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探讨渤海及周边地区海洋平台抗震设防水准   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了美国API规范的内容,并将南加利福尼亚和中国渤海海域地震活动特征与地震危险性进行对比. 对比结果表明,无论在地震活动的频度与强度还是地震危险性分析结果上,渤海都比南加州弱. API规范指出,对于南加利福尼亚地区的永久性建筑, 强度设计水准取重现期200 a,变形设计水准取几百至几千年. 我国相关规范规定的海洋平台强度设计和变形设计水准分别取500 a和10 000 a,过于保守. 同时,与其它建构筑物的抗震水平相比较,甲类建筑变形设计水准取设计基准期100 a内超越概率2%~3%,乙、丙类取50 a内2%~3%,考虑海洋平台易于引起严重的次生灾害,变形设计水准取设计基准期30 a内1%(相当于重现期3 000 a)应是安全的. 基于上述对比分析, 同时考虑到经济承受能力以及与现行标准的连贯性, 建议我国海洋石油平台的强度设计水准和变形设计水准分别取200 a和3 000 a.  相似文献   
处于中国南方潮湿多雨环境下的古代土遗址,易受雨水的冲刷和浸渍而导致土质松散及崩塌。本文以南京报恩寺地宫、塔基保护技术为研究对象,通过现场试验和变形监测,分析影响其稳定的因素并运用M-P法对其稳定性进行了计算,提出了适用于地宫加固的方案。  相似文献   
Jurassic sedimentary features and tectonic settings of southeastern China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two types of the Jurassic basins are distinguished in SE China based on their geodynamic features: the Late Triassic-Early Jurassic post-orogenic basins and the Middle Jurassic intra-continental extensional basins. The Lower Jurassic sequence shows a change from coarse- to fine-grained accumulation, suggesting a gradually deepening depositional environment from river to shore-lake and to deep-water lake. In contrast, the Middle Jurassic accumulation was changed from claystone to conglomerate along the coastal provinces in SE China, indicative of an initial crustal uplift. The Wuyi Mountains have been a paleogeograghic separating zone since the Middle Jurassic. The Late Jurassic strata are absent in most areas of SE China. A large-scale bimodal intra-continental rift-type volcanism occurred during the Middle Jurassic along a 40–60 km wide and 200 km long area in western Fujian and southern Jiangxi provinces, which is most likely the strongest volcanism in SE China since the Cambrian. The SHRIMP zircon U-Pb analyses on the rhyolite from the Dongkeng basin in the southern Jiangxi area yield a concord U-Pb age of 160±0.5 Ma, providing an upper age limit for the bimodal volcanic eruption. The analyses of the basin features indicate a change of the depositional environment during the interval from Middle Triassic to Late Triassic from a shallow-sea to an intra-continent in SE China in response to the strong collision between the Yangtze and North China Blocks. Sedimentary structures record a southward direction of Early Jurassic paleo-currents, reflecting that their source areas were to the north side. We propose that the Wuyi region was uplifted as early as Middle Jurassic, followed by a wide E-W-trending extended depression and bimodal volcanism in the western foot of the Wuyi Mountains. Presumably the uplift of the Wuyi domain changed the Middle Jurassic paleogeographic outline and formed the transformational tectonic regime from compression to extension as a tectonic response to the Pacific plate subduction.  相似文献   
