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Large explosive eruptions have the potential to distribute heavy ashfalls across large areas, resulting in physical and chemical impacts on agriculture, and economic and psycho-social impacts on rural communities. This study investigates how affected agriculture and rural communities have adapted, absorbed and mitigated impacts following a range of ashfall thicknesses (>2 m?C<1 mm) from the 12?C15 August 1991 eruption of Vulcan Hudson, one of the largest eruptions of the twentieth century. An estimated 1 million livestock died after the eruption due to pasture burial by ashfall and ongoing suppression of vegetation recovery. Horticulturalists suffered ongoing damage to crops from wind-blown ash and changes to soil properties increased irrigation and cultivation requirements. Real or perceived impacts on human health and impacts on farm productivity from the ashfall resulted in evacuation of farms and small towns in the short term. Long-term farm abandonment occurred in areas of heavy ashfall (upper Ibáñez valley) and highly stressed farming systems, even where ashfall was relatively thin (<50 mm), such as the Argentine steppe. The mono-agricultural system of sheep farming in the steppe region had few options other than destocking, proving less resilient than the diverse high-intensity horticultural and pastoral mix in irrigated valleys, which allowed more rapid adaption through diversification of production. Farms with natural advantages and greater investment in capital improvements led to greater damage potential initially (at least in cost terms), but ultimately provided a greater capacity for response and recovery. Better soils, climate and significantly greater access to technological improvements such as cultivation tools, irrigation and wind breaks were advantageous, such as at Chile Chico (Chile), Los Antiguos and Perito Moreno (Argentina). Cultivation increased chemical and physical soil fertility, especially when used in combination with fertilisation and irrigation. Appropriate use of seeds and cropping techniques within the new soil and growing conditions was important. Government agencies had a vital role in the dissemination of information for appropriate farm management responses, ash chemistry analysis, evacuations and welfare, and in the longer term to provide technical and credit assistance to facilitate recovery.  相似文献   
This study documents the first example of in vitro solid-phase mineral oxide reduction by enzyme-containing membrane fractions. Previous in vitro studies have only reported the reduction of aqueous ions. Total membrane (TM) fractions from iron-grown cultures of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 were isolated and shown to catalyze the reduction of goethite, hematite, birnessite, and ramsdellite/pyrolusite using formate. In contrast, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) and succinate cannot function as electron donors. The significant implications of observations related to this cell-free system are: (i) both iron and manganese mineral oxides are reduced by the TM fraction, but aqueous U(VI) is not; (ii) TM fractions from anaerobically grown, but not aerobically grown, cells can reduce the mineral oxides; (iii) electron shuttles and iron chelators are not needed for this in vitro reduction, documenting conclusively that reduction can occur by direct contact with the mineral oxide; (iv) electron shuttles and EDTA stimulate the in vitro Fe(III) reduction, documenting that exogenous molecules can enhance rates of enzymatic mineral reduction; and (v) multiple membrane components are involved in solid-phase oxide reduction. The membrane fractions, consisting of liposomes of cytoplasmic and outer membrane segments, contain at least 100 proteins including the enzyme that oxidizes formate, formate dehydrogenase. Mineral oxide reduction was inhibited by the addition of detergent Triton X-100, which solubilizes membranes and their associated proteins, consistent with the involvement of multiple electron carriers that are disrupted by detergent addition. In contrast, formate dehydrogenase activity was not inhibited by Triton X-100. The addition of anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AQDS) and menaquinone-4 was unable to restore activity; however, menadione (MD) restored 33% of the activity. The addition of AQDS and MD to reactions without added detergent increased the rate of goethite reduction. The Michaelis-Menten Km values of 71 ± 22 m2/L for hematite and 50 ± 16 m2/L for goethite were calculated as a function of surface area of the two insoluble minerals. Vmax was determined to be 123 ± 14 and 156 ± 13 nmol Fe(II)/min/mg of TM protein for hematite and goethite, respectively. These values are consistent with in vivo rates of reduction reported in the literature. These observations are consistent with our conclusion that the enzymatic reduction of mineral oxides is an effective probe that will allow elucidation of molecular chemistry of the membrane-mineral interface where electron transfer occurs.  相似文献   
