent melting experiments shows that the source mantle had 85–87 in Mg? and was enriched in FeO. Potential mantle temperature is estimated to be approximately 1480°C, indicating that the Early Archean mantle was hotter by at most approximately 150°C than the modern mantle.  相似文献   
A study of the dynamic response of offshore structures to simultaneous loadings by random earthquake ground motions and random sea waves is presented. Emphasis is placed on the evaluation of dynamic soil-structure interaction effects and also on the evaluation of non-linear hydrodynamic damping effects due to sea waves for the seismic response. The structure is discretized using the finite element method. Sea waves are represented by Bretschneider's power spectrum and the Morison equation defines the wave forcing function. The Tajimi-Kanai power spectrum is used for the horizontal ground acceleration due to earthquakes. The governing equations of motion are obtained by the substructure method. Response analysis is carried out using the frequency-domain random vibration approach. It is found that the first few vibrational modes contribute significantly to the dynamic response. The response due to earthquake loadings is larger when the soil-structure interaction effects are considered. The hydrodynamic damping forces are higher in random seas than in still water and sea waves reduce the seismic response of offshore structures. Studies on the first passage probabilities of response indicate that small sea waves enhance the reliability of offshore structures against earthquake forces.  相似文献   
The Moon has an anorthositic primordial continental crust. Recently anorthosite has also been discovered on the Martian surface. Although the occurrence of anorthosite is observed to be very limited in Earth's extant geological record,both lunar and Martian surface geology suggest that anorthosite may have comprised a primordial continent on the early Earth during the first 600 million years after its formation. We hypothesized that differences in the presence of an anorthositic continent on an Earthlike planet are due to planetary size. Earth likely lost its primordial anorthositic continent by tectonic erosion through subduction associated with a kind of proto-plate tectonics(PPT). In contrast, Mars and the Moon, as much smaller planetary bodies, did not lose much of their anorthositic continental crust because mantle convection had weakened and/or largely stopped, and with time, they had appropriately cooled down. Applying this same reasoning to a super-Earth exoplanet suggests that, while a primordial anorthositic continent may briefly form on its surface, such a continent will be likely transported into the deep mantle due to intense mantle convection immediately following its formation. The presence of a primordial continent on an Earth-like planet seems to be essential to whether the planet will be habitable to Earth-like life. The key role of the primordial continent is to provide the necessary and sufficient nutrients for the emergence and evolution of life. With the appearance of a "trinity" consisting of(1) an atmosphere,(2) an ocean, and(3) the primordial continental landmass, material circulation can be maintained to enable a "Habitable Trinity" environment that will permit the emergence of Earth-like life. Thus, with little likelihood of a persistent primordial continent, a super-Earth affords very little chance for Earth-like life to emerge.  相似文献   
The Precambrian/Cambrian (PC/C) boundary is one of the most important intervals for the evolution of life. However, the scarcity of well-preserved outcrops across the boundary leaves an obstacle in decoding surface environmental changes and patterns of biological evolution.In south China, strata through the PC/C boundary are almost continuously exposed and contain many fossils, suitable for study of environmental and biological change across the PC/C boundary. We undertook deep drilling at four sites in the Three Gorges area to obtain continuous and fresh samples without surface alteration and oxidation. 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the fresh carbonate rocks, selected based on microscopic observation and geochemical signatures of Mn/Sr and Rb/Sr ratios, aluminum and silica contents, and δ13C and δ18O values, were measured with multiple collector-inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometric techniques.The chemostratigraphy of 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the drilled samples displays a smooth curve and a large positive anomaly just below the PC/C boundary between the upper part of Baimatuo Member of the Dengying Formation and the lower part of the Yanjiahe Formation. The combination of chemostratigraphies of δ13C and 87Sr/86Sr indicates that the 87Sr/86Sr excursions preceded the δ13C negative excursion, and suggests that global regression or formation of the Gondwana supercontinent, possibly together with a high atmospheric pCO2, caused biological depression.  相似文献   
