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高温后花岗岩巴西劈裂抗拉实验及超声特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用非金属超声检测分析仪和液压伺服试验系统装置,研究不同温度(25 ℃~1 000 ℃)作用后花岗岩的超声特性,分析不同温度条件下花岗岩的劈裂抗拉强度。结果表明,(1)高温后花岗岩的纵波波速、超声波形以及劈裂抗拉强度都与温度的变化密切相关;(2)随着温度的增高,花岗岩试样的纵波波速和劈裂抗拉强度逐渐减小,经历1 000 ℃高温后,纵波波速下降90%,劈裂抗拉强度下降65%,并且,纵波波速和抗拉强度间存在一定的相关性;(3)超声波波形随温度升高由整齐变混乱,由密集变稀疏,尤其在800 ℃波形变化最明显;(4)花岗岩试样的热损伤不断增加,经历1 000 ℃热损伤后,试样的脆性增加,变得轻脆易碎。  相似文献   
Urban street dust is one of important indicators of the status of urban environmental pollution. There are many studies in capital cities, but little attention has been paid to this kind of study in medium cities, especially in China. The dust samples were collected in the district of traffic crossroads in Xianyang city, Shaanxi Province. Pb, Cd, Cu, Ni, Zn, Cr and Mn concentrations were determined by using atomic absorption spectrometry. The results indicate that street dusts in Xianyang city have elevated metal concentrations as a whole in comparison with Shaanxi Province soil, except for Mn. The content of heavy metals was comparable to those in capital cities. Correlation coefficient analysis, principal component analysis and cluster analysis were used and three main sources were identified; Mn comes mainly from soil sources; Cu, Zn and Ni are mainly derived from industrial sources combined with traffic sources; Pb, Cr and Cd have traffic sources. Heavy metal enrichment factors were calculated, which can reflect human influence degree of street dusts.  相似文献   
西藏蛇绿岩中二种合金矿物新变种   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在西藏雅鲁藏布江蛇绿岩带的东部,距拉萨200km的泽当罗莎蛇绿岩的铬铁矿中,发现有种类繁多的合金矿物,铬铁镍矿和依铁镍矿就是其中二种。铬铁镍矿分子式:Ni0.41Fe0.35Cr0.24,为等轴晶系,空间群为Fm3m,晶胞参数a=0.35622(2)nm。铱铁镍矿分子式:Ni0.66Fe0.18Ir0.16,属等轴晶系,空间群Oh^5-Fm3m,晶胞参数a=0.46486(4)mm。  相似文献   
汶川地震地表破裂面形貌特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
准确描述破裂面形貌对于我们理解地震断层作用是非常重要的,破裂面的形貌特征包含许多关于地震和断层机制的有用信息。在Mw7.9 2008汶川地震中断层活动产生了两个新鲜的破裂面,八角庙破裂面和沙坝破裂面。我们使用3D便携式激光扫描仪(Tri mble GX)对两个破裂表面进行测量,在野外微观尺度上研究了破裂面形貌特征。通过能谱密度和均方值两个方法分析破裂面形貌,新鲜的破裂面表现为自相仿性,能谱密度和均方值均与剖面长度存在幂律关系。在能谱密度与空间频率的对数图中,能谱密度曲线存在明显的拐点,该拐点所对应的波长称为"特征波长",表明单一分形不能准确描述破裂面形貌。八角庙破裂面在平行滑动方向上的特征波长为7 mm,在垂直方向上特征波长略大一些(区域Ⅰ为10 mm,区域Ⅱ为9 mm);沙坝破裂面在平行滑动方向上的特征波长为8 mm,但垂直方向上特征波长略小(6 mm)。均方值曲线的最小二乘拟合直线的斜率为Hurst指数,该指数依赖于剖面线方向并描述破裂面形貌的各向异性,H指数的最小值和最大值分别与平行擦痕和垂直擦痕方向对应,这与野外断层面擦痕测量结果一致。沙坝破裂面的H指数极坐标图中存在次级H指数峰值(对应剖面线方向为85°和160°),这揭示破裂面上存在一组隐匿擦痕。该组隐匿擦痕为汶川地震之前断层活动中形成的,但这还不足以推测上一次断层活动的时间和规模。另外,通过比较新鲜节理面和破裂面表明H指数是否大于0.8反映了断层类型。在整个空间频率域上,能谱密度曲线斜率(-α)和均方值曲线斜率(H)的线性拟合关系为α=1.22+1.72H,并不严格满足两者之间理论关系式,α=1+2H。这个差异是由于测量信号噪音、破裂面的多分形性和分析方法的差异造成的。  相似文献   
峰丛洼地坡面流径流过程——以丫吉试验场为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取裸露型和土壤植被覆盖型两种峰丛洼地地貌结构.通过降雨量、pH、电导率(Ec)、CO2分压和流量的过程线来分析降雨中详细的产流过程.裸露性坡地因包气带结构简单仅存在局部的超渗产流和表层岩溶带的回归流.水化学性质较稳定;有土壤植被覆盖的坡地的产流过程可以分为3个阶段:补偿阶段(可出现超渗产流)、饱和径流阶段、稳定阶段,补偿阶段仅在降雨强度大于入渗强度时可产生坡面流,饱和径流阶段坡面流流量与降雨强度成正比.稳定阶段坡面流流量趋于稳定,不随雨强的变化而变化,坡面流的水化学性质变化剧烈,pH、电导率(Ec)、CO2分压基本上同步变化,水漫(T)在降雨前期变化规律不明显.后期与pH、Ec等呈相反变化.  相似文献   