Stratigraphic studies of pollen and macrofossils from six sites at different elevations in the White Mountains of New Hampshire demonstrate changes in the distributions of four coniferous tree species during the Holocene. Two species presently confined to low elevations extended farther up the mountain slopes during the early Holocene: white pine grew 350 m above its present limit beginning 9000 yr B.P., while hemlock grew 300–400 m above its present limit soon after the species immigrated to the region 7000 yr. B.P. Hemlock disappeared from the highest sites about 5000 yr B.P., but both species persisted at sites 50–350 m above their present limits until the Little Ice Age began a few centuries ago. The history of the two main high-elevation conifers is more difficult to interpret. Spruce and fir first occur near their present upper limits 9000 or 10,000 yr B.P. Fir persisted in abundance at elevations similar to those where it occurs today throughout the Holocene, while spruce became infrequent at all elevations from the beginning of the Holocene until 2000 yr B.P. These facts suggest a more complex series of changes than a mere upward shift of the modern environmental gradient. Nevertheless, we conclude that the minimum climatic change which would explain the upward extensions of hemlock and white pine is a rise in temperature, perhaps as much as 2°C. The interval of maximum warmth started 9000 yr B.P. and lasted at least until 5000 yr B.P., correlative with the Prairie Period in Minnesota.  相似文献   
Fluid–structure interactions are modelled by coupling the finite element fluid/ocean model ‘Fluidity-ICOM’ with a combined finite–discrete element solid model ‘Y3D’. Because separate meshes are used for the fluids and solids, the present method is flexible in terms of discretisation schemes used for each material. Also, it can tackle multiple solids impacting on one another, without having ill-posed problems in the resolution of the fluid’s equations. Importantly, the proposed approach ensures that Newton’s third law is satisfied at the discrete level. This is done by first computing the action–reaction force on a supermesh, i.e. a function superspace of the fluid and solid meshes, and then projecting it to both meshes to use it as a source term in the fluid and solid equations. This paper demonstrates the properties of spatial conservation and accuracy of the method for a sphere immersed in a fluid, with prescribed fluid and solid velocities. While spatial conservation is shown to be independent of the mesh resolutions, accuracy requires fine resolutions in both fluid and solid meshes. It is further highlighted that unstructured meshes adapted to the solid concentration field reduce the numerical errors, in comparison with uniformly structured meshes with the same number of elements. The method is verified on flow past a falling sphere. Its potential for ocean applications is further shown through the simulation of vortex-induced vibrations of two cylinders and the flow past two flexible fibres.  相似文献   
The archaeology of caves is best served by including a study of natural effects prior to and during anthropogenic input. This is especially true for the Cave of Hearths because not only has erosion determined the area of occupation, but also subsequent undermining has caused collapse of some of the rearward parts of the site during Early Stone Age (Acheulian) and later times; and this had a major impact on excavation. The key to understanding the nature of the collapsed layers was the rediscovery of a lower part of the cavern below the whole site. This lower cavern is no longer accessible, but the evidence for it was revealed in a swallow hole by R.J. Mason, and in archived material at the Department of Archaeology, University of Witwatersrand. The creation and dissolution of dolomite fragments in the upper layers has resulted in the formation of thick, carbonate‐cemented breccia that has preserved underlying layers and prevented further collapse. We agree with Mason that further archaeological and hominid finds await excavation under the proximate Historical Cave west entrance. This area has the potential for archaeological and palaeoanthropological material that predates the layers in the Cave of Hearths. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