Continental growth has been episodic, reflecting the episodic nature of mantle dynamics as well as surface dynamics of the Earth, the net result of which is exhibited by the present mantle with two huge reservoirs of TTG rocks, one on the surface continents and the other on the D″ layer on the Core-Mantle Boundary (CMB). During the early half of the Earth history, the felsic continental crust on the surface which formed in an intra-oceanic environment has mostly been subducted into the deep mantle, except in the rare case of parallel arc collision. The growth history of continental crust shows that with its simultaneous formation, a considerable amount must have also been subducted. Such ongoing subduction processes can be seen in the western Pacific region, through tectonic erosion, arc subduction, and sediment-trapped subduction.  相似文献   
The tonalite-trondhjemite-granite (TTG) crust has been considered to be buoyant and hence impossible to be subducted into the deep mantle. However, recent studies on the juvenile arc in the western Pacific region indicate that immature island arcs subduct into the deep mantle in most cases, except in the case of parallel arc collision. Moreover, sediment trapped subduction and tectonic erosion are also common. This has important implications in evaluating the role of TTG crust in the deep mantle and probably on the bottom of the mantle. Because the TTG crust is enriched in K, U and Th, ca. 20 times more than that of CI chondrite, the accumulated TTG on the Core Mantle Boundary (CMB) would have played a critical role to initiate plumes or superplumes radiating from the thermal boundary layer, particularly after 2.0 Ga, related to the origin of superplume-supercontinent cycle. This is because selective subduction of oceanic lithosphere including sediment-trapped subduction, tectonic erosion and arc- and microcontinent-subduction proceeded under the supercontinent before the final amalgamation ca. 200-300 million years after the formation of the nuclei. We speculate the mechanism of superplume evolution through the subduction of TTG-crust and propose that this process might have played a dominant role in supercontinent breakup.  相似文献   
To constrain the timing of the tectonothermal events and formation process of a plutonic suite, U–Pb dating was carried out by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry combined with cathodoluminescence imaging on zircon grains extracted from the Bato pluton, northern Yamizo Mountains, Japan. The Bato pluton consists of gabbro and diorite. Zircon grains separated from a gabbro sample had a unimodal 238U–206Pb age (105.7 ±1.0 Ma). It was interpreted as the solidification age of the gabbro. Cathodoluminescence observation showed that the zircon grains from a diorite sample were characterized by anhedral cores, oscillatory zoned mantles, and dark rims. The 238U–206Pb age of the anhedral cores ranged from 2 165 Ma to 161 Ma, indicating the assimilation of surrounding sedimentary rocks. The 238U–206Pb ages of the oscillatory zoned mantles and dark rims are 109.0 ±1.3 Ma and 107.7 ±1.3 Ma, respectively. Observation under polarizing microscopy suggests that the anhedral cores occurred before plagioclase and hornblende, and the oscillatory zones around the anhedral cores had crystallized at the same time as the crystallization of biotite. Moreover, the dark rims formed at the same time as the crystallization of quartz and K‐feldspar. The formation process of the gabbro‐diorite complex in the Bato pluton was inferred as follows. (i) A mafic initial magma intruded into Mesozoic sedimentary rocks, and the assimilation of these sedimentary rocks led to geochemical variation yielding a dioritic composition. Subsequently, plagioclase and hornblende of the diorite were crystallized before 109.0 ±1.3 Ma. (ii) Biotite crystallized in the middle stage around 109.0 ±1.3 Ma. (iii) Quartz and K‐feldspar of the diorite were crystallized at 107.7 ±1.3 Ma. The gabbroic magma solidified (105.7 ±1.0 Ma) after solidification of the diorite.  相似文献   
Lost primordial continents   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
We investigate the bulk density variations of some representative compositions for the lower mantle based on the pressure–volume–temperature equation of state of the constituent mineral phases. The density variations of pyrolite, harzburgite, mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB), tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite (TTG), and anorthosite are studied at a temperature of 300 K and at lower mantle pressures. The density of MORB is greater than that of pyrolite throughout the lower mantle, while the density of harzburgite is slightly lower than that of pyrolite. The density of anorthosite is comparable to that of pyrolite in the lower mantle in general, and greater in the lowermost mantle, while the density of TTG is lower than pyrolite throughout the lower mantle. The above results have important implications for the fate of primordial continents, TTG and anorthosite crust. While subducted TTG might be stagnant in the mantle transition zone, dense subducted anorthositic crust could be expected to sink to the core–mantle boundary (CMB) and thus might be a major component of the D" layer immediately above the CMB. Thus, we propose that significant bodies of continental material could be present in the mantle in the transition zone and immediately above the CMB, in addition to the continents on the Earth's surface.  相似文献   
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