Both P- and S-wave arrivals were collected for imaging upper crustal structures in the source region of the April 20, 2013 Lushan earthquake. High-resolution, three- dimensional P and S velocity models were constructed by travel-time tomography. Moreover, more than 3700 after- shocks of the Lushan earthquake were relocated via a grid search method. The P- and S-wave velocity images of the upper crust show largely similar characters, with high and low velocity anomalies, which mark the presence of sig- nificant lateral and vertical heterogeneity at the source region of the Lushan earthquake. The characteristics of the velocity anomalies also reflect the associated surface geo- logical tectonics in this region. The distributions of high velocity anomalies of both P- and S-waves to 18 km depth are consistent with the distributions of relocated after- shocks, suggesting that most of the ruptures were localized inside the high velocity region. In contrast, low P and S velocities were found in the surrounding regions without aftershocks, especially in the region to the northeast of the Lushan earthquake. For the relocated aftershocks of the Lushan earthquake from this study, we found that mostaftershocks were concentrated in a zone of about 40 km long and 20 km wide, and were located in the hanging wall of Dayi-Mingshan fault. The focal depths of aftershocks increase from the southeast to the northwest region in the direction perpendicular to the fault strike, suggesting that the fault ruptured at an approximate dip angle of 45°. The main depths of the aftershocks in the northwest of the main shock are significantly shallower than expected, revealing the different seismogenic conditions in the source region.  相似文献   
利用2019—2021年金华市空气负氧离子浓度和气象环境资料,研究不同区域(平原城区、平原公园、水边景区、山林景区)负氧离子浓度时空分布特征,分析人类活动最多的城区负氧离子浓度与气象环境因素不同时间尺度的相关性,以及不同天空状况的差异。结果表明:负氧离子浓度呈现平原低、山区高的分布特征,植被茂密、动态水流可增加负氧离子浓度和提高浓度等级。山林景区日出和日落前后负氧离子浓度较高,水边景区凌晨和午后出现高值,平原地区则在下午达到高峰。不同区域四季日变化趋势整体较一致,但不同季节负氧离子浓度峰值大小、日较差和出现峰值时刻存在差异。四季不同区域负氧离子浓度有所差异,主要表现为6—9月高,其中尤以8月山林景区为最。负氧离子浓度与气象环境因素的相关性在不同时间尺度上差异较大:时尺度上与气温、风速、雨量和O3呈显著正相关,而与PM2.5呈显著负相关。四季看,负氧离子浓度春季与风速相关性最高,夏季为气温,秋季为O3,冬季为PM2.5。日尺度上则与相对湿度、风速、雨量呈显著正相关,与PM2.5和O3呈显著负相关,且雨天负氧离子浓度明显高于其他天空状况,差异在冬季达最大。  相似文献   
土-桩-钢结构相互作用体系的振动台模型试验   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
本项试验是研究土-结构相互作用对结构TLD减震控制影响的系列振动台模型试验的组成部分,主要目的是提供相应的对比试验数据。在这组试验中,突出的问题是TLD、上部被控结构和土层三个子系统模型基频间的协调。为了尽可能降低土层模型基频,文中采用了一种具有低剪切波速特性的土层模拟介质。最后,通过土-桩-钢结构系统的振动台模型试验,研究了土-结构相互作用对钢结构动力特性和地震反应的影响。  相似文献   
通过对红井子地区石炭纪人山岩岩石学、岩石化学、稀土元素、微量元素等特征分析;认为该区石炭纪火山岩具岛弧火山岩和裂谷火山岩两种不同属性,其形成构造环境也存在明显差异。该区火山岩分别形成于三个不同的构造环境,即准噶尔岛弧带、博格达裂谷带及喀尔力克岛弧带。  相似文献   
作为世界第三极的青藏高原,是对全球天气气候影响最为显著的自然地貌之一.其巨大陆表深入对流层中部,热力效应直接作用于大气,不但形成了亚洲气候格局,甚至会导致北半球乃至全球气候变异.在青藏高原北部分布着北半球中纬度面积最大的沙漠群,与包括青藏高原在内的其他下垫面相比,沙漠具有地表反照率大、土壤热容量小、含水量低等特点,是地球系统中重要的感热源,同样对全球和区域能量平衡及气候变化和变异具有重要作用.青藏高原及其北部广阔沙漠区域——两种重要的陆地系统组成了全球独有的共生地理单元,它们之间的陆—气耦合必定通过某种过程相互关联.干旱是全球常见且危害极为严重的自然灾害,中国是全球干旱发生最为频繁的国家之一,特别是在中国北方,在气候变化大背景下,干旱也呈多发、加重的趋势.干旱成因复杂,始终是国内外相关领域研究的难点和热点.那么,从高原—沙漠共生地理单元的陆—气耦合过程出发,通过何种机制作用于我国北方干旱的形成和演变?这是一个值得探究的前沿论题.梳理了近年来青藏高原大气科学研究和包括沙漠地区的干旱半干旱陆面过程研究的最新进展,从中凝练出青藏高原和北部沙漠之间的陆—气耦合过程对我国干旱影响研究的关键科学问题,以期对开展相关探索的科技工作者有所帮助.  相似文献   
沙德铭  母瑞身  田昌烈  杨森  贾斌 《地质论评》1999,45(7):1088-1094
阿希破火山口构造位于西天山博罗科努山早石炭世吐拉苏—也里莫墩火山岩带西部,呈近等轴状,周边被环状断裂所限,南北直经2.6km,东西向宽2.4km,面积约6km2。火山口缘环状、放射状裂隙、火山岩相的配置格局、地球物理场特征等都十分清晰地显示了破火山口的特征。大型阿希金矿产于破火山口缘环状断裂内,显示了与破火山口形成的密切成因联系。  相似文献   
城市建设中,各市委、局、办之间协作和业务往来时,涉及数据种类繁多,使用频繁,重复建设严重.本文探讨了如何整合协同来源于不同部门的数据,实现建设部门之间的数据共享与高效服务.  相似文献   
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