山西潞安集团司马矿区东高西低,西部延至长治盆地,矿区水系发育。主采3#煤层埋藏较浅,层位稳定。新生界不整合于下伏基岩之上,厚度变化较大,属典型的薄硬岩煤矿区。为准确提供矿区煤炭开采上限的地质依据,采用了综合勘探技术,其中利用三维地震勘探技术追踪新生界底面反射波及第四系"天窗"位置,利用直流电法与瞬变电磁法提供电性分层,并对其解释结果进行相互印证。勘探实例表明,三维地震勘探、电法勘探与钻探的综合运用不仅可解决薄硬岩煤矿区新生界厚度、含水层富水性及第四系缺失等问题,还可提供新生界含水层与基岩含水层之间的水力联系、制约因素等资料。  相似文献   
This paper discusses the applications of linear and nonlinear shallow water wave equations in practical tsunami simulations. We verify which hydrodynamic theory would be most appropriate for different ocean depths. The linear and nonlinear shallow water wave equations in describing tsunami wave propagation are compared for the China Sea. There is a critical zone between 400 and 500 m depth for employing linear and nonlinear models. Furthermore, the bottom frictional term exerts a noticeable influence on the propagation of the nonlinear waves in shallow water. We also apply different models based on these characteristics for forecasting potential seismogenic tsunamis along the Chinese coast. Our results indicate that tsunami waves can be modeled with linear theory with enough accuracy in South China Sea, but the nonlinear terms should not be neglected in the eastern China Sea region.  相似文献   
天籁实验抛物柱面天线阵结构设计与力学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了满足大面积天区的射电巡天观测,完成对大尺度结构的精确测量和对暗能量的探测,需要设计可安装大量馈源单元的大规模射电干涉阵列天线。抛物柱面的结构形式能较好满足工作需求,对抛物柱面天线阵进行了结构的选型设计。基于有限元方法及有限元分析软件,建立了用于暗能量射电探测的抛物柱面天线阵结构的有限元模型,计算分析了在重力、冰雪和风力等载荷作用时反射面的变形情况。仿真计算分析结果表明:设计的用于暗能量射电探测的天线结构在各种工况下反射面变形量较小,能满足各项设计技术指标要求,从而验证了天线阵结构的合理性、稳定性和可靠性。  相似文献   
It is well known that normalization, radial velocity correction and equivalent-width measurement of high-resolution stellar spectra are time-consuming work. In order to improve the efficiency we present an automatic method for these routines. The continuum is determined by fitting the 'high points' in the spectrum. After continuum normalization, the program automatically searches for the position of the Ha line and obtains a rough radial velocity, then computes an accurate radial velocity by cross-correlation between the given spectrum and the solar spectrum. In this method, the equivalent-width is automatically measured using Gaussian fitting. A comparison between our results and those from traditional analysis shows that the typical error for equivalent width is around 3.8% in our method. Developing such automatic routines does not mean to replace the interactive reduction method: it is just for a quick extraction of information from the spectra, especially those obtained in large sky surveys.  相似文献   
近10多年来我国沿海海平面变化和风暴潮   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近百年来全球气候显著变暖,导致世界性海平面持续波动上升。根据我国沿海验潮站潮位资料统计分析表明,近10多年(1989~2000)来我国沿海海平面也早持续上升趋势,而且有较大幅度的上升。同时,近期发生在我国沿海的风暴潮强度较前期(1975~1986)明显加大。  相似文献   
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