冰流是指冰盖中快速流动(高达10 km/a)的区域.冰流通常长达1000 km,宽200 km,嵌入在冰盖中.沿其流动方向形成了低幅度波纹状基岩床.这些波纹状基岩床由一些高度拉伸的沿着流向呈平行状分布的脊和沟槽(巨型冰川线理)组成.这些巨型冰川线理在空间上继承自体积大、拉伸程度低的鼓丘.由于鼓丘核部的地质条件复杂多变且...  相似文献   
Two mineralogically and chemically distinct rhyolite magmas (T1 and T3) were syn-erupted from the same conduit system during the 21.9 ka basalt intrusion-triggered Okareka eruption from Tarawera volcano, New Zealand. High spatial resolution U–Th disequilibrium dating of zircon crystals at the ~ 3–5 μm scale reveals a protracted yet discontinuous zircon crystallization history within the magmatic system. Both magma types contain zircon whose interiors predate the eruption by up to 200 ka. The dominant age peak in the T1 magma is ~ 30 ka with subordinate peaks at ~ 45, ~ 75, and ~ 100 ka, whereas the T3 magma has a dominant zircon interior age peak at ~ 90 ka with smaller modes at ~ 35 and ~ 150 ka. These patterns are consistent with isolated pockets of crystallization throughout the evolution of the system. Crystal rim analyses yield ages ranging from within error of the eruption age to at least ~ 90 ka prior to eruption, highlighting that zircon crystallization frequently stalled long before the eruption. Continuous depth profiling from crystal rims inward demonstrates protracted growth histories for individual crystals (up to ~ 100 ka) that were punctuated by asynchronous hiatuses of up to 30 ka in duration. Disparate zircon growth histories can result from localized thermal perturbations caused by mafic intrusions into a silicic reservoir. The crystal age heterogeneity at hand-sample scale requires considerable crystal transport and mixing. We propose that crystal mixing was achieved through buoyancy instabilities caused by mafic magma flow through crystal mush. A terminal pre-eruptive rejuvenation event was capable of mobilizing voluminous melts that erupted, but was too short (< 102–103 years) to result in extensive zircon growth. The contrasting, punctuated zircon histories argue against closed-system fractional crystallization models for silicic magmatism that require protracted cooling times following a mostly liquid starting condition.  相似文献   

This study utilizes radar imagery to test the application of Walter Christaller's central‐place theory on China's North Central Plain. Examination of the spatial order and layout of settlements reveal that central place theory's transportation principle, k=4 exists. The study distinguishes four hierarchical settlement sizes and shows how effective rural societies are in evolving settlement structures whose spatial order and regularity avoids spatial inefficiencies. The advent of space based imaging systems such as SIR‐A radar imagery has permitted tests of new sites where the restrictive conditions of central place theory exist. These studies allow parallels to be drawn between the postulates of this theory of settlement structure and whether the theory is matched in reality.

This work is needed because of such scarcities. It allows the theory to undergo further subjections, a scrutiny needed for the validation, or otherwise of its postulates. The work adds to a large body of literature on this topic whose limitation has been the scarcity of actual test sites where theory and reality can be compared. The study presents positive indications that central place theory exists in reality, a compliment to the remarkable perceptions of Walter Christaller.  相似文献   
The Taillon Glacier in the French Pyrénées offers one of the most detailed records of recent glacier fluctuations in the region. A comprehensive collection of early maps, paintings, and photographs, together with short-term measurements relating to the ice margins and glacier behavior, have made possible a full reconstruction of the glacier's history since the end of the 19th century. The general pattern of ice-front retreat has been punctuated by a series of significant local readvances, dated 1886–1890, 1906–1911, 1926–1928, 1945, and 1964. The record is compared with the more detailed histories of glaciers from the Alps, and signals a surprising degree of sensitivity for the Taillon Glacier, given its overall size and state of survival. [Key words: Taillon Glacier, Pyrénées, Little Ice Age, glaciology.]  相似文献   
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