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Multitemporal remote sensing provides a unique tool to track lake dynamics at the pan-Arctic scale but requires precise registration of thousands of satellite images. This is a challenging task owing to a dearth of stable features to be used as tie points [(TPs), i.e., control points] in the dynamic landscapes. This letter develops an automated method to precisely register images in the lake-rich Arctic. The core premise of the method is that the centers of lakes are generally stable even if their shorelines are not. The proposed procedures first extract lakes in multitemporal satellite images, derive lake centroids and match them between images, and then use the centroids of stable lakes as TPs for image registration. The results show that this approach can achieve subpixel registration accuracy, outcompeting the conventional manual methods in both efficiency and accuracy. The proposed method is fully automated and represents a feasible way to register images for lake change detection at the pan-Arctic scale.   相似文献   
选取pH、DO、CODCr、TN、TP等水质指标近10a的监测数据,采用单因子指数及内梅罗指数法,对东昌湖六湖区水质动态变化进行了分析研究。结果表明:pH、DO单因子指数在调查年度内呈波动中下降趋势,且均满足IV类水水质标准;TN、TP、CODCr三项指标单因子指数较大,对湖区水体质量影响较大,是造成东昌湖水体质量变化的主要原因,特别是TN、TP;内梅罗指数呈波动中下降趋势,表明东昌湖水质近10a内在逐步改善。最后在认真分析东昌湖水质动态变化状况的基础上,进一步提出了针对性的防治建议。  相似文献   
地球深部研究(SEDI)已经揭示出地幔中的温度和密度在大尺度下的三维非均匀结构,而地幔的电性结构是敏感地依赖于地幔的热状态的.对由地球发电机产生的非定常深源电场和磁场,在三维非均匀地幔中的扩散问题作3系统的探讨.根据球面矢量场的Helmholtz 分解定理,将支配的Maxwell 方程组分解为位势场Φ、环型场T 和极型场S 的基本耦合偏微分方程组,并利用张量球谐函数展开,得到该方程组的谱表示.以此,作为进一步研究核幔电磁耦合理论的必要基础.  相似文献   
The topological structure of the electric topological current of the locally gauge invariant Maxwell-Chern-Simons Model and its bifurcation is studied. The electric topological charge is quantized in term of winding number. The Hopf indices and Brouwer degree labeled the local topological structure of the electric topological current. Using Φ-mapping method and implicit function theory, the electric topological current is found generating or annihilating at the limit points and splitting or merging at the bifurcate points. The total electric charge holds invariant during the evolution. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
基于MODIS的珠江三角洲地区区域热岛的分布特征   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
通过MODIS地温数据,研究了珠三角地区由于快速的城市化过程造成的区域性大范围温度升高现象,即区域热岛现象。分析结果表明,MODIS数据能够较好地反映出区域城市化进程中区域地表热环境的变化。不同下垫面的温度差异是形成区域热岛的基础。在大规模连片的城市化过程中,城镇用地的周边区域受到温度升高的影响,地表温度也相应升高,从而造成了区域大面积的温度升高,形成了区域热岛。从空间形态看,区域热岛的空间格局与城镇用地的空间布局具有较高的相关性,大城市或城市连绵区往往是区域热岛的中心。城市连绵区及其周边区域的热岛现象十分明显,而位于研究区的西南和东北方位的城镇分布比较分散,对应的区域热岛现象并不显著。  相似文献   
A numerical simulation of gas flow during coal/gas outbursts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary A model of the gas flow in airways during an instantaneous outburst of coal and gas is formulated and solved numerically using MacCormack's explicit finite-difference scheme. This model is based on the assumption that geological structures, in-situ stresses and high-gas-pressure gradients play important roles in initiating an outburst, with the gas content and gas-pressure gradients being the most dominant factors. The fluid-dynamic processes that occur after an outburst are computed by the numerical integration of the complete time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations. The mixture velocity, the density and the gas-concentration profiles in both time and space domains (immediately after an outburst) are presented. The global results are useful in gaining an improved understanding of gas-flow patterns during coal/gas outbursts and in determining the range of the disturbance so that effective methods of control can be developed.Nomenclature a speed of sound - C gas concentration (mass) - C v specific heat at constant volume - C p specific heat at constant pressure - CFL Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy number - E total energy of the mixture - F the vector defined in Equation 27 - G the vector defined in Equation 28 - h entropy - h i entropy at inlet - J xi diffusion flux in the i-direction - k thermal conductivity of a gas - M Mach number - P pressure of a mixture (the partial pressure of gas) - P gas pressure - P a atmospheric pressure  相似文献   
An unusual series of C22–C27 monounsaturated sterenes and C24–C30 tetracyclic terpanes (17,21-secohopanes) were detected in relatively high concentrations in an immature evaporitic marl sediment of the Jinxian Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, North China. The site of unsaturation in these novel sterenes is assigned tentatively to the D ring on the basis of mass spectral interpretation, which also distinguishes them from reported unsaturated sterenes. Other hydrocarbon biomarker or stable isotope characteristics are indicative of microbial (e.g. methyl hopanes), phytoplankton or higher plant (depleted δ13C values of isoprenoids and hopanes) inputs and an anoxic carbonate depositional environment (hexacyclic hopanes; tetracyclic terpanes). The hydrocarbon composition showed no obvious biodegradation and the relatively high concentration of unsaturated terpenoids (e.g. gammacerene) and low values of other established maturity parameters (Ts/Tm = 0.23; Ro = 0.44%; Tmax = 417 °C), are consistent with sediments of low maturity. The novel, low molecular weight sterenes and the tetracyclic terpanes may be early diagenetic products of microbial sources in a carbonate environment.  相似文献   
Using the model system MM5.V3 and multi-layer grid nesting technique, we have done a multi-scale numerical simulation over the area of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province to analyze the temperature and wind field there and study its local circulations. The results show a coupling effect of Urban Heat Island Circulation (UHIC), Mountain Valley Breeze (MVB) and Sea Land Breeze (SLB) occurs in this area when the synoptic system is weak. The SLB can penetrate deep into the mainland for about 200 km when it is blooming. MVB can extend to south and cover almost the whole plain area in Beijing. Both MVB and SLB are diurnal periodical; meanwhile the phase of MVB drops behind that of SLB for about six hours. As a local circulation, the UHIC weakens the two circulations above, and it also has a diurnal period. As a result, the coupling effect of circulations reveals not only different features in spring-summer period and autumn-winter period in a year but also the difference between early morning to noonday and afternoon to night in a day. We noted the diffusion of contamination over the area around Beijing, and found the steady presence of a transport routine of contamination over North-China throughout the year caused by the Coupling Effect mentioned above. This find is important for studying the environment pollution in this area. Supported by Central Public Welfare Special Fund Program for the Institute and Higher Education (Grant No. IUMKY200701), Public Welfare Special Fund Program (Meteorology) of China Scientific and Technological Ministry (Grant Nos. CYHY20080620, CYHY200706004), Spread New Technology Program of China Meteorological Administration (Grant No. CMATG2007M15) and Urban Meteorology Scientific Research Fund Program of the Institute of Beijing Urban Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration (Grant No. UMRF200702)  相似文献   
内蒙古胜利煤田锗矿床赋存规律及找矿方向   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
胜利煤田首次发现全国最大的锗矿床,其储量占全国30%以上,且赋存条件好,宜于大型露天开采。研究了其赋存规律,指明了今后找矿方向。  相似文献